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Just like real life then?
God help us, every one.
I think I ate too little with my medicine last night. Just woke up with a gnarly feeling in my stomach. I ate a granola bar and some fruit punch with starry drink.
It is 01:30. Hours before my usual wake time.
The Meds that were supposed to make me feel better made me feel worse Complaint Thread
Can I go to bed?
Happy Santafestmas!... May the blessings of the benevolent Santa shine down upon you and the halls of your ancestors and may his vengeance and fury find those who have dishonored you and bring them much strife and discomfort on this joyous holiday season!
Question... Does anyone else keep getting visited by ghosts this time of year?...
Like on Tuesday they were so annoying, insisting I go places with them and go peeping in windows and watching important lessons about giving and having feelings and stuff... and that one shabbying looking one with the smelly robe who always goes to the cemetery and points at the same gravestone... I don't think he read it or knows where he is because it's a gravestone in a pet cemetery and he's been pointing to the same parrot's grave for years... I dunno, is it a riddle? Did I offend a particular parrot at some point? Was that his parrot?... What's with the parrot?
Anyway... I hope Santa Claws brought everyone something nice and vanquished all your foes and stuff like that.
Well, merry holiday stuff and all, sorry I missed saying that on actual santafestmas, but I was all tired out from going around with those stupid ghosts all night.
Ho-ho-ho and all, this holiday season!
It's probably the final resting place of the fabled "Norwegian Blue" - beautiful plumage.
He was pining for the Fords... probably an F-150... Parrots love trucks.
That "Grandma" song is an absolute classic.
If the parrot were... temporarily lost... or just... got up and walked away.... then perhaps it was not a parrot at all in that grave. Perhaps someone.... I mean something... was placed there instead so no one would know the parrot was... misplaced...
Well, I'm in Norway and I've never seen a single parrot in the wild. It seems someone has mislaid ever single blue parrot. It could also be that I live at the wrong side of the mountains, as there are no fjords in the south east.
I think the microwave in the kitchen is kaputt.
Then you can fry bacon on the radiator, like they do in the United Kingdom.
(Disclaimer: Only one person in the UK does this, and it's her. If I wasn't 90% certain this is a comedy channel, I wouldn't post it.)
I don't have any radiators in my home.
Do you have a clothing iron?
in the closet in the hallway.
I grew up in Western NY State. The first place I saw parrots was with my parents in "Parrot Jungle" in Miami when I was 5 in the early '50s. Traumatic experience.
Captured on 8mm film for terrorizing me years later.
The first place I ever saw parrots in the wild was Australia in '95. But since then I've seen wild parrots in many places in Florida (escapees and their decendants from places like Parrot Jungle).
For a while during my semi-retired life in Florida I made videos for people. I had a client in the Melbourne/Orlando area who rescued and trained parrots for a living. He had me video his show and training sessions for advertizing. I had more exposure to parrots than I wanted. My distaste for parrots grew to disgust and loathing. Horrible noisy, nasty dinosaurs.
Parrots loose in the house, parrot poop on the furniture, ungodly screeching, ammonia smell everywhere. I did not persue further contracts with him.
I've been told that the proper word for what I call a parakeet is "Budgerigar" (i.e. Budgie). Cute little birds, my great aunt had several "parakeets" during my childhood, they were safely caged but still messy. When I was in Australia where budgies fly wild in great flocks, I was told that the word "budgerigar" in the native language means "good eating". If true, it is a deserving word for micro dinosaurs.
Clothing, iron, in a closet.
Just got a big needle stuck into my knee today at a doctor's appointment. I didn't like it but hopefully it will help with pain in the knee.
Have you ever wondered why packages that say "Tear Here" don't actually ever tear there?
Well don't... just don't... apparently it's a very touchy subject or something.
You might wonder why, quite frankly (that might be a pun)...(if I knew what a pun was), as do I, now... but there are some subjects mankind is not meant to ponder...
Like why maybe there are only coffee mugs and not coffin mugs (you hang them on the side of the coffin for mourners to drink alcoholic beverages from while they throw wild accusations of murder at each other)... but maybe it's not the coffin or the mugs, but the accusations of untimely unalivement?
I don't actually know...
If I did I wouldn't share it with anyone because then everyone would know what they did wrong and wouldn't do it again and I believe it's more fun making mistakes repeatedly and guessing what the exact problem was as opposed to know exactly...
I mean imagine having to cross a mine field with a map?... what the hell fun would that be?
I think I'm gonna go back to whatever the hell I've been doing for the past few months and try not to think of packaging or trying to be funny, because as Mark Twain once said, "sometimes you have to stand on a broken step to remember why you shouldn't step there anymore"... I don't actually think Mark Twain said that, it was probably my grandfather's friend who had the cat with the tongue that stuck out, which made the cat look like he was always going "Derrrrrr?"...
Actually, both of them had white hair and said stuff, so I always get them confused.
Mark Twain and my grandfather's friend's cat, not My grandfather's friend's cat and my grandfather's friend... well, he had white hair too... quite frankly (not a pun this time), all four of them had white hair and said similar things... though the cat was mostly "Meow" or "Derrrr"...
Well, whatever...
If I don't come around here again (I won't) before the tossing of the current calendars... Have a happy new solar rotational cycle and I'll see you when I see you... which will probably be never because even if I were looking right at you I'd have no idea who the hell you are because I have no idea what any of you look like aside from the possibility that most of you are probably fancily dressed primates of various heights and weights, possibly wearing hats of some sort.
I really don't think of it much, but when I do, I like to think most of you wear fashionable hats because it makes me feel happy knowing your heads are warm... You know 7% - 10% of body heat is lost through the head, so if you aren't wearing a hat you really should start now.
The other largest percent of body heat loss is through the left big toe (if you are right footed... otherwise it's the right middle toe)... it's not a well known fact, but I only recently made that up, so spread it around so it will be.
Anyway... put some socks on in case I'm actually right about that and bye.
Sorry I missed the Christmas greeting to everybody. Busy couple of days.
But...just in case...Happy New Year!
By the way, McGyver, I actually look like my "avatar". That's me, in my fron yard, in the snow several years ago. Well, I guess it's pretty hard to tell what I look like from that...except I look cold. least it's not one of those cyebertrucks, crikey I'm seeing more and more of those rolling dumpsters where I live
..well If you had a car a copy of this would come in handy. .Wouldn't help if it was a EV though.
Is Jeopardy on tonight?
It was and also with wheel of fortune.
It's always Jeopardy o'clock somewhere.
...does Vanna White still reveal letters own "Wheel"?
As to Jeopardy, I remember when Art Fleming was still the host and his announcer was the legendary Don Pardo. the revealing the questions for the categories was done manually, and the cash values were much smaller than today A 5 day champion who racked up say 5,000$ in winnings was a big accomplishment back then.
Vanna is still there, since 1982.
The original letter turner was Susan Stafford. The original host was Chuck Woolery who died this year at the age of 83.
Merv Griffin was the creator of both Wheel and Jeopardy.
I think she and Pat Sajak both announced their retirement and had their final show earlier this year.