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I didn't care for any of the Super Bowel both game and half-time. The Puppy Bowl was a lot more fun.
I wonder if I can clips of puppy bowl or kitty bowl on YouTube?
Short version:
My day program is doing a talent show. I don't know what to say. My opinion is that they are either not really trying their best or they don't really have talent? Not sure which one.
The ones who sing are singing with music that hascthe lyrics.
I'm just not as enthusiastic as others. I saw more talent in my Highschool talent shows. And those are for homeschoolers.
It seems to be a pathetic excuse to bring the two locations together. I don't know why I expected high quality when these talent shows have none of that.
I wish the singing would have karaoke music aka no lyrics sung so I can hear how good the singing of that person,
I've heard a theory that, in order to get on the talent contests on TV, one has to be either very good or very bad. Because those are the things people find entertaining. So you can't get on by just being okay.
My new doll.
Today I finally heard back from a parent advocate who was supposed to help me with some issues I've had securing assistance for my kid with ASD. I had explained our situation. Her response could be summed up as "...have you tried just not having that situation?"
I'm so tired. I put my whole heart into doing what's best for this little person that I love more than air, and everyone's always like "oh there are services to help!" and the services say "yes, we are here to help! you don't have to go it alone! just ask!" and then it always comes down to "oh, no, we meant we would help if you could force your non-conforming little person to conform with how we do things, not ACTUALLY help in ways that are going to work for him." I'm tired of having to put all this energy into explaining and re-explaining his particular parfait of quirkiness to people who promise to make things easier for us... just to have it all be wasted effort. And to be told to let them know if our situation changes. Which it's not likely to anytime in the near future, but hey, I guess at least they can still pat themselves on the back for offering help.
Silvergirl, I know exactly how you feel & sympathise deeply. We're in a similar bind with social services & the National Health Service (NHS) regarding my mother-in-law (MIL) who's now bed bound, doubly incontinent and suffering from 'Dementia with Lewey Bodies' (a form of dementia with specific observable symptoms of which she shows every one - we've become familiar with dementia symptoms after Father-in-Law (FIL) died of demtia). The social services won't help as it's the NHS's problem.
The GP won't help because she's not been officially diagnosed with dementia, and had avoided visiting her for 6.5 years. Then in December the GP visited to assess if she needed dementia screening. The answer was yes she does need to have an urgent dementia assessment, but then somehow the GP 'forgot' to send the referral to the specialist unit until chased repeatedly by my wife having lied when they said it had been sent. In 2018 MIL's GP was on the front page of a national newspaper (The Daily Mail) under the banner headline 'Is this the worst GP Practice in the UK?' The answer was a resounding 'yes'. And they haven't got any better since. [There's no point in changing GP, all GP's in our town have too many patients (an average of 3400 patients per GP), and poor standards. My GP is merely the 2nd worst in the country according to the patient survey with an absurdly high 17% of patients saying they're doing a satisfatory or better job - personally I think that 0% is closer to being realistic.]
The NHS is giving MIL 4 weeks free care after her last fall & 3 week hospital visit, and then she's on her own because the GP hasn't diagnosed dementia, and being bedbound with double incontinence is insufficient to qualify for NHS continuing care. All sides profess that they want to help right up to the moment you ask for that help. Then it's someone else's problem, or it's their problem but there's no budget, or Fred Bloggs whose job it is is on long term sick leave, or Jane Doe's cat died and they can't possibly do anything for the next 12 months. Makes you want to scream.
Oh wow, Richard, I'm sorry you and your wife are going through that, and your MiL, too, of course. It's so frustrating when everyone tells you to go get a diagnosis, like you can pick one up at the drive-thru with your burger and fries next time you're out. I'm grateful I finally got one for little dude, but it was only because I applied for a research study where part of it was an in-house evaluation and diagnosis. Other than that, I was on waitlists miles long, one of which I was on long enough that I got kicked off because he was now over the age cap for which they accepted new patients.His older sibling is now on a waitlist at little dude's clinic for assessment, and the list is two years long, and they're only on it because of the sibling connection. No one else will take them because they're over 10 years old. (That kid is much more high functioning, and assigned female at birth, so everyone just shrugged it off and called it "gifted" and "maybe some anxiety" when I brought up concerns when they were younger.) Thankfully for them it's less urgent, but still. It's understandable that places are understaffed, but in the absence of being able to get an official diagnosis, institutions really need to find a way to provide services based on probable cause.
