Ack, finnaly got hit with the encrypted trap, LOL. Got caught in a buying frenzy and forgot to check whether it was connect only or not, Expressions for Aiko 7 and Genesis 3 Female oh well, a product I can't use because I haven't went with 4.9. Oh well it helped me get some good discounts, so I guess it'll be there in a year.
Yup, like I said when this encrypted stuff started, nothing new will be purchased ill just work on the wishlist. Im not going to bother adding encrypted to my wishlist either. It sucks that I wont be getting any discounts for buying new, so I guess ill be shopping less frequently. If this is a permanent shift then the PC+ wishlist items will go off the wishlist first. There will then be no reason to re-join pc+. Oh well, ive been spending too much money here lately anyhow. Im assuming then at this point that genesis 4 will be all encrypted. Thats ok. I realized just the other day that my video card probably wont hack genesis 4 anyways, so, more savings for me.
What does 'encrypted' imply? As in the problem with connect?
Is it about using the DIM and putting the purchases where you want?
Or are you barred from using them in poser or some other program?
Nope, it means there is (digital rights management) DRM protection; meaning that you could be locked out of content if it decides you should be. I am not aware of this happening to anyone as of yet, but DRM has a poor track record of looking out for customers.
Google DRM. There is a lot of stuff out there that will likely misinform you, but chose legitimate websites.
Why I don't like the term encrypted, it doesn't tell customers what they are getting; I understand why Daz do it, but it still isn't helpful.
Most products from Daz, are not DRMed; but almost all products have an encrypted component that has nothing to do with DRM; again it is confusing terming it encrypted connect.
DRM needs encryption, whereas encryption does not mean it is DRMed.
(sigh) I purchased FW Raymond HD for Michael 7 before realising that it was encrypted only. Beautiful looking ethnic male character!
Debating now what to do.....return it and wait a year or keep it and give Daz the false impression I am fine with encrypted items. I really like the look of him.
(sigh) I purchased FW Raymond HD for Michael 7 before realising that it was encrypted only. Beautiful looking ethnic male character!
Debating now what to do.....return it and wait a year or keep it and give Daz the false impression I am fine with encrypted items. I really like the look of him.
Really Daz.... (double sigh!)
I'd return it so DAZ doesn't get the impression I am good with DRM, just me though.
(sigh) I purchased FW Raymond HD for Michael 7 before realising that it was encrypted only. Beautiful looking ethnic male character!
Debating now what to do.....return it and wait a year or keep it and give Daz the false impression I am fine with encrypted items. I really like the look of him.
Really Daz.... (double sigh!)
Personally, return it; keeping it means you are ok with connect; when they analyse sales data, nothing says this person hated it being encrypted, only that they bought it.
And to be fair to those analysts, it only matters that you bought it.
What does 'encrypted' imply? As in the problem with connect?
Is it about using the DIM and putting the purchases where you want?
Or are you barred from using them in poser or some other program?
For me the issue is mostly that I install manually from zip, and organise content according to my own system. I do also object to some degree to DRM as such.
(sigh) I purchased FW Raymond HD for Michael 7 before realising that it was encrypted only. Beautiful looking ethnic male character!
Debating now what to do.....return it and wait a year or keep it and give Daz the false impression I am fine with encrypted items. I really like the look of him.
Really Daz.... (double sigh!)
Well, if you have no intention of putting encrypted content on your system, why keep it? It'll be un-encrypted in a year and probably be a whole lot cheaper as well when that time rolls around. Return it and use your cash for something else that dosent have drm. Just my thought.
Ugh uh. I'm about to become that guy. What exactly is the fear? That someday, a license will change and suddenly all your purhcased DRM content will be unavailable?
Or is this their fight against piracy? Are people somewhere in this vast internet(s) uploading/trading Daz products?
I never considered that, but I guess it is possible to have illegal products.
I thought consoles defeated that, but no, I hear you can get modern video games for consoles illegally.
I'm against that for music because I don't want to be limitede to iTunes (or whatever) to play MY MUSIC.
But I do see the dilemma.
a brief read says you can download all your stuff and not use connect. I do have my DAZ auto-log in.
So why not do that? And ALWAYS download a copy of whatever you buy?
What I don't like is Daz (like Adobe) basically, getting in my machine whenever I connect.
And I do know for a fact, they have a profile of your set up - when you connect to do anything.
After many months of no new DRM'ed products, sudddenly DAZ doubles down and *all* of the day's new products have DRM? I have no idea what DAZ is trying to accomplish, but such erratic behavior does not fill me with confidence. Usually a company wants to present itself as a solid, dependable partner with its customers. This does the opposite.
Ugh uh. I'm about to become that guy. What exactly is the fear? That someday, a license will change and suddenly all your purhcased DRM content will be unavailable?
