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There have been studies at Princeton that prove group focused thought (or prayer) can actually actually help in healing others. The more the better. So maybe go into Facebook groups and try to recruit more people to give focused thought or prayer to help him. I will send focused positive energy now.
Thank you guys for the suggestions and incredibly sweet support! I appreciate it so much! You all are awesome to take the time to give me encouragement.
My dad is doing a little bit better today. Still in intensive care but we're seeing some progress! If it's not too much trouble, please keep him in your prayers.
I'm glad to hear that your dad is doing a bit better. Sending positive thoughts his way and hoping he continues to improve.
I can emphatyse. Praying for your Dad....hope he will be doing ok and fully recover.
3Diva Don't lose hope!
The prayers of many people can do a big difference!
Do your part too.
I do not have links of support groups, I hope you can find them.
Praying for your dad to get better soon.
I will be holding your father, mother, and your family in my heart with prayers for all of your spirits and health.
Positive prayers to you and your family too. It is sometime hardest for those loved ones that are waiting for hope.
Diva this is great news! I can only imagine the intense relief and hope you are feeling right now. My hubby was in the critical care heart unit for 12 days because a PE, developed after back surgery that went thru the heart and settled in his lung. Complications post surgery has made my hubby classified and agreed by workers comp as 100% disabled and his permanent 100% disability was finalized & settled legally just late last year after a 15 year battle. If I could put time back I would and one thing I did that I should have done before things went south was arrange to stay overnight. I did stay in his chair overnight but not until after I ignored several red flags. For me when things went south it was always on the night shifts. This may be irrelevant to your Dad's situation but if things go a little south, if possible find out what time it happened. If at night, take turns and stay with him. The nurses have a ton of patients to care for and sometimes,the day staff experience can differ from the night staff. Some staff are learning/training. Not all, but most patients sleep more during the night. Some are too sick too push that button. Others healing and improving, while dealing with pain, are really, really great at calling for help. A nurse can only be one place at any given time. Just watch for red flags and if you see them or hear something worrisome, like the batteries are just low and that's why the machine is bleeping, than prayer may not be all you need to do.
I wish I could Heart the comment.
Lifting you and yours up to the Name above every name that is named in this age and the age to come.
Prayers for you both!!
You guys' comments have been a comfort and an encouragement! Thank you!
My dad is conscious and responsive, they where able to remove him from most of the IVs and remove the breathing tube. He's groggy and weak but he's breathing on his own and he's much improved. They are now talking about starting physical therapy for him, which is great news!
The prayers and support you guys have given have been awesome! Please keep my dad and his recovery in your prayers. And please pray that he uses this time and second chance to get right with the Lord.
Thank you, so much, for your prayers and for your support!
That is wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you and your family that things are looking so much better. I will of course keep praying, and will specifically pray for your dad's relationship with God. Thank you for sharing with us, and keeping us updated. It has been lovely seeing (as we have many times before) how kind and supportive the people on our forums can be ^_^
I agree, that is wonderful news! Glad to hear!
Great to hear. Remember to look after yourself. Thinking of you.
3Diva That is good news!
Keep going Strong, the prayers of many can do more!
Wonderful news @3Diva.
From my experience with my mother who had turned her back on her faith when she left home having been a PK kid. So was my father to an extent (deacons). Both decided to raise their children outside of a religion. But when she got lung cancer and was dying at 59, her faith became a strength to her as the cancer spread through her body and brain.
Your father might very well find some comfort in faith but understand that it may not be in a formal way. That is what I found when I had a near death experience at 20. I don't follow a 'faith' but a spiritual belief.
But take this opportunity to explore questions you may have about your dad and mom's childhood, young adulthood, relatives, ... that you may not have had a chance to ask before. Get to know them as adult friends, not just your parents.
That's wonderful news. I hope and pray that your father is getting better every day and that you and your family will also regain your strength. God is great.
I am so glad to hear he's doing better.
I am so glad that your is doing better.
I'm so happy your Dad is doing better, and of course I will keep praying for him.
I am glad that your father is feeling better and I wish him a full recovery. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
That's great new!
Hi all! I just wanted to give a quick update on my dad. He's been admitted into a rehab facility. He's barely able to stand so they are wanting to get him to a place where he's strong enough to walk before letting him go home. He hates it and he REALLY wants to go home, so please pray for strength for him and that he's able to get strong enough to walk so that he can go home.
Neither my mom nor my dad are sleeping at all. The facility is pretty noisy around the clock and both he and my mom are severely sleep-deprived and not themselves. So my mom could also use your prayers as she's just about at her wit's end. She's incredibly frustrated and losing her patience and saying things that I know she doesn't mean out of frustration and exhaustion. They need mental, emotional, and spiritual strength to get through this - so please keep praying for them. Your prayers have been a major blessing and I believe they've been a big help in getting him and our family this far. Thank you guys so much!
It's great to hear that and wish them all the best ! Be strong !
It's great to hear your Dad is doing better! Sorry to hear about the serious struggles your parents are having. These are not easy times for anyone involved. Sending hugs and prayers.
You are still all in my prayers.
3Diva, thank you for keeping us informed. I hope that my prayers for your parents will help them both regain their strength.
Your parents and you have all my strength and heart I can send to get through this period. Each exercise will get your dad back to the life he loves at home.
Do they have any sound-reducing headsets that they might wear with bluetooth and iPads or something they could listen to favorite music together or read books or watch TV?