MEC4D PBS shaders vol.2 -Released- [Commercial]



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    ARe there going to be brick shaders?

    I could definitely use your clever scripting/layering to 'small bricks replicated a lot look like crud'


  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Thanks everyone ! 


    Yes I have construction materials as well see bellow and many other






    view full size for details 

    ARe there going to be brick shaders?

    I could definitely use your clever scripting/layering to 'small bricks replicated a lot look like crud'



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  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    DAYUM!  NICE NICE NICE.  Are you going to do some bricks with some green moss on them too?  PWEASE?

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited March 2016

    Richard darling I am already finished with the shaders , left something for the next volume lol like for example moss smart layers hehe

    RAMWolff said:

    DAYUM!  NICE NICE NICE.  Are you going to do some bricks with some green moss on them too?  PWEASE?


    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    But you know what ? at last I have moss .. just not on the breaks lol  can be scaled up and use as grass

    RAMWolff said:

    DAYUM!  NICE NICE NICE.  Are you going to do some bricks with some green moss on them too?  PWEASE?


    1190 x 1080 - 842K
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    I can feel my skin itching from here!  ;-)~

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited March 2016

    LOL  , I just made some other tests replacing materials from the original .. used Breaks 1 and 2, oxides bronze , volumetric water , some stone shader all from vol.2 .. and set have new personal  look.. so easy making it your own when you tired of original 

    1920 x 773 - 804K
    Post edited by MEC4D on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045



    I was just experimenting trying to turn Stonemason's Greeble city blocks into a more industrial age (rather than high SciFi) look, and ran into the problem that tiling brick betrays a lot of artificiality. I ended up going 3DL (partly to highlight his Dirt 3DL shader), but I found myself really wanting to layer in some of the effects like vol 1.

    (I did, briefly, manage to do that by subbing in like you suggest, though it'd be a lot easier if I wasn't trying to figure out how to redo metals into brick)


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    Cath, I love what you did there.  I especially like the way the stairs turned out!

  • Squonk_99Squonk_99 Posts: 15

    Thanks very much for Volume 1. I am looking forward to Vol 2.

    Can I please ask that you create a Youtube video on how to apply them correctly when you get some time, for us rookies :).

    I can apply the base shaders but not additional ones.



  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Thanks, just quick 5 min work.. it can be done really cool, just need more time do adjust the precise scales and tweak 

    if you have the right maps, things get easy ..too small not good too big not good .. layered shader setup need to response to each other , it is easy to get lost in process especially if the base is metal .. I found out 2 weeks ago that I could make marble without using diffuse color at all , always a surprise on the corner :)

    I hope your experiments turns well out 



    I was just experimenting trying to turn Stonemason's Greeble city blocks into a more industrial age (rather than high SciFi) look, and ran into the problem that tiling brick betrays a lot of artificiality. I ended up going 3DL (partly to highlight his Dirt 3DL shader), but I found myself really wanting to layer in some of the effects like vol 1.

    (I did, briefly, manage to do that by subbing in like you suggest, though it'd be a lot easier if I wasn't trying to figure out how to redo metals into brick)


    Thanks ! just quick test but the stairs are indeed interesting , did not expected this look ..just by accident:) 

    Cath, I love what you did there.  I especially like the way the stairs turned out!


  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited March 2016

    Sometimes, accidents are one of the best parts of making stuff!

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045
    edited March 2016

    I was rather happy to find I could take 'corroded copper' and translate it mostly ok into 3DL.

    (And now I suppose I have to demonstrate... back in a bit)


    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    That's really great Cath.  I love all the brick work.  And yes the stairs came out perfectly! 

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    The principle of my shaders are the same as in 3DL it is based on diffuse/glossy/specular so it can be translated , but of course you can't render it  in an empty  scene ,  UberEnviorment is needed for that at last .

    here some quick cleaning of the last Stonemason set lol .. good bye homeless and  zombies  time to bring it back to people..... just kidding, used bricks , some concrete on top ...stones on floor etc.. 

    more tomorrow .. I am up here all day since early morning need my beauty sleep .. will catch up in the morning .. nite nite

    overthepass after.jpg
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  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Yes I will , will be ready before release.. thank you 

    c_ardizzi said:

    Thanks very much for Volume 1. I am looking forward to Vol 2.

    Can I please ask that you create a Youtube video on how to apply them correctly when you get some time, for us rookies :).

    I can apply the base shaders but not additional ones.




  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    For amusement, here's acid-splashed copper in 3DL (and original Iray).

    I ended up using a geoshell to capture the nice use of top layer.

    Took me a bit to figure out how to translate stuff. Went with Fresnel and colored reflection to capture the style of metal, there may be a better way to do it, but I think it worked pretty well!


