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Thanks for the info, Wanderer - I'm still new to Iray, having started with 3DL. I'll try your tip.
My local Mexican market sells Chicharrones fresh from the deli - some of them have meat on them. Those are sooo good they are dangerous.
The one thing I tried which I will never try again is a raw oyster. I couldn't spit it out fast enough. eee-yuuukkk!!! Now I've had sashimi - I don't particularly like the texture of some of the chewier fish like tuna. Salmon is good because it just melts. The rice and nori in sushi adds texture which balances out the chewiness of raw fish. Octopus is not bad as long as there isn't too much salty, slimy skin. My favorite is sushi with snow crab, soft shell crab, eel and tobiko on top.
Wanderer - By the way, I have a couple of 3DL tutorial links in my signature if you want to give it a try. 3DL does dark scenes with crisp detail and the lighting isn't so tricky, though you do have to make sure that it's coming from a logical direction (i.e., so shadows match with the direction of the sun, for example). AoA's Advanced Lighting bundle is really a necessity for easy 3DL lighting setup. Colors in 3DL are brighter. It can often render faster than Iray, depending on your PC/laptop. Hair looks better in 3DL, and 3DL has exceptional displacement for textures.
I was a little slow on the draw yesterday, but I just now realized, Chohole , that this was a link. I just listened to that delightful message and song. Made me smile - thanks.
@dracorn - I might have to take another look at 3DL. It certainly sounds like it has very good qualities. I have a very old CPU, but a newer GPU, so Iray has been okay mostly, but I'm willing to reconsider. I know before when I tried it, I wasn't happy with my renders at all and they seemed to take forever, but that's been a long time ago now. Participating in these challenges has taught me enough that maybe I could have another go at it. I'll look at your links. (Yeah, no. No raw oysters for me. Sushi is alright, but I'm a cooked meat kind of guy mostly.) I also did not realize that was a link, so don't feel bad.
Ice Star
This is an Iray conversion of V4 Warrior Maiden Ashe. I had just picked up the bundle with Iray Converter for Generation 4 and wanted to try it out. It worked pretty slick if you ask me. One click and then a few manual adjustments to the lips and nails. I used Rim Light Rig Iray for the lighting and turned down the default environment.
Shows Ashe with 3DL Materials.
The star is the centerpiece of the Elven Arcana staff which is three planes crossing in the middle. Converting this to Iray showed the seams of the planes. So I left it in 3Delight. This meant I could not use emissive shaders, so I added a photometric linear point light and placed it within the star to make it glow - the 'ole 3DL lighting technique, and it worked well (shown on the final).
For the hair, I used the luminance shaders which accompanied Rim Light Rig. Wow, what a difference. Hair without the luminance materials:
And the final with some postwork to fix kinked hair geometry, which was especially noticeable at her belly and curving over the right breast. I also added effects to the star and a gradient background. Click to enlarge.
Looks really good. I have found that a lot fo the older stuff converts very well. I do love the ease of the point lights in 3Delight though, and its something I miss in Iray
I think your conversions are just greatand the postwork just puts it over the edge @Dracorn
One of my favorite things about 3Delight was using that linear point light to make things glow. I like it better than the emission in Iray as it doesn't blow out the patterns or textures of what you are trying to make glow like the Iray emissions does. Had kind of forgotten about that lately as well. I've been doing it in post but would rather do it inside Studio as much as possible. Thanks for the reminder.
The linear pointlight still works in Iray - I just used it in my last render.
It doesn't have the Falloff Start and Falloff End, because that's automatic with Iray. But it will still emit light without making the surface of what you want to illuminate completely white. I was able to increase the light intensity enough to shine on her face and still have some detail on the star. Guess we're so used to using mesh lights that we forget that the old distant, spot and linear pointlights are still available. The regular Iray pointlight looks the same as its linear pointlight.
Difference between 3DL and Iray Linear Point Lights:
3DL (you have to specify the Falloff)
Iray (you specify the size instead of falloff, as that is automatic)
Hivewire Lion
I just picked up the new Hivewire Lion - and the White Lion. Wow, he looks great in Iray.
Here he is, right-out-of-the-box using an included pose (I change the angle of the head on the white lion). Default Daz lighting (increased environment to 2). Plopped in a background in Photoshop.
That's it. He really looks good. Textures include lion, lioness and cub.
That is beautiful render @Dracorn!!
Nature is always a beautiful thing!!
Gorgeous. I'm going to have to go get that white lion texture. I just got the lions myself and love them.
Head to Head Comparison between Daz Big Cat 2 Lion and Hivewire Lion
First of all, I found that Daz BC2 does not convert easily to Iray. I used Iray Uber shader and the hide came out white. I added maps to translucency, loaded the Bump and played around with glossiness to no avail. I had to add color to Base Color. So to start with, I would have to spend much more time to convert Daz BC2 than I was willing to spend on this test render.
So if Daz wants to update their Big Cat, some Iray materials would really help.
Daz Big Cat 2 on the left, and Hivewire Lion on the right.
Shemi - Book Character
Here is one of my book characters. I did some retexturing and kit-bashing. She's G3.
