Get Your Encrypted Daz Connect Content Here Thread - none at the moment 2018-01-30



  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    There are other threads that discuss the pro's/cons/why of encryption (though I do not have the links). I think it is best not to get that discussion here, as this is not the thread for it.

  • I know. I had specifically asked in the context of textures i.e. that of Troubadour as that is the singleton case of encrypted textures. If I meant a generic discussion of pros/cons/why of encryption, I wouldn't be that specific.

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    Ok, my bad cheekyblush

  • mrinal said:

    Explain to me again why textures (Troubadour) needed to be encrypted? Wasn't it possible to save the maps manually once those were loaded in the studio?

    Speculation alert:

    Perhaps DAZ wanted to try out a range of items with encryption to see how they faired within the non-paying community. If the Troubadour textures can be saved out manually (I'm assuming you're correct for the sake of this), whether or not they appear on the dodgy sites might tell DAZ whether or not they need to encrypt future texture sets (or other accessible items).

    It may be that the robbers are entirely lazy and uninformed; happy to load up with zips but not interested in doing any work (or knowing how to). That's information in itself.

    The released files are probably already out there...



  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    glaseye said:

    There are other threads that discuss the pro's/cons/why of encryption (though I do not have the links). I think it is best not to get that discussion here, as this is not the thread for it.

    There are?

    I wasn't aware of one; I thought they were keeping everything together.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    hphoenix said:
    hphoenix said:

    ...otherwise, sales comparisons between release when new with DRM vs. release when no DRM won't be accurate.  

    Even if they were given two weeks at 30% after release (from DRM) there would be no meaningful comparison. The items would not be part of the "new" sales churn which is what makes the store go around. Apart from dedicated followers of this thread, who will know about the items at all as anything other than back catalogue?

    The release after 12 months is most likely designed as reassurance now (for those of us concerned about DRM) that we won't be completely excluded from content in the future, and can continue our interest in DAZ. I doubt DAZ is expecting a flood of purchases upon release.

    I think a special category (like FastGrab, or such) for the un-DRM'd content might work for that.  Any content that gets released from DRM encumbrance goes into the category for two weeks, at 30% off.

    That way, people who were waiting on something to no longer be DRM encumbered could check that location easily to see if any of the content they were waiting on was free.....rather than having to look here.  And it would make it easier to do the '2 weeks newly un-DRM' 30% off.

    If, as has been claimed, the majority of sales occur during the first few months then giving a 30% discount to such 12 month old items for a couple of weeks wouldn't hurt......


    I can't see it happening; Daz doesn't like the term DRM, or so I 'think' I've been told, so it is possible I am remembering incorrectly.

    Even if Daz has not, DRM is not liked by consumers, hence the name of Encripted Connect or however it is termed, so Companies (I'm not saying Daz is, just generalising) tend to avoid being associated with it. Advertising that items are no longer encrypted would, I feel, highlight it.

    However, Daz, please feel free to prove me wrong. :)

  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312
    nicstt said:
    glaseye said:

    There are other threads that discuss the pro's/cons/why of encryption (though I do not have the links). I think it is best not to get that discussion here, as this is not the thread for it.

    There are?

    I wasn't aware of one; I thought they were keeping everything together.

    ok, did some digging :

    there's more, but I think this is enough food for thought ..... wink


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    So DAZ really gives encryption files free after the one year.  That means I can use the detective trenchcoat soon ... Glad to read this.

    Not free, but you don't have to use Connect to download it.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    hphoenix said:
    hphoenix said:

    ...otherwise, sales comparisons between release when new with DRM vs. release when no DRM won't be accurate.  

    Even if they were given two weeks at 30% after release (from DRM) there would be no meaningful comparison. The items would not be part of the "new" sales churn which is what makes the store go around. Apart from dedicated followers of this thread, who will know about the items at all as anything other than back catalogue?

    The release after 12 months is most likely designed as reassurance now (for those of us concerned about DRM) that we won't be completely excluded from content in the future, and can continue our interest in DAZ. I doubt DAZ is expecting a flood of purchases upon release.

    I think a special category (like FastGrab, or such) for the un-DRM'd content might work for that.  Any content that gets released from DRM encumbrance goes into the category for two weeks, at 30% off.

    That way, people who were waiting on something to no longer be DRM encumbered could check that location easily to see if any of the content they were waiting on was free.....rather than having to look here.  And it would make it easier to do the '2 weeks newly un-DRM' 30% off.

