Frustrating download issues between DAZ3D/DIM/DAZConnect: Install vs SmartContent vs ContentLib tabs

I currently have got 116 items in my Install tab. They ALL have that stenciled C with the triangle in their icons, which I'm assuming means they are downloadable via DazConnect--but since I want to minimize the mess DazConnect creates, I know I should only be using DIM to load them. [Just about everything in my SmartContent tab has that Stenciled C now since I needed to log in to download the Premier stuff]
According to their website pages here, they're ALL supposed be be loadable using DAZ Connect, DIM, or Manual Install.
According to DIM, they're ALREADY installed.
According to the Smart Content tab, they're NOT there.
According to the ContentLibrarry tab, they're STILL awaiting install.
Reloading them using DIM didn't do squat.
What The SixthLetter*, Over!?
Can this be fixed without REcreating the bloody mess that forced me to strip out EVERYTHING and start over completely from scratch, like I had to do several months back?????
Some of the sample items:
& 112 more....
Thanks in advance for any advice.
*precensored so Richard Haseltine doesn't have to
Bump remoived.
Just because theya re available to install via Connect doesn't mean you are required to - as long as the the product thumbnail is in colour then it is fine with the DIM install 9and if it isn't then something went wrong with the DIM install and that needs to be fixed).
However, in the Public Build the Downloadable-via-Connect icon will be hidden for items installed through DIM (or, as far as I know, for items manually installed if their metadata has been imported).
Sorry about the extra post, Richard -- that was another post about me finding some bundles that needed updating, but turned out to be a non-issue.
Yeah, the 116 I mentioned in the OP are in DAZ's Install tab, and they're all gray. They don't appear at all in Smart Content tab, and in the ContentLibrary, the items are grayed with "Install Abmoninable", "Install A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis", etc.
As I mentioned, in DIM's Installed tab, I had right-clicked the items, selected "Re-install packages", but that didn't do squat. Can you please provide instructions on how I might be able to fix them through DIM? Thanks!
That sounds as if the content directory settings are not matching between DIM and Daz Studio - where is DIM set to instal, and where is Daz Studio looking for content? Another thing to check, if you use Windows, is that OneDrive hasn't grabbed the files and moved them into its own folders.
Thanks Richard,
DIM is set to install the products at F:/users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
DS has the following:
cms cluster - F:/users/Panthera draco/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms
DAZ Connect - E:/users/Panthera draco/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ 3D Library (this currently has 31 items loaded since Feb 7, including the Premeir products that I had to use Connect for downloading and the bundles I mentioned above. The remaining 12 don't appear among those 116 awaiting installation. All 31 items are showing up in the Smart Content tab)
DAZ Studio Formats -
F:/users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
F:/users/Ryuu-Personal/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library (these last 2 under "Ryuu-Personal" had directory trees that were copied in
F:/users/Ryuu-Personal/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My DAZ 3D Library my OneDrive Cloud, but were empty -- I've deleted their presence in the Cloud)
Poser Formats -
F:/users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library
F:/users/Ryuu-Personal/Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library
When I got this new machine, I did have to wrestle with it a bit where it came to it wanting to install a bunch of mulch†* into the Cloud OneDrive. I'm pretty sure I was successful to keep it all on my local drives. This morning, I confirmed there was still nothing but the folder tree left there. Since reading your reply, I deleted even that.
† mulch -- "Mulching is a process of inbred fertilization which employs certain decomposed organic materials-- including, but not limited to animal sediment-- to blanket an area in which vegetation is desired. The procedure enriches the soil for stimulated plant development while, at the same time, preventing erosion and decreasing the evaporation of moisture from the ground."
*precensored so Richard Haseltine doesn't have to
F:/users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library does seem to match up. Can you see the content in the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats>My DAZ 3D Library? You should, by the look of it, have two such entries.
Yes, I think I'm seeing what you're saying I should.
Under the DAZ Studio Formats, I have the
For the Poser Formats:
Still, nothing to account for the 116 uniinstalledmissing items that DIM says was loaded but where D|S says are still awaiting to be downloaded. What items that do exist in those locations other than the "My DAZ 3D Library" in the Public/Documents, none of them match up to any of the 116 listed in the Install tab.
