I had a idea last night so here is the second entry idea; Night in the forest
This is a good start lucasdestoop. You have some nice godrays in there. The rim lighting is very effective but I am a little confused by the red highlights. Do you have a red light or did the lights do this on their own?
I tried to draw attention to the figure, but you're right it is wrong attention. This one is with one light and one spot and 2 Ambient lights. I changed the rays but they where better before.
I had a idea last night so here is the second entry idea; Night in the forest
This is a good start lucasdestoop. You have some nice godrays in there. The rim lighting is very effective but I am a little confused by the red highlights. Do you have a red light or did the lights do this on their own?
I tried to draw attention to the figure, but you're right it is wrong attention. This one is with one light and one spot and 2 Ambient lights. I changed the rays but they where better before.
And a material to the face
lucasdestoop try a focused spotlight on the face; create a spotlight and adjust the spread angle setting and adjust the intensity as needed.
Here is a revision to one of them. I appreciate all the feedback; I'm still new at this so I need all I can get. Oh, and I have thick skin; so be honest.
I like this version, the stronger backlight brings the viewers focus to the character.
Finally finished this one and quite happy with it.
Jack, I really like the idea and the work you have so far. Here's the thing, for me, we have no evidence of a second (or more) actors in this other your explanation. I was trying to think of how you might make it more apparent that the main actor is reacting to someone else...and well, the best idea I came up with was maybe make the viewer the second actor.. ie, have the POV of the image be from the person who has interrupted yoour hacker, so she is looking at and pointing the gun at the camera, at the audience. It was just a thought.
Thanks for the suggestion, evilded. I struggled with that as well. The time honored, cliched approach is the threatening shadow on the wall (which I used in last month's contest), but that doesn't really fit well with this scene. I like your idea of changing the POV; I hadn't thought of that. I'll have to see what the camera angles look like.
Got busy for a while and wasn't able to work on my render until the past few days.
I moved the camera around (and added an image to the screen so there was something other than a glowing plane) and ended up with the following. While I think it helps tell the story more, I also feel that it strays farther from the intent of the challenge. I don't think there's much that the lighting does to enhance the story.
Jack, I really like the idea and the work you have so far. Here's the thing, for me, we have no evidence of a second (or more) actors in this other your explanation. I was trying to think of how you might make it more apparent that the main actor is reacting to someone else...and well, the best idea I came up with was maybe make the viewer the second actor.. ie, have the POV of the image be from the person who has interrupted yoour hacker, so she is looking at and pointing the gun at the camera, at the audience. It was just a thought.
Thanks for the suggestion, evilded. I struggled with that as well. The time honored, cliched approach is the threatening shadow on the wall (which I used in last month's contest), but that doesn't really fit well with this scene. I like your idea of changing the POV; I hadn't thought of that. I'll have to see what the camera angles look like.
Got busy for a while and wasn't able to work on my render until the past few days.
I moved the camera around (and added an image to the screen so there was something other than a glowing plane) and ended up with the following. While I think it helps tell the story more, I also feel that it strays farther from the intent of the challenge. I don't think there's much that the lighting does to enhance the story.
Gonna go back the (figurative) drawing board.
Wow nice render Jack, the only thing I would change would be what is on the screen maybe to help tell the story maybe a top secret page on another Chactor and maybe turn down the intence light in her face just slightly. Maybe even have her holding a disc in her hand that is free might help it tie into the story as well. Just some suggestions :D
I had a idea last night so here is the second entry idea; Night in the forest
This is a good start lucasdestoop. You have some nice godrays in there. The rim lighting is very effective but I am a little confused by the red highlights. Do you have a red light or did the lights do this on their own?
I tried to draw attention to the figure, but you're right it is wrong attention. This one is with one light and one spot and 2 Ambient lights. I changed the rays but they where better before.
And a material to the face
May I say Lucas that is 1 hell of a zombie clown!!!!! This render is so much better for the lighting, you can make things out so much better now.
The captain must not have pipe ???
And can see the work post of the flame of the lantern ... which is not visible to me.
Otherwise it was clearly in the right direction;)
Nope, no pipe for the Captain. I have the Morphable Meerschaum pipe, but no place to put it. Just a moment before this scene takes place, the Captain was rubbing his chin as he was thinking.
Yes, flame isn't really visible in this render, so I was going to enhance it in post work.
I am currently in the process of redoing the lighting. I moved the moonlight to be almost directly port of the boat, then added a spotlight shining in that same direction to enhance the backlighting, and the light ends before it touches the boat. I didn't want too much light coming in on the boat itself, had the moonlight, UE2 and the lantern.