    If, as has been claimed, the majority of sales occur during the first few months then giving a 30% discount to such 12 month old items for a couple of weeks wouldn't hurt......


    Something like the more expensive PC+ items which are at a lower price for two or three weeks (to members) and then revert to the somewhat higher Club price (omething like $3.99 as opposed to $7.99).

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    Why don't I see any Daz Connect updates for these products? Shouldn't I be able to update to the non-encrypted version now?

  • Sensual ArtSensual Art Posts: 645
    edited January 2017
    barbult said:

    Why don't I see any Daz Connect updates for these products? Shouldn't I be able to update to the non-encrypted version now?

    That would be logical if the installed/extracted contents were encrypted which does not seem to be the case. For example the DUF and DSF files that are associated with some of the (still) encrypted connect only items are not encrypted when you try to view them in your text editor (after uncompressing).

    Case in point, FW Nadine HD which is still encrypted connect only but once installed, all its DUFs and DSFs are vanilla compressed. So, if the item contains only non-encrypted DUFs and DSFs apart from textures and other non-encrypted stuff, basically there is nothing to update if you already have those installed :)

    Though I have not tried but one could possibly re-zip and store the installed files from their data/cloud folders. More like Placebo effect to discourage piracy I would say.

    Post edited by Sensual Art on
  • Sensual ArtSensual Art Posts: 645
    edited January 2017
    mrinal said:

    Explain to me again why textures (Troubadour) needed to be encrypted? Wasn't it possible to save the maps manually once those were loaded in the studio?

    Speculation alert:

    Perhaps DAZ wanted to try out a range of items with encryption to see how they faired within the non-paying community. If the Troubadour textures can be saved out manually (I'm assuming you're correct for the sake of this), whether or not they appear on the dodgy sites might tell DAZ whether or not they need to encrypt future texture sets (or other accessible items).

    It may be that the robbers are entirely lazy and uninformed; happy to load up with zips but not interested in doing any work (or knowing how to). That's information in itself.

    The released files are probably already out there...

    For some of the encrypted only items (especially images in textures) one doesn't even have to load them in studio. They are lying there in their data/cloud folders after installation waiting to be re-packaged in a DIM based format. Refer my earlier post.

    Which brings me to the conclusion that for providing the encrypted only items through DIM and Manual installs, all that Daz had to do was to push the existing compressed packages as-is through the relevant channels. The encryption process for those items was probably involved only during their installation via connect.

    So I guess, it now remains to be checked if any of the existing encrypted connect only items really contain any encrypted stuff after installation. If not, they could be made as portable as their DIM and manual installed counterparts after re-packaging locally. This should alleviate some of the paranoia of purchased encrypted content not being made available in future.

    Post edited by Sensual Art on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    mrinal said:

    For some of the encrypted only items (especially images in textures) one doesn't even have to load them in studio. They are lying there in their data/cloud folders after installation waiting to be re-packaged in a DIM based format. Refer my earlier post.

    Which brings me to the conclusion that for providing the encrypted only items through DIM and Manual installs, all that Daz had to do was to push the existing compressed packages as-is through the relevant channels. The encryption process for those items was probably involved only during their installation via connect.

    So I guess, it now remains to be checked if any of the existing encrypted connect only items really contain any encrypted stuff after installation. If not, they could be made as portable as their DIM and manual installed counterparts after re-packaging locally. This should alleviate some of the paranoia of purchased encrypted content not being made available in future.

    Well - there ARE people who don't use connect ... those can't install via connect and repackage locally ...

  • Kerya said:
    mrinal said:

    For some of the encrypted only items (especially images in textures) one doesn't even have to load them in studio. They are lying there in their data/cloud folders after installation waiting to be re-packaged in a DIM based format. Refer my earlier post.

    Which brings me to the conclusion that for providing the encrypted only items through DIM and Manual installs, all that Daz had to do was to push the existing compressed packages as-is through the relevant channels. The encryption process for those items was probably involved only during their installation via connect.

    So I guess, it now remains to be checked if any of the existing encrypted connect only items really contain any encrypted stuff after installation. If not, they could be made as portable as their DIM and manual installed counterparts after re-packaging locally. This should alleviate some of the paranoia of purchased encrypted content not being made available in future.

    Well - there ARE people who don't use connect ... those can't install via connect and repackage locally ...

    The way I see it, there are two types of people - those that CANNOT use connnect and those that DON'T WANT to use connect. My explanation should appeal to the later types.

