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Then you can see clearly in your dreams.
TJohn changed his looks again! (See, I notice these things!)
Complaint: (*Sigh*) Another trip to the emergency room. Spontaneous bloody nose that wouldn't quit. I dealt with it for an hour and half before I gave up and called 911. They did basicly nothing for my nose but it finally stopped another hour after I got there, but by then they had latched onto my heart's rhumba dance and decided to try to fix it. After more holes in my skin than I want to remember, they finally let me go. No nose problems today, but I can see this is going to need more, deeper attention.
Non-complaint: Wheee..., today was a mini-adventure. A bus ride, laundry, breakfast at BurgerKing and an Uber ride home. Yay, clean clothes again.
...when I was in college I used to get bloody noses after working long hours in the oil painting studio, Turned out it was caused by lengthy exposure to turpentine fumes. Turpentine is not just used as a brash cleaner but also a thinner that is mixed with paints for certain techniques like applying thin layers of paint over previous ones as they did in the Renaissance era, It was a technique I tended to use a lot to bring out more depth in surfaces (sort of like the "manual version" of SSS).
I got a magic coloring book. The pictures appear magically. They are also unique pictures. I think of an image and somehow it appears. It ends up looking like original artwork instead of AI coloring pages.
This smells like a scam! Going to report it now!
Yes, it's a scam. I get them from USPS, UPS, and FedEX a couple of times a week.
I thought so. Thanks!
I got this for my mum. She likes cats. The problem is that it is too small for her. However it might be a great size for Oscar and Misty. I think they will scratch it to their hearts content.
What if there is no dogs in the home?
I spent ages, once, looking for my glasses. After 30 mins I realised the reason why it was so easy looking about the house for them was because I was wearing them.
I have done that before.
I'm at an activity center and someone is doing lawn work outside this room!
Non complaint I just got an antenna and that means I can cancel cable tv. Complaint I don't know what I am watching. I recognize the actors but I don't know what the name of the show nor the actors names or their characters. I am also getting tired of the donate to help a nice charity ads. They need money for something. Not sure what?
I do dislike adverts on TV. It's the main reason for having a mute button on the TV remote as far as I'm concerned. Around 10 minutes in the hour are wasted on the commercial channels. Fortunately there are some channels here that are ad free. Just wish the programs were as entertaining & informative as they used to be. Now we get inundated with cooking and panel show programmes, with few of the informative programmes there used to be. Where informative programs are available, all the budget seems to go into a few very high budget nature series and the previous space exploration series & archeo-historical series are now few & far between.
Maybe they've run out of things to dig up.
Unfortunately not.
With advances in scientific methods more & more information can be got out of finds to give a more complete and complex picture (my youngest daughter is an archeologist so has a fair idea and tells me about it. At great length.), and there are literally hundreds of digs going on around the country. The problem is that so few are being covered & interpreted due to the media's 'Gee, wizz' fetish, make something exciting for people with a 3 second attention span and an IQ of under 80. So long as that market is covered, it's assumed everyone is satisfied. Archeology, where you need to stop, think and build information doesn't fit into the instant gratification culture and is being sidelined in programming these days.
I like the archaeology shows where they use lasers, or microwaves, or even muons (heavy electrons) to reveal underground structures otherwise invisible.
Perhaps they could find my little red boots that I lost in the deep muddy garden when I was three, 73 years ago.
Momma just plucked me out and I watched my boots sink back into the ooze.
Non-complaint: No snow here yesterday, and just a dusting overnight. But 45 miles NW of here, Hamburg, NY got clobbered, again.
Walmart glitched and canceled my order. Called and complained. Was told to wait half an hour or so.
What do I do if someone acts like I'm doing something wrong but I was giving genuine compliments.
Be careful what you threaten - this forum is in the US after all.
Possibly re-examine why you think they are acting like you're doing something wrong. Perhaps they weren't. But smiling sweetly and walking away is a reasonable reaction.
People (on either side of a situation) are too eager to jump-the-gun and react before thinking, these days. Ask my brother.
I thought that by what they said even though I didn't understand most of it
Definition of "Communication": An exchange of mutually understood symbols.
I try to remember to ask myself this question when dealing with difficult, judgemental people:
Do I really care what this person thinks about me?
This is very helpful for me anyway.
I recently had a dream that Windows 12 was just released and I was checking if my computer is good enough for it.