It's funny how I had purposely decided not to invest in Genesis 3 and instead went for Genesis 8 - but since G3 has such big sales, I picked up lots of characters. Since we don't have a reliable transfer from G3 to G8 yet (I'm waiting for the professional one to come out), I find myself using the G3 characters for their shapes. Guess I should invest in Wear Them All for G3. Go figure.
Madeda Hair looks good in Iray. I loaded it without autofit because the hair kinks with the conversion. I manually adjusted the cap and parented it to her head.
I have been making use of AllenArt's jewelry (bangles on the right hand) and his gem shaders quite a bit. I also like the colored metal shaders that came with Arki's CallaCascade Hair.
She is lovely!
HAIR IRAY CONVERSION [Medea Hair for G2F]- Added Normal and Displacement
I didn't like the smoothness of the Medea Hair for G2. So I took the Bump file into Photoshop and created a Normal. I also added displacement. Here's the difference:
Updated with Normal/Displacement
Lion Queen
Showcasing the Hivewire Lion. (Love that white lion)
I used the Bast Outfit for G3, but when I applied dForce, it exploded. My options were to 1) add a different skirt or 2) act like she has a bikini bottom. I chose the latter, so I added some fabric folds in post work.
Additionally, in the original render all the gems were flat no matter how I fiddled with the lighting. So I hand-painted the highlights in Photoshop. That was a bit tedious. For the lions, I did a little clean up on some strange geometry folds by the back legs and brushed over the manes and tails to give them a fluffier look.
Lion Queen Final
Before Postwork
Beautiful! is the white lion only at Hivewire? I couldn't find it at rendo. (I bought the lion at rendo because I had a gift certificate to use)
I bought both of them at Hivewire - so I can't answer if it's available at Rendo.
I will head over there then the next time I have a bit of change. Thanks!
Shemi is quite lovely, you did a wonderful job with her. Your hair looks so much better!
And impressive lions.
What beautiful Lions!!!!
You are such a talented artist @dracorn!!
What wonderful final image! I purchased the lions but haven't been able to render them yet.
Thanks, everyone! I had fun with the lions. They're great. (OK, well, I wasn't exactly trying to envoke Tony the Tiger. They are lions after all).
3Delight vs. Iray - Identical Scenes
I decided to convert one of my better 3Delight portraits to Iray to see how it would look. Here's my original 3DL portrait:
Kaori. This is a V4 skin on G2F. I used Reflective Radiance for 3Delight by Marshian for the lighting - one of the best 3DL sets for portraits, IMHO.
[Click on the thumbnails for larger versions]
3Delight Version
I used Anagenesis to convert G2 to Iray. For the lighting, I used Ultra Genesis for the environment, Rim Light Rig Iray and 3 spotlights to replace the Reflective Radiance 3DL lights.
At first, the shadows from my key spotlight were far too harsh, but you can't soften shadows as you can on a 3DL spotlight, as you can't edit shadows. But then I discovered that if you change the spotlight's Light Geometry from Point to Disc, that softens shadows. Sphere makes them too soft, and Rectangle and Disc are pretty close. I didn't bother with temperature to change the light color, but did that in the Color field, like the 3Delight way. It's more flexible than temperature anyway. I used this on the spotlights as well as three of the Rim Light Rig lights to get that nice yellow rim light. RLR IRay by they way defaults the spotlight rig Light Geometry to Disc by the way.
So here's my Iray version:
Looking at the two, I guess it depends on what you are looking for as to which one you like the best.
I would like to know what people think.
I'm a 3DL user but I have to say the IRay version looks better:) The skin is pretty close, but the hair and ornament thingy look much better in your IRay render. But then again I miss the rim light effect in the 3DL render so it's not a totally fair comparison IMO. And there seems to be more indirect light also in the IRay one. Very interesting indeed;)
Yeah RR3 and IBL-Master are very nice tools for 3DL, can't wait to start playing with Wowie's "awe-shader"
, he's been doing some amazing stuff lately! Check out the 3DL laboratory thread if you haven't already!
Oh and very nice renders in here
Yes, Sven Dullah , it's true I don't have an Iray equivalent to Reflective Radiance. I could have replaced it with the 3DL Rim Light Rig, but I was so happy with the 3DL render that I didn't want to mess with it.
I'm pretty happy with both renders. I can't really say which render engine I like better, as each has its strengths. I'm still exploring Iray and am finally starting to get the hang of lighting, but lighting so much harder in Iray than 3DL.
One thing I'm not particularly happy with in Iray is the oversaturation of colored light associated with HDR's, like sunset skies. The light should have a hint of coral color and yet my subjects are bathed in blatant orange light. I'm still trying to figure out how to load the sky for a background and set up environment lighting that's much more subtle.
In my Ice Star render, I left the star prop as 3DL materials, because it looked horrible in Iray. I may experiment with this in additional renders.
I took a look at the 3Delight Laboratory thread, and you're right, Wowie's Awe-Shader looks really nice. His latest test on faces has the same quality as Iray. Lookin' good indeed!
Hmm I think I like the Iray one just a bit better. The skin and hair is more realistic and I like the slightly warmer color. On the other hand, if you aren't looking for realism, I like the 3Delight one. Sometimes, I just like the less that realistic, more fantasy look of 3Delight. (that was helpful wasn't it?) lol
Yeah, I like them both too.