There's Always Another Sale Thread -- Discussions Only Pt 4

in The Commons
This discussion was created from comments split from: There's Always Another Sale Thread -- Discussions Only Pt 3.
Wow, Christmas Day is a total bust for me. Already own Nikolai bundle and G8 starter bundles. Nothing else really on enough of a sale to use my tokens on. Oh well, a nice break from spending money.
In fact, it included Pro bundle, so I had to buy a gift card without a discount because I didn’t have enough points. It wasn’t the best deal, but there were so many things I wanted today that were at extremely high discounts. Maybe I’ll see the same thing in a few minutes. Discounts and promotions, even gift card discounts, maybe not, I don’t want to gamble anymore and just want to have fun, so I choose to buy, I will be smarter next year.
Ok, look at that price now, I'm glad I bought it last minute.
...did you also use tokens or purchase a Debut or Still New Release?
The price for each on the sale page was 9.80$ for the Rococo Bundle and 5,98$ for The Rift respectively (before the theee punches I had were figured in). Apparently a few of the PA items were discounted to 80% off the full original price on Wednesday.
The actual total cost in the cart for both together (with the punches) came to 10.27$
Todays more or less free presents:
Sophia for G8F (SKU 61755, Base Price $ 19.95) came for free (as expected) and just $ 2.99 would have got me the dForce Tres Chic Outfit (SKU 82931, Base Price $ 20.95), which wasn't a surprise either.
Too bad, that there seem so few non-figure products among the DO items in the price range I could choose from. Ah well, one can never have enough pretty girls that are ready for doing about everything available, right?
So bothersome. This morning, for giggles. LD said "here, Torquinox! Have the for 90% off." Um, ok. Thank you. Demon horse with wild wings, flaming and spectral goodness, more(!) weapons, etc. Sounds good to me! (digs out premier coupon, gets pack for 98% off). But! BUT!! this so-called pro bundle does NOT include Daz Horse 3. I knew that, and now I have to get Daz Horse 3 to make full use of the bundle. And yesterday was probably the day to do that, but I didn't because I didn't expect to have the 4 horsemen bundle show up in LD. Figures!
I also picked up because it looks good (cheers to Sickleyield) and it got me a token.
This is my bet: There will be a weekend catchup sale. Xmas is over. I have some money to spend on content. I'll power up my punches from now 'til Saturday and get a few more tokens. then on Sunday, I'll shop a little - Hopefully get the horse and some other treasure. Then we'll probably be on to Customer Appreciation Sale with that % off based on how much we spent diring the preceding year. As an added bonus, maybe what's left of the advent calendar will actually be something good instead of the junk it served over the last few days.
Hope the rest of you are enjoying the holidays and doing well.
I had answered this a bit ago and it must have gotten lost in the thread it was a long answer. Can't redo it all, but short anser is: Yes, I had 3 punch and 8 tokens.
For the first time in quite a while I see some moderately priced items in the Debut New Releases. At least today there's a lower buy-in that will trigger other discounts.
Please can we have a good gift card sale 20% discount or greater with no buyi)n. Please, please.
I was hoping for a good gift card sale for Christmeas; but no such luck. My store credit is now down to less than $2 and I need a good gift card sale before I can consider buying much more.
My store credit is down to minimal amounts also; I'm hoping to restock for a New Year's sale.
This is weird. already had a heart on it like I'd put it in my wishlist already but showing as being released new today. Was it briefly released previously?
So true.
I often laugh at the advertising blurbs. I don't care what personality you gave them; I'm using them for someone completely different. And I equally don't need to be told they can be anything I want them to be.
If there are specific textures/morphs included for something (horror, cyborg, fantasy, whatever) then it makes sense to say something about those options... but even then, that's not a personality. It's just morphs/textures to facilitate a beyond-regular-reality genre.
Well, there's no readme, so we can't see any release date.
But there is a readme for the included Pallas character and that shows the release date as 26 December 2024.
ETA: On the other hand the SKUs of the included products are much lower than those of current products. Maybe it is some kind of rerelease ?
well that explains the weirdness I reported in the ongoinger thread with
they are not on the first page as not new, I just must have missed them and paid no mind to that bundle
Sales, sales, sales. The end of the year is upon us. Starting 1 January, its free and the use of my 2 $10 coupons. Then back into no membership mode again, at least until the huge sale twists my arm strongly. Why do I kid myself? I bought 122 products since 1 December, which is pretty many really. I think that includes the free hoiday offerings, with a couple more of those to come, but I skipped most of them on offer.
According to my Product Library I got it on 2023-11-02 5:11:35 PM
I had the same thing with which has been sitting inactive in my wishlist for quite a while.
Finally X-mas is over, but the more or less presents come rolling along.
Today it's a free Anae HD (SKU 72337, Base Price $ 19.95) for me, and a slightly less Fraiz Hair (SKU 90673, Base Price $ 24.99) for $ 2.99. So from my point of view, the number of wishlisted items eligible to be "really free" presents for me, has been now reduced to four, with four days left, I expect (or at least hope) to catch them all. The non-free-of-charge "presents" will be random now, as I don't have any eligible left on the wishlist. Might try for something later, but maybe not...
