Reflective Radiance for 3Delight [Commercial]



  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    They are faster. I've used the arealights too and had trouble with the grain, these are grain free. The promos and renders I've created with this set (a couple dozen by now) rendered in 30-45 minutes at 1500x1000. I have a 3 year old Imac with no hardware updates. Renders with AoA shader or Ubersurface took a bit longer to start but usually went pretty quick. Pure architectural renders will go very quick (no figures or materials with a lot of SSS and not a ton of opacity maps).

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Huh, maybe I'll jump on this and continue my wild swinging back and forth between 3dl and Iray. ;)


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    My experience with arealight and uberenvironment indirect light and so on is that the renders end up taking as long as Iray CPU mode... are these much faster?



    Basically I would say yes, what eats up render time with reflective radiance are opacity maps. There are coming some surface adjustments with the product that decrease render time ( occlusion off on hair for example) but as well skin and other surface conversions that can additionally be used to transform Iray materials to 3delight.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Offhand, does anybody know if this will work back in 4.8 as well?

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    I'm 99% sure it will as I was still working on the core lights back then.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    ok one more for the environmental light sets: Moroccan Courtyard converted to 3delight materials with the surface adjust and the Light set is Full moon, I changes the UE2 light to a blue tone for this one

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    edited March 2017

    Seeing some weird effects with reflective light + Ambient (AoA, UE 2 Occlusion w/soft shadows), like everything that would be occluded is glowing brightly even if AO Strength is 0%.


    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    Let's figure this out. Are you only using a reflective Radiance preset Or are you using other lights?
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    edited March 2017

    I'm using the default radiance preset with max quality and Bounce Strength amped to 200% (the same thing happens with 90%, it's just... more obvious).

    I'm then adding either AoA Ambient or UE2 with Occlusion w/soft shadows, with AO or Occlusion set to 100% or 0% (doesn't matter).

    Going to show a test render if I can get one complete to show the effect.

    I mean, it looks neat, but...


    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Here. Notice how all the pages and scrolls look like they are full of ungodly fire... I also assume cutting down on specks is more samples/make it bigger and shrink/pixel filtering.


    Reflect test.png
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  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    I mean, if I have to, I can render two passes and composite, just seems weird.


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047
    edited March 2017

    Ah, I'm having better results starting with a complete light preset. That's helping

    Edit: ... actually, scratch that, still seeing the problem, using FauxRay Day, for example, with bounce strength at 90%.


    Post edited by Oso3D on
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    Oh good! You can use other lights but the presets are all built to work together.
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    It seems like I can't mess with bounce strength without things getting really messed up. Hrm.

    So I guess if I want candles to provide light, just crank emission strength way way up?


  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    Try the reflective light at about 150% then start turning up the emissive level. you could try turning off any spot lights or distant lights just using emissive surfaces and the reflective light...and included uberenvironment light or not. They all influence each other.
  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited March 2017
    Marshian said:

    dracorn! It is so good to read your post. Exactly the kind of feedback I was hoping for. I felt it was a risk to create another 3Delight product but when I solved a couple problems, found a great tester, and discovered some recent updates with D|S I just had to follow through. I've been working on this product off and on for over three years. Your post is confirmation this was worth it.

    The metalicity on fabric where part of the pattern is reflective and the rest is a matte finish? And in 3Delight? 

    Hey, Marshian!

    Yes, that's what I mean.  I can sort of approximate it in 3DL - Destiny's Garden has some great shaders, but it's done with glossiness and isn't quite the same as Iray does it.  I used it on the skirt in this pic.

    I picked up Reflected Light, but I've been crazy busy and haven't had the chance to play with it yet.  I'm really excited about it.  Love to use your emissive shaders for the eyes, claws and jewelry in this render.

    Cast Down Close Up 767x1141.png
    767 x 1141 - 2M
    Post edited by dracorn on
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited September 2017

    Here is an example of a portrait lit with Reflective Radiance lights and 3 emissive panels (no spotlights or distant lights used). At 1000x1500 the render only took 35 minutes! Notice how soft the shadows are, I really like it the feel. This figure has the Victoria 6/Rybelle maps with AoA surfaces and Subsurface at 75%.



    Post edited by Marshian on
  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Thanksks for this Marshian.. Just bought it.. time to read the readme and experiment  . will post results..

