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I would say that it is not an original morph if it started with a morph package from Daz. You'd be better off selling it as a preset and listing the required morph package. It would only be original if you started with the base Genesis figure and created your character in Sculptris from scratch.
Genesis is able to use 4 default UVs, I believe - M4, V4, Base Male and Base Female.
It can also use K4 UV
Quick Q.
What about posting what dial settings were used? know sounds simple, still a doubt tho?
Say for kit-bashing non-Olympia figures with Olympia, and posting the dial settings used to do it.
As for the making a master dial, I'm still a tad confused, if not lost. I need to freeze the shape first??? is that anything like the OptiTex freeze that turns the item into a single un-movable static object (like a cinder-block)?
I read this as my computer was running a test render, and it went completely over my head.
Posting what dial settings were used, if it's a character you created yourself, is definitely okay. I ran a contest once where the entrants were required to do exactly that.
Posting what dial settings were used, for dialed characters that someone else created...I would think that you could only do that with the permission of whomever created the character.
Can't answer your last question as I'm not too familiar with the process myself...but I don't think it's the same thing as the OptiTex freeze, at all.
Sorry for the late reply, been digging around and distracted with dial combinations. I was thinking something similar, as some PAs use dial-spun bodies with z-brushed (or whatever) heads on a separate dial. At least the body and head is separate, and there are dials for them, at least. not complaining about that.
So, I've been trying to figure out how to easily isolate and screen-cap the settings I made to the figure, to match them up to a different base figure. With a master dial for the body and head, it's easy. For the evaluation-morph dial-spun ones (with no master dial), it's a tad, 'sticky'.
It's more of a brain-freeze if I had adjusted one of the dials, that the figure already invoked with a different value. I only have so much room on my desk for sticky-notes, lol.
freeze, so not the same. So this is not a process of exporting as a "cinder-block.obj" to another program, and then importing it back to studio as a "morph asset"?
:ohh: "morph asset"? :blank: ???
I tried that once with a d-form on a cube... and it didn't work, lol. I think that is many levels over my head, I don't even understand what the error text is saying, lol.
I am not trying to convert V4 shapes to G2F, I just want to gang up a couple of dials already on G2F... Assuming I can ever get that nose the correct shape.
you have a point. I may have to resort to making a custom "z-bruched" nose shape in Hexagon, and somehow exporting it as a dial (NOT an ON/OFF only preset) for G2F.
It's BC, and I need coffee to think this over. I wanted to be having fun making scenes in Studio, not making figures... coffee first.
(Yea, I messed some things up, fiddling with dials, again.)
It's that "tilde symbol" shape on the sides of the nostrils, and the nose tip-shape that have been defeating all my attempts thus far.
throw the morphs into a high hat, say the magic words and presto.
If that doesn't work, call hans klok ;)
Guys, what about texture maps... If I created a custom character that I'm intending to sell, Am I allowed to edit G3 base figure texture (say face map) to create a custom material and package it with my character?
No that is very definitely not allowed
Any texture you make to sell has to be made either completely from scratch, or by using a set which was sold as a Merchant Resource as the base for personalisation. Merchant resources be sure to read the readme document, as they will have stipulations as to usage allowed.
Thanks Chohole, This tutorial have been very helpful for creating custom characters' shapes. Now we need one that covers the basics of custom textures/skins. I've been reading many threads on this forum but I'm not sure I know how to start. I noticed that some people paint the skin on a 3d model directly (after exporting the obj to some 3rd party tool) but most paint the skin on UV's. what I have no Idea on how to do yet is extracting (or exporting) the mesh UV's. the texture atlas tool can generate "Painted UV's. I'm assuming that if I want to make my own skin I should be working on a plain unpainted mesh UV. and if that's correct, how do I unwrap the mesh in Daz?
An old thread, but a good one. Thanks for the insights.
Hoooo boy... ...That's a long one. If you want to paint your own skin there are a few ways. First, you can export it as a simple UV and use gimp to try and load it for painting. That's a bit haphazzard, mainly because it can be difficult to tell what wrap is where in a single image. However, you could export each selected section on it's own, painted or not, and save it for gimp. You only need half the body. Paint your texture over the top using layering so you can see everything by sliding opacity of the top layers. Then flatten everything and save it. Open each piece again, flip the image horizontally, save as a new file, and you've got the opposite side done. Import the textures over the old ones, export that as a full uv.
Possibility 2: There is a photoshop linkage through DAZ4.5. IF you have the latest CC, it can open 3d opbjects also. This gives you two more ways to work. You can send it to photoshop, and paint there in 2d based on the materials that get sent. You can also export an OBJ file, import to photoshop as a 3d, and paint all of it there. I haven't had much luck with the second method for layering, but I've seen others use it like it was automatic. My skills need work... Anyway... ...Pick your method and go with it.
Once you have the files painted, you'll want to copy the file structure of the base model, then input your own painted materials not a mesh, in with the paint shaders for the materials (not the uv) that came with your subject, mimicking the file structure and naming scheme. This will allow you to apply that to any model that fits the one you started with. Once there, if you have the skinning converter tools, you can convert your skin to any model you have a converter script for, but the results will vary a bit.
Make sure you match placement of external anatomy. If you dont it won't line up when you morph it.