Still wishing for a gift card sale. Please.
It's possible they're keeping the gc sale in the same locked box as the good flash sales
they are spending money better on the heat
...thanks again, yeah, I've had that happen as well
So today I find the RSSY Character and Material Conversion Genesis 8 to Genesis 9 Bundle (76$ value) priced at 24.32$ which with my three punches comes to 15.81$.and using 3 of my 11 tokens brings it down to 12.96$. Very tempting. This has the Conversion and Material Suit scripts for both genders. The scripts also allow for converting custom characters as well, however not sure of all the morphs from add on morph and shaping content like the 200 Plus Morphs, Breast Control and skins created with Skin Builder 8) would transfer without already having the G9 versions. I'll have to check on that.
Had I been faster a bit faster on the draw Wednesday I could have picked the bundle up for even less on as it was on of the items ludicrously discounted to 86% and with three punches alone would have been 7.90$ (unfortunately I was away most of the afternoon and evening at a friend's place for the holiday so didn't have much time shop that morning, also the items I did buy were on the wishlist which I usually check first)
Would like to see an XTransfer script to transfer G8 morphs to G9.
Still a pretty tempting price particularly as I have to use a few tokens before losing them.
I believe that today's been the first day of this sale that the $2.99 item offered to me was not in my WL. And I'm also quite doubtful about the overall value of the offer, considering the base price of the item.
Luckily, the free item was in my huge WL and has a higher base price, so picking it over the other has been an easy decision.
And today's time-sucking marketing idea is...
(spins wheel)
A grab bag where the number of items you pick out of a curated selection determines their price.
....and the curated selection is over 16k items.
I guess you could put the first ten in your cart, then start dropping WL items in and see if they match or not?
..i.nteresting the 2.99$ item on the calendar was one I added on yesterday.
Finally an updated twin briad hair similar to the old FK Twin Fair Hair for V4 that I have been using and fitting to the various Genesis generations for years. It's for G9 but polygonal rather than strand based so it should work for manual fitting on G8F characters.
Oh, and Went ahead and hit the purchase button on the RSSY G8 to G9 character and Material Conversion Bundle (read the product thread on the PA Commercial Porducts forum), I also added the B.E.T.T.Y. Fashion Tote Bags and the final cost for both was less than just the Conversion Bundle by itself .Once in a while, a buy-in more than pays for itself even for us more "frugal" types..
So far this sale is up there with the recent PA sale as anything over 1$ keeps the punches alive and that really helps.
Grab bag with a set price that ignores any punch cards. Oh and is a massive list of just endless stuff.
Sure don't, not even going to click on that category.
It's still "that time of the year", where one gets either happy or depressed depending on which presents one receives.
Mine today were 50% expected and 50% (an expected) surprise (if that is possible). For free, I got one of the last wishlisted products: Celeste for Teen Raven (SKU 63387, Base Price $ 19.95). And I was supposed to pay $ 2.99 for Kin's Fun in the Sun Bundle (SKU 88502, Base Price $ 27.99, outside my expected BP Range), which only contains two items I don't yet have and four that I already do. Makes the choice even easier than the fact that free is always better, for presents
I might get tempted to test SilverGirl's idea from above...
Waste of time. Filter price high to low. Look at the highest price item and how many there are. It's $29.95 msrp. There are some, if you want them, but price for 10+ is $3.99 each - Gotta spend $40 to get 10 of those and no other discounts apply. Is that a good deal? IMO no. And as you go down the list to lower price items and/or buy fewer items, the deal gets worse. Thus I pass on this grabbag without another thought.
Kin bundle offer is crazy - 4 of the 6 items have been on the freebie page forever! I got stylized warrior woman for free. Could be fun - Lots of makeups and tattoos. Was on my WL, so I was interested at some point. It's a remarkable step up from what I got on some days. Not complaining. And it looks like my bet is paying off. Loads of stuff on sale, will have peak punches and at least 3 (maybe 4) tokens tomorrow. Prices are already looking more favorable. Hopefully, I'll reap the real rewards tomorrow. But as previously noted, still no GC sale.
I tried, and it seems not to work with NEW items and for items that are discounted for other reasons, the Grab Bag doesn't get used instead of the other deal. So some 50% off deal stays at that price. Except for the DAZ+/Premier discount, it seems.
Fun fact: some items that have a base price of $ 6.00 and get reduced to $ 3.90 with Premier end up in the shopping card with a price - *drumroll* - $ 5.99 and go down to $ 3.99 when you put ten of them in the bag... so... seems like another great deal
Yeah, I could have got ten+ items for $ 3.99 each with reductions between 80% off or more for each item. But I'm not able or ready to spend so much money, after buying in for punches a whole month long already. So, thanks, but no thanks DAZ - maybe give a deal without such a big buy-in next time?!?