OT: Request for my dad

3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
edited February 23 in The Commons

Let me preface this by saying: If this type of thing is not allowed here and the mods need to remove it, I would totally understand and wouldn't be mad.

I'm asking for your help. My Dad, Ralph, had a heart attack. I'm reaching out to this community that I've been a part of for many years and asking for prayers for him. If you are able to, please pray for him! He has been unconscious in the hospital for a week and has had multiple emergency surgeries. Please pray for healing for his heart and for guidance for his surgeon, doctors, and nurses.

I've experienced enough in my life to know that prayer can be, and often is, very powerful. So please, if you can, pray for my dad.

*Update 01-28-2025: He's still in intensive care and unconscious. He's had two stints in his heart that collapsed, they were able to reinflate one. The second one they've not been able to get to open up. Please keep praying for healing for his body and heart. Thank you guys so much for praying for my dad. He means so much to my mom, to me, and to all his kids and grandchildren. He's the best dad I could have ever asked for. Please keep praying for him!*

*Update 02-01-2025: My dad is still in intensive care and still unconscious but he's making a little progress. The right side of his heart isn't working right so please keep him in your prayers! :) Thank you so much, you guys. Your prayers mean so much to me and my family!*

*Update 02-04-2025: My dad is conscious and is responsive and talking! They were able to remove him from most of the IVs and remove the breathing tube. He's groggy and weak but he's breathing on his own and he's much improved. They are now discussing starting him on physical therapy, which is great news! The prayers and support you guys are giving is awesome! Please keep my dad and his recovery in your prayers. And please pray that he uses this time and second chance to get right with the Lord. Thank you, so much, for your prayers and for your support!*

*Update 02-13-2025: He's now in a rehab center. He REALLY wants to go home but they want to try and get him able to walk before he can go home. It's slow going and he's struggling to even stand. He and my mom (who's about at her wit's end with everything) could use your prayers still. I'm thankful that he's out of the hospital but we're really praying that he'll be strong enough to leave the rehab and go home soon. Please keep up the prayers! It's an incredible blessing and I believe that it's been helping! Thank you, guys!*

*Update 02-23-2025: My dad is still in a rehab facility but he's been walking a bit better and the hope is that he'll be well enough and strong enough to go home in a few days. He hasn't been home since he first went to the hospital a month or so ago, so he's very much looking forward to being home. The continued prayers for the healing of his heart and body (as well as prayers that he uses this time to get right with the Lord) is very much appreciated!*

Post edited by 3Diva on


  • Many prayers for your dad!  My heart goes out to you-my dad was in the hospital last year for another issue and he's okay, but it was a truly scary time.  Things got worse before it got better.  Be there for him as much as you can, it will help.

  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    Thank you! Yes please pray for him. I don't know what my mom would do without him.
  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,907

    I feel for you and your mum, sending lots of good, strong thoughts your way. Hang on, don't give in to despair, my own dad has five bypasses, and he's doing just fine at 86 years! The universe sees you and holds you all.

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,940

    I will.

  • Fae3DFae3D Posts: 2,643

    Already said a prayer for him, will continue to.  Also praying for strength and calm for you and the rest of your family as well, I know times like these are horribly hard on everyone involved.  God bless!

  • I lost my mom in 2025, it'll be 5 years next month.  Her and my dad were married for over 40 years, and I helped him adjust to the massive change in his everyday life.  It's scary how quickly these things can happen and out of nowhere and the strain on him during that difficult time leading up to her death was beyond measure-I understand what you're going through.

    The best thing you can do is ask for the prayers and make sure you're there for him and your mom as much as possible, it'll mean the world to them and make a huge difference for everyone.  

  • Calliope23Calliope23 Posts: 536

    I will pray for your Dad and you and your family during this difficult time. I'm sorry you're all going through this, and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    yes  heart

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,713

    You've got it.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,343

    Sure, prayers!

  • SilverGirlSilverGirl Posts: 1,216

    Sending good energy for the best possible outcome, and for peace and strength for all who love your dad. May all that you hold holy watch over you all.

  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,515
    edited January 28

    I have prayed for him and will do so again. Much strength and the best energy for you and your Dad. May he be well with you again soon.

    Post edited by caravelle on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,129

    You've got mine. Wish your dad a soonest recovery !

    You know today is our Luna New Year's Eve and next year is the Year of Snake. Snake means healing, propitious, toughness and lucky charms... wish all these go to your dad and your family!

  • Silver DolphinSilver Dolphin Posts: 1,624

    I will pray for your dad Ralph, my dad just had double by pass surgery and prayer helps. 

  • Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,767

    Praying for your dad, and you and mom.

  • emanuela1emanuela1 Posts: 700

    Many prayers for your father, that he may get well soon and for your mother and you that you have the strength to overcome this difficult time. Hugs.


  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,230


  • 3Diva3Diva Posts: 11,749
    Thank you guys so much for the prayers and the wonderful words of encouragement! He is still in intensive care and unconscious. Please keep praying for healing for him.
  • Of course I will pray for him. And you, it's rough just wsiting/hoping/praying for someone you love to be healed.

  • NotAnArtistNotAnArtist Posts: 390

    We went thru this, too. I know what you're feeling. Our Dad was never the same, he lost too much. His musical genius as a concert pianist was fully destroyed. But we had that chance to help him and keep him entertained.
    If this Universe can hear all of us responding to your request, it will allow you and your family to have these opportunities as well. Take care!


  • RuthvenRuthven Posts: 659

    You and your all family have my prayers, and my strongest solace. Thank you for reaching out here and giving us the chance to keep our souls human.

  • ChuckMChuckM Posts: 139

    My prayers are with and for your dad and your family. As Ruthven has said, thank you for reaching out.


  • I have found that reciting Psalms 6, 13, 30 and 38 are very powerful when praying for health and recovery from illness--you may wish to include these.  Best wishes for the health and recovery of your father.

  • MeltMelt Posts: 3

    I am praying for your dad!

  • 3Diva There are times when we feel powerless, we shall gather to ask the sovereign God for help.

    To give strenght, comfort and hope for a better outcome.

    If you go to a church, ask the Pastor and the members of the congregation may join in the prayers.

    When there are more joining the prayers the better, the Lord shall grant this request.

    God bless you!

  • TorquinoxTorquinox Posts: 3,649

    I hope the best for your dad. These turns are never easy. I hope also the best for you, @3Diva .

  • Sending positive energy your way.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797
    edited January 29

    Hubby's Mom, Grandpa and great Grandpa were ordained ministers. So are we both, but we unlike them we are none practicing. We do pray daily and at all meals ands we too believe prayer works. We will include your father in our prayers. Stay strong for your Mom.

    Edit: @3Diva when two or more agree (M 18:19-20) prayer is very powerful. Pray with your Mom or with one or two others (hands held). If unfamiliar just google 'prayer when two or more agree' because your prayers will be earnest heartfelt and very very powerful.

    Post edited by ArtAngel on
  • DeeceyDeecey Posts: 153

    Prayers for your dad. Hope he's doing better!


    Sending Love and light and heartfelt prayers for your dad.  I pray that he gets well soon.

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