As far as I understand it, the characters like Victoria 8 and Michael 8 are based on Genesis 8 Female and Genesis 8 Male and cannot be used independently. So it would be proper to say that V8 and M8 are just full body morphs of G8F and G8M. Therefore, when an artist creates a new character based on Victoria 8, in effect he creates a new morph based on another morph of Genesis 8 Female. So far everything is logical. However, when this new product goes to the store, it has a note that the product requires not just G8F (whch would be logical) but Victoria 8 as well. Why is it so? Let's talk about this beautiful product as an example - Margot for Victoria 8 ( ) Why cannot it work without V8 if it is based on G8F?
Obviously, there is some technical reason. Can you explain it?
this thread is 8 years old.
But yes, a morph built off of V8 as a base, will still work on G8F. It will still work, but it will not "look as intended" because the deltas will be off. Again, the morph will still function.
It does WORK without V8, but since the morph was built off V8 instead of base G8F, it won’t look the same without her.
Thank you very much for your replies, lilweep and Gordig ! Sorry, what are "the deltas"?
sorry was just a complex way of saying it. Was just referring to the change (delta=change) in the morphology between morphs.
Here's Margot with (left) and without (right) Victoria 8. She uses 35% of V8's head, and 100% of her body.
If the changes are great enough, then you'll quite possibly need to add corrected morphs for certain shapes and poses. Many changes don't need that - as long as you're adjusting the rigging to shape and erc freezing.
dial in your morph, find some fairly extreme poses: Sitting, Lieing, Twisting about: check careful once the poses are applied that fingers and toes and face features behave as expected.
I'm not ageist.
If folks have skills, abilities or a willingness to learn, then I'm fine with that.
Personally, I wouldn't tell an open forum my age - at any age.
Thank you! I got it! :)
Wow! Thank you so much for this demonstration! They look similar yet the difference is striking.
Quite often you'll see that a commercial character morph will have a custom sculpted head (usually in ZBrush) and a dial-spun body. Typically the store page (any store) will come right out and tell you that it requires a given base morph (Victoria 8) or a specific morph package (the base head and/or body morphs for that generation of figure, usually) to get the same results. Quite often, for child characters there will be a stated need for something like Zev0's Growing Up morphs.
Back before the Genesis series launched if it sais you needed V4, it really meant it, because generation 4 female *was* V4. Aiko, Stephanie and The Girl were all morphs of V4.
With Genesis, each generation has its own base and *all* the morphs, including the Victoria for that generation, are basically add-ons. And *all* the dial-spins and add-ons are *optional*. The figure will typically work without any of them, although any custom sculpts will be automatically applied by loading the character.
Like in the Margot example. The body and head shapes are different. but I suspect the facial features are from a custom sculpt and have been applied with the character.
Of course, when you load a commercial character morph, any of the required morphs which you have installed are going to be applied automatically too. You might get an error notice if you're missing one, but just click on that to make it go away. It's fine. Once your character is loaded, then you will probably want to select it and go check the "Currently Used' tab and dial out all of the morphs which came in with it to see what it looks like on the Genesis base.
And then you start doing your own dial-spins and build your own character to order. You can modify the custom sculpt with dial-spins as well.
Everybody has their own preferred method of working. I do a lot of illustrations using dial-spun characters so I just save a dressed "finished" (they often get further modified or re-dressed in use) as a scene file in a library of characters, and merge them into whatever illustration scene I'm building later.
A lot of Pa's use Zbrush for custom sculptured characters & some use Marvelous Designer for clothing content creation. Both software apps are not free though . If you can figure out the Blender's UI, I heard its pretty good for character creation as well. using a sculpting software other than Daz is the best way to avoid mixing in other folks morphs with your own and there for violating the EULA.
I have a lot of custom morphed characters i have done but i can't even give them away because they may have shared morphs by other Pa's. Daz PASS looks at those morphs packages pretty closely that have been submitted for sale.
Thank you very much for the clarification!

...I tend to have a large stable of basic character shapes to build off of as well as library of morph utilities, add on content and GenX2 for bringing older characters and morphs into the mix. I dial spin all my custom characters, doing a lot of "gene pool mixing" to create as unique a character as I can. I also have become fairly skilled with dFormers which I find are also very useful tools in certain instances.
As I become more skilled with Blender (8.2 finally gave us a pointer driven UI along with an icon/tabs structure which is a lot easier to work with than past versions) I will look into using its sculpting tools as Zbrush is way out of my budget..
ZBrush just released a free version with limited tools, but enough to make morphs with as far as I can tell, and is a lot more intuitive.
edit: I just double checked and it doesn't allow imports, but ZBrushCore definitely would work and is somewhat more affordable at $10/mo, but blender is free and also a really good option.
..ah looked at the recommended/minimum system requirements for Core and I don't use a pen tablet as I have severe arthritis in my right hand that has pretty much destroyed my sense of touch, steadiness, and grip. Also not sure if the subscription version is cloud based. OTOY went that route with Octane4 and working over a net connection has some drawbacks in my case given I have a somewhat unstable and not very fast connection.
Yeah Blender being "free" is a very good price however importing from and exporting to Daz isn't smooth (would love a "GoZ" Daz-Blender bridge). Hexagon has the bridge but not sure if more of the stability issues have been ironed out yet. Haven't seen a new Beta update in a while and still using an older version of the Install manger offline because of issues I have been experiencing since last year, so I have no access to Beta updates.
ZBrush is one of those programs which really demands using a tablet. I *have* managed to work in it with a mouse, but the tablet is what it was designed for and is not just an option.
...I had to give up painting and drawing because of my arthritis and I barely write anything by hand anymore as it is almost unreadable even for me. Lately I've even taken to wearing a wrist brace as if I move ny hand just wrong, it's like someone is poking hot needles into it.