Show Us Your Bryce Renders Part 10



  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376
    edited October 2017

    @Rashad : thank you, I've made a professional print of my falls and I must admit that I'm proud of the result.

    @Electro-Elvis : beautiful indoor character render! This is looking so real.

    @slepalex : yes, splendid and nicely populated landscapes! I like both, they're inspiring.

    Here it's. After my butterfly render  (the king on is throne), I've try to focus on another little story about a snail.

    It's call "the mediator". Between fly amanita and other mushrooms, it's trying to find a solution before a conflict.

    All this mushrooms are coming from megascan stump pack and there are really detailed (about 150 000 polygons each with a 4k texture). The stump have got more than 2 millions polygons and it's  cover by real scanned moss.

    I have got a lot of pleasure building this scene, putting dew on mushrooms hat, working on the snail body. Its shell is coming from sketchfab.

    There's three radials to light up the scene.

    The Mediator dof.jpg
    1500 x 600 - 901K
    Post edited by c-ram on
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241


  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,821

    Slepalex - Thank you. Beautiful spot with the rich vegetation.

    Mermaid - thank you.

    Hansmar - thank you. Yeah, that steep wall needs a cable car ...

    Rashad - thank you; trees, yes, they give a sense of scale to the scene, or they spoil it if not rightly done.

    c-ram - beautiful render of such a small place. Great details, superbly lit, fitting DOF.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    c-ram said:

    @Rashad : thank you, I've made a professional print of my falls and I must admit that I'm proud of the result.

    @Electro-Elvis : beautiful indoor character render! This is looking so real.

    @slepalex : yes, splendid and nicely populated landscapes! I like both, they're inspiring.

    Here it's. After my butterfly render  (the king on is throne), I've try to focus on another little story about a snail.

    It's call "the mediator". Between fly amanita and other mushrooms, it's trying to find a solution before a conflict.

    All this mushrooms are coming from megascan stump pack and there are really detailed (about 150 000 polygons each with a 4k texture). The stump have got more than 2 millions polygons and it's  cover by real scanned moss.

    I have got a lot of pleasure building this scene, putting dew on mushrooms hat, working on the snail body. Its shell is coming from sketchfab.

    There's three radials to light up the scene.

    Another masterpiece from you, Mark. I like simple solutions in lighting, but achieve maximum effect in terms of realism and render time. You succeeded in this work.
    I also prefer simple solutions in optimizing the file size and memory space. 150,000 polygons for the fungus is too much. For a picture of this resolution, 5000 polygons are enough. The texture size of 256X256 is also quite sufficient for this resolution. So I reduced your file 10 or 100 times without losing quality. :-)

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2017

    Super, C-ram...and one of my favourite mushrooms - the poisonous Fly Agaric (the red one) - typically represents a Leprechaun's house in our folklore laugh


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @Horo : Thank you!

    @Alexey : thank you too! I just can't use low polygons and low textures here because, the final render is shoot at 4000 per 1600 pixels and trust me, for this resolution and closed camera, you must employ high definition objects and pictures. Or you will see artifacts like little triangles and the pixels of the textures.

    @Jamahoney : Thanks a lot! Sorry, no leprechaun, fairy or little elf here.


  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    c-ram said:

    @Horo : Thank you!

    @Alexey : thank you too! I just can't use low polygons and low textures here because, the final render is shoot at 4000 per 1600 pixels and trust me, for this resolution and closed camera, you must employ high definition objects and pictures. Or you will see artifacts like little triangles and the pixels of the textures.

    @Jamahoney : Thanks a lot! Sorry, no leprechaun, fairy or little elf here.


    I might have to consent to you, Mark. But I can not. You're not visualizing a mushroom close-up. So? Against the general background, the fungus will occupy no more space than in this picture. Do you see any triangles here?
    Here the number of polygons (triangles) in seven mushrooms: 3328, 2968, 2916, 3168, 3104, 3168 and 3200.
    Such a number of mushrooms is enough for a large scene. The same can be shown on the example of textures. At least 512X512 is enough. Of course, if you visualize a human face super close-up, then 4096x4096  will be small.


    1280 x 1600 - 252K
  • c-ramc-ram Posts: 376

    @Alexey : you're right, I can't see any triangle on your mushrooms and that's good.


    However, megascans mushrooms have got more realistic details. There's cavity on feet with subtil cracks.


    Here's a render of two "similar" megascans mushrooms in my scene. I've render them in the same situation, I mean the same resolution. At the top you've got about 4350 polygons with a 1k texture only (sorry to say but 512x512 will be awful here). And below about 154000 polygons with a 4k texture. Both have got the same amount of bump, the same amount of diffuse, all the same values.


    Hoping that you will see difference in this case. In a picture, each technical approach is different and each technical approach is good, it only depend on the felling you've got with this or that works.

    Mushroom test.jpg
    574 x 958 - 313K
  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    c-ram said:

    @Alexey : you're right, I can't see any triangle on your mushrooms and that's good.


    However, megascans mushrooms have got more realistic details. There's cavity on feet with subtil cracks.


    Here's a render of two "similar" megascans mushrooms in my scene. I've render them in the same situation, I mean the same resolution. At the top you've got about 4350 polygons with a 1k texture only (sorry to say but 512x512 will be awful here). And below about 154000 polygons with a 4k texture. Both have got the same amount of bump, the same amount of diffuse, all the same values.


    Hoping that you will see difference in this case. In a picture, each technical approach is different and each technical approach is good, it only depend on the felling you've got with this or that works.

