Sylvia 9

Took advantage of the sales today and picked up her, along with some addons. Great value if you have Premier! Here are some renders:
Post edited by NetherFalcon on
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Took advantage of the sales today and picked up her, along with some addons. Great value if you have Premier! Here are some renders:
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Nice images. Reminds me of ShadowHeart from Baldur's gate. Very cool looking character.
Thanks for sharing these renders! She does look nice; I've just about settled on getting her character bundle.
First image is for a date night-she has a combination of Van Helsing's makeup with Ashley 9's office lipstick applied. The full makeup from either of them just didn't look right to me.
Second image shows the detail of the forest skin. This is also without any added makeup and shot from a lower angle because she's supposed to be around 25 feet tall here. Inspired by MTG's Force of Nature.
The last one was inspired by the Thor Ragnarok and Infinity War poster. I'm working on new renders but I ran into an issue where my PC is getting full so everything's running slowly.
Edited-added inspirations for all 3 images.
Definitely worth it!
I dunno, I am really torn about this character.
She's pretty and the quality of the character seems fine overall.
But why sell a 'crusader' character without any visible muscle definition? Face aside, she looks the same as most other G9 Females.
Could we maybe get, at some point, another black person? Another freckled skin? Maybe a Rune 9 oder a Beverly 9? A teenager or maybe even a child? Hell, maybe take another crack at Maryam 9 - that was the coolest idea they had this entire generation and they used the strangest morph and worst materials I have seen since Genesis 1.
Now, my whining aside, the Dryad Add-On and Forest Skin do make up for a lot. Those are very nice. I just wish they were for a more interesting character. Or, rather, they had at least done something cooler with Ashley 9.
I'm also really disappointed in that hair (at least as far as the product description and promo images go). I like a good bob cut, but it seems borderline useless since it doesnt seem to simulate or come with any morphs at all. What is it with Genesis 9 and hair products that only work as long as you do not move or morph your character?
Otherwise, as usual, the clothing in both bundles looks mostly awful, and, as usual, the props by Censored look absolutely amazing.
I dunno, it's a mixed bag, but it's overall still much more appealing than the other stuff DAZ has produced lately.
You have some valid points. The crusader look didn't occur to me as I have muscle morphs that I can apply, but I can see why it looks odd. It's more of Freja's style. I find real value in the unique skins, forms and the outfits. I happen to really like Sylvia's look (compared to the recent Ashley 9 who isn't bad, but she's more of a generic look). If you have Premier and have the free bundle coupon and utilize the sale, it's a good value for all of it.
Hmmmm? the bob cut does simulate, I even showed it in the promo here xD
More Sylvia!
This one is of her as a pixie, looking up into the moonlight.
This one is of her as a witch, pleased that her shrinking spell worked on the pesky human who dared to speak to her.
Next we have Slyvia ready for the final battle-with the bob hair that came with the bundle, too. I think it's great and fits the theme. That's Sophia's grime with a little blood mixed in there.
I wish I had better resolution trees for closeups. Here's her as the Dryad, in the middle of casting an enchantment spell on some influencers wanting to make content in her garden.
And finally, an elf Slyvia, very pleased to have you in her presence. Maybe TOO pleased. Does she mean well or...not?
I had a lot of fun with these!
(Edited by mod to adjust image sizing for ease of viewability on the forums)
Thanks for sharing these renders of Sylvia! I can see that you had fun creating these roles for her.
I like Sylvia overall, although I now realize she does not come with makeup at all in her base package, or the HD product. She's not the first product like this though.

What a beautiful render!
Excellent render! Worthy of the inclusion. I noticed the trend of makeup not being included, too. I see a little Lady Gaga in Sylvia, which is a hilarious thing because she played the demonic druid entity in American Horror Story: Roanoke. Intended?
I think so.
Thank you! I love experimenting with new character bundles and learning new tricks along the way. I haven't been using Daz for that long (about a year) compared to many users on this site. A huge win for me lately was learning how to reduce the excessive glossiness of some hair, usually the dforce. Just opened up new products for me, too.
