I Hate Smart Content
Okay, for the first time I got an encryted content. I purchased Mada's Troubadour for GM2, Because of my experience with smart (Spent almost 3 months trying to make it work for me) I've decided to never use it again and went back to just downloading and moving folders to my prefered set up. I use smart to download sometimes and then move the folder. I didn't think much of it until I noticed that the outfit didn't show up in my set up. It will only work if you leave it in the cloud folder. I rather move it to my genesis folder. How do I fix this so I can keep all relevant genesis files together, in case I have to migrate it to a new harddrive. I tried using smart before, it was a nightmare trying to find my content because most don't even show up. I have go to the Product folder in DAZ just to find anything. It took longer to find what I was looking for even though I did not move anything and kept everything in the cloud folder. I ended up deleting the cloud folder and go back to my library content system. Not only that If I made a purchase, I'd have to wait several days for it to show up in Studio. I understand the need to encryt files, but once its on my computer I should be able to move it where I please.
I want to move the folder to my Genesis folder, how do I do this and still have it work?
Unfortunately this is one of the massive problems with daz connect and encrypted files, you can't move anything or customize the install, you can only create short cuts to it.
Meaning for those of us that don't use CMS/smart content, we're kinda up the perverbial tributary with no means of locomotion.
This is purly my understanding of daz connect as i've not purchased any nor do i intend to as i can't customize the install to my workflow or due to current hardware limitations and personal preference.
You can drag the items from Smart Content into a DAZ Studio Format folder in the Content Library pane (into the folder in the list/tree, not into the area that shows files) to create links that DS will treat as files and which you can move around as any other content. if you are using you can alos find the item in the virtual Daz Connect folder under Daz Studio Formats and right-click on its folder to create links, arranged in the original hierarchy, to the whole thing in one go.
Well, Fudge, How do I know which product will be incrypted so I can avoid it as much as possible.
Nevermind found it.
I don't want to virtually move a file, I want to physically move it to keep the integrity of my folder system. Maybe if there was a more indepth tutorial on all the so call amazing things one can do with smart I may not have spent 3 months in hell trying to get my large content to work with smart when DAZ 4.9 rolled out. Believe me, I wanted it to work, I even used an old harddrive to play with the cloud system and smart content. It only worked with items already setup with smart, but I had to keep jumping around the different filing system (Library, Products, Smart) just to use 90% of my content, then spent even longer time trying to put together a decent well organized Catagories, I'm not going back to that mess. I don't trust the new options in Smart, I don't even understand the new options or how to use them.
I wasted 3 months on Smart, I should have been doing pictures. It was the first time I ever hated DAZ, and I've lurking here for years.
I share your frustration, but I think you've mixed up your terminology a bit. Smart Content is an alleged feature that is supposed to categorize your content and make your life simpler. DAZ keeps trying to make Smart Content work better by rewriting data, whatever. I gave up on Smart Content years ago.
DAZ Install Manager (DIM) allows you to easily install your DAZ content. But you're stuck with DAZ's crazy lack of organization. (They deny the problem.) I've been manually installing my DAZ content for 15+ years. I've tried DIM many times, but it still leaves me lost in my content library.
DAZ Connect is DAZ's most recent attempt at making your DAZ experience easier (hah!). Connect is also DAZ's way of copy protecting their stuff. I thought DAZ would remember the fiasco surrounding Poser (version 5?!) years ago. Poser quickly lost the copy protection scheme, and was sold to another company.
I do believe all items in the DAZ store tell you what type of installation is available. I avoid Connect Only items!
There is a simple work-around: ask for a refund. :)
I've nearly bought a couple of items that were DRMed, but just avoided it; it seems you know now from a later post how to avoid them.
And in all seriousness, it is easy to get a refund if you don't like the extra hastle.
Troubadour was one of the first Free Connect-only products - I picked it up at the time and am waiting for it to appear in DIM 12 months after release. So you don't have to return it, just wait.
The link is a file, you can move it around as you see fit. It points to a file in the \Data\Cloud folder that will never show in the file-based views. I am not following how it can undermine the structure of your folder system any more that the \Data or \Runtime\Texture folders, which are similarly invisible but called by the user-facing files, do.
Can I rename it? How do I set up a virtual file? What am I suppose to do?
The virtual folder I mentioned is in DS and above - it shows in Poser Formats and Daz Studio Formats (encrypted Connect content will be Daz Studio Format though, as only the native files are encrypted) and is a conglomeration of all the individual content directory trees in the Data\Cloud\Product number folders. So if you are using the latest release or beta version you can just go there and right-click on a folder, at any level in the hierarchy, to create links to all of those files and if you want all of their sub-folders in a chosen location.
Yes, you can rename the link files and move them to other folders.
You need to start from the beginning. Sorry, Do I click on the product in smart, it will give me an option to create the virtual file to my chosen location, then it will apear in my library where I'll be able to manipulate the folder? Just want to make sure I got the steps right.
Okay, I think I did it. Thank you.
The Virtual folder exists as long as you are using DS or later - it appears as Daz Connect under Daz Studio Formats and under Poser Formats in the Content Library pane.
Yeah, I got wrangeled into buying a Connect only product so I could get the discount for the things I really wanted. I also have a year to wait before I can use that product.
