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As someone who always take the time to list everything I use in any render shared through Daz gallery, it's very time consuming to do it, so while I'm appreciative of PAs who are doing it, I also understand why others may decide to spend the time they would allocate to that task to either working on another project or being away from their job.
And the PAs can list the products in the DAZ store they used. (It is a bit unreasonable to expect DAZ to allow products they don't sell to be listed.) But as has been brought up many, many times before: sometimes PAs have promos made by others, sometimes they've just forgotten what was used, among many other reasons they may not list them.
I made my choice today, and used my character coupon on Sylvia, and I'm really happy with my choice. As the excellent renders in this thread have shown, she's a versatile character. Though I don't do much in the fantasy realm, there are more components of this bundle that I can use, than those of Mateo, the other character I was considering.
Cool original character with a lot of personality!
I appreciate the community helping each other, but it is not a difficult thing to list your products in your renders. Look at the item in the scene, and search for it on the site. It has a smart detection so it also makes it easy. If you didn't save the scene, it shouldn't be hard to find in your list of products, too.
The PAs are different from us-they're tryng to sell products and you'd think that something we can do (easily) would be strongly encouraged or required by Daz themselves. I didn't do it in all of my renders in my gallery out of laziness, but then again, I'm only posting them for fun, not for profit.
And I'm going to go back and rectify that.
I'm glad you love her! Show us what you've created with her! Fantasy or not, we love to see what people can create!
Yes, they're trying to sell their products. What you're asking them to do is to spend their time to advertise what is usually someone else's products.
And with at least half a dozen promo pics for each product, which may change during product submission phase, and may have been created by someone else, that's actually not a small amount of time to spend on something that typically doesn't bring them any extra revenue. So while it is nice when a PA does it, it's totally understandable if they don't do it.
Adding to what Leana said (on point), if adding items is so easy and quick, why are you admitting that even you don't do it for all your images?
And as someone who isn't lazy when it comes to products used and always tries to list everything possible, I can tell you it is neither quick nor easy to find the items unless you're keeping a list of everything you use as you prepare the render (that means crossing out things you swapped out for something else or decided not to use), because otherwise you're trying to remember what you used, how it was called (so, searching through your own library first, as the smart suggestions don't give a preview, and many items are named similarly), what was that darn texture that you applied to change another thing, which pose set this pose that I heavily modified was from... And then there's the matter of custom products, inactive products, products from other sites... But yeah, quick and easy.
I can tell you that if I was a PA and trying to make a living with my models, the cost (huge amount of time) to benefit (zero) ratio would make me stop immediately. I could either spend 1 hour trying to look up all the products I used and list them which will bring me no profit, or spend the same time doing something that actually brings me profit.
If someone's looking at, say, Sylvia 9 and is going to buy the product anyway, but gets hung up on knowing what the products are also used in this image, it's a disservice for the product that's also being used to advertise it. If anything, they should be required to give credit to assets not included with the bundle, as they're part of selling it anyway.
It's not a concern for the PA-it's a concern for Daz themselves. It's extra revenue for Daz for customers to readily know that's available instead of needing to go to the forums where you may or may not get an answer, when something simple could be implemented from the start. It doesn't take a lot of time to list it; they're obviously know the assets they're using. It's something that helps the site, as well as the users, so it's a win-win.
Even when uploading a single image to the gallery that I rendered earlier that day, I often can't remember the correct names of products I actually used. And that's even assuming I actually knew in the first place that the "Sweater" I picked out of my Smart Content was actually "CTO Sweater" and CTO stood for "Cute Turtleneck Outfit".
Across what could be multiple versions of several renders (of which some will get rejected by QA, and vendors only get one collective asset list for their submission, so a promo being rejected then means finding and removing its items from the list while being sure they were definitely only in that render) keeping track of everything that was used is definitely not the trivial job you say.
And that's assuming the vendor even did their own renders. It's very common to contract it out.
Describing something as a "win-win" when the vendors themselves spend the time to get nothing back is a rather fundamental misunderstanding of the concept of a win-win scenario.
If you put the minimal effort in paying attention to what you're using, or take note of it before you even do the render, it's extremely simple to know what assets you're using for a render. To go back and reference everything is a different issue and would be quite time consuming, that's not what I'm advocating for. But for new things created, the simplicity can't be overstated-you can just look in the scene of what's being used. The library isn't complicated. If images are outsourced, just make it part of the contract to know the assets.
