The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread
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Nighty nite ever,body. Be safe.
cozy snugglies with the kittehs and dawgies, mollys and ginee ptgs
Or pack a canoe? ;-)
...a bit difficult to bring on a transit bus.
Actually, while the ships are manoeuvring and docking, the river in the downtown area is closed to all other traffic for security reasons. After they are all tied off, there is a cordon around them which is patrolled by security craft that are armed with machine guns.
...Thank you.
However, in a few months it looks I will be without a home. Nothing to so with bad tenant-landlord relations as it is a pesky city regulation.
A few months ago my Landlady mentioned she wanted to tear down the old garage and have a small cottage built on the site which would serve as a private office and living area as she is going to be semi retired. She intends to rent the upper section main house out and live in the cottage. This in and of itself is not the reason. What it basically boils down to a city regulation that says only two "living units" (defined as being fully self contained with kitchen and bath amenities) can be on the same property. The new structure would be a third and thus in violation of city dwelling codes. She tried her best to find any loophole she could but there are none.
Now her and I get along very well, wouldn't have lived here for fifteen years if we didn't. She is just as unhappy as I am as she not only will be losing the extra income but loved that I was always dependable, paid my rent on time and many times she said she didn't even know I was around because I was so quiet.
My door is out of sight of the street so it is nice and secluded. My landlady leads a quiet life as well so I never had to worry about aloud party in the flat above me, someone coming home and blasting their stereo at turbojet engine volume at one in the morning or overhearing someone's argument with their SO. I have enough drama to deal with at the day job, I don't need any in my homelife.
Renting the main house is of course out of the question as I never could afford it on my own. I also refuse to go back to a shared living situation as I've had my fill of house/flat mate issues. I really love this neighboruhood as like I mentioned earlier, I have everything I need within a short walk or bike ride. It is nice and quiet as well as pretty much crime free. I really want to stay in the area. Unfortunately most if not all of the rental units in the area I see are run by one of those faceless insensitive management corporations.
I do have about four months, however, this puts a huge damper on the upcoming summer as well as being a fairly daunting prospect at my age.
1. I do not have the means to physically move as I do not own a vehicle or drive.
2. I cannot lift or move a lot of heavy items anymore because of my arthritis and cannot afford to pay a professional mover.
3. I do not have the financial resources to afford the cost of moving in to a new place, particularly one that is corporate managed which usually requires first, last, and security as well as a non refundable application fee. To get a place similar to what I now have I would have to put up at 1,500$ or more in advance just to move in. I don't make that kind of money.
Then there are utilities. I have a sweet deal here in that all the basics (power, water, garbage, & such) are included in my rent. I don't have to worry about all those other nagging bills each month which makes life a little less complicated.
This is definitely not something I am looking forward to.
Sorry to hear all that KK, I hate moving, we have been in the same place for sixteen years and I can't imagine anything else *empathises*
The clouds lifted and the sun came out but I don't think Venus is transiting any more. That is my complaint.
Well maybe in your new place you'' find a better job...?
(Oh look bad breath!)
Heh what a crackup !
...I really cannot see moving out of the neighbourhood I'm in. This has been my home for fifteen years. I've always been one of those who likes to settle in and stay put. Having to uproot myself at this stage of life,particularly without the resources to do so, is not just an "inconvenience" but is downright frightening.
Yes, I could move closer to where I work but to put it bluntly, the surrounding area there s**ks. It is so totally "suburban sprawl" which almost demands that you drive if you want to do anything. Most of the apartment complexes there are those cheap slapped together cookie cutter types with poor to no insulation, pasteboard thin walls, and that useless electric baseboard heating (with the units conveniently placed just below the windows to insure obscenely high power bills in winter)
I'm a city kid, always have been, always will be. However here city living is pretty much being priced out of the reach of many like myself. I remember renting a huge one bedroom flat in the old Northwest district for about 380$/mo. As has happened to many classy and affordable old apartment houses in that area, it was converted to upscale "vintage" condos in the name of gentrification.
Complaint: It seems that there's a pinched nerve in my left elbow. Been that way for a while. Now, how the heck I get it un-pinched...
*runs to Google it*
...OK now that's really interesting.
When I was going to shut town for the night I went to the site's Home page to logout like I usually do, only to discover it indicated I was already logged out. In the corner of the screen it said "Not ?". When I clicked on the Login link to return to the Login page and then clicked on "Sign In", nothing happened.
