Llola Lane's Song/Music/Story/Poem Inspired Render Thread... Join me if you wish!!!

Anyone interested on joining me for song/music/story/poem inspired renders thread???
I've loved making my renders inspired by songs since I first started working with Daz 5 years ago. Songs, music and stories are great inspiration.
Do I have any takers???
Here is the idea/rules.....
ANY 3D rendering program can be used... There is no time limit. Let's keep the art PGish please!
Renders CAN be posted elsewhere and the art does NOT have to be new... Do YOU have renders already completed??? Posting them here is ok too :)
Include the TITLE/ARTIST/AUTHOR of the song (You can include a link to the song if you wish)... the words (optional)... and which part of the song/story inspired you and why (optional)
Songs/Music/Stories/Poems can be ANY genre.
If you have any questions.. you can PM me...
This is JUST FOR FUN... ALL skill levels are welcome. I don't want to discourage anyone :)
ALL are welcome to participate. Now.. let's have fun!!! (commences rendering/posting)
Rendered for The May 2014 Render Contest: Lyrics to Pictures
"Up Up and Away" by the 5th Dimension
Up, up and away in
My beautiful, my beautiful balloon
my own sky, mountains and water plane
Rendered in Daz3d… signature done in Paint Shop Pro 7
I have done a whole lot of renders in the past which were inspired by songs. I guess you are probably wanting new ones?
Song by Johnny Cash from the album "Bitter tears"
The Senecas are an Indian Tribe of the Iroquois nation,
Down on the New York-Pennsylvania line, you'll find their reservation.
After the U. S. revolution, Cornplanter was a chief;
He told the tribe these men they could trust, that was his true belief.
He went down to Independence Hall, and there a treaty signed,
That promised peace with the USA, and Indian rights combined.
George Washington gave his signature, the Government gave its hand;
They said that now and forever more this was Indian land.
CHORUS: As long as the moon shall rise,
As long as the rivers flow,
As long as the sun will shine,
As long as the grass shall grow.
Yes please Cho.... I'll get mine posted as soon as I can upload my art :(
Misread your notice Cho.. no... they DON"T have to be new... Let's fill this thread up with some great colorful art!
Made this one for the New Users Contest back in November 2014, when the theme was >Turn Music into Pictures<. Maybe there will be more music inspired renders in the future ... ???
The Bangles - Walk like an Egyptian
And maybe get people listening to some Music they may never have listened to before.
I am glad you don't want just new ones, as I haven't been rendering much just lately. real life just went pear shaped on me with a vengeance, and I am still trying to get my mind straight again.
This was also made for the New Users Contest in November 2014 - Turn Music into Pictures
The Cure - Just like heaven
That's an awesome render MN... WOW... I remember that song (shows her age).. ughh
Cho... Please post whatever you have.. It's just nice to get inspired... as you said. ;)
FYI everyone.. I've added stories too... Now don't post the whole book.. Just the paragraph that inspired the render... Got it???
So... this thread is for MUSIC... SONGS... and.. STORIES/POEMS!
Dig deep everyone.. Just post 1 render per music/song/story/poem please...
This should be a fun thread for all to enjoy! Can't wait to see what you all come up with! Hugzzzzzzzzzz all around!
Afro celt sound system track "I think of"
Chuamar'na síos go inneall an chré / We went down to the engine of the earth
Chuamar'na síos go imeall an bhrí / We went down to the edge of meaning
Chuamar'na síos go preamhacha an tsaoil / We went down to the roots of experience
D'oscail mo shúil / My eyes were opened
D'árdaigh mo chroi / My heart was lifted
D'athuraigh an bhrí / All sense was twisted
Is dfháuraigh mé go buan / And I was left forever wounded
Cuimhnín ar mo mháthair / I think of my mother
Cuimhnín ar m'athair / I think of my father
Cuimhnín ar na déithe / I think of the gods
Cuimhnín ar mo mháthair / I think of my mother
Cuimhnín ar m'athair / I think of my father
Cuimhnín ar mo chéile / I think of my woman
Thanks for the translation Cho... WOW what a great song! (and render) Thanks for sharing!
Did this one a couple months back, just because. I think this is PG-ish enough...
Inspired by this particular ditty (there's a short scene just before the song) and I just flipped it a bit. (Although he couldn't have had that particular problem.)
"There are worse things I could do", from Grease, this particular performance by Vanessa Hudgens
Composers: John Farrar, Jim Jacobs, Warren Casey
Lyricists: Jim Jacobs, Warren Casey
There are worse things I could do
Than go with a boy or two
Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy
And no good
I suppose it could be true
But there are worse things I could do.
Thanks for the art VW... not had a chance yet to see the new LIVE version of Grease... You got me interested in a great show! ;)
Found the thread from May of 2014... Gonna post those too :) enjoy!
Rendered for The May 2014 Render Contest: Lyrics to Pictures
"The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
Near the village, the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight
Near the village, the quiet village
The lion sleeps tonight
various trees... shrubs... etc.