I really hope something good breaks for you soon and someone steps up to provide actual helpful help for your family. It sounds like you could really use it.
SilverGirl, you really are in a bind. All I can do is to hope things fall into place for you. Knowing bureaucracy, I doubt it'll happen without a fight, but look after yourself while you do it.
Wishing all the best,
Many thanks. And hey, that's what the Daz art is for - my one little way of looking after myself. :)
About to go to a food bank/charity soon. I'm bringing Tiana as an emotional support doll.
Reluctantly managed medical issues, a worthy complaint: 'tis Like swimming up stream in a flood. My sympathy. Makes my geriatric issues pale in comparison.
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Non Complaint: Speaking of geriatric issues,... tomorrow is another mini-adventure for me. Although this is not an inconvenient unscheduled one. I take the 8:10AM ancient-person's bus to the eye doctor. The appointment is merely a checkup on my LASER cleaning of my cataract lenses from a couple months ago. The prodedure worked quite well. It got rid of the haze that had overgrown the artificial lenses. Should've had it done a year ago. And while I'm at the eye doctor's office I'll get my prescription checked for new glasses. It's time again.($$$)
Not absolutely necessary but I'd like to get new lenses with automatic dimming so that I don't have to deal with separate sunglasses when I go outside.
Eye doctor is on the far side of the city near the mall. Might be able to get a bus from the eye doctor's to the mall area and have lunch at a nicer restaurant like Applebee's or Olive Garden or Sakura Buffet. At least in the mall it's warm, there are benches, and things to do and look at while waiting. And I've been studying the bus schedules and should be able to get a bus($2) from the mall to my side of the city, so that I can save about $15 by taking a shorter Uber trip home from there after waiting until the lunchtime exorbitant Uber fares
go back down. Slowly but surely I'm learning how to use the meager public transportation efficiently. I might even be able to walk the 1/4 mile from the Mall to the WalMart to do some browsing and shopping. Wheee, a one-Uber, three stop mini-adventure. Cool!
Complaint: My bloody nose issue is still not resolved. Had one this morning. I go about four days and it starts all over again.
Although the moistening gel suggested by my new Primary Care Physician (aka: PCP or GP) has helped reduce the length of episodes. (Now why couldn't my brusk, expensive, specialist, Otolarygologist have suggested that? He'd prescribed an expensive nasal spray that irritated my nose even further. And when I reported that to him, he just said "well, stop using it" and walked away.
Non-complaint: Bus to eye doctor, OK.
Decided against new glasses just yet.
Eye checkup, OK.
Grocery shopping at WalMart, OK.
Subway foot-long take-out.
Lunch at Applebee's (Steak, broccoli, fancy potatoes & a margarita).
Doggie bag from Applebee's
Complaint: Rain, cold & windy.
Had to take an Uber the mile & a half from eye doctor to the WalMart, Subway & Applebee's area.
Wimped out and didn't want to lug my groceries the block over to the mall & OliveGarden area next door(weather bad, bag heavy), and just took Uber from Applebee's to home but caught it before the prices jumped into highgear.
Uber driver complained the whole way home about how little of the fare they get paid.
But all-in-all, a successful mini-adventure.
Waiting for my ride from Aldi. I got two dozen eggs and amazingly able to get other stuff for around a hundred.
So the news is real, then, and you're paying more for a dozen eggs than a gallon of gas over in the US?
A dozen large store-brand eggs at my local grocery store (not a fancy store) is $7.50; gas near me is about $2.94/gal for non-fancy unleaded.
Based on the list given; that's a lot of ravioli for 24 eggs short of $100.
LOL so true. I did buy other stuff too like burgers and chicken breasts and some ham. I also got cereal and coffee.
I am taking a break from playing Left 4 Dead. I know it is an old game. I had not played it in a long time due to my character dying at the end of the mission due to a glitch. I decided to try on my new desktop today.
We did buy eggs today. I did not look at the price of any of the groceries. Maybe I should be doing that. This all started years ago when my aunt said she did not look at gasoline prices. I found that to be a bit much to ignore at the time. But I eventually realized it was an unavoidable expense, so there was no point in taking the price into consideration. Or something like that. So I stopped thinking about the prices. And now it's come to eggs. I have no idea what eggs cost.
...6.99$ for a dozen eggy weggs at the Safeway down the street (from free range instead of factory warehouse raised chickens).
