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Been messing around with G2F, Anagenesis and Creature Creator Morphs for a fun faerie.
Whoa she looks amazing!
Wow a demon fairy who would have thought that could be possible!!
You would have to have some kind of really good imagination for that character!!
It's fund to play around with morph sets to see what I can come up with. I will also combine character morphs, too, especially if the come with extras like elf ears, sharp teeth or fingernails.
Very cool morphs, I really like the makeup choice for her also.
She looks cool. Yeah, I was gonna say she looked like there was a little bit of feline in there.
Here's some more renders of the characters I'm working on.
Full body view of the Blue Fawn Fae, plus her faithful beetle:
Here's a couple versions of the Orchid Fae Princess. I used the wings, antennae and face jewels from Arki's Orchid Fae. She's wearing Dragonkeeper hair (still in the 3DL materials here). Originally I used Lady of the Lake for G1 as her dress, but it kept exploding. That's happened twice now with G1 clothing.
So I substituted Belle Dress for G8, kept Lady of the Lake belt and played around with the textures. Dragonkeeper Hair looks great using UHT2 and the original textures from Cloisonne for Dragonkeeper Hair.
Finally, the Purple Fae Girl. This is Tween Julie 7.
Iray Hair Conversion
Converting Medea Hair for G2F to Iray on G8 was a little more complicated than just using UHT2. The default straight strand textures (bump, spec) wouldn't work for the hair. Also, it had no normal maps, so I popped the spec texture into Photoshop and made my own. So after taking lots of time manually loading the maps and making bump/normal adjustments, I think it came out pretty good.
Wow just love that hair!!
You did a great job converting it!!!
Turned out really well. Love that hair
I picked up a number of V4/M4 items during the sale and have been updating them.
The Cyber Version V4 has updated Iray textures, but the Cyber Model M4 does not. Here's how I gave Cyber M4 matching Iray textures without too much effort.
1) Convert Cyber M4 surfaces to Iray using the base Uber Iray shader.
2) Copy the surfaces from V4 to M4. This is possible because the surfaces are named identically between the two figures even though the maps are slightly different. I selected each V4 surface at a time, right click and choose Copy Selected Surfaces. I moved to M4 and selected the same surface and right click, chose Paste to Selected Surfaces.
It was that easy. And here are the results:
Nice! I picked up the V4 version, and have the M4 version on my wishlist. That's good to know that its that simple. They look really good
Another V4 Conversion to Iray: Arki's SeaFolk using Anagenesis II.
The face morph is Corvena for V4. For some reason, V4's Brow surface just didn't work no matter what I did, so I used V8's Eyebrows and got them to fit.
I can't get Sea Kelp Hair to work in D/S so I used SAV's Zero Gravity Hair with Candy Colors converted to Iray. After conversion, the color was far to light, so I manually added maps to Translucency Weight and Translucency Color. I left a map off of Translucency Color to achieve the light lavender sides.
Wow she is stunning!
Just having fun with some new stuff I picked up - iRadiance Light Probes, Jade Tiger Hair and Sveva's Kandy Hair Shaders from Rendo.
"Happy Birthday Chris"
Yep - I did this for my sister-in-law. She loves faeries.
I converted the HW Unicorn to Iray. I messed around with gloss on the coat to get that pure white shine. There wasn't enough detail, so I took the bump map into Photoshop and created a normal map - that did it. The hardest part was the eyes. I wanted a natural reflection, so first I had to paint them out in Photoshop and reload them in iris and sclera. Next I took the maps out of the cornea, kicked up the shine and turned off cutout opacity. The maps were not designed for this - they didn't lie right on the iris and it didn't look like the original. After a little more Photoshop cleanup, it was passible.
The faerie was easy, G8F using Aurelia with some dial-spinning for the face. I had to do some manual adjusting on Medusa's (V4) jewelry. I had to load the circlet without fitting it and then parent it to G8F. It moved when I posed her so I had to go back and parent it directly to her head. I used Medusa's sleeves, but turned off cutout opacity on everything but the jewelry.
Next I added some ground that wasn't flat and covered it with grass and flowers from DA Grass and Plants Pack. These looked surprisingly good with the 3DL materials so I didn't convert them.