I don't really understand the reason for not using the product till it's no longer encrypted. I get not getting it cuz you want to be able to mess with the files, but if you've already got it, why not use as is and then mess with the files at the end of the year's wait. If your reasons are different than needing to mess with the files, well, that's different, I guess. I honestly don't get it (and I've read all the reasons...it's just I don't grasp the problem as some see it, but I honor anyone's decision to not purchase for any reason).
Because some people aren't happy unless they have something to complain about?
runs for cover.
Its just a joke people.
I feel your pain. I struggled with content organization for years, I had banks and banks of Pboost for anyone who remembers that. I used to spend more time organizing my content than using it.
Now most everything is a click or three away, okay maybe four. Its still faster than drilling through all those folders. I know, I timed it.
Take a few deep breaths and try it again. You might find a way to work with it.
The toughest part is the content from other places that doesn't have metadata, but once you get the hang of it, you can build your own pretty quickly.
Indeed not.
Avoids holding up the mirror to evilded777.![devil devil](http://www.daz3d.com/forums/plugins/ckeditor/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png)
... But in this case, I suspect its cause folks don't like DRMed content.
But they are seperate issues. Yes, this particular thread does mention an instance of the dreaded DRM, but there's quite a few people put their two cents in and not all of it is about DRM.
I won't discuss the DRM topic, I'm just trying to advocate for Smart Content. Its made my life so much easier. I do wish the facilities for creating it were a little less cumbersome, because doing it from scratch for an entire set is a bother. But I think its great. I think we ought to convince vendors everywhere to create it. And we should push for DAZ to update the older products to current standards.
If the Smart Content did not have DRM, I'd be testing it out; seeing if I could make it work. It doesn't so it is no use to me. Although the issues I see getting reported would make me nervous. Sure there are lots out there (are there?) who are not having probelms, but we don't tend to hear from those who have no issues - so introduces some uncertainty.
Although it's true that you may have only one Daz Connect Data directory at any tiem, you can change the location of that directory and - as long as the old location is also a Daz Studio content directory - the content will continue to work. So you can split your content across diffrent diectories and drives, though I think managing updates might be a bit trickier.
Yes, the link file is directly translated to the actual content file in the Connect directory in DS so you need either to create the links where you want them or manage them via an OS file window. Being able to manipulate the links as links in DS or being able to choose the level of the hierarchy that was reproduced when creating links would, to my mind, be reasonable feature requests (which doesn't guarantee they would be implemented of course).
Smart Content has nothing to do with DRM.
Smart Content has been a part of Studio since the debut of Studio 4.
You don't even need to use Connect to use Smart Content, though it makes more sense to.
Anyone can use Smart Content regardless of their stance on DRM content. They are seperate.
Other than a problem of my own making, that was quickly solved in beta, I have zero issues with Smart Content other than its low adoption rate.
I simply wish Daz & Poser had asset management like e-onsoftware's Vue. I can move my objects, atmospheres, materials to any location I want. No stupid and confusing runtime structures. No silly overhead of a database.
I don't like the database being linked with the DRM; granted they work seperately, but it's mere inclusion has 'made' me uninstall the various SQL components. Call me paranoid.:)
I like Smart Content and it is great. I just wish we had easier tools to create Smart Content (like for freebies) than we have now. (hint hint Daz Studio 5) Connect is what I don't like, because it is tied down with DRM. Take away DRM completely from Connect and I will start using Connect. So, Connect is not the problem for me. It is DRM. So, yes I own one Connect DRM product but I will not use it until it is decrypted permanently. Just a personal choice, no hostility involved.
I don't use smart content and I avoid DRM like the plague. It's either DIM, or manual install. Connect does not work for me at all.
This is a recent example of when DRM goes wrong: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7596233?start=0&tstart=0
Actually DRM didn't go wrong, it was doing what it is supposed to do: protect the owners product; the thing is, it was protecting it from a legimate user.
So yeh, I'm with you.
The others said it before me, but I felt like repeating: smart content has nothing to do with daz connect. I also dislike the latter with a passion. Recently I discovered that even a small change in your network settings (removal of a default route) could have its affect on Daz Connect; it picks it up as a change in your computer configuration / settings and requires re-authorization. Totally ridiculous in my opinion because if I use my laptop disconnected then its perfectly possible that a command such as "route print" on Windows does not show a default one (network address I'd share how to reproduce but then this turns into an offtopic essay :P
But customizing smart contents is really a breeze. I can stongly suggest you check out this tutorial if you want to add freebie items into the smart content pane (or if you wish to customize the location of bought ones):
After I read that I spend hours on updating my stuff and right now I have almost everything where I want it. My Genesis base figures: Figures => Genesis. I brought several outfits together into wardrobe => outfits => <name>. Both bought stuff and freebies alikes. And you can go very far with this. I have items which were made for Genesis 2 yet also work on Genesis. So I updated the meta data and now they also show up when I have a Genesis 1 figure selected. Smart content, when used right, can really save you a lot of time because it can limit what its showing to only those things which are relevant.
Because of DRM, I did not install the database/SQL components; it's linked, although loosly, which is too much for me. Besides I don't like a database on my system I have not control of, or access to, externally.