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Carrara starts greying things out after 10 cameras. it's an annoying bug and I've reported it several times (after a year, support closes the ticket, so I just routinely re-report it). I have something like 16 cameras in that set, so the thing to do is delete some of the cameras you're not going to use, and then it'll be fine.
Thanks. Never realized that. Easily dealt with.
Did I say what a great set this is?
It's probably only idiots like me that use lots of cameras . . .
It's out: 
Congratualtions, I hope you sell a bazzilion! I'm not an IRAY fan, but offering versions for all users is obviously the way to increase exposure and sales.
Was it a big hassle to optimize for IRAY? I'm asking, because I wonder why all Carrara PA's don't do this. It seems to me to be a win-win, as we all get more Carrara products, and the artist gets to actually make a living.
Tim, thanks for these great sets. Just an FYI about how your CA files are being supported. This is not a complaint directed at you, but you should be aware, as should others buying your set. DIM installs the scene files and other files in an absurd manner. It is not being installed where your other scenes are installed, nor where the Carrara program is installed, nor where I have told DIM to install Carrara content.
I am on a Windows machine with my programs and content on the D: drive. I had to do a custom installation to keep stuff off of my C: drive, which is relatively small. In DIM, my Carrara files are supposed to go to D:\Stuff for Daz\Stuff for Carrara. In practice, many dedicated Carrara files get installed by DIM to the Carrara program location (fine), which is D:\Stuff for Daz\DAZ 3D\Carrara8.5\Scenes. No problem, easy to find. For example, your Medieval Hall and Garden scene was installed there.
However, your new Tangy Orchard set was installed to a brand-spanking new place, presumably created by DIM. It is in the Daz Studio 4 directories, not Carrara. Makes it hard to find (used DIM to find the files). I have to add the folder to the browser tray, which I would not want to do for each new set. Or, I have to install all Carrara content manually. As a PA, thought you would want to know.
D:\Stuff For daz\Daz 3D\Daz Studio 4\ver-8.5\appdir_common\scenes
EDIT: I opened a support ticket Request #231362 but I hope they realize I just want Carrara scenes to go to Carrara-related folders, which DIM is directed to do. It appears that they had to override my settings to put it in the wrong place, but I may be wrong about that.
Most of my own products are for Carrara and it would take more than iRay optimization to make them compatible with Daz Studio. The hairs use Carrara's strand based hair and there is no equivalent in DS - although Philemo's VWD plugin also included a little bonus utility for converting Carrara hair to polygon based hair, so there may now be a way forward on that. My "village" scenes use replication extensively and until recently there was no way to convert that - we now have UltraScatter from the amazing HowieFarkes, so again there may be a way forward on that front too. But at least when I made them, they were Carrara-only products because other programs simply wouldn't support what they were doing.
On a similar theme, it amazes me that people produce Poser items and then say "untested in Daz Studio" - it is a free program for goodness sake!
Beautiful set!!!
As I'm sure all are aware, Tangy Orchard came out today, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I immediately snapped it up, and I heartily recommend it. It comes in Daz Studio 3DL and Iray versions and, of course, a Carrara version. And there is so much more in the scene than the promos might indicate. There's an entire orchard full of apple trees, including "drops" all over thr ground, wildflowers [dandelions in yellow and seeded versions] in between, barrels upright and tipped over, crates upright and tipped over, ladders to climb up and get apples from the treetops, and much, much more.
This is my first TangoAlpha purchase, and it won't be my last. Pardon the quick digression, but I installed the Daz Studio version and fired it up just for a quick look-see, and I love the way that instances make this extensive set relatively light on resources. I presume the use of Carrara's Replicator has the same nice effect on processor capacity as well. Anyway, not only is this set packed with useful pieces, but it's so easy to move around in, thanks to instances and cameras.
I also appreciate the level of detail on all included items. That caravan/camper might look like a dumpy object that doesn't really go anywhere, which is probably true in the context of the scene. However, it has fully rigged doors and a completely furnished interior with a bed, a table, booth seating, a sink, and cabinets. Cabinets don't open and there's no faucet on the sink, which makes sense, since it's not the focal point of the set, but still... I'm on a camper kick, and I can easily retexture this and use it in other scenes as a fully functional piece of camping equipment. Besides the rigged beehives and cider press, the addition of a rigged vehicle really moves this set into the "amazing" category.
In conclusion, Tangy Orchard is awesome, and you should buy it. If I had any money left, I'd be snapping up all of TangoAlpha's other beautiful creations right now. Maybe there will be some Black Friday blowout that I can take advatnage of.
Yes, this set is GREAT! Hope my post was not in any way viewed as a criticism of the product, but was instead a notification about the installation, which is a Daz QA issue.