    P.S. The deductions above are based on encrypted connect content that I own and may contain forward looking statements. I make no assumption that future or other encrypted connect items would fit the explanation.

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438


    glaseye said:
    AndyS said:

    So how does this thread help me to get my encrypted content un-encrypted?

    It doesn't. Here you can find the date when your encrypted content will be available for (re-)download as unencryped content.

    so how to get it unencrypted after the outrun of encryption?
    Remove the encrypted content and install it via DIM - or how?
    @Richard: Please some more details about that procedure!

    Thank you.

  • @AndyS I suggest you check the individual files of your encrypted connect items in your local content library. Chances are that many of them are not encrypted at all (only their installable/installing process was encrypted). This is a good thing because that makes those "supposedly" encrypted items can be made available for modifications such as for game development without having to wait for a year. But if you make your own DIM installable out of those local items you run the risk of incompatibility when an official DIM installable is released after a year.

    Going by some of the anticipatory mood and comments in this thread it seems that many folks actually believed that the encrypted connect content in their libraries were actually encrypted post installation (aka DRM). May be some of the files after installation are still encrypted; hence the call to manually verify them.

    DRM works differently, as it checks for ownership during usage - every time or periodically. Daz connect encryption, afaik on the other hand, is involved only during installation for many of the encrypted connect items.


  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    mrinal said:

    The way I see it, there are two types of people - those that CANNOT use connnect and those that DON'T WANT to use connect. My explanation should appeal to the later types.

    P.S. The deductions above are based on encrypted connect content that I own and may contain forward looking statements. I make no assumption that future or other encrypted connect items would fit the explanation.

    And some don't want to use it, because it is error-prone ... I prefer to install by hand.

  • AndySAndyS Posts: 1,438

    Hi mrinal,

    I purchased 3 "encrypted only" products and they're running out soon.
    After that 1-year-limit I want to have them DIM-installed-only.

    That was my question.
    I'm in need of a detailed manual how to perform it.
    Nothing more neither less !

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,201
    AndyS said:

    Hi mrinal,

    I purchased 3 "encrypted only" products and they're running out soon.
    After that 1-year-limit I want to have them DIM-installed-only.

    That was my question.
    I'm in need of a detailed manual how to perform it.
    Nothing more neither less !

    Hi andy,

        Once the encryption ends you will be able to directly download from DIM like any other product. 

  • AndyS said:

    Hi mrinal,

    I purchased 3 "encrypted only" products and they're running out soon.
    After that 1-year-limit I want to have them DIM-installed-only.

    That was my question.
    I'm in need of a detailed manual how to perform it.
    Nothing more neither less !

    I am not sure if Daz would issue any official statement other than to suggest waiting for a year to get an official DIM installable. Officially providing any other means to install encrypted connect items could only defeat the "intent" of encrypted connect.

    Assuming that none of the existing files in your encrypted connect items are actually encrypted, there are several approaches to package them. One such is a script from @mCasual I have not used it personally but based on what other have recommended earlier. For metadata there is

    You should be able to simply zip those files in data/cloud/<sku> folder and use them primarily for backups. However, I would not recommend any of those approaches for regular usage of Daz provided encrypted connect items as that would make them incompatible with future updates or worse, may even cause conflicts.

    Note to technical users: Since each connect item can have their independent folder structures within their SKU folder which in turn may be different from the standard DIM folder structure, this may cause potential incompatibilities in future when updates to an item are released.

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,201


    mrinal said:
    AndyS said:

    Hi mrinal,

    I purchased 3 "encrypted only" products and they're running out soon.
    After that 1-year-limit I want to have them DIM-installed-only.

    That was my question.
    I'm in need of a detailed manual how to perform it.
    Nothing more neither less !

    I am not sure if Daz would issue any official statement other than to suggest waiting for a year to get an official DIM installable. Officially providing any other means to install encrypted connect items could only defeat the "intent" of encrypted connect.

    Assuming that none of the existing files in your encrypted connect items are actually encrypted, there are several approaches to package them. One such is a script from @mCasual I have not used it personally but based on what other have recommended earlier. For metadata there is h ;

    Why are you intentionally making this more difficult for him? Richard has already stated that you can just go back and redownload using DIM. There is no need to go into ziping files in data. 

  • Sensual ArtSensual Art Posts: 645
    edited January 2017

    Why are you intentionally making this more difficult for him? Richard has already stated that you can just go back and redownload using DIM. There is no need to go into ziping files in data. 