After that I absolutely fought with the lighting. I'm still getting the hand of Iray and the lighting just kicks my butt. I started with Skies of Iradiance, but couldn't get the shadows right nor the amount of light on the face. I added Ultra Genesis with Ghost Lights but it still didn't look right. Finally I just added a distant light and played with the temperature and luminance and that looked good.
I rendered it in 3 stages: The full render (no background), the unicorn only (with no mane or tail), and the foreground grass and flowers. I put these into Photoshop and with the unicorn only, I used CWRW Mane and Tail PSD files to add the mane, tail and fetlock hair. I moved these layers onto the full layer, then added the grass on top. Finally I completed the background in Photoshop.
I love the render! Thank you for sharing your process of converting the HW Unicorn and what you did to composite the image in Photoshop.
Thanks! It was my intention that the process would give people ideas.
Gorgeous fairy and unicorn image. Really beautiful!
Now I have to go and try out the jade hair. I have it but I don't remember rendering it yet. Looks really good with those shaders.
Little Fae Thrice
I used G2, G3 and G8 in this render, plus Arki's Dragonkeeper Hair and Orchid Fae antenna.
With such a close up view, the older items for V4 were looking pretty dated, so I needed quite a bit of hair painting in Photoshop to cover up some hard polygon edges on the largest faerie. I rendered the full version first, then rendered again with the big fae by herself and then the beetle, fawn fae and little fae in another render. This allowed me to paint the hair on the big fae using some hair brushes, and then add the other two faeries back in another layer. I copied out the big fae's eyes from the original render and added them back in so I could get the eye reflection. I added detail in the horns and leg fir.
Final Render
Render before Postwork
Here's a detail view:
Looks pretty good. I had that same problem when I tried using converting it to Iray. I basically went through pretty much the same process as you. It was definitely worth the effort. The hair looks great in your image. :)
I love this! Fantasic image!
I love seeing your before and after post work. Nice effects you used.
Converting Bot Genesis and Genesis 2 Bot Armor to Iray
This was a challenge because of the geographs on Bot Genesis, and the fitting problems with the gun from G2 Bot Armor. The geographs only worked with G1, and I liked the fembot makeup. I wanted to clothe her and only use the gun from G2 Bot Armor on the left side, with the robot hand on the right. But the gun warped when I fitted it to Genesis.
Initial character (3DL Materials):
The geographs covered only part of the face, so I needed to convert them and then match the face texture. I added a little metal flakes for the metallic look. I used emissive shaders from a package I found at another site. Here's the results:
The robot right hand came in two parts - the outer hand and the inner joints. I turned off visibility to get to the textures. This was tedious, as I couldn't select the individual surfaces of the inner joints because the mouse only highlighted the outer hand. I'm pretty happy with the results:
Finally the gun - In order to fit it without warping, I had to load it without selecting G1 and then parent it. To take care of the clipping, I used the geometry editor made both her arm and the left sleeve of the Supersuit a separate surface than turned off cutout opacity. After applying the new textures, it looks pretty good.
Since the gun wasn't fitted to G1, I had to pose the gun arm Left Shoulder and lower, but pose the Left Collar on G1.
Here's the full character:
Wow impressive work on the robot!
The fairy render, I don't even have words. Just stunning!
Thanks IceDragonArt !
I'm finding that converting older items to Iray and kit-bashing them is taking a lot more work, but I'm happy with the results.
I chose to give the android a plastic face look rather than Bot Genesis' chrome face - but that may change. Here's another render with G2's Bot Armor boots, which weren't a straight-forward conversion in that they included the Bot Armor leg which replaces G2's leg. Since I'm using G1 I had to create a new surface with geometry editor to render that invisible, then played around with Fit Control and the Supersuit to get them to fit, as well as turning off visibility on G1's legs and feet.
Here she is with the new boots.
I am always at awwww at your artwork Dracorn it is always more stunning then the last render!!!
Thanks, Saph. I'm starting to get the hang of Iray.
I'm playing around with textures a little more. I was looking at Bot Genesis, and saw that the ear piece had an anodized look - I liked that so, I added it using Anodized Shaders for Iray. Then I couldn't stop...
[EDIT: ever go back and fix a spelling error because you just couldn't stand it? My Grammar Police badge needs a little polishing].