Rendered in Daz3d… signature done in Paint Shop Pro 7
Rendered for The May 2014 Render Contest: Lyrics to Pictures
"Lucille" by Kenny Rogers
And I closely watched him
I thought how he looked out of place
He came to the woman
Who sat there beside me
He had a strange look on his face
*PC ITEM(s)* http://www.daz3d.com/platinum-club-items/fw-lucille
Rendered in Daz3d… signature done in Paint Shop Pro 7
Rendered for The May 2014 Render Contest: Lyrics to Pictures
"Letter To Lucille" by Tom Jones
Somebody, please, if somebody will
Let them take a letter to my girl, Lucille
Let them tell her, Lord, how I'm missing her still
I think about her constantly
*PC ITEM(s)* http://www.daz3d.com/platinum-club-items/fw-lucille
Rendered in Daz3d… signature done in Paint Shop Pro 7
Rendered for The May 2014 Render Contest: Lyrics to Pictures
"Bicycle Race" by Queen
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
*PC ITEM* http://www.daz3d.com/platinum-club-items/summer-cazh
*OTHER ITEM(s)* http://www.daz3d.com/spring-of-76-bicycle-and-guitar-set
http://www.daz3d.com/giselle-6 (as a plain ordinary girl :) )
Rendered in Daz3d… postwork and signature done in Paint Shop Pro 7
Rendered for The May 2014 Render Contest: Lyrics to Pictures
"Fairy Tales and Castles" Pt. 1 by Chrisette Michele
Make the world like a dream
Make the world like a fable
Make the world like a story
Gold at the end of rainbows
Make the world like a dream
Make the world like a fable
The world like a story
Fairy tales and castles
*PC ITEM* http://www.daz3d.com/platinum-club-items/summer-cazh
*OTHER ITEM(s)* http://www.daz3d.com/giselle-6 (as a plain ordinary girl :) )
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/movie-sets-city-block-fifteen/100141 (Home11 by Dreamland Homes.... GOTTA get this person to sell at Daz.. looooooove their houses... they work great in Daz too)
Rendered in Daz3d… postwork and signature done in Paint Shop Pro 7
Rendered for The May 2014 Render Contest: Lyrics to Pictures
"New Boots" by Sputnik
bought new boots they look real good
look quite fine, yea, they should
*PC ITEM* http://www.daz3d.com/platinum-club-items/summer-cazh
*OTHER ITEM(s)* http://www.daz3d.com/giselle-6 (as a plain ordinary girl :) )
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/i13-shoe-store/102831/ (another great creator.. need to get them at DAZ too )
http://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/ankle-boots/100573/ (boots are for V4.. but with a little fitting I managed to get them looking ok on G2.. whew)
Rendered in Daz3d… signature done in Paint Shop Pro 7
p.s.... Tried something new with this render... did the render FIRST .. then found a song to go with it... LOL... Funny thing is.. the band is from Cleveland, Ohio... close to where I live!!! LOL... goes to show you.. you can write a song about ANYTHING!!! LOL
Rendered for The May 2014 Render Contest: Lyrics to Pictures
"Lyin' Eyes" by The Eagles
She gets up and pours herself a strong one
And stares out at the stars up in the sky
Another night, it's gonna be a long one
She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry
Rendered in Daz3d… signature done in Paint Shop Pro 7
Set fire to the rain
This was inspired by the Adele song with the same name.
Best viewed at full size.
Oh WOW.. it IS best viewed full size!!! Thanks for sharing reserv :)
A poem this time W H Davies, who was famous for writing very simple poetry
What is this life
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
or... SIT and stare... as in your render Cho... ;) The poem sounds familiar to me.. I'm sure I've heard it before... but not sure where or when though. Thank you for sharing it with us :)
Thank you kind host for reminding me of renders a few years past.
A site for posting that I hope will for the long term last.
These bring memories of new Vinyl LP's I held in my hand.
And that serves to remind me I am an old gray haired man.
Actually, I have book marked this and your writers site. I think they are both great and I hope I may be allowed to participate in both if and when I can.
Render for July Freebie Challenge 2010
Up Up and Away
The 5th Dimension 1967
Render for July Freebie Challenge 2010
Little Red Ridding Hood
Sam The Sham and the Pharaohs 1966
Who's that I see walkin' in these woods?
Why, it's Little Red Riding Hood.
Hey there Little Red Riding Hood,
You sure are looking good.
You're everything a big bad wolf could want.
Listen to me.
Render for July Freebie Challenge 2010
I Only Have Eyes for You
The Flamingos 1959
Oh deeleelaw57... those are wonderful. :) Thank you for sharing them with us.
I am hoping this thread will be around for the long haul. (Good lord willing)... I will do my best to be a good hostess and I welcome your art in both of my threads ;)
As a reminder everyone... This thread is for postings you haven't written yourself... my other writers thread is for original stories you've written yourself. Hopefully between the two I have everyone covered (winks)
Thank you all for your support... group hugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Not inspired by a song or a poem, but by the fantasy stories and games based on the world of Spellforce. Hope this fits as well to the theme of this thread?
Breath of Winter
Not heard of Spellforce before MN... just did a search... sounds interesting. Wonderful art!
Fine with me if ya wanna put your inspirations here... I'm gonna be easy peasy with this thread. ;)