    I don't know how you interpreted that I am intentionally making things difficult. I am just trying to clear the confusion that many folks are still believing that the encrypted connect items are actually encrypted even after installing them in their content library and that they have to wait for a year to get the unencrypted version.

    Moreover, in the third para of my response, I have also cautioned against using the approach for regular usage of encrypted connect items with reasons. Would appreciate if you quote my full response next time :)

    If they are willing to wait for a year to get the official DIM installable (and have their faith restored), it is their call. But for those who just need to package them for backup purposes without worrying about encryption, they may not have to wait for a year to get the official unencrypted version :)


    Post edited by Sensual Art on
  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,201


    mrinal said:

    Why are you intentionally making this more difficult for him? Richard has already stated that you can just go back and redownload using DIM. There is no need to go into ziping files in data. 

    I don't know how you interpreted that I am intentionally making things difficult. I am just trying to clear the confusion that many folks are still believing that the encrypted connect items are actually encrypted even after installing them in their content library and that they have to wait for a year to get the unencrypted version.

    If they are willing to wait for a year to get the official DIM installable (and have their faith restored), it is their call. But for those who just need to package them for backup purposes without worrying about encryption, they may not have to wait for a year to get the official unencrypted version :)


    The reason this thread was started was because of customers refusal to buy encrypted content or use connect. You might as well be selling lake front property in the desert. This thread was made by Keyra to list encrypted conntent and the day they came out so that people that do not want to deal with connect or encyrption can come here and talk about what is out new that is encrypted so they can either wishlist it or pass on it. 

  • Sensual ArtSensual Art Posts: 645
    edited January 2017


    mrinal said:

    Why are you intentionally making this more difficult for him? Richard has already stated that you can just go back and redownload using DIM. There is no need to go into ziping files in data. 

    I don't know how you interpreted that I am intentionally making things difficult. I am just trying to clear the confusion that many folks are still believing that the encrypted connect items are actually encrypted even after installing them in their content library and that they have to wait for a year to get the unencrypted version.

    If they are willing to wait for a year to get the official DIM installable (and have their faith restored), it is their call. But for those who just need to package them for backup purposes without worrying about encryption, they may not have to wait for a year to get the official unencrypted version :)


    The reason this thread was started was because of customers refusal to buy encrypted content or use connect. You might as well be selling lake front property in the desert. This thread was made by Keyra to list encrypted conntent and the day they came out so that people that do not want to deal with connect or encyrption can come here and talk about what is out new that is encrypted so they can either wishlist it or pass on it. 

    Thats EXACTLY my point. People should not be discouraged against buying encrypted connect items thinking that those items are actualy encrypted and they have to wait for a year to get an official unencrypted release. The way Daz has implemented encryption for some of their encrypted connect items is that encryption is involved only during the installation process. But after the those items are installed through connect or offline (through .sep/.sea) there is no further encryption involved. They are already in a convenient format as any other DIM or manually installed content, well almost.

    Speaking for myself, I don't care if Daz forces me to deal with connect the first time I install a product. If the actual product content is not encrypted, I can reinstall the product (after repackaging) and avoid dealing with connect the next time I have to reinstall the same product. And I don't have to wait for a year to do so.

    Post edited by Sensual Art on
  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,201


    mrinal said:


    mrinal said:

    Why are you intentionally making this more difficult for him? Richard has already stated that you can just go back and redownload using DIM. There is no need to go into ziping files in data. 

    I don't know how you interpreted that I am intentionally making things difficult. I am just trying to clear the confusion that many folks are still believing that the encrypted connect items are actually encrypted even after installing them in their content library and that they have to wait for a year to get the unencrypted version.

    If they are willing to wait for a year to get the official DIM installable (and have their faith restored), it is their call. But for those who just need to package them for backup purposes without worrying about encryption, they may not have to wait for a year to get the official unencrypted version :)


    The reason this thread was started was because of customers refusal to buy encrypted content or use connect. You might as well be selling lake front property in the desert. This thread was made by Keyra to list encrypted conntent and the day they came out so that people that do not want to deal with connect or encyrption can come here and talk about what is out new that is encrypted so they can either wishlist it or pass on it. 