This time the post work will have the moon closer to the middle of the render, with the reflection coming towards the view (like it does in real life, duh).
I had a idea last night so here is the second entry idea; Night in the forest
This is a good start lucasdestoop. You have some nice godrays in there. The rim lighting is very effective but I am a little confused by the red highlights. Do you have a red light or did the lights do this on their own?
I tried to draw attention to the figure, but you're right it is wrong attention. This one is with one light and one spot and 2 Ambient lights. I changed the rays but they where better before.
And a material to the face
May I say Lucas that is 1 hell of a zombie clown!!!!! This render is so much better for the lighting, you can make things out so much better now.
Yeeoow! This guy really gives me the creeps!
Yes, much better lighting... and YUCK (in a good way), what a great zombie!
There is some stray light which is making the teeth inside his mouth glow. Perhaps changing the angle of your key light should fix it. I had to mess around with lights (which is what I'm doing as I write this) to get mine to look the way I want.
Are your lights all white? Some color would add depth. Make one of your ambients brown - this should add an earthy tone. Your godray light can be cold and unfriendly, sort of a very pale aqua. Not just the light, but maybe the godrays themselves. This isn't natural light that's coming in; nothing that we victims would want to run towards. Experiment with the color of your other ambient light: warm or cool.
Maybe an accent light of creepy green on the right side - Hollywood does all sorts of stuff like that.
I'm still can't find a title for this scene, here is the latest one.
I've finally found the proper umbrella
Well well well this is sure comming right along so much more natural looking makes me want to side in beside her and enjoy the heat (So much better then the winter temps here) as for the title well Habash you is on your own on that as is everyone who renders
I'm still can't find a title for this scene, here is the latest one.
I've finally found the proper umbrella
Ha ha! She's on the beach and she's gotta have her cell phone! Great personality with just one prop. I like the foot pose - nice and elegant.
There seems to be a distortion with her right thumb. Fingers can sometimes distort when you want them to move a certain direction. Instead of fighting to make her hand flat, bring the thumb down and in towards her palm slightly. If it collides with her body, then twist the upper arm a little.
I had a idea last night so here is the second entry idea; Night in the forest
This is a good start lucasdestoop. You have some nice godrays in there. The rim lighting is very effective but I am a little confused by the red highlights. Do you have a red light or did the lights do this on their own?
I tried to draw attention to the figure, but you're right it is wrong attention. This one is with one light and one spot and 2 Ambient lights. I changed the rays but they where better before.
And a material to the face
May I say Lucas that is 1 hell of a zombie clown!!!!! This render is so much better for the lighting, you can make things out so much better now.
Yeeoow! This guy really gives me the creeps!
Yes, much better lighting... and YUCK (in a good way), what a great zombie!
There is some stray light which is making the teeth inside his mouth glow. Perhaps changing the angle of your key light should fix it. I had to mess around with lights (which is what I'm doing as I write this) to get mine to look the way I want.
Are your lights all white? Some color would add depth. Make one of your ambients brown - this should add an earthy tone. Your godray light can be cold and unfriendly, sort of a very pale aqua. Not just the light, but maybe the godrays themselves. This isn't natural light that's coming in; nothing that we victims would want to run towards. Experiment with the color of your other ambient light: warm or cool.
Maybe an accent light of creepy green on the right side - Hollywood does all sorts of stuff like that.
I showed Mr. Creepy to my husband. We aren't sure what's happening with his body behind the trunk, because it seems that either the trunk is very large or the zombie is in a hole. He has this suggestion for your pose.
Bring his whole body higher, as though he is in the process of climbing over the trunk. Place the weight on his left hand firmly on the tree trunk and lift his left shoulder higher than the right. If it is possible to show a foot or a knee that will add to the action. This means that most of his body is above the trunk rather than behind it.
That "I'm almost over the tree and coming after you" look will send everybody screaming for cover.
I'm still can't find a title for this scene, here is the latest one.
I've finally found the proper umbrella
Ha ha! She's on the beach and she's gotta have her cell phone! Great personality with just one prop. I like the foot pose - nice and elegant.
There seems to be a distortion with her right thumb. Fingers can sometimes distort when you want them to move a certain direction. Instead of fighting to make her hand flat, bring the thumb down and in towards her palm slightly. If it collides with her body, then twist the upper arm a little.