Had some of that frozen water from the sky today (less than an inch) More falling as I type with about 3" expected by morning. Then a gradual warm up into the 50s and near 60 by next weekend. At lat the winds died down as well (were pushing Beaufort 5 on Wednesday down to 4 Today and 2 tomorrow).
Hopefully this is it for winter here this year I haven't had to turn on the heat as much compared to last year when we had a very cold February (by Portland standards) that included 5 consecutive days of snow and then ice..
Enjoyng a cup of Mexican hot chocolate before turning in..
Yikes! Gas has always been relatively expensive over here in Finland; average recently has been between 1.7-1.8€ per liter, multiply that by the three-point-whatever to get the per gallon price. But eggs are still steady at about 0.16€ per egg (reason for the per-unit price is because our packages are typically six or ten rather than 12.) I couldn't begin to imagine them jumping in value 4x or more...
While grocery shopping yesterday at WalMart I did momentarily stop in front of the egg display but didn't pay any attention to the price, only the shelf life. A dozen eggs can last me several weeks before I get to wonderin' what's growing inside. Then I make sure I cook the begeezus out of them to kill it.
Weather here this year has been like in the old days of my childhood here. Thick snow on the ground since Christmas. No grass in January or February. Thankfully, the house has been warm all winter. My new neighbors in the other half have control of the only thermostat. I get chilly at 70F. Previous years have had me snuggling under my granny blanket while whatching TV in my recliner, and my toes tingling because of the cold as the temperature hovered at about 67 and I would run a 1200 watt electric heater periodically during the day, and a 600 watt foot heater at my feet while sitting at my computer desk.
(Musta' been those decades of Florida living). Gratefully, my new neighbors habits are keeping my half of the house at around 72F and I don't use the big heater at all, and only on the worst days or early mornings do I have to use my foot heater for a few minutes.
But back in the '50s we had so much snow that it was common practice for my father to go around the outside of the big old farmhouse after the first big snowfall and pile snow up against the perimeter to insulate the basement from wind and cold for the rest of the winter. We also had the water pipes freeze many times and there was a ritual of leaving faucets drizzling during the night to avoid freezing. I also remember the thermometer outside the kitchen window reading -20F many times.
The 10-room old farm house when we first moved in, only had one pot-bellied castiron stove in the livingroom to heat the whole house. During winter we closed off the entire upstairs area by lowering a hinged cover over the stairway and everybody slept downstairs. But within a couple of years, we had a proper coal furnace installed, and then later it was replaced with a gas furnace. The house was still prone to be chilly because of the uninsulated walls and the drafts through bug sized gaps around the ancient sash windows. Gradually the windows were replaced, and the walls and roof insulated. My brother now has that house and has continued the renovation with modern interiors, a new garage, a separate workshop/storage building, a patio, and landscaping. He's so good at making things.
Wow, that sucks that you don't have any real control over the temperature of your living area. We generally keep it at 68 here, but we tend to bump it up after somebody gets out of the shower so they can blow-dry over the heater vent. Preferably with some hot chocolate and cookies. :)
It's been a weird winter again here... occasional weeks of bitter cold (normal) but not a whole lot of snow. We used to get /so much snow/ when I was a kid. We lived across from a cul-du-sac, and the plow always dumped all the snow from that in a mountain in my friend's yard. Oh man we had so much fun playing on that hill after school! I saw pictures recently and yeah, it really was as big as I remember. We had to shovel an area in the back yard for our (medium-sized) dog to go out and do his thing or we'd lose him in the snow. Last year it was brown and snowless almost all year, and frequently warm enough for me to take the youngest kiddo out for walks (the older one has a much lower tolerance for cold). That part was nice. This year we have some snow -- not really enough to do anything with, but just enough I wouldn't be able to get the stroller over the trails -- and it's too cold to go walking. It's been a long winter. It's been a long winter. But we're warm and thankfully only really use eggs for waffles or brownies. =P My parents don't use many, either, so we split a carton.
My daffodils are blooming.
I got seven no caller id calls in a short period without any voicemail. It is annoying but there isn't anything I can do about it.
I don't know why I've never thought of that before... Maybe tonight I'll try standing naked and wet over an air vent with hot chocolate and cookies. I'd better skip the cookies. I don't want to get crumbs in the air vent.
Victoria Naked Over An Air Vent With A Cookie?