    Thats EXACTLY my point. People should not be discouraged against buying encrypted connect items thinking that those items are actualy encrypted and they have to wait for a year to get an unofficial unencrypted release. The way Daz has implemented encryption for some of their encrypted connect items is that encryption is involved only during the installation process. But after the those items are installed through connect or offline (through .sep/.sea) there is no further encryption involved. They are already in a convenient format as any other DIM or manually installed content, well almost.

    Speaking for myself, I don't care if Daz forces me to deal with connect the first time I install a product. If the actual product content is not encrypted, I can reinstall the product (after repackaging) and avoid dealing with connect the next time I have to reinstall the same product. And I don't have to wait for a year to do so.


         You just made my point, you don't mind using connect ... However the people that are watching this thread DO MIND. That is the difference. You are trying to sell something here that no one wants. These people fought long and hard over encryption ... why do you think there is a one year limit on encrypted items? They stood their ground and fought for it. They don't want encryption and if they are anything like me they have locked down studio and prevented it from using the internet for any reason. I do that for a lot of programs that I feel don't need to call out. I am not trying to provoke a fight with you, I am just trying to get you to understand you are trying to justify using connect to a group that doesn't want to use it, which is their perogative to do. 

        This thread was set up to provide a place where others could come and find out what is encrypted and when it will be available for sale unencrypted. I am asking you as a fellow artist and studio user, please don't try to delute the thread with all of your comments about connect items not being encrypted. Let this group have their thread dedicated to posting and listing what items are connect only and when they can pick them up without being forced to use connect. 


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,624

    click to play video

    Well I am happy as now I could buy that troubadour and use it in Carrara.

    Connect stuff I cannot even if unencrapted etc and it is Carrara compatible the connect format makes it unuseable.

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,201

    click to play video

    Well I am happy as now I could buy that troubadour and use it in Carrara.

    Connect stuff I cannot even if unencrapted etc and it is Carrara compatible the connect format makes it unuseable.

    AWESOME glad to hear it! 

  • Also from general perception, it is quite fair if someone asks about "how does this thread help me to get my encrypted content un-encrypted?" in a thread which is titled "Get Your Encrypted Daz Connect Content Here Thread" hoping that there might me a secret trick or workaround that is being discussed for getting the content un-encrypted. How funny would the reaction be when they learn that only the installation process involves encryption and the actual content in their library (at least for some of those items) was never encrypted in the first place.

    @Kerya It may not be correct to say "not encrypted anymore <date>" as the content may not have been encrypted in the first place, only the installation process was (I have lost count how many times I have said this already). You may just mention that "available through DIM and manual install since <date>". Your existing comment would be correct iff (if and only if) any part of the installed content in library is encrypted which is not the case for at least some of the items.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited January 2017

    corrected to

    <------ not Encrypted Daz Connect Only anymore


    (and the title of this thread says "Encrypted Daz Connect Content" - not encrypted content ... and "Encrypted Daz Connect" is the official expression Daz3d uses)

    Post edited by Kerya on

    mrinal said:


    mrinal said:

    Why are you intentionally making this more difficult for him? Richard has already stated that you can just go back and redownload using DIM. There is no need to go into ziping files in data. 

    I don't know how you interpreted that I am intentionally making things difficult. I am just trying to clear the confusion that many folks are still believing that the encrypted connect items are actually encrypted even after installing them in their content library and that they have to wait for a year to get the unencrypted version.

    If they are willing to wait for a year to get the official DIM installable (and have their faith restored), it is their call. But for those who just need to package them for backup purposes without worrying about encryption, they may not have to wait for a year to get the official unencrypted version :)


    The reason this thread was started was because of customers refusal to buy encrypted content or use connect. You might as well be selling lake front property in the desert. This thread was made by Keyra to list encrypted conntent and the day they came out so that people that do not want to deal with connect or encyrption can come here and talk about what is out new that is encrypted so they can either wishlist it or pass on it. 

    Thats EXACTLY my point. People should not be discouraged against buying encrypted connect items thinking that those items are actualy encrypted and they have to wait for a year to get an official unencrypted release. The way Daz has implemented encryption for some of their encrypted connect items is that encryption is involved only during the installation process. But after the those items are installed through connect or offline (through .sep/.sea) there is no further encryption involved. They are already in a convenient format as any other DIM or manually installed content, well almost.

    This is not correct, or should not be. I did find a couple of items that had plain files in the cloud folder when they were listed as Encrypted DAZ Connect Only, but I think that is an error (possibly following a product update). These items should, and in most cases I can check do, have encrypted files (something.duf.enc) in the cloud folder.

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