Or is this their fight against piracy? Are people somewhere in this vast internet(s) uploading/trading Daz products?
I never considered that, but I guess it is possible to have illegal products.
I thought consoles defeated that, but no, I hear you can get modern video games for consoles illegally.
I'm against that for music because I don't want to be limitede to iTunes (or whatever) to play MY MUSIC.
But I do see the dilemma.
a brief read says you can download all your stuff and not use connect. I do have my DAZ auto-log in.
So why not do that? And ALWAYS download a copy of whatever you buy?
What I don't like is Daz (like Adobe) basically, getting in my machine whenever I connect.
And I do know for a fact, they have a profile of your set up - when you connect to do anything.
Never liked anything cloud.
To be fair about the process: You download the encrypted content through connect. It gets decrypted as you download/install it (for which you have to be logged in, of course, no difference to unencrypted content). The difference starts in that you have to keep it in the Connect folder, and can't move it around. You do NOT have to connect to DAZ every time you start the program.
I'm very inclined to believe the theory before; they've confirmed to everyone that encrypted stuff WILL transfer to normal after one year, so now they are doing a good test to see how that affects willingness to accept DRM.
Given they have good sales figures for Genesis 3 content generally, it seems about as decent a test as you can set up.
Or is this their fight against piracy? Are people somewhere in this vast internet(s) uploading/trading Daz products?
I never considered that, but I guess it is possible to have illegal products.
This is a HUGE problem and not just with DAZ products. I see it daily on the web and in gaming forums where users share copyrighted material. I am very much against piracy, but not big on DRM as I have had issues with it in the past.
I do not want to use connect, I don't use DIM or anything associated with it, so I stay away from encyrpted products. If it is encrypted, you can't just d/l it and manually install it, you have to use connect to install it. I just feel they could find a better alternative to fight piracy.
After many months of no new DRM'ed products, sudddenly DAZ doubles down and *all* of the day's new products have DRM? I have no idea what DAZ is trying to accomplish, but such erratic behavior does not fill me with confidence. Usually a company wants to present itself as a solid, dependable partner with its customers. This does the opposite.
It's not erratic behavior in this case:
they want to see whether the "not encrypted Connect ONLY" are selling better now since we COULD really see that stuff is unencrypted after one year.
I'm going to move myself to that hated new guy column.
I prefer to use Connect over that damn install manager. I hated getting stuff and not being able to find it. (It's still an issue somewhat- trying to configure all the goodies besides Daz direct sales)
Too many issues and really felt unreliable. Older stuffs seems to be the main struggle--culprit, but I like the automation and update ease.
It needs some other tools- like search my entire machine for compatible files. I'd like that plus a sort option, once it finds stuff- like a music playlst. I find moving content and categorizing it properly really bothersome.
How about a mass IMPORT that imports stuff into my own TOP LEVEL listed category.
-----any hows------
As a person involved in music for some time, I cringed when I saw the 'hip hop bundle'. I thought "Please no, oh why Daz, why?' but it's not too distasteful. And it's not too limiting either. Some of the stuff in the bundle has a wider range of usefulness and the stereotypes weren't too harsh. And the eligible purchases really opened up.
It was a little mainsteam rap flavored with some generous root products...
Obviously missing the other elements - like
-Breaking Animations (or did I miss that)
- A place to b-boy
- Anything to do with rapping or emceeing
- classic props -like cardboard, mics, boom-boxes- (rigged with moving speakers would be crazy)
- period based clothing - from classic 80's rip modern styles....
They did go for the video vixen...
A special nod for skipping the guns, drugs and money bundles, which is NOT hip hop.
Ugh uh. I'm about to become that guy. What exactly is the fear? That someday, a license will change and suddenly all your purhcased DRM content will be unavailable?
Or is this their fight against piracy? Are people somewhere in this vast internet(s) uploading/trading Daz products?
I never considered that, but I guess it is possible to have illegal products.
I thought consoles defeated that, but no, I hear you can get modern video games for consoles illegally.
I'm against that for music because I don't want to be limitede to iTunes (or whatever) to play MY MUSIC.
But I do see the dilemma.
a brief read says you can download all your stuff and not use connect. I do have my DAZ auto-log in.
So why not do that? And ALWAYS download a copy of whatever you buy?
What I don't like is Daz (like Adobe) basically, getting in my machine whenever I connect.
And I do know for a fact, they have a profile of your set up - when you connect to do anything.
Never liked anything cloud.
To be fair about the process: You download the encrypted content through connect. It gets decrypted as you download/install it (for which you have to be logged in, of course, no difference to unencrypted content). The difference starts in that you have to keep it in the Connect folder, and can't move it around. You do NOT have to connect to DAZ every time you start the program.
