TangoAlpha's Coming Soon Thread [Commercial]

Somewhere down the lane between the fictional villages of Much Hemlock and Little Snoring, old Farmer Jackson's paddock looks a little decrepid. Sure, he'd still have his horses, if he didn't keep forgetting to shut both gates, no one's seen the chickens for weeks now, and one day he'll get around to fixing that tarp under the barn roof. But there's still milk and fresh eggs to sell by the road, and the crocodile that supposedly lives in the ditch has been mercifully quiet . . .
Full scene for Carrara 8.5 and Studio, currently going through QA out now: http://www.daz3d.com/jackson-s-field

1600 x 1000 - 2M

1600 x 1000 - 1M

1300 x 1000 - 1M

1300 x 1000 - 972K

1300 x 1000 - 1M

1300 x 1000 - 610K

1300 x 1000 - 1M
Post edited by TangoAlpha on
Quaint, rustic, all those pastoral adjectives, I will be adding chooks and maybe a goat
Looks very well done.
Careful, you'll be seeing Miss Marple at the bus stop next . . . (which wouldn't actually be that out of place, since it does have a timeless rustic Englishness borne out of the early to mid 20th century, or sommat.)
Woo hoo... but crocs? More likely to be trampled by cows if your dog insists on coming along.
Looking forward to this one.
That's what they say, but who knows? Probably an old wive's tale. It might just be an escaped water rabbit . . .
Or it could be these sort of crocs robo-shark crocs
My goodness gracious sakes alive... that is Awesome!!!
<plops to worshipping motions,,, chanting> Tim Rocks... Tim Rocks...
I am a huge fan of your Hemlock Folly set so look forward to this product as well. I have not tried to open your HF set in Daz Studio. I guess I should give that a try.
The secret to HF in Studio is to IMMEDIATELY hide all the vegetation and save it back out. it really should have been setup hidden by default (I've done that with Jackson's Field), and I'll make the change to HF if I do an update. Cos if you don't, the UI will likely grind to a halt. Studio's instances don't have the sophistication of Carrara's replicators, and there are no draw easement options (bounding box, cross, point etc settings), so it renders the full mesh all the time. Just remember to turn it on before you render!
HF works in Carrara just fine. Maybe I don't need to try to open it in Studio.
And in Carrara, you can turn all the dials up to 11 . . .
<grabby-paws gestures> Want...
<pitiful whimpering from bank card>
nice job :)
Yeah... D|S really gets sluggish quickly if you start trying to build a basic little ol' Carrara scene inside it. Have to use a whole different workflow frame of mind when switching over ;)
Still not used to that!
Oh, man! I've been wanting a decent barnyard scene. This is great!
The fox amongst the chickens
Very nicely done Tim :)
Very nice!
So I turned up the replicator dials a bit, threw in some extra flowers from Merlin's http://www.daz3d.com/wild-borders and added http://www.daz3d.com/hemlock-folly in the background (because you can . . .)
What do you do when you have an old medieval hall lying around doing nothing? Turn it into a theatre, of course! (true story!)
Very cool set of images!
Thganks Phil.
I've spent many hours on that stage in real life!
Wow! Fantabulous!!!
Looks great! I can use this for sure!
Beautiful renders Tim and Great job on Jackson's Field
- Don
I know you won't be interested
but here's the first Iray render off my new rig. It's a bit rough around the edges, and I picked an old version of the promo scene by mistake, but I think it's a good start (it would have taken days on my old Mac!)
There are 21 lights used in this scene. The six parcans on the balcony are emissive, but the rest are photometric spotlights set as discs. Postwork: glow on the parcans.
You are wrong - we are definitely interested! Great image and good that you have a new platform up and running.
I knew you would be - hence the wink, but this is the Carrara forum, lol. The new box goes like stuff off a shovel. Only downside is it's Windows, not OS X!
One thing I really like about DS is having "cameras" attached to the lights. Makes setting them incredibly easy, especially for things like the pin spots on the three singers.
Couldn't have said it better myself!
I love that! Being able to view through a light is something that I'd love to see added to Carrara. Yes, we can set it up easily, but it would be nice(r) if it was actually the light we were seeing through instead of a camera with the light parented to it ;)
Wow... I'm really loving this set! Looks absolutely fantastic!
Here's a couple of 3Delight renders from the same gig . . .