Thank you all! It's one of my favorites. The music inspired the art, which inspired a novel. I'm hoping to find time to write it next year, as there are quite a few in front of it. I'm currently working on my third book. I find music helps me visualize scenes and art helps me visualize characters. It's all intertwined for me. When I write, I hear music. When I listen to music, I see stories. Characters often leap off the pages of the DAZ store (and the galleries) and I find myself building stories around them. Being able to manipulate them in 3D has helped hugely in the creative process. I just need to live to be 1000 to finish all this stuff!
I was goofing around with Stephanie 8 and did this one as a fun/indirect tribute to Tom Petty. I loved his music so much. I have a few more in the works:
"Learning to Fly"
And wow, some of these old videos are a bit creepy today:
I was goofing around with Stephanie 8 and did this one as a fun/indirect tribute to Tom Petty. I loved his music so much. I have a few more in the works:
"Learning to Fly"
And wow, some of these old videos are a bit creepy today:
Thank you all! It's one of my favorites. The music inspired the art, which inspired a novel. I'm hoping to find time to write it next year, as there are quite a few in front of it. I'm currently working on my third book. I find music helps me visualize scenes and art helps me visualize characters. It's all intertwined for me. When I write, I hear music. When I listen to music, I see stories. Characters often leap off the pages of the DAZ store (and the galleries) and I find myself building stories around them. Being able to manipulate them in 3D has helped hugely in the creative process. I just need to live to be 1000 to finish all this stuff!
Love this thread!
I hear ya sister! AMEN! lol
Together for Eternity
Inspired by this incredible AudioMachine song:
I love epic music, and this song also inspired one of the novels in my Black Kat series (not released yet.)
Another great song and a very lovely render.
good ones guys
very moving.
Some great music and totally amazing renders here!!!
<--is back from camping trip... Thank you all for keeping this thread going whilst I was away.
lets dance 3

This song
was in my thoughts as I made this:
Hey!! I think I know your dancer bigh, ant chance it has a friend named wall-e.
Very well done
It's more than a movie nattaruk, good music, great render and some very old late Saturday morning memories.
Just wonderful Bigh... (is booging)... Great movie shot Nat... Thank you both for sharing :)
thanks guys
Splish Splash
to cute
If your favorite color is purple this oldie is for you
cool render to old song
Ha ha, what great renders!
I was goofing around with Stephanie 8 and did this one as a fun/indirect tribute to Tom Petty. I loved his music so much. I have a few more in the works:
"Learning to Fly"
And wow, some of these old videos are a bit creepy today:
An artist I will truely miss. Learning to fly is a good song, your render is great and so fits the music.
OMG I have not heard this tune in years!!!
I love the render it is so the purple eater to the max!!!
Stunning render as always Llynara!!
R.I.P Tom Petty great tribute to him!!
Coming Soon
Halloween Night
wild one there
thanks i love the month of Halloween so colorful, fun and sometime spooky
The Last Song

great music and a beaytiful render