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Stacking - you have to buy new stuff from several sales and have some of the other items in your wishlist and probably have tokens and Daz+/Premier coupons. This is my guess.
A new item from here to get 50% on five wishlisted items:
One from here if you're Daz+ or Premier to get a 20%/30% extra discount on non Daz Originals if you want to buy PAs items (otherwise, I don't think you need an item from today to benefit for the better discount on DOs):
Any items from either selections of featured artists will get a 65% extra discount due to them being in cart with an eligible new item.
And if you are interested in at least three from yesterday offer, you can get a 70% discount on them (you don't need to buy a new item from yesterday's sale):
Calypso 9 Pro Bundle in my Lightning Deals. With one token and $6 DO coupon I could bring it down to $18.16 (after tax).
But do I really want that bundle?
The answer is likely: if I have to make that decision in less than 2 hours and haven't checked out yet, the answer is probably no. But it's worth noting that it's a great offer, and in the pre-price hike and pre-Premier times I would have probably just gotten it.
My 2 cents: Coral is the better mermaid. I'd rather have Coral and Zale bundles, even if total cost is greater, than Calypso. I have the megabundles in WL, awaiting the time. YMMV, of course. During MM I had Zale megabundle pop up in LD for ~$13 without a coupon. I don't remember why, but I didn't grab it. Still bugs me! Oh well, always another sale.
On Calypso's behalf, nice extras with the ears, pointy teeth, etc and she reportedly blends well to make both males and females. I'm weighing whether to grab her character bundle before my Premier runs out. Really want to see what happens in the next week or two, though.
For mermaids, I have wonderful Sickleyield's set for G8, and if I ever actually need mermaids, I have the G9 set wishlisted. I used to have Coral and Zale on wishlist, but in the end, the SY's mertails are all I need.
I ended up passing on the bundle. Out of all of it, what interested me the most were both hair models, but the rest was on the meh side, and Calypso herself just looks too young for my general needs.
Still, for someone who wanted Calypso, it would have been a good deal, I think.
Oh, I forgot about SY's mertails... Thanks for the reminder! *Goes on the WL* I can see passing. Calypso does look very young! If I get her, I'm banking on that blending aspect to help. I still like the other two bundles, especially Zale, and I know they'll appear favorably at some point. So, it's all good!
Just an observation and maybe something to consider, a young looking mermaid could be useful in group scenes
Is Sue Yee the only PA that still makes stuff for G8? I think she has a monopoly on my business now. Not that i'm complaining, her stuff is good quality, but I'm surprised no one else is making stuff for G8 anymore. Even my favorite hair creators have all abandoned G8. If she can do it, obviously other PAs could, so not sure why they are choosing not to provide fits for G8 and giving up sales. Last I checked the majority of Daz users are still on G8, something like 55 to 60 percent according to surveys I've seen on other sites.
Also, my lightning deals never seem to stack for anything I want. I've yet to buy a lightning deal in 2 months. Seriously, everything I don't want will stack for 84% or more. Anything I want is always a flat 60% off. Supposedly all Daz Originals should be an extra 60% off right now, but none of Polish, Mousso, or XI joint Daz Originals are stacking. Is this correct or are they being accidentally excluded from this sale? I've had stuff from all 3 of them that I have been wanting for months now but the prices never stack for me.
Good point!
It'll be because G9 is selling. I've seen some of those surveys/discussions on other sites and a few things:
Aeon Soul is also still making G9/G8 products (one is split by generation, but the rest include both) .
Go to and then use the Figure filters, you'll that they are still PAs supporting G8, in almost all categories.
Not all DOs has the 60% extra discount: thousands of them are not included in the current 60% sale.
There are more artists that do dual G8/9 but Sue Yee has definitely been most consistent here:
- Chris Cox - most new releases are dual G8/9 and includes a lot of morphs for manipulations. Did some exlusive G9 in past though.
- Aeon Soul - excelent quality and features but very pricey and often split into bundles,
- Linday - high quality and mostly in pricey bundles,
- SIlver Moon - mostly swimwear,
- Fabiana - jewelery,
- MoonK-TG - fantasy clothes,
- X-Fashion - sometimes does dual G8/9,
- Zeddicus - pose packs - most are dual, but not always,
...this week brings another generic sci-fi hallway free-if-you-pay-for-membership.
Wow, I tell you. Wow.
yeah, I really miss all those nice plants we got in the past... and the nice sci-fi drones/vehicles...
And the pools. Don't forget the pools.
...though the plants I might theoretically someday use, even if I didn't need nearly that many of them. (Several herbs I would've loved, like chives, but no such luck.)
I suggest to stock up on Stonemason today. It feels like theft, but I got most of his stuff at 95% - which means I spend some four times of what I ever planned. Nifty. Also got the Jenny HD bundle for <$4. Quite some stackings - as I did not included todays new item it may be that these also worked before but just escaped my notice.
when you all talk about how much you saving, why not explain how you got it there so others may benefit from the windfall. Not just you specific @DasTri, but everyone. I see so many of these posts.
