Is that YOU bigh???? The little guy is saying.. 'Love me or else!!!" lol
no not me - he and I have been doing videos for a long time, going back and forth - hope you liked it
Oh yes... He has a lovely voice. Got me all excited... lol. And the song is a long time favorite too. :) Thanks for sharing.... oh.. the artwork too.. ;)
Modelled my old CB rig in Carrara -- from the 70's
10-4 good buddies
Looks just like the one hubby had in his car when we met, before we were married. He and his buddies were always talking on that thaaaaaaang! lol. Came in handy though when we went on camping trips with the gang. Thanks for bringing back the memories Stezza_Carrara9
Such cool memories... Thanks Bigh.. Your dude is ready for the ladies ;) I was always a sucker for the lead guitarist.... or is that a bass? I can't see the strings... lol
Modelled my old CB rig in Carrara -- from the 70's
10-4 good buddies
Looks just like the one hubby had in his car when we met, before we were married. He and his buddies were always talking on that thaaaaaaang! lol. Came in handy though when we went on camping trips with the gang. Thanks for bringing back the memories Stezza_Carrara9
Not heard that song before Bigh... thanks for the new listen and your artwork goes great with the song!!!
Thanks, Liola Lane!
Is that YOU bigh???? The little guy is saying.. 'Love me or else!!!" lol
no not me - he and I have been doing videos for a long time, going back and forth - hope you liked it
Oh yes... He has a lovely voice. Got me all excited... lol. And the song is a long time favorite too. :) Thanks for sharing.... oh.. the artwork too.. ;)
the cure forest

WOW Bigh... That artwork looks like a photograph!!! Very well done... and not heard the song before so nice one ;)
OMG Bigh... Luuuuuuuuuuuuve the Cherry Poppin' Daddies... Perfect zoot suit.. I knew right way they were dancing in your artwork ;)... goooo daddy!!!
Great art bigh - not the best of The Cure, but they are fetting better. They have had 40 years to practice.
Cerry Poppin Daddies - Now that is my kind of music. Rock, Punk, Jazz and swing often rolled together. And the render is just to perfect.
Well Done.
thanks guys
Modelled my old CB rig in Carrara -- from the 70's
10-4 good buddies

love the models
Decent movie, good song, great job modeling.

Looks just like the one hubby had in his car when we met, before we were married. He and his buddies were always talking on that thaaaaaaang! lol. Came in handy though when we went on camping trips with the gang. Thanks for bringing back the memories Stezza_Carrara9
Such cool memories... Thanks Bigh.. Your dude is ready for the ladies ;) I was always a sucker for the lead guitarist.... or is that a bass? I can't see the strings... lol
Cool sound and cool render. It is a base guitar, it has four tuning keys.

Oh yes.. duhhhh.... (knocks self in the head) lol
A Horse With No Name
Oh Yesssssssssss Saph.. I love this song.. AND... I know all the words. Big hit when I was in highschool. eep.. yes... I'm THAT old.. lol.
love the horse
Good music nice render
glad you liked it for the memories
great render - nice music
SweetJezebel, Sweet Song, Very Sweet Render
thank you