This is not actually correct, the files are not decrypted as you download them, they remain as encrypted files on your hard drive. They are decrypted by Daz Studio when you use them, but there is no way to look at the files using a normal text editor. Note that only files outside of runtime are encrypted, ie duf, dsf files etc, the textures remain unecrypted.
yes actually it does stop you using it in Carrara my preferred software
even though Genesis 3 is not supported anyway I cannot use autofitted Genesis 3 encrypted stuff on earlier figures that do work either, it messes up the UV mapping (which is obviously encrypted too) and paths, best I can do is export an obj creating a uv and reimport then fit that with the transfer utility. That loses all the morphs, the encrypted morphs!
I am guessing its related to subdivision and HD which in effect changes the vertex order, exporting the model at base resolution restores the uv mapping carrara cannot see on the duf which would normally be a dsf file in data but not there as encrypted.
Ah crap, so it looks like today's new stuff is Connect only - oh well, returns here we come :(
Come on over to the dark side Luke !!! Lol
Look at all the cool new stuff that I WONT be buying!!!
They probably want to check our shopping behaviour, now we know for sure that the content will be unencrypted after a year.
Mine won't change, but thanks to DAZ for all the free or 1$-content from one year ago.
Ack, finnaly got hit with the encrypted trap, LOL. Got caught in a buying frenzy and forgot to check whether it was connect only or not, Expressions for Aiko 7 and Genesis 3 Female oh well, a product I can't use because I haven't went with 4.9. Oh well it helped me get some good discounts, so I guess it'll be there in a year.
Dang, I saw FW Honey and fell in love. Got all excited about adding her to my runtime and then saw the encrypted only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry Honey, we'll see each other in a year!!!
Well, like I always say, there's a LOT of older stuff to get.
I have a wishlist of 600+ items that aren't Encrypted only.
It'll be years before this forces me not to get anything Daz...
What does 'encrypted' imply? As in the problem with connect?
Is it about using the DIM and putting the purchases where you want?
Or are you barred from using them in poser or some other program?
Yup, like I said when this encrypted stuff started, nothing new will be purchased ill just work on the wishlist. Im not going to bother adding encrypted to my wishlist either. It sucks that I wont be getting any discounts for buying new, so I guess ill be shopping less frequently. If this is a permanent shift then the PC+ wishlist items will go off the wishlist first. There will then be no reason to re-join pc+. Oh well, ive been spending too much money here lately anyhow. Im assuming then at this point that genesis 4 will be all encrypted. Thats ok. I realized just the other day that my video card probably wont hack genesis 4 anyways, so, more savings for me.
Nope, it means there is (digital rights management) DRM protection; meaning that you could be locked out of content if it decides you should be. I am not aware of this happening to anyone as of yet, but DRM has a poor track record of looking out for customers.
Google DRM. There is a lot of stuff out there that will likely misinform you, but chose legitimate websites.
Why I don't like the term encrypted, it doesn't tell customers what they are getting; I understand why Daz do it, but it still isn't helpful.
Most products from Daz, are not DRMed; but almost all products have an encrypted component that has nothing to do with DRM; again it is confusing terming it encrypted connect.
DRM needs encryption, whereas encryption does not mean it is DRMed.
(sigh) I purchased FW Raymond HD for Michael 7 before realising that it was encrypted only. Beautiful looking ethnic male character!
Debating now what to do.....return it and wait a year or keep it and give Daz the false impression I am fine with encrypted items. I really like the look of him.
Really Daz.... (double sigh!)
It also means you need version 4.9 to use it. Anything older (for any reason) and you will not be able to use the encrypted product.
I'd return it so DAZ doesn't get the impression I am good with DRM, just me though.
Personally, return it; keeping it means you are ok with connect; when they analyse sales data, nothing says this person hated it being encrypted, only that they bought it.
And to be fair to those analysts, it only matters that you bought it.
For me the issue is mostly that I install manually from zip, and organise content according to my own system. I do also object to some degree to DRM as such.
Well, if you have no intention of putting encrypted content on your system, why keep it? It'll be un-encrypted in a year and probably be a whole lot cheaper as well when that time rolls around. Return it and use your cash for something else that dosent have drm. Just my thought.
Ugh uh. I'm about to become that guy. What exactly is the fear? That someday, a license will change and suddenly all your purhcased DRM content will be unavailable?
Or is this their fight against piracy? Are people somewhere in this vast internet(s) uploading/trading Daz products?
I never considered that, but I guess it is possible to have illegal products.
I thought consoles defeated that, but no, I hear you can get modern video games for consoles illegally.
I'm against that for music because I don't want to be limitede to iTunes (or whatever) to play MY MUSIC.
