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I may have overstated some things myself. My Amazon order history doesn't generally consist of sex toys, and I don't think there are any diced tomatoes.
My Walmart order history has some doll stuff. Not sexy kind but just regular dolls.
but I did order a Barbie who had a painted on swimsuit!
Should I be surprised if my mum gives the cat food I gave her to the kitties? She calls Misty and Oscar as the kitties.
I'm watching a tv channel called RedZone which is like football.
...RedZone is great if you can't afford any of the NFL season packages. It focuses on important plays in all the games as they happen which is more exciting. .
Meanwhile that team from a certain small town in Wisconsin, with a backup quarterback, is beating up on the Titans right now. 30 - 14.
In college I worked in the FIT (Florida Institute of Technology) computer center in the late '60s. We had an IBM-1130. It had 8KW of core memory at first but was later upgraded to 16KW of core memory. It had one hard drive but was mostly filled with OS files, the 1130 Assembler & misc. utility programs, and school business related data. The OS would fit just fine in the 8KW memory setup, but the FORTRAN compiler came as a couple boxes of punched cards, 2000 cards per box, that had to be read each time you wanted to compile a FORTRAN program (no room on the disk). I remember that the compliler made 27 internal passes through your source language program in memory before punching out an intermediate card file, which then itself had to be read back in to be assembled and punch out the binary object file that you could then slap some OS controls cards in front and back of your deck to run your program. Programming back then was not for the impatient or careless. Syntax errors in programs submitted as a student were very frustrating and time consuming. An error could set you back hours or days if the center was busy.
But even we lucky ones who worked in the computer center, with access 24/7, would need at least 10 to 15 minutes per test of a few hundred card deck of source FORTRAN.
Later, when the memory was upgraded to 16KW, we also got a 2nd removable disk drive that held a whopping half megabyte available for the FORTRAN compiler and student storage. Whoopie! But at least we didn't have to load those FORTRAN compiler cards anymore, and the binary could be stored on the disk in the OS's file system. Hey, we were then "cookin' with gas", "movin' on up", "playin' with the big boys".
Note: "KW" = KiloWords, where "Word" = 16 bits = 2 Bytes
I almost failed one of my college courses because of bytes versus words. It all started with a love interest... I mean a friend.... who was in danger of failing the class without completing the midterm programming assignment. I essentially made a copy of my program for the friend... and changed the variable names. Yes, well apparently you can't trick your professor into thinking two programs are completely different by just changing the variable names. He insisted we both do a different assignment. The assignment was to write an assembly language program to take a string of text as input, reverse the string, and return the reversed string as output. This time I wrote two programs with completely different algorithms. One for me, and one for my... friend. The one I wrote for the friend reversed the text by pushing each character onto a stack and popping them back off, which reverses them. The one I wrote for myself would swap the first and last character in the string, and continue to do this, with the next two characters until it went all the way to the center of the string and every character was reversed. Well apparently I was using words for storage instead of bytes. It didn't matter with a stack, so the friend's program worked perfectly. But moving two bytes at a time instead of one caused my other program to move two letters at a time instead of one, which only fails at the very end. I could make it work by using an array instead of a string but the specification was that it works with a string. Or maybe it was the other way around. Regardless, it didn't work with the required data structure. That was good for a failing grade. I ended up with a final grade of C in a class where I would have gotten an A. But my friend did graduate... and marry somebody else.
...ah yes, the good old days.
My first computer had 16k bytes (8kW) of RAM, but was a Sinclair Spectrum (AKA Timex 2000 in the US) in the early 1980's, so took a bit less time than LeatherGryphon's to respond to changes as it was under my full control. The language was BASIC, something that allowed very sloppy programming. As multi statement lines saved 1 byte per new line avoided, lines up to the max 256 statements were preferable where possible - though debugging was a nightmare as it couldn't disply the whole line on screen & you had to scroll through it using the left & right arrows. Single line for/next loops weren't possible, though.
Paid for my Spectrum selling DNA replication educational programs. That was nice. Ahh, happy days.
Non-complaint: Well..., so far..., my nearest "Big Lots" store isn't on the, still growing, closing list. My once-a-month trip to the center of the city will still have purpose! Yay, cheap household goods and snacks, still in my life.
The only other place for cheap goods around here would be either WalMart or Ollies, both miles farther away, near the dying mall, on the other side of the city.
I got the times of the movie I preordered wrong. I thought it was 2:10 but it was actually 1:20. At least this is the 3rd time watching the movie.
oh my my phone needs recharging! Glad I have a portable power bank.
Complaint: Rain, chilly rain, all day today, and tomorrow.
Non-complaint: A friend is driving me 30 miles south, down into Pennsylvania (Warren) for laser cleaning of one of my cataract lenses tomorrow(Wednesday). Must remember umbrella. The laser procedure should be quick and trouble free. And we'll have lunch in a cafe downtown.
