► ►► What Fabric / texture Shaders presets are we missing?? What are your dream shader presets ♦ ♦ ♦

I'm a shader artist (before making your requests you can take a look at the quality of the work on my store if you would like to ) and I'm looking for what fabric / texture Shader presets I can make as merchant resources for everyone, but I'm not really a renderer or clothes maker so I don't know what you guys all need? I'm sure there are fabrics or textures that you all want and probably don't have many options for on Daz so if you guys could tell me here I can hopefully make them for you once I have your suggestions all lined up!!
Post edited by FC2C on
For me, worn, used, dirty industrial fabrics and leathers
Fleece, Jeans/Denim, pilled fabrics (not sure if shader can do that but would be cool), Plastics, Cork, Bandages/Plasters, Hay, for some more instersting could try foodstuff (think oranges skin)
Interesting! I've done a leather pack previously but I have been toying with the idea of making a worn/weathered version, something I've come up against with fabrics that have wear and tear; they don't always tile on a bigger scale very well because of the uniqueness of the markings etc so I'd be interested to know how people feel about that issue, should it being tileable still be my top priority or is having just a large sheet of warn fabric good for people to cherry pick from? And in terms of industrial fabrics what do you have in mind?
Oh what a lovely list!! these are great ideas and definitely something I can look into, the majority of these seem very doable for sure and the others would simply take a bit of work aha, do you have any more that youd like to see?
dirt and wear are hard to do with tiles for sure, so it would likely have to be subtle and generic rather than specific details...just something to give the impression that this has been used and is not factory fresh.
Industrial, like used denim, workshop rags and linens
this is pretty much along the lines I was thinking as well and it's definitely something I can do for sure! so like fabrics you'd see around a workshop? Or what workers might wear etc?
Actual shaders? I would love to see a toon shader that works in iray something along the lines of PWtoon.
shaders as in texture shaders like metals, fabrics, etc. :)
I'd like some industrial concrete shaders with seams that actually have displacement. These shaders are the look I'd like, but they lack displacement, and I haven't tried to make displacement maps for them.
I'm in constant need of shaders for fabric, leather and everyday surfaces (think painted car surfaces, glass for windows, wall surfaces, etc) that are worn but not totally destroyed or "abandoned". There are some dirt/grime sets and also some sets for things like fabrics and wall surfaces that include worn versions, but I'm always looking for more. I'm working on a story set in an old, run-down, poverty-ridden area (think wartime and economic depression) so everything is old and worn - but still functional.
I see, so there seems to be a big gap for distressed textures, I'm not sure if you've seen my leathers but do you think people would be interested in weathered versions of those leathers? And I can definitely look into doing surfaces etc for sure!
I like that cork idea, not just for corked bottles but as a floor material as wel (or the good old pin boardl. Also Oriented Strand Board
Lichen surface add-on (to be used as geometry shell)
I would also be pleased to see more shaders where the surface looks used, rather than sparkling new, or overlay shaders to create the effect on existing shaders.
However I would prefer to see a more subtle approach, to make things seem dirty or worn, without looking like the wearer just fell in a mud bath, or their clothing was wripped to shreds by some monster. When the dirt is too visible it kills the realism, IMHO. A lot of the dirt/grime shaders we have at the moment are too over the top, and I assume are intended for some post-apocalyptic world, or for making the clothing looks like it is suitable for a zombie.
This might be really niche and probably hard to do believably, but... "impossible" fabrics. Something people in a faerie court would wear: fabrics made of sunshine/moonlight, or fire/ice/water, or the night sky, or flower petals, or...
Also, in direct dontrast, everyday fabrics. Something to make T-shirts look less flat, nylons and canvas for tents and camp chairs, some interesting options for bedsheets, subtle tapestry-style upholstery options for furniture and Renaissance-era bodices/doublets (okay yeah I have a weird definition of "everyday").
And decade-distinctive colors/patterns. There's one tie dye out there, but if you want something from the 80's/90's, etc... outta luck.
Aha that's good then! I was planning on a more subtle approach to wear and tear, I'm really not a fan of the over the top approach like you said, so it looks like I'm going in the right direction!
I see thank you, I didn't realise the distinction!
I'm glad I made this thread, there are so many good suggestions so far! And your everyday is surely unique haha but I get where you're coming from I think!
That's definitely on my to do list, and luckily enough I always include displacement so that's a plus aha :D
There tends to be a gap between "shiny new" and "dystopic ruins" where real life lives, and a decent chunk of my story is set in the worn-down and grungy edge of that.
ETA: I see in the time I started this reply and then went outside to do some yard work, the thread was busy.
What I get the most use of, and what I would want most in a new product, is a utility package like 4K Fabric Presets and Fabric Basics Mix and Match. I use those far more than anything else, and sometimes the maps look a bit flat, so high-resolution, detailed normal and roughness maps are of the greatest value to me.
I have a reasonable amount of Daz fabric shaders, but don't think I'm getting close-up renders where the cloth looks realistic. Basically, I want fabrics the quality of Pauline's: https://www.artstation.com/jappluz
(If a plugin maker could do a utlity that would allow me to add realistic seams to the borders of outfits that would be fun)
Half-life made a fabric shader that had the ability to control the weave and such, It has been what I have been using for a while. The problem with them is that finding weave/IOR information for different fabrics is hard or impossible.
I'd like a fabric shader with the option to insert microdetails and maybe weave control. But most importantly, have a good variety of cloth. Cotton,denim,silk,velvet,burlap,etc.
Wow... There are gorgeous fabrics and models there!
I love good shaders, and I also like that you are now asking about our wishes, thank you! This is in the mutual interest.
Brocade! Brocade, Brocade, Brocade! DazAI shows wonderful brocade fabrics (e.g. just try a 'Belly Dancer' prompt). I would be very happy if this treasure was also made accessible to DS.
I would also love good silk and satin shaders. From rough to the finest shiny silk, with a large selection of patterns. From East Asian to Indian, Middle Eastern, Rococo, to modern patterns. Hand-woven, rustic linen fabrics, plain and traditional/classic patterned, would also be great.
As a PA and someone looking to make money from purchases you really sould be aware of the difference otherwise it could be construed as misselling (I doubt this was intentional) but its very frustrating when you think something is one thing only to find out its not what you were lead to believe.
Your pedantry did make me think about what a dedicated cloth shader would look like. Selectable weave patterns, procedurally-generated normals and displacement, thread thickness and material, separate warp and weft coloring...