But I do see the dilemma.
a brief read says you can download all your stuff and not use connect. I do have my DAZ auto-log in.
So why not do that? And ALWAYS download a copy of whatever you buy?
What I don't like is Daz (like Adobe) basically, getting in my machine whenever I connect.
And I do know for a fact, they have a profile of your set up - when you connect to do anything.
Never liked anything cloud.
How strange.
After many months of no new DRM'ed products, sudddenly DAZ doubles down and *all* of the day's new products have DRM? I have no idea what DAZ is trying to accomplish, but such erratic behavior does not fill me with confidence. Usually a company wants to present itself as a solid, dependable partner with its customers. This does the opposite.
To be fair about the process: You download the encrypted content through connect. It gets decrypted as you download/install it (for which you have to be logged in, of course, no difference to unencrypted content). The difference starts in that you have to keep it in the Connect folder, and can't move it around. You do NOT have to connect to DAZ every time you start the program.
I'm very inclined to believe the theory before; they've confirmed to everyone that encrypted stuff WILL transfer to normal after one year, so now they are doing a good test to see how that affects willingness to accept DRM.
Given they have good sales figures for Genesis 3 content generally, it seems about as decent a test as you can set up.
You can't download all your stuff without Connect if you are buying Encrypted Daz Connect Only content ...
I don't use Connect and have set DazStudio to never go online and connect when I first installed 4.9.
This is a HUGE problem and not just with DAZ products. I see it daily on the web and in gaming forums where users share copyrighted material. I am very much against piracy, but not big on DRM as I have had issues with it in the past.
I do not want to use connect, I don't use DIM or anything associated with it, so I stay away from encyrpted products. If it is encrypted, you can't just d/l it and manually install it, you have to use connect to install it. I just feel they could find a better alternative to fight piracy.
It's not erratic behavior in this case:
they want to see whether the "not encrypted Connect ONLY" are selling better now since we COULD really see that stuff is unencrypted after one year.
Maybe it's dependable - everything new from now on is encrypted?
Like- buyers now know that it becomes un-encrypted in a year and trust DAZ?
Well, I still hate encrypted. No buy today, that other site is glad to take my money for non-encrypted items.
Yah ill bet that every time daz does something like this, the other store sees a bump in revenue.
As a matter of fact, I think ill just head on over and see whats cooking at the old "R".
Right behind you, LOL (I check both sites daily Shhhhhhhhhh)
I'm going to move myself to that hated new guy column.
I prefer to use Connect over that damn install manager. I hated getting stuff and not being able to find it. (It's still an issue somewhat- trying to configure all the goodies besides Daz direct sales)
Too many issues and really felt unreliable. Older stuffs seems to be the main struggle--culprit, but I like the automation and update ease.
It needs some other tools- like search my entire machine for compatible files. I'd like that plus a sort option, once it finds stuff- like a music playlst. I find moving content and categorizing it properly really bothersome.
How about a mass IMPORT that imports stuff into my own TOP LEVEL listed category.
-----any hows------
As a person involved in music for some time, I cringed when I saw the 'hip hop bundle'. I thought "Please no, oh why Daz, why?' but it's not too distasteful. And it's not too limiting either. Some of the stuff in the bundle has a wider range of usefulness and the stereotypes weren't too harsh. And the eligible purchases really opened up.
It was a little mainsteam rap flavored with some generous root products...
Obviously missing the other elements - like
-Breaking Animations (or did I miss that)
- A place to b-boy
- Anything to do with rapping or emceeing
- classic props -like cardboard, mics, boom-boxes- (rigged with moving speakers would be crazy)
- period based clothing - from classic 80's rip modern styles....
They did go for the video vixen...
A special nod for skipping the guns, drugs and money bundles, which is NOT hip hop.
This is not actually correct, the files are not decrypted as you download them, they remain as encrypted files on your hard drive. They are decrypted by Daz Studio when you use them, but there is no way to look at the files using a normal text editor. Note that only files outside of runtime are encrypted, ie duf, dsf files etc, the textures remain unecrypted.
Connect doesn't work for us Carrara Users so we are left hung out to dry still
yes actually it does stop you using it in Carrara my preferred software
even though Genesis 3 is not supported anyway I cannot use autofitted Genesis 3 encrypted stuff on earlier figures that do work either, it messes up the UV mapping (which is obviously encrypted too) and paths, best I can do is export an obj creating a uv and reimport then fit that with the transfer utility. That loses all the morphs, the encrypted morphs!
as to why
I am guessing its related to subdivision and HD which in effect changes the vertex order, exporting the model at base resolution restores the uv mapping carrara cannot see on the duf which would normally be a dsf file in data but not there as encrypted.