So there is no trace of those products in DS, even under Daz Studio Formats/Poser Formats? But DIM says they are installed?
That's correct. The only places in D|S where they're showing up (all grayed out) are in the "Available" subtab of the "Install" tab, the "Available" subtab in "Smart Content", and at the bottom of their respective initial letter's alphabetical listings in the "Products" database tree of the "Content Librarry" tab--that last bit, their labels are saying "Install {...Product Name Here...}".
You mentioned in your first reply that something may have glitched during their DIM installs. Hopefully, this is something that can be fixed if I knew how to properly uninstall and try again, maybe?
Right-click on one of those products in the Installed tab in DIM and select teh Show Installed Files command - where does DIM think it put the files? If you click the path are the files there?
For "A3 and H3 Shapes for Genesis":
( F:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library )
for Abominable:
( F:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library )
The files seem to be all there.
Well, those two don't have any user-facing files - they add new sliders to the base figure - so there is nothing to appear in any content pane.
Sorry about that. Looking through the rest, a lot of them seem to be similar morphs or something else that probably wouldn't have their own icon on display.
Although, I did find one of the 116 that is from DNA's Traveler. I have several Grasslands Foliage Volumes from him/her sitting in the Smart Content tab, so Volume #7 should also be there, but it's not. Yet, all the files are where DIM says they're supposed to be.
( F:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library )
And they aren't in Content Library>Poser Formats>My Daz 3D Library>Props>DNA_GrasslandFoliage?
Okay, those are showing up there in the Poser route, and they're clickable to put into the scene. Is that where those are supposed to be??
If so, then I'm rather confused. That would seem to indicate the others ARE in there, somewhere--just really, really, well hidden!
Yes, those are Poser Format items. You can always use the Show Installed Files command to get a list of what was placed where.
Well, that tells me where the files may be stored on the disk, but it's not as informative about how to access them via the application.
It's a little like I discovered this morning when I got Sickleyield's new Creature Morphs for G9--Several of the icons she has in the Smart Content tab for her product don't seem to do anything--and if they are, I'm not seeing what they supposed to do. Worse, I couldn't figure out how to access several of the tricks she made, like the digipad morphs---until by chance I stumbled upon the morph sliders within the G9 character. I was almost about to put in a troubleticket for it.
So, why are those 116 showing up as "needing installation" when nothing else is? Even in DIM, some of them are indicating they have additional meta-data awaiting to be updated, but some of them don't. A good number of them are the AniBlocks & AniMates products, which at the very least should be appearing in DAZ/Poser or somesuch. -- Speaking of which, I just found them in the "ContentLibrary/DAZ Studio Formats/My DAZ 3D Library" under Aniblocks/Animate....the ones "awaiting install" are there along with the stuff existing in the Start Content tab, but all their icons are the empty picture frames with the ⚠ symbol. Even so, I'm seeing they're able to act on figures loaded into the scene -- it's rather of funny watching the Millennium Dragon trying to do a catwalk routine.
If they have the download symbol and a coloured thumbnail then theya re not awaiting installation, they are just telling you that you could install them through Connect. That marker will be going away for items that are installed in the next update, the Public beta already has it hidden for such files.
With some complex products it can help to look at how they are arranged in the Content Library - right-click on a file>Show Asset In>[Virtual|Mapped] folder - as the folder arangement or instructional thumbnails that don't show in the category structure may be enlightening.
Then I evidently have multiple issues going on.
The Grasslands we just got through T/Sing have colored picture elements showing under the Poser Format in the ContentLibrary tab, where you had me look yesterday.
But there are other items with the cartoon "empty picutre frame" with the ⚠ warning sign that I mentioned in my last post.
And still others might exist as morph sliders in the figures for which they were made, but I haven't yet confirmed they're there or not.