Here, for example is one of the apples. Great detail. The basic shader is a texture map in the color channel and a normal map in the bump channel. I look forward to using these elements in my own projects. I had an immediate idea when I first saw the promos and hope I get a chance to execute it before the work week starts. Sorry, Tim, but my first impulse these days is to take your sets apart and see how you get these amazing results. Only then do I actually render with them.
Yes, I want to snap up his entire collection as well! Also, replicators are the only things in Carrara that help us make tiny footprints of Large scenes - we also have the Duplicate (Edit > Duplicate or Ctrl + D) which makes an instance without adding any weight ;) I love using all of them, depending upon what I'm needing to accomplish.
Sigh. Thanks Diomede. I think if we had more active Carrara PAs they wouldn't keep screwing up the installers. (probably). I'll see what I can do to get it fixed.
UB, Thanks. The shaders are only part of the story. making big outdoor sets like this in DS has only really been practical in the last few months, thanks to Howie's UltraScatter.
The Carrara versions are full native "made in Carrara" sets - all the original models, Carrara shaders, native trees, replicators etc, so it's not like youd get if you opened a .duf set in Carrara (actually, my DS sets probably wouldn't load properly in Carrara anyhow, since all the instances would be dumped, and not all the rigging would work right. Not that I've actually tried it
BTW, although the models are the same, in DS they are rigged figures, while in Carrara they're grouped and parented vertex objects with constrains (like the robot 5thElement posted the other day) A downside to having them like that is you don't see the full UV map at one time, as it's split across multiple objects. On the plus side, you can open the separate bits in the vertex editor without having to bring in the whole prop.
I don't do Poser versions, since it doesn't hava any instance handling at all, so in the image Dartanbeck posted above, you might only see one small grass prop and a couple of trees!
MW, The caravan is loosely based on a real one. I think it's something like a Monza 300, 1970s era. The kind of thing you might actually see on bricks in a paddock. The walls are boned in DS, so you can hide them (makes for less cramped shooting. As I mentioned above in CA, the sides are grouped an parented - just a different way of achieving the same result.) and the interior furnishing is a separate parented prop, so you can have it gutted if you want. The white and mauve flowers are actually clover (only 3-leaf varieties I'm afraid!), but a dandelion clock might be fun to include in another set...
Oh, btw, most of my other sets are 46% off right now.
You said "Boned"! LOL
Braeburns, from the local supermarket!
I'd love to say they came from my own trees, but I had a rubbish crop this year. Most of the other phototextures are locally sourced. My own apple trees provided those leaves, others came from hedgerows nearby. The apple trees were made in XFrog, so they're non-native as it were. Carrara's tree editor doesn't produce the right kind of gnarliness!
One of the things I really like about Tango's sets is that there is always a great variety of scene opportunities.
Thanks Dartanbeck. Actually that's another benefit of having the Carrara-built set over a DS import. Every apple in all the apple baskests and on the ground is just an instance of one master apple. And all the baskets (hand woven by those two great artists, copy & paste
) are a single master basket. If the scene was imported from DS, every apple, every basket, crate, honey jar etc would be a separate model with full geometry.
Oh, and the apple baskets were filled and spilled using the built in physics engine :)
That is SO Cool!!!
Reminds me of when I boned Pokey in one of the Challenges
Yup! I gave You crap for that one too! LOL
Mmmmm...master apples. :d Wow, if all the apples and baskets are instances in Carrara, it must be really speedy. I really need to get in there and poke around. [I'm almost done setting up my characters!]
Use it as a learning experience. Poke around and see how TA does things. I poke around in all the PA items I have in order to see how things work.
Revenge of the Pippin
Me too! It's how we learn, much of the time.
Damn you, Pippin!
Very cool image, Stezza! You da Master!
Daz's response to my help ticket was not helpful. Recall that despite my DIM settings, the Carrara version of the Tangy Orchard scene was installed to a subfolder of Studio, not to either (a) where my DIM settings say to put Carrara content, or (b) where my Carrara program is. Daz's response was to tell me to uninstall everything from my D: drive and install it to my C: drive. Gasp.
EDIT: Since this is in part a DIM issue, I started a related thread in the Commons forum.
I've sent an email to the person in charge of these things, so hopefully there'll be an update sometime soon (although I understand the US has a scheduled skive this week, so I don't know when exactly)
The correct interim solution is of course to move the ..Scene\ ..Data\ and ..Presets\ folders and their contents up two levels, and merge with existing content.
After reading about the error with DiM by @diomede before. I just extracted the zip to my desktop then moved it all to where it needed to go...
but Daz needs to fix it... I didn't bother with the DS version install at all..
"Soon" for Carrara and Daz Studio . . .