    Well, I will not argue. Although the top mushroom with a different texture and bump can be made to look like the bottom one. Usually a portrait of a mushroom close-up no one does. Further, with adaptive modeling, the grid is more dense where there is a small radius of curvature and vice versa. This makes it possible to minimize the number of polygons. I just remembered your barn. In it, the number of polygons can be reduced by a factor of 10 without loss of quality. When I use imported models, I often reduce the texture 2 - 3 times, especially when it is an average and a distant plan.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Another small landscape.
    Description here.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,821

    Slepalex - this is really a very beautiful work.

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2017



    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,821
    edited October 2017

    A bit of fun. The camera with the GWL covering 320° is inside an Alien Artifact by MatCreator. It is set partly transparent and partly reflecting with PHT boosted specular. Outside is the tone-mapped Wph56_SD HDRI and the HDRI light is inside and negative but with positive specular.

    Abspiral (Abstract Spiral)

    1000 x 1000 - 412K
    Post edited by Horo on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,999

    c-ram: what a fantastic render! Lots of detail. I do think rendering a mushroom close-up can be relevant, so maybe you do need the large sizes, though at somewhat further distance, we will probably not see much difference with smaller numbers of polygons and less detailed textures.

    Slepalex: Again a really beautiful landscape render.

    Horo: Fantastic abstract work.

  • @Many thanks everybody for the kind comments to my pic of Mrs Colbert. @Jamahoney: "flimsy, see-through effect"? That was never my intention ;-)

    @Mermaid010: Lovely scenery in your first stacked terrains. The material looks interesting, a bit like crystals. The other terrains look

    @Horo: That's what I call a mountain :-) terrains and lighting are superb. The abstract is also great with nice structure. It looks nearly like an oil painting.

    @Hansmar: Your trees made with Ngplant look better and better. Is it hard to learn this software?

    @slepalex: Spectacular pictures from you, but "Alpine fields" I like most. Superb details and textures here.

    @c-ram: Wonderful mushroom scene. An adventure land for a little snail.


  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115
    edited October 2017

    Some great renders here !

    It has been some time, made an indoor image for a change, room modeled with Wings3D, the girl = poser item, the chair = free object, rest is Bryce.


    The window_.jpg
    950 x 570 - 79K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2017

    Has anyone seen my magic mushrooms...oh wait, I smoked them earlier devil

    Very nice abstract, Horo...looks like a Kandinsky is found in you wink

    Super so happens I'm currently rendering a city scene, too - crashing though...fingers crossed.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 2,999

    Electro-Elvis: thanks. NgPlant is not too difficult to learn. The most difficult part for me was to get to grips with using meshes for leaves (instead of the default transparency based leaves). This has to do with the fact that the software does not allow all kinds of meshes. And I am not yet very succesful in creating good textures and having them also work via NgPlant in Bryce. But that is usually not too much of a problem, because most plants are not so close.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    @Jamahoney : thanks for your comment, I also had some crashes on this one !

    Giving comments on all the renders here would take too long, I'll try to be more active in the future.

  • Electro-ElvisElectro-Elvis Posts: 896
    edited October 2017

    @Hansmar: Thanks for your information. I think, I will give Ngplant a try, but first I have to buy a new computer with a bigger harddisk :-)

    @adbc: Pretty floor and a nice atmosphere overall.

    I wanted to use the 'Aging Morphs' product again and came up with the scene below. You can find more details here


    Still Rockin

    800 x 800 - 122K
    Post edited by Electro-Elvis on
  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,821

    adbc - great indoor scene, the view of the city outside is spectacular.

    Electro-Elvis - very well done, pehaps a wee bit much specular on the skin of the face, but skin is always difficult to get right, more so in Bryce. Neck and hands are excellent.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    I wanted to use the 'Aging Morphs' product again and came up with the scene below. You can find more details here



    Most of all I also liked the hands.

  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911
    adbc said:

    Some great renders here !

    It has been some time, made an indoor image for a change, room modeled with Wings3D, the girl = poser item, the chair = free object, rest is Bryce.


    adbc, good lighting and atmosphere.

  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    Electro-Elvis, Horo and Slepalex : thank you for your comment.

    Electro-Elvis : I really like your image !

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2017

    Nice one, Elvis... have the DAZ age ap., but rarely used it: once, in a youth-wise direction, but, you're a master  yes).

    Meanwhile, a more modern city view approach...a FREE model by someone named 'Herminio' - here - you can never go wrong with a good model.


    1682 x 871 - 2M
    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,634

    C-ram – another outstanding, beautiful render.

    Slepalex – awesome render, great scene.

    Horo- great abstract, I agree with Electro-Elvis it looks like an oil painting.

    Electro-Elvis – thanks. Nice scene, nice work on the model, except for the hair.

    Adbc –nice indoor, especially the lighting.

    Jay – cool render, like the additions, thanks for the link to the model.


  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2017

    Cheers, Mermaid....yeah, the link (and said model) was causing the crashes - whenever I tried to SAVE it as a Bryce file. No aspersions towards the modeller - I have a crappy, so-called new computer (jeez, they don't make them like they used to), and just worked off the render live (no crashes), took a Print-Screen - cool-ish cool

    Jay a slight, nice 'glow' around parts of the render - totally unintentional (presuming, it has to do with my haze settings).

    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • adbcadbc Posts: 3,115

    mermaid010 : thank you !

    Jamahoney : Nice work, the material used gives it that special modern city look !

  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    Thanks, AdBcyes...perhaps, recent view of the modern 'Blade Runner' had something to do with it (NEVER replacing the original).


This discussion has been closed.