I hadn't gotten that far. I was just trying to get the list of "Avaliables Waiting To Install" cleared out.
As I said, it initially looked like it was working, and I even had all of the AniMate products showing up in the "Smart Content", colored, and looking ready to use. Then I shut down both DIM & DAZ, stupidly trying to get that Horizon for IDL to load--when I restarted the apps, EVERYTHING went back to grayed-out & sitting in the "Available". But yes, right now, it's wanting me to do installation--I guess via DAZ Connect.
I'm giving this one more go--this time I'm going to rip out ALL those problem children FIRST. Next, shut the apps down and wait 30 or so to give the databases time to settle before restarting DIM & DAZ, and only then, begin reloading the products--1 at a time, & confirm the bloody things are loading properly.
wish me luck.
Quick question-- have you been noticing the forum mulching out at about this time of the day for the last few days? Like, just a bit ago, this is like the 3rd or 4th day in a row this has happened. My local time is ~1649EST/2149Z
Yeah, it's Cloudflare--and damned inconvenient when I'm trying to type something and it gets right in the way--again!
So, I'm still waiting for that 30 to finish.
There's another matter. A very, very ancient Allosaurus product, SKU#1751 isn't showing up in DAZ anymore as "Allosaurus". It's appearing as "Product#1751" in "ContentLibrary". Evidently, it got replaced with another "Allosaurus" SKU#2295. DIM only let's me see the #2295 by that name, but the #1751 can't be found by any search that I know of.
Yet, I know DIM did the install into D|S, so the product souce file does exist....somewhere. The only info I might be able to use for searching DIM will be in my purchase list--the product was Vaulted long ago so there's no store page, plus the page iin the Documentation Center doesn't exist, either. I suspect there's a trick to use things like Product Numbers, but I don't know how to write it in the search field. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
I hadn't gotten that far. I was just trying to get the list of "Avaliables Waiting To Install" cleared out.
As I said, it initially looked like it was working, and I even had all of the AniMate products showing up in the "Smart Content", colored, and looking ready to use. Then I shut down both DIM & DAZ, stupidly trying to get that Horizon for IDL to load--when I restarted the apps, EVERYTHING went back to grayed-out & sitting in the "Available". But yes, right now, it's wanting me to do installation--I guess via DAZ Connect.
I'm giving this one more go--this time I'm going to rip out ALL those problem children FIRST. Next, shut the apps down and wait 30 or so to give the databases time to settle before restarting DIM & DAZ, and only then, begin reloading the products--1 at a time, & confirm the bloody things are loading properly.
wish me luck.
Quick question-- have you been noticing the forum mulching out at about this time of the day for the last few days? Like, just a bit ago, this is like the 3rd or 4th day in a row this has happened. My local time is ~1649EST/2149Z
If you mean Cloudflare gateway errors then that has been a long-running thing.
Yeah, it's Cloudflare--and damned inconvenient when I'm trying to type something and it gets right in the way--again!
So, I'm still waiting for that 30 to finish.
There's another matter. A very, very ancient Allosaurus product, SKU#1751 isn't showing up in DAZ anymore as "Allosaurus". It's appearing as "Product#1751" in "ContentLibrary". Evidently, it got replaced with another "Allosaurus" SKU#2295. DIM only let's me see the #2295 by that name, but the #1751 can't be found by any search that I know of.
Yet, I know DIM did the install into D|S, so the product souce file does exist....somewhere. The only info I might be able to use for searching DIM will be in my purchase list--the product was Vaulted long ago so there's no store page, plus the page iin the Documentation Center doesn't exist, either. I suspect there's a trick to use things like Product Numbers, but I don't know how to write it in the search field. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
Okay, I'm officially typing from the Twilight Zone!
I haven't even tried yet to download any of those 116 items using DIM-----But THEY ARE ALL BACK in DAZ STUDIO!!!!????
This is AFTER I went through and deleted ALL of them out of ContentLibrary! Restarting DAZ sems to have put everything right back where they were!