Peanut Gallery Comments: Warren is not a very exciting place. Small city, about a third the size of the city closest to me (Jamestown, NY). Warren is an old oil town, on the northern edge of the Allegheny State Park (vast swathes of forest covering a big chunk of northwest Pennsylvania). There's still a refinery on the east end of Warren (the smell gives it away if the wind blows to the west). North of town is a dead mall, a defunct mental hospital, and a pitiful franchise row. But at one time, downtown was a grand place with many elegant Victorian/Edwardian mansions of the oil executives, some of which are still presentable(the mansions, not the executives), though now serve as lawyer's offices, or public buildings.
Closer to home: The other apartment next to me, is getting a proper makeover. Today I noticed that there is a lot of old wood molding and carpet piled in the back yard to be disposed of. The new tenant (landlord's step-nephew), is doing the work in the afternoons and on weekends. I don't know when he'll actually move in. So, meanwhile, I still can play my TV & music without having to use headphones at night. Yay!
The Did You Know, Department: Did you know that the area around Warren is where oil was first commercially produced in the United States? Titusville, PA "Drake's Well"
Petulent complaint: Buying lighting assets does not make me automatically good at doing lighting in Daz. I still have to learn how to use them. It's like exercise equipment. What hogwash.
I got an email saying someone tried to get into my Microsoft account but they used the wrong email address.
I've had much more success with HDRI than anything else. I've also developed a preference for setting the gamma, crush blacks, and burn highlights all to zero and turning up the exposure after the image is rendered. I also don't know anything about DAZ Studio. Do with this what you will.
Something to look into, thanks... though I know even less about post-render processing in Photoshop (or similar) than I do about Daz.
At the moment I'm trying to do an interior scene, so I'm not sure an HDRI would do me much good through the ceiling and walls. I think I finally figured it out with the ghost lighting kit, though it took a LOT of fiddling to figure out the magic combo of light spacing and wattage.
Watched the original 1982 Swamp Thing movie tonight, and even by the standards of 80s comic book movies, it was surprisingly bad. It's the kind of movie where the entire plot depended on every single villain being completely incompetent, the male lead sexually assaulted his romantic interest within minutes of meeting her, the Swamp Thing costume looked like cheap garbage, the editor seemed to be on a mission to use every single transition effect available, the dialogue was nigh unintelligible was, however, a fun reminder of a time when you could show bare breasts in a PG-rated movie.
I think I got most my cars from Daz3D or Renderosity. I don't think I have any cars from anywhere else. At least I don't need a driver's license to use them.
Does Victoria, Michael and friends need a driver's license to drive these cars?
I think I remember seeing a 3D driver's license model, but I have no idea where it was. Probably wouldn't take much to make one for a modeler.
Make sure you also get the HD add-on, sold separately.
Non-complaint: First of two, laser cleaning of my cataract lenses seems to have been successful. 24 hours since, and no nasty side effects. Although, I have noticed that the cleaned eye is again sensitive to my computer display brightness, also, curiously, seems to be less sensitive in the dark, as if there's a loss of contrast in low light levels. I can see into a dark closet with the uncleaned eye, but the cleaned eye is darker. Curious.
Perhaps that will improve with time.
During the procedure, I was forced to stare at a couple of very bright white lights while the doctor aimed the laser to blast the debris from the back side of the lens. zap, zap, zap, ... Regardless, the cloudiness in the lasered eye is gone, and much improved over the unlasered eye. Next week for the other eye. Bodypart replacement ain't like the real thing.
The lenses that I was born with lasted 70 years, the replacements got frustratingly dirty in five.
Driver's license and passport in this prop set, among other stuff:
There is a song by Survivor that I like, called Silver Girl.
Yeah? I'll have to look it up.
It's a pet name a friend gave me, from a snatch of lyrics from "Bridge Over Troubled Waters":
"Sail on, Silver Girl, sail on by/ your time has come to shine / all your dreams are on their way / see how they shine"
-- seemed appropriate for a handle here since reclaiming my artistic side is definitely part of that.
And a variety of international licenses!
Awesome! Now to see if I can get my paycheck and go to the bank today. Weather is bad right now in NC.
i wonder if I have enough morphs for Genesis 9 to make Thor or Loki? Wait? Does Thor have a beard? Do I have the right beard for him if he has one?
I could try to try to use blender or Zbrush to make them? Zbrush has to be installed. I forgot how to download it.
Oops I forgot to tell you who Thor and Loki are.
...well summer here officially ended on Wednesday. he high on Tuesday was 93° and by mid morning he next day it was in teh low 60s with rain. Not the usual drizzly stuff we get here but an honest to goodness soaking rain like I remember from living in the midwest which soaked completely through my jacket (which is nromally sufficient protection against the usual drizzle we get), my shirt, and heavy long-sleeved T-shirt underneath.
Basically in the span of less than18 hours we went from mid July to mid October.