Yes, you're right, I was struggling with her thumb, maybe if I cut it it'd be less strouggle (just kidding ), any way I'm still working on this scene, appreciate your instructioin and pose direction
I'm still can't find a title for this scene, here is the latest one.
I've finally found the proper umbrella
Well well well this is sure comming right along so much more natural looking makes me want to side in beside her and enjoy the heat (So much better then the winter temps here) as for the title well Habash you is on your own on that as is everyone who renders
Thanks, I'm sure I'll find something for the title soon before closing the contest
Here's my WIP, and it's still very rough, but having a lot of fun with it. And coming up with a name is going to be a blast.
Yes, lighting needs tweaking. I want more ambient light coming through the window, which it has in the preview but not in the render. Not sure why yet. Still playing. God rays coming through the window (once I figure out how to get it open) and shining on the donut would be fun.
The shabby chic kitchen set was designed for Poser, so I'm still tweaking textures (especially the ceiling). The mutant spider was free on ShareCG but didn't seem to have textures. He's also difficult to manipulate, which led me to use the worm's eye camera angle. I added a grass shader to make him nice and fuzzy. He's just a stunt double though, till I can buy Predatron's Giant Fantasy Spider. Never though I'd need a giant fantasy spider. Go figure!
Here's my WIP, and it's still very rough, but having a lot of fun with it. And coming up with a name is going to be a blast.
Yes, lighting needs tweaking. I want more ambient light coming through the window, which it has in the preview but not in the render. Not sure why yet. Still playing. God rays coming through the window (once I figure out how to get it open) and shining on the donut would be fun.
The shabby chic kitchen set was designed for Poser, so I'm still tweaking textures (especially the ceiling). The mutant spider was free on ShareCG but didn't seem to have textures. He's also difficult to manipulate, which led me to use the worm's eye camera angle. I added a grass shader to make him nice and fuzzy. He's just a stunt double though, till I can buy Predatron's Giant Fantasy Spider. Never though I'd need a giant fantasy spider. Go figure!
I've finally figured out a title for my scene, inspired by my memories when I used to go with my friends to the beach and settle in our "Perfect Beach Spot", here's the last render, I was about to add more beach props such as towel and picnic basket, but decided not to do it, I'm sure it'll ruen the scene if I did that.
Any additional suggestion/comment/adjustment is highly appreciated
I've finally figured out a title for my scene, inspired by my memories when I used to go with my friends to the beach and settle in our "Perfect Beach Spot", here's the last render, I was about to add more beach props such as towel and picnic basket, but decided not to do it, I'm sure it'll ruen the scene if I did that.
Any additional suggestion/comment/adjustment is highly appreciated
I do not think you have to add anything more to this wonderful render it is great already :D
I've finally figured out a title for my scene, inspired by my memories when I used to go with my friends to the beach and settle in our "Perfect Beach Spot", here's the last render, I was about to add more beach props such as towel and picnic basket, but decided not to do it, I'm sure it'll ruen the scene if I did that.
Any additional suggestion/comment/adjustment is highly appreciated
I do not think you have to add anything more to this wonderful render it is great already :D
Another WIP Just done today in Daz 4.9 a shower scene :D
any comments or advice welcomed
Good start! One observation. It looks like the light is aimed just below his outstretched hand and his head is almost in shadow. You also might want to try adding a light that comes in from the right at a lesser intensity to help fill in some shadows caused by the main light.
Also, think about what you're trying to tell us with the picture and try to use the lighting to help convey the message.
Another WIP Just done today in Daz 4.9 a shower scene :D
any comments or advice welcomed
Good start! One observation. It looks like the light is aimed just below his outstretched hand and his head is almost in shadow. You also might want to try adding a light that comes in from the right at a lesser intensity to help fill in some shadows caused by the main light.
Also, think about what you're trying to tell us with the picture and try to use the lighting to help convey the message.
Tanks for your comments and advice Jack I shall go to work on them in a bit.
HDRI for ambient, external light, with intensity dropped for a dimmer light.
Some emissive surfaces on the city blocks for environment
Distant light, slight blue tint to convey a sense of loneliness and distance
Emissive surfaces on the wall sconces, warmer tint to convey sense of comfort and luxury
2 spots on the woman, blue tinted, again to convey loneliness and contrast.
From the first glance, I can say the lights are balanced well, the whole scene is great, but if I may suggest to make the city behind the windows more clear if possible, and also reduce the intensity of the lights coming from outside, as I can tell the scene is at night and the room is at a high level of building.