After Barubary's comments about a lack of muscle definition, I decided to take my crusader shot and beef her up a bit. She's ready for another battle!
Another cool variation! I think she looks good with more muscle.
Thanks! Yeah it really tied it together.
Or perhaps (gasp), a baby? Specifically, a newborn? One that looks like a newborn and isn't just an older baby labeled as a newborn?
And isn't creepy as heck?
i've basically given up hope for children at this point, seeing that Genesis 8 never brought us any except the terrible toddlers. There are PA children that are really good though. But a realistic baby would be absolutely amazing to have ...
Edit: Oh sorry, I forgot I was in the Sylvia thread. Don't have much to say about her unfortunately, I can see why people like her, but I'd much, MUCH rather have those more diverse characters mentioned just above.
I loved the main promo pic for her base product, probably one of my favourite ever, but I'm not sure if she's a character I'd end up using a lot. I don't have a way to correct what looks to me like migrated lip filler and I have simalar and probably better textures. I'm not super excited about the body scuplt, but it's not the worst. She comes with unique eyebrows and an additional shaved head material set.
Rendered tests with the base broduct. The weak australian dollar doesn't make buying add-ons budget friendly right now! Big resolution versions attached.
Close up of face. Migrated lip-filler is certainly an interesting take. (Does that sort of buldge happen naturally?)
I didn't buy the extra Forest skin, but I had the orc skin from one of the earlier Daz products and wanted to see how it compared. The base Syliva doesn't have a lot of lip texture compared to the promos. Forest skin promo next to my orc skin test.
Compared to Van Helsing.
Compared to Lianna.
Romance cover test .
Nice renders, Sid! I forget how tall Lianna is until you see her compared to someone else, too. I have the green skin from the Star Trek bundle released a while ago, but this one has different close up textures. Either way, I'm happy with her.
And I definitely don't think we need a newborn, but another African American would be a nice change. When was the last one we received? I think it was Xola (Daz Original anyway).
Whoa, my bad, I did not see that. Thanks for the info that makes that hair much more useful. You're too late though - I had already bought the Bundle anyway ;)
Still, and I hope this doesnt sound snide, but it would be really helpful, if information like this was on the product page or at least visible in the promo shots of the product itself and not a related but ultimately different item. What is even more confusing is that usually hair with that functionality has the 'dForce' in the title, which is true for other 'Hair Studio' products (specifically "dForce HS Ursula Ponytail").
I really really wished DAZ would spend some more energy into providing relevant information on the store pages and streamlining the way the pages and products are set up. It is very often very confusing. Obviously, all PA's have their own process and preferances and that's totally fine. DAZ should be the ones to get those differences in order before putting the items in the store.
That's more like it - now that's a Sister of Battle
Very nice work 
As I said, I am not blown away by the character or her bundles, but there is still a lot to like there. I certainly appreciate Sylvia a lot more than Ashley 9.
I think between Sylvia, Lianna and Tara, we're still missing a pink skin so I'm still holding my breath for a Zelara 9. Maybe she can be buff this time or a toddler
As a change of pace, here is Sylvia 9's texture on a figure with 50% CC Petrichor, 25% FPD Alex, and 25% Sylvia 9:
I absolutely agree we need a way for PAs to list products they use in promos. A lot of times it's missing revenue for Daz because a customer will see how it can be utilized and an easy way to sell another product.
And I enjoyed making her buff-agreed she looks better this way. :) I love Sylvia a lot and when we get alternate skins and forms, that's when I see a real value. A pink skin would be nice, too!
Something that none of these wonderful renders really show is Sylvia's unique profile.
It just occured to me that Sylvia 9 looks a lot like Indiana the Girl (Lauren Henson).
I really like her profile!
Me too. I was pleasantly surprised. It is more often that you buy a character, see the profile for the first time, and you see something totally unexpected and not necessarily good...
Very true! She looks amazing from this angle, too. I'm pleseantly surprised she has a great side profile, too!
What do you think about Androsia Gardenia for G8F? I get a very strong Queen Rhaenyra vibe.