For all three cases, I was getting the same symptom of the Gray Photo in the Available subtabs within the Install and Smart Content tabs
The grey product icons may mean that DIM simply didn't, ot couldn't, add entries to the database - you could try opening the Content Library option menu (the lined/"hamburger" button in the top corner), go to Content DB Maintenance, check reimport Metadata, and in the dialogue that opens check the greyed out but installed products.
The frame around an exclamation means no thumbnail, which may just be a product issue - if there is another exclamation at the botom corner then it means there is metadata pointing to that location but no file. With things like AniBlocks I think it will be no thumbnail, rather than missing content files.
Uhoh!---nothing of the 116 are showing up in the Metadata list....???
I confirmed several times just to make sure I didn't really deep affection* something up, sorting them by Product ID#s, jotted them all into Excell, and yeah--none of them are showing up in the Metadata list.
If this means what I think it does, then perhaps DIM glitched really bad when loading them. I'm guessing use DIM to unload, maybe clear them out from DAZ, then try again?
*precensored so Richard Haseltine doesn't have to
More likely they simply don't have metadata, some older products and things that were batch-transfered from other may well not.
So....I owe you a correction to my last post.
There was an additional item to show up on the Available list, when I picked up the "Job Site Radios" freebie last night, so the total affected products was 117 vs 116 this morning.
According to DIM, only 5 (including "Job Site Radios") of those 117 items had any additional Metadata.
Out of those 5, there are 3 that do show up in the "reimport Metadata" list (Subsurface Shader Base, Agent Jones Fit Other Boots, Job Site Radios) -- but 2 do not (Allosaurus & Above the Clouds for IDL Studio).
Reimporting the Metadata got 2 of those 3 moved to the Smart Content/Installed collection & are showing up in color. However, the "Agent Jones Fit Other Boots" got changed from the "Connect" symbol to a thing that looks like a small notebook with a "U". It's remaining among the cluster of 114 "Available" products and is still grayed out.
U means user (as oposed to vendor/store) data - there are older products that do that.
So, what should I do to start fixing these things?
Is the U stuff actually causing an issue? If not I would ignore it, though you could report it to Daz support (but I suspect this may be a low priority issue if it is not actively interfering with use).
At this point, they seem to be all stuck in whatever "install" mode.
I've still got to chase down if any of the morphs are actually loaded, and while the Grasslands were showing up in the Poser format collection, it's rather hard to ID those without any pictures showing up (although the animated functions seem to be applicable to figures in the scene). If it's just a matter of using DIM to remove and reinstall, that would be great--but if DAZ Connect is the only option, I might just have to live with it--after all, it's just 10x as much of the Premeir I've already loaded.
Try uninstalling and reinstalling one. Either do it without closing DS (and then right-click on the conent pane headers>Refresh) or close DS and wait a while before starting DIM - too quick a close and restart can result in the database not being available.
Thanks, Richard. I'll give it a try. Talk with you tomorrow.
Hi Richard,
Well, something is serious messed up with either DIM, DAZ, or BOTH!!
When I started up this morning, it looked like it was successfully cleaning up the "Available" subtabs.I took them in batches, like you suggested.
In DIM's "Installed" tab, I Uninstalled the items; moved over to the "Ready to Install" tab, clicked on the "...", and selected Delete. Then, in D|S, I deleted the items from the Product List in the "ContentLibary" tab. After giving both apps time to digest the mulch I did to them, I reloaded the items using DIM, and confirmed they were cleared out from the "Available" subtabs and were no longer grayed out & "awaiting install" iin the ContentLibrary for DAZ.
Everything was going well until I had only about 20 or so left to go. 1 of the items (Horizon for IDL Studio--sku#25894) failed to take, but still everything else was going okay. I was down to the final 11 and tried again with "Horizon for IDL Studio" in the batch, and that one failed again. So, with just 8 remaining, this time I restarted both D|S & DIM--only to discover that ALL 109 products ARE BACK in the "AWAITING INSTALL"!!!!!!
So if you double-click one of the products it tiures to isntall, rather than download? IDL Studio and its add-ons probably shouldn't appear in DS at all, they are Poser-only products as far as I am aware, so that would probably be why you had a "failure" there.