And many of these promo images tend not to use an excessive amount of unknown products either-a hairstyle here, an outfit there, and some of them have no need for that either because they're using the actual advertised products. And this is a conscious thing the PAs are doing, too; the products CAN be referenced but they decide not to. And because pretty much all of them do it, it's widely accepted. The frustration is that this isn't asking for a lot at all, and the slightest effort by Daz and the PA can make a world of difference for others and they're forced to ask the community where you can get lucky with right answers quickly.
You're actually right-it isn't a win-win, it's a win-win-win when users have better access to products, Daz has the potential to earn more revenue, and PAs can even create an opportunity to work with others to make products together, hence expanding their own lines for additional revenue.
I do put minimal effort in paying attention to what I use. I even kind-of-sort-of recognize which set the particular items are from. But it doesn't mean I know the exact name of every product on top of my head. I also doubt that PAs are doing their renders last minute, right after submitting their products, so unfortunately, what you are not advocating (going back and referencing everything) is likely the most common case. Yes, that includes new things created too, because, as I said, I doubt artists make their promos at the same time they're about to submit their package.
I would recommend to start practicing what you preach: paying "minimal attention" and listing all the products you used in detail in every picture you post (or not) in the gallery. You could also time yourself to see how much effort it really takes, and how long that "minimal attention" lasts if you don't get to make that list of products immediately. Then, once you have the data, if you're still willing to say you would do work for which you will be not paid at all, then kudos to you. I, personally, stand with the artists for whom the only option to offset such unpaid work time would be to raise their prices. I'd rather pay less and ask on the forums if needed than pay more just to have a list of products I might not have interest at all.
You're also ignoring the problem of products no longer available for sale, products available at different stores, and custom-made products not for sale. Because with all of them fairly common (my experience) in various artists' render, after all that listing and working for free, we'll still arrive at the problem of people asking in the forums what is that particular diadem or holster that was used in the render.
I'm not advocating for every product to be referenced in everything sold previously. That's an unrealistic expectation. What IS a realistic and reasonable expectation is when someone loads an asset, know what it is and reference it. And it isn't taking a long time for me to find what I've used because for many of them, I had the foresight of saving the scenes before finalizing the renders. This really isn't as complicated as some are making it out to be, and it doesn't involve listing hundreds of products at one time, either.
As for products that are no longer available or from other stores, that makes it even more critical as to emphasize something that can't be obtained from the store, or to look outside the store. Thanks for bringing that up, too. It makes for a good disclaimer and to reinforce the idea that some great products may not always be around; good for stressing urgency. At the end of the day, people may still visit the forums and ask, and we'll be there to help, but this would absolutely help them
Anyway, it's clear we aren't going to agree on this, so let's agree to disagree.
I'm a promo artist who does document every asset used, and trust me: This is serious work. There is no "minimal effort" or "extremely simple" about it. Even with helpful scripts and a workflow set up specifically to deal with this, it takes time, it takes effort, and sometimes things are still missed because there simply is nothing to reference in the scene file.
I only do this because I want the record for myself.
Doing it for someone else? Heck no, not unless you pay me for the extra work.
Are you selling products in the Daz Store? We're talking about that scenario specifically and how it relates to customers trying to find what a product is when they are interested in purchasing something else.
What are the challenges you have with Daz Studio? Any product I have can easily be viewed in the scene and my library. The minimal effort is looking at what you're using-and even still, that effort is meant to respect everyone who's made any product, it isn't just for the sake of doing it. If you save the scene, it's also an easy way to know what you're using and an quick reference for documentation.
I'm not trying to be mean or antagonize-I'm trying to understand why it's so complicated when myself, only using Daz Studio, can load a scene, see what I'm using/used, and use that as a reference. The products are labeled in the scene, too-if you're renaming them, maybe don't remove the name of the product altogether? Do your scenes have excessive products where they're hard to keep track of? (These questions aren't neccesarily directed solely at you, but rhetorically for those who have an issue with this). And that would even be after the fact if I were trying to see what I used previously, not what I can just document at the time of making the render.
The vast majority of the content I use in a promo render, I have no idea what product it came from.
My best bet is to try to apply a material for an item, navigate to that folder, and hope it's similar enough to the store name to find.
And if it's a pose or light setup? Pretty much nothing to really go on other than 'does this look familiar' and scroll through my library.
In many scenes I'm adding and taking items out as I go, I am not keeping track of products. I change my mind. Maybe I use a different shirt. Maybe I whip up a new material on the fly. Maybe I use a bunch of stuff then I zoom in and realize 3/4 of the stuff I used is no longer in frame.