I've finally figured out a title for my scene, inspired by my memories when I used to go with my friends to the beach and settle in our "Perfect Beach Spot", here's the last render, I was about to add more beach props such as towel and picnic basket, but decided not to do it, I'm sure it'll ruen the scene if I did that.
Any additional suggestion/comment/adjustment is highly appreciated
Nice render, you've clearly spent some time on this but may I say her left knee looks a little large, as though maybe the shin dislodged from the knee while posing? :0)
Here is my scene so far. I realised I dont have a background through the doors as it was rendering. Also, the cannister she is cutting isn't in its place. I am having trouble getting the light from the torch to do what I want and I would really like the cannisters to have a more MAT look similar to the tanks on the torch cart. There is a lot of helpful info in this thread so I am curious to see what suggestions people have.
HDRI for ambient, external light, with intensity dropped for a dimmer light.
Some emissive surfaces on the city blocks for environment
Distant light, slight blue tint to convey a sense of loneliness and distance
Emissive surfaces on the wall sconces, warmer tint to convey sense of comfort and luxury
2 spots on the woman, blue tinted, again to convey loneliness and contrast.
From the first glance, I can say the lights are balanced well, the whole scene is great, but if I may suggest to make the city behind the windows more clear if possible, and also reduce the intensity of the lights coming from outside, as I can tell the scene is at night and the room is at a high level of building.
Maybe even turn the color of the outside light to blue to make it a bit more natural for the darkness that is supposed to be outside.
Here is my scene so far. I realised I dont have a background through the doors as it was rendering. Also, the cannister she is cutting isn't in its place. I am having trouble getting the light from the torch to do what I want and I would really like the cannisters to have a more MAT look similar to the tanks on the torch cart. There is a lot of helpful info in this thread so I am curious to see what suggestions people have.
You've done grat work in your scene, as for the torch light if you don't have any prop or effect for it, you can create a new cone primative and apply emmision shader.
I tried to draw attention to the figure, but you're right it is wrong attention. This one is with one light and one spot and 2 Ambient lights. I changed the rays but they where better before.
And a material to the face
lucasdestoop try a focused spotlight on the face; create a spotlight and adjust the spread angle setting and adjust the intensity as needed.
You're welcome and thanks in return.
Got busy for a while and wasn't able to work on my render until the past few days.
I moved the camera around (and added an image to the screen so there was something other than a glowing plane) and ended up with the following. While I think it helps tell the story more, I also feel that it strays farther from the intent of the challenge. I don't think there's much that the lighting does to enhance the story.
Gonna go back the (figurative) drawing board.
Wow nice render Jack, the only thing I would change would be what is on the screen maybe to help tell the story maybe a top secret page on another Chactor and maybe turn down the intence light in her face just slightly. Maybe even have her holding a disc in her hand that is free might help it tie into the story as well. Just some suggestions :D
May I say Lucas that is 1 hell of a zombie clown!!!!! This render is so much better for the lighting, you can make things out so much better now.
Wow...awesome...I like, you rock ;)
Nope, no pipe for the Captain. I have the Morphable Meerschaum pipe, but no place to put it. Just a moment before this scene takes place, the Captain was rubbing his chin as he was thinking.
Yes, flame isn't really visible in this render, so I was going to enhance it in post work.
I am currently in the process of redoing the lighting. I moved the moonlight to be almost directly port of the boat, then added a spotlight shining in that same direction to enhance the backlighting, and the light ends before it touches the boat. I didn't want too much light coming in on the boat itself, had the moonlight, UE2 and the lantern.
This time the post work will have the moon closer to the middle of the render, with the reflection coming towards the view (like it does in real life, duh).
Yeeoow! This guy really gives me the creeps!
Yes, much better lighting... and YUCK (in a good way), what a great zombie!
There is some stray light which is making the teeth inside his mouth glow. Perhaps changing the angle of your key light should fix it. I had to mess around with lights (which is what I'm doing as I write this) to get mine to look the way I want.
Are your lights all white? Some color would add depth. Make one of your ambients brown - this should add an earthy tone. Your godray light can be cold and unfriendly, sort of a very pale aqua. Not just the light, but maybe the godrays themselves. This isn't natural light that's coming in; nothing that we victims would want to run towards. Experiment with the color of your other ambient light: warm or cool.
Maybe an accent light of creepy green on the right side - Hollywood does all sorts of stuff like that.
I'm still can't find a title for this scene, here is the latest one.