I then went back to the Daz Forums inbox and when I clicked on the link in the ebot to this thread, I was logged back in without having to first go to the Login page.
...gahhhhh! This is beginning to get really really weird.
...that's it, time for bed.
Doodled this up while I was waiting for the Vue render to finish. It's times like these I really wish I had more stuff for people models. The boat it is chasing in Vue is empty ;__;
I'm not too fond of the waves in the Vue scene. I wanted them really crashing about! But no matter what I did they stayed almost level. ANd yes I enabled displacement =/
Om nom nom nom.
My elbow is still pinched. :(
ouch sorry to hear that.
Still no idea what's causing or had caused it? Maybe a hot bath wiould help :D
Absolutely no idea what caused it. I might have slept on my arm in such way that the elbow got twisted or something. Hmm... I don't have a bathtub... but since I'm Finnish, I do have sauna. Maybe I should put myself through the three steps of traditional cures: sauna, tar and alcohol. If none of that works, it is lethal. ;)
Poser 9 has the "Dregon" wyvern in it yes?
And after a few hours of rendering and a bit of postwork for the waves... I present to you a doomed boat manned by an invisible person :3
The bump on his scales seems a bit pixelated and I dunno why. Maybe it's an anti alias thing, or maybe the bump was too strong (0.600)
Good Mornin :flower:
the clouds are majestic this morning :smile:
snapped a quickie pic with my cellphone camera.
also my new beanie boos. :D
and today's cupcakes for the cupcake luvers :D
Cutey. haz a godzilla thing going on
glad to not be in the boat :lol:
Cutey. haz a godzilla thing going on
glad to not be in the boat :lol:
I was looking at a few waterscape products for Vue and saw this as one of the promos for a product :D
Looks a bit different than my sea draggie's scales :3
You should put your dragon exploring Titanic's wreck. :D
Also, is there something that controls the amount of gloss? I've noticed that if I yank down the gloss knob in DAZ Studio 4, things often get that dry look.
Very nice! That's one EXTREMELY doomed boat! :bug:
Ugh, didn't sleep well last night. Shoulders hurt now. Feh.
More UI design today, meh. At least I have my hot Japanese roasted green tea and some rice crackers! Double happiness!
Those cupcakes look nice.. yummy!
Blech, back to moving boxes around on the screen.
Revisiting an older scene I never finished. Trying it in Indigo this time. (Was a large sea dragon attacking a ship. I wanted to give a real sense of immense size to the sea monster by trying to get the camera as close to the human as possible. Right now I'm playing with the cameras. The lighting already looks okay.
I'm gonna have to spend some cash to upgrade my Indigo so I can make use of SSS :3
Oh and I have the water plane hidden in these renders. It was getting in the way :<<br /> *edit* Oops forgot one. I should point out that while Indigo does support Cinema materials, it does not support bump maps. So in this close up the head lost its specular but got an awesome bump (I am using a flat diffuse material at the moment. Speculars come later)
Getting my paycheck today. Not sure if I want to spend it on Vue stuff, some books, or save it. =/
Urgh, tough call. I know I've been buying books and such lately, and infrastructure stuff (clothes, computer parts, etc.).
I have to start saving for C4D... urgh.
General complaints for mid-week:
- My digestive system is getting revenge on me for eating super-hot food all weekend
- Getting parts for the new computer is slow
- I have to save up a ton of money for C4D Broadcast
- I need a MIDI controller keyboard
- I need a guitar
- I need a bass
- I need more room
- My shoulders hurt
- Lunch is going to have to be non-spicy
- It's too hot and humid outside
- The A/C at the office is weak
- I want to go home and render stuff
That's enough for today! :ahhh:
Complaint! Ray Bradbury has died this morning. :(
*edit* Never mind.
"- I have to save up a ton of money for C4D Broadcast"
Going for Broadcast over Prime?
"- I need a MIDI controller keyboard"
Which also reminds me... There's a plugin for Cinema that allows you to control camera movement with a MIDI keyboard (As well as joysticks, and so on. Looks very cool, but is useless to me)
Yeah - I'm going for Broadcast, the MoGraph stuff is invaluable and adds power to the particle plugin I want to get. I figure I can scrimp and save a bit longer, so when I get it I can go straight for the fancy VFX stuff and not have to wait!
The joystick thing sounds cool, indeed! :coolsmile:
Noooooooooooo! I grew up reading his stories and novels!!!
He was pretty old, though - I guess it's inevitable.