Having to keep even semi-accurate list of what I'm using in a promo is a lot of work.
The advantage to everyone listing products is a reliance on VERY indirect benefits. If I have a choice between spending an hour listing products so that maybe other people list my products so maybe somebody makes an additional purpose, the profit in that compared to spending an hour actually making a new product... you're trading away time you KNOW will make you decent money on the whisper of maaaaybe.
I only list products when I can name them off the top of my head, like UltraScenery, Orestes skies, very exotic armors, or my own products. If I have to spend any significant time tracking it down, no thanks.
I appreciate the contructive feedback and an explanation directly from a PA. I think what would help everyone if it were common for everyone to reference products in the store to help you with your promo images, as that'd help with us customers. But because that isn't the case, and the situation has snowballed so much over the years, we have no idea what's being used (sometimes). And even if one PA did it 100% with no errors, we'd all have to be dependent on everyone else doing it, accurately, for it to make a difference. And what frustrates me is as several of us have posted about this very issue, another post came up looking for another mysterious product.
I'm not even mad at the PAs-Daz themselves could have to way to tell us what it is, or require it to be done, but they're silent on it. I suppose there's no solution to it and we won't know what's being used unless someone else identifies it and we get lucky.
And I will stress: Not everyone works that way or CAN work that way. Many users will load several different shirts from their library, see how each works with several different sets of trousers, then clean up when they've made a decision, and won't remember which specific item was what.
Because, very often, assets are not saved with a scene name that makes it clear which product they're from. I wouldn't have to look through my library for long to find ten different products where the actual assets load as "Shirt" and "Hat" without any product identifier.
Now you're just taking the proverbial. Multiple people have told you that the actual pay-off for listing products this is nearly negligible for vendors, but you like to imagine one anyway.
And to address a few points in your response to Zicon...
Looking at your profile, you've been a member since late 2023, so I'm guessing you've maybe not experienced the degree to which Daz Studio can HEAVILY bog down with larger libraries, to the point that opening a scene can take many minutes (or longer) for DS to chew through. Doing this in turn for each of the dozen promo renders where you need to look up every product you've forgotten? Noooo.
As I say above, no, they're often not.
... I'll just wait for Zicon to post her list of why it's completely impractical to require it, because that'll save me finding where I've put my list.
Well, since it was requested.
Possible reasons why a PA has not listed additional assets used in promo images for a product:
Yes, these have all happened. Yes, I keep a handy list to copy and paste because this keeps coming up.
The discussion of listing products has covered pretty well all points of view and, considering it isn't even the main topic of the thread, has gone on quite long enough.
I don't know when you started using Daz products but I am guessing in the last five years. I have been using their products at least since 2003 and technically before with Poser. It is hard to communicate the difference in scale in managing tens of thousands of purchased assets versus a few hundred; much like preparing a meal for tens of thousands of people versus an intimate meal fo a few hundred. I am a bit suprised that this is a thing. I purchased the movie, Wicked, a few nights ago. The main character, Elphaba, has some distinctive eyeglasses that feature the infinity symbol; the filmmakers sourced them from a retailer. I am not angry that they didn't have a running list in the credits so that cosplayers could go shopping... that isn't a thing.
I really liked Sylvia's eyebrows, face and dryad elements, and succumbed to getting her bundles this week. I did a couple of renders with her tonight, and she got her hooks into me with a lovely dryad story. Have to see if I can work on her story some time this year. I like her a lot - she seems to have a lot of personality like a handful of core figures.
A touch of sadness
I love "A touch of sadness"- you've used her expressive quality to good effect.
Thank you! Yes, she has a sweet expressive face. I still have to render her out more to see the possibilities, but instead I was trying out a G8.1 dress on her, so I could send her to a ball. The G8 outfit fits on G9 aren't that great even with the usual tools, but it'll have to do.
Sylvia in a ball gown
Does someone know how the artist got this skin tone, on this render for the Forest Skin ? Is it just lighting or did they tweaked various surfaces settings ?
I find the default settings a bit too dark and wanted to know how to get a similar result.
Try lowering the Translucency on the Skin/Lips/Nails surface (or whatever it's called on G9). You'll first have to click on one of the other surfaces to see the default setting. I'd lower it .20 for a start.
Thank you
Beautiful renders! Great job! Sylvia has been one of my all-time favorite DO releases!
This is a link to a simple Sylvia (& Tara 9) SF render I posted in the Render Your Buys thread. (I didn't want to upload it twice.) Forest Sylvia is out of the box.