    AcidSplash Copper.png
    1000 x 1000 - 1M
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Stop the teasing ... I promise to rip the days off my calendar so it will be mid-March ...!!!!! :)

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    SimonJM said:

    Stop the teasing ... I promise to rip the days off my calendar so it will be mid-March ...!!!!! :)

    These Poser/Dazstudio/Renderforums are corrupting me ...

    I began reading your sentence - and then I read "I promise to rip my clothes off ..."


  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    Now render it 3DL under Uber .. PBR is not just the material, it is also the light , it is about the balance between real light and surface , the real wold is not just a spot light in space unless it is very dark , so doing it for 3DL is possible but only when render in Uber Enviorment to get the optimal result of your setup .. 3DL is very much usable for a lot of stuff .. but not photo realistic renders ..technically not possible

    For amusement, here's acid-splashed copper in 3DL (and original Iray).

    I ended up using a geoshell to capture the nice use of top layer.

    Took me a bit to figure out how to translate stuff. Went with Fresnel and colored reflection to capture the style of metal, there may be a better way to do it, but I think it worked pretty well!



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045
    edited March 2016

    That IS with uber bounce light.
    As for 3DL and photorealism, you can get indistinguishably close to the casual observer. ;)

    Although peering more closely at the image, it looks like the Bump is reversed in 3DL. Hmm.

    I should try it in a more complex environment. I need to find something that has 3DL/Iray materials, so I don't have to tweak EVERYTHING.


    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547

    If is not to late, can I ask for "Tags" on shaders? When re-texturing old stuff their are very useful.

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    so where the enviorment ? lol  anyway , people got smart it is hard to fool them those days anymore .. I can't enjoy movies , always analizing special effects lol

    you use 17 years ago everything was setup as today in Iray, but some people needed render faster so they invented  things to fake it .. the era of magical raytracing rendering and it bring a lot fun .. now with faster CPU and GPU we are back to the begining .. simple is beautiful , you don't have to be matematitian anymore to do the job .. just good observe .. life got much easy .

    I was asked long time ago in an interview what is the future of 3D rendering and I predicted  that one day we just load things to the scene and magic will happen in  front  of  our  eyes without waiting over nights for a single shot..( some still do but the reason are less fast machines ) but the technology is here already .. now imagine next 2 decades .. we will make own movies in real time lol 

    and going back to the bump , it is normal mapping that is reversed bt the light .. normal map have directions so the program can read what is up what is down so 3DL light reverse the info thinking red is green 

    That IS with uber bounce light.
    As for 3DL and photorealism, you can get indistinguishably close to the casual observer. ;)

    Although peering more closely at the image, it looks like the Bump is reversed in 3DL. Hmm.

    I should try it in a more complex environment. I need to find something that has 3DL/Iray materials, so I don't have to tweak EVERYTHING.



  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    You are very late ... it is done already :) I take notes from the last thread  

    MBusch said:

    If is not to late, can I ask for "Tags" on shaders? When re-texturing old stuff their are very useful.


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    Kerya said:
    SimonJM said:

    Stop the teasing ... I promise to rip the days off my calendar so it will be mid-March ...!!!!! :)

    These Poser/Dazstudio/Renderforums are corrupting me ...

    I began reading your sentence - and then I read "I promise to rip my clothes off ..."


    Oh, you really don't want that ..!!!!! blushsurprisecheeky

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Hmm. One of the reasons I did the 3dl/iray example in a gray cube is to control lighting. I tried it with an environment and the lighting is wildly different between the two renderers.


    The short form is people should feel encouraged to experiment crossing shaders across renderers. ;)


  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    for people it is always good to  try  new things nothing wrong with  that my friend .. like you I spend years on experiments before .. so you can see the true potential 

    and btw I need to check something .. wbrb

    Hmm. One of the reasons I did the 3dl/iray example in a gray cube is to control lighting. I tried it with an environment and the lighting is wildly different between the two renderers.


    The short form is people should feel encouraged to experiment crossing shaders across renderers. ;)



  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547
    MEC4D said:

    You are very late ... it is done already :) I take notes from the last thread  

    MBusch said:

    If is not to late, can I ask for "Tags" on shaders? When re-texturing old stuff their are very useful.


    I am very happy to know that is done! You rock!

  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249

    And you are charming as usual  Mark :)

    what about wrapped aluminum foil .. inside and out ?  he he

    aluminium foiloutside.jpg
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    aluminium foil.jpg
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  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    MEC4D said:

    And you are charming as usual  Mark :)

    what about wrapped aluminum foil .. inside and out ?  he he

    Perfect, I can make myself a hat now .... ;)

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