Yes, please! Because often, several posts down when there's an explanation, I realize I was beating my head against a wall trying to get prices I wasn't capable of getting because I don't have tokens, $10 off coupons, or Premier.
Yes, and even when I have all these things, I still can;t get the prices down to what others are getting. I also dislike cart jenga a whole lot. It's a serious waste of time. Call me lazy or whatever, but I thank all of you that will now describe you got these fabulous savings.
It's the same method as yesterday, with tokens and maybe a coupon to get at least five of them around 95%:
I'm still not getting that much off using a coupon and 8 tokens. This is what usually happens to me. I see 95% and I'm always around 87-89%. Still good but not good enough
My main problems are, that I don't have enough funds available to spend enough to buy five items... and #2 is, that there's rarely more than one or two items I would be ready to pay for anyway
Right now, there's two DO items on my wishlist... and nearly all other items on it aren't in any sale so they show a 0% reduction, which makes a 50% off offer less intressing..
They probably are in a sale. Not everything in a sale at the moment has a percentage off sticker. Try adding them to your cart - you never know. Figuring out what sale they're in and therefore how you can get the price down further with stacking isn't clear either.
Sorry, will try to repeat that (and remember it for the next time):
Example Temple Pool: Normally ~30.95
Stonemason is at -50% overall, so $15.48
"New Goals" Featured Artist Stores of that day says: 70% off‡ 3 or more - so add another two to get it down to 9.29 at 70%
Holiday Flashback Sale: Add any “New Me” New Releases to get it down to $3.25, 89% off.
>(that “New Me” gets reciprocal cheaper with a "Flashback" buy, but that does not affect Stonemason).
Everyone saves Like Premiere: buy an "Everyone" New Release to get it down to $2.28 at 93%
Now add 8 tokens to bring it down to $1.60 at 95% off.
As you have to go for three buy-ins this only pays off if you load up on them. I paid some 30 for the buy-ins and around 100 on Stonemason that I would not have bought otherwise. All that I WOULD have bought at higher prices I already did.
thanks. pretty wild how thing add up. I've found that just adding different buy-ins change up the overall pricing, sometimes by a bunch. I'll give these a go and see how much more I can get off. I'm ptryy good right now though with only 1 buyin. The lowest priced one I could get, even though I can't use it as I don;t have the item its used for, I bought Agent Jones Fit Other Boots | Daz 3D , but it still saved enough.

Right now at total 91% off using PA coupon and 8 tokens. I have a few DAZ+ items, 5 from my WL, and a couple more thrown in to fill gaps. 17 items total. Wow, it is necessary to write down where you got what, that's for sure. So many possibilities and I wouodn't be surprised at all if this can be improved. Here I'm whing about getting descriptions and then I drop the ball first show. Sorry. .I think it closely mirrors what @DasTri stated overall.
That would be a great thread ... how to get most bang for your buck.
>Will I ever render this stuff?
Is that a serious question?
If so, I would put my money on "No". :-)
I can spend a day with 20 renders on a single item without coming close to exploiting all possibilities, especially with environments or characters. Then there is the option to use characters in interaction, within environments or using props, which roughly multiply the options with the number of options each item that you use MORE in a scene. At 40 items owned and three items used in a scene that would be ~59000 options BEFORE variants within a scene. Those looking here probably rather have 4000 to 40000 items. It is statistically next to impossible to render "this stuff".
That said, I even spend most DAZ time building own stuff, eg. a telescope (linking two lenses built in blender) that magnified a character by around 5 times at around 100 virtual paces, or creating rooms with all the nice shaders around and experimenting with lightning. Buying stuff is more showing appreciation for the artists then any real need. Naturally I could also show the same appreciation by buying ONE Stonemason article at fullprice rather then 20 at 95%, but somehow the little collector in me thinks otherwise.
Somebody here once said buying DAZ and using DAZ are two different hobbies. I agree.
Stopping the rant now and waiting for the next sale. There's aways another sale...
No need to put those 68 items in my wishlist in the cart... two are in the DO flash sale, but without any further % off they are way more expensive than I'm ready to pay for them (yes, the ~70% off don't do it for me for really old items...) For the rest I only have to check the "50% or more off" PAs, as anything with a "buy some (G9) item you don't ever need to get some extra % off" is a no-go for me, and none of those PAs are in my wishlist... So... nope, no deal for me right now. No problem, though, as I got some nice deals in December and didn't expect to spend much (or anything) until the next BIG sale event anyway
unless a Lightning (Deal) hits me, of course 
The thing is, it's rather hard these days if you feel like maybe spending 20 dollars or so on new 3d shinies, because prices only move into the affordable range once you spend at least 40 or 50 bucks. The WL sale running right now is a great example. I've had 5 things for that sale in my cart for days now, and I do like their prices; but I don't want to have to spend 10 extra bucks on the buy-in that I wouldn't normally buy at that price, and that I will probably not use much. More generally, I just don't want to keep spending 50 dollars or more with every cart here, it's just not sustainable.
When I see that the cart price is more than I'm willing to pay, I clear the cart. Then I try to remember what I had in the cart. Usually I can't even remember much of it. I decide that means I didn't really want it that bad.