I've finally found the proper umbrella
Well well well this is sure comming right along so much more natural looking makes me want to side in beside her and enjoy the heat (So much better then the winter temps here) as for the title well Habash you is on your own on that as is everyone who renders

Ha ha! She's on the beach and she's gotta have her cell phone! Great personality with just one prop. I like the foot pose - nice and elegant.
There seems to be a distortion with her right thumb. Fingers can sometimes distort when you want them to move a certain direction. Instead of fighting to make her hand flat, bring the thumb down and in towards her palm slightly. If it collides with her body, then twist the upper arm a little.
I showed Mr. Creepy to my husband. We aren't sure what's happening with his body behind the trunk, because it seems that either the trunk is very large or the zombie is in a hole. He has this suggestion for your pose.
Bring his whole body higher, as though he is in the process of climbing over the trunk. Place the weight on his left hand firmly on the tree trunk and lift his left shoulder higher than the right. If it is possible to show a foot or a knee that will add to the action. This means that most of his body is above the trunk rather than behind it.
That "I'm almost over the tree and coming after you" look will send everybody screaming for cover.
Yes, you're right, I was struggling with her thumb, maybe if I cut it it'd be less strouggle (just kidding
), any way I'm still working on this scene, appreciate your instructioin and pose direction 

Thanks, I'm sure I'll find something for the title soon before closing the contest
Here's my WIP, and it's still very rough, but having a lot of fun with it. And coming up with a name is going to be a blast.
Yes, lighting needs tweaking. I want more ambient light coming through the window, which it has in the preview but not in the render. Not sure why yet. Still playing. God rays coming through the window (once I figure out how to get it open) and shining on the donut would be fun.
The shabby chic kitchen set was designed for Poser, so I'm still tweaking textures (especially the ceiling). The mutant spider was free on ShareCG but didn't seem to have textures. He's also difficult to manipulate, which led me to use the worm's eye camera angle. I added a grass shader to make him nice and fuzzy. He's just a stunt double though, till I can buy Predatron's Giant Fantasy Spider. Never though I'd need a giant fantasy spider. Go figure!
The expression on Olympia's face is from this great freebie by QT168. Real Lady Expressions: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/71720/reallady-expressions-for-g3f#latest
Edit: Can't get the attachment to show up, so put it in my gallery. Full pic here:
Nice work, I suggest you reduce the reflecting floor a little bit and lighten the spider color to show it's shape..
I've finally figured out a title for my scene, inspired by my memories when I used to go with my friends to the beach and settle in our "Perfect Beach Spot", here's the last render, I was about to add more beach props such as towel and picnic basket, but decided not to do it, I'm sure it'll ruen the scene if I did that.
Any additional suggestion/comment/adjustment is highly appreciated
I do not think you have to add anything more to this wonderful render it is great already :D
Thanks Saphirewild
Thank you for all the tips, I will work some more on the lights and there color aswell as the pose.
OK. Gave up on the previous render for now.
Here's a new one:
Worlds Apart
DS 4.9, Iray
No postwork
Lighting Rig:
HDRI for ambient, external light, with intensity dropped for a dimmer light.
Some emissive surfaces on the city blocks for environment
Distant light, slight blue tint to convey a sense of loneliness and distance
Emissive surfaces on the wall sconces, warmer tint to convey sense of comfort and luxury
2 spots on the woman, blue tinted, again to convey loneliness and contrast.
Another WIP Just done today in Daz 4.9 a shower scene :D
any comments or advice welcomed
Good start! One observation. It looks like the light is aimed just below his outstretched hand and his head is almost in shadow. You also might want to try adding a light that comes in from the right at a lesser intensity to help fill in some shadows caused by the main light.
Also, think about what you're trying to tell us with the picture and try to use the lighting to help convey the message.
Tanks for your comments and advice Jack I shall go to work on them in a bit.
From the first glance, I can say the lights are balanced well, the whole scene is great, but if I may suggest to make the city behind the windows more clear if possible, and also reduce the intensity of the lights coming from outside, as I can tell the scene is at night and the room is at a high level of building.
Here is my scene so far. I realised I dont have a background through the doors as it was rendering. Also, the cannister she is cutting isn't in its place. I am having trouble getting the light from the torch to do what I want and I would really like the cannisters to have a more MAT look similar to the tanks on the torch cart. There is a lot of helpful info in this thread so I am curious to see what suggestions people have.
Maybe even turn the color of the outside light to blue to make it a bit more natural for the darkness that is supposed to be outside.
You've done grat work in your scene, as for the torch light if you don't have any prop or effect for it, you can create a new cone primative and apply emmision shader.