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    Thank you hacsart. Let me know if you have any feedback on the ReadMe too. I keep hearing that very few people read those but I'd still like to make them as useful as possible. They are challenging to write as I become so familiar with my products while I'm working on them. Its almost like writing instructions on how to drive a new car and to write them for people who may have just started driving or have been driving for years.

    hacsart said:

    Thanksks for this Marshian.. Just bought it.. time to read the readme and experiment  . will post results..


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited March 2017

    My 3delight skills are so bad it's embarrassing; I took to IRAY like a duck to water, and they are better than my 3delight skills but by no means great.

    I bought this, because I like to encourage choice, and I'd be happier with a rendering engine that didn't force me to use only one graphics card vendor. Don't get me wrong, I do like IRAY, but it makes for a one-horse race.

    Hoping I can finally render something in 3Delight that wouldn't embarrass a two-year old, because it looks really impressive.

    Sorry I wasn't paying attention earlier, could'a saved myself a dollar or two. :)

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    Hi nicstt! Your perspective is going to be very valuable then. They both have thier place for sure. I'm hoping too that the 3DL horse gets an injection here. I feel strongly that you will be impressed. The renders will be so clean, they will have bounce with occlusion, and shadows will be grain-free. Plus all of your 3DL content will look awesome without having to convert it to Iray materials. Look forward to hearing from you.

  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Well.. some quicl testing shows that the emissive shaders work very nicely, faster than the Omnifreaker UberArea Light... Got a render that will be a good test,  a scene that rendered for 4 hours using multple lights, including the UberArea light, and Uberenvironment 2 to get the lighting I wanted.. I think That I can dupliccat it using the indoor set with one refl;ectve light and three surfaces set wi the emissive surface shaders.. .. Stary tuned..

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Marshian said:

    Hi nicstt! Your perspective is going to be very valuable then. They both have thier place for sure. I'm hoping too that the 3DL horse gets an injection here. I feel strongly that you will be impressed. The renders will be so clean, they will have bounce with occlusion, and shadows will be grain-free. Plus all of your 3DL content will look awesome without having to convert it to Iray materials. Look forward to hearing from you.

    My renders and value linked together is amusing; unless of course, the combination suggests no value. :)

    All joking aside, I hope to get something done later.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    edited March 2017

    Having fun playing with these lights! Here is "House of Mog Ruith Interior" using the RR3 Sunrise Golden lights and the "Easy Environments: Tree of Life" (not including its own light set). Notice how the lights catch the tree in the shadows on the floor!

    I used the default light quality settings, and it rendered in just under 33 min. I did increase the Sun and Specular intensities to 200% since I'm not using interior lights, per the helpful ReadMe file. I also reduced UE2's intensity to 50% so there wasn't so much purple. Also changed materials on walls, floor, staircase, candelabras etc. to either Matte/Stone or Semigloss/CeramicTile.

    Haven't tried lighting the candelabras yet.

    Any lighting suggestions would be helpful. Should I add the RR3 Interiors light preset? Would also like to minimize the hard rectangular lighting on the floor without losing the shadows on the floor.


    1220 x 847 - 641K
    Post edited by dawnblade on
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited March 2017

    Very good dawnblade! Thanks for posting a render and mentioning the ReadMe. Looks like it really helped. I noticed something in your render I had to explore- the candelabras in this set have reflective maps which can make them glow under normal 3DL lights but I didn't think of trying this with Reflective Radiance. I usually delete them but with these lights they actually have kind of a ghostly effect especially on the floor (see 1st render below). Since this Mog Ruith set was made for DS and/or Poser the materials didn't need to be changed but they probably will help as I applied some bump and other adjustments that should improve the default surfaces. 

    For your render I'd like to see more of the tree, there is a chance the strong lights will make the green from the leaves bounce around inside the house like stained glass. If you have the exterior Mog Ruith set I would add that as it has the complete windows. While I had this set open I checked out the candelabras, unfortunately they are all one surface so you cant make the candles glow separately from the metal—I might put linear point lights above them, I dont think I'd add any other lights.

    The distant lights included with Reflective Radiance have a shadows softness applied to them that gets softer the later in the day it is. The default shadow softness for the Sunrise/Sunset lights is at/around 11%. I think for your image 3 or 5% would be enough to soften the shadows but keep the detail. In the second image below I dailed them to 4%.

    WOW these lights are so nice! Look at the light bouncing off the sunlit corner and columns, love it. Some of these older models have never looked so good. We are some of the first people to see them in this kind of light. I didn't change any materials for these renders but the sunlight being low in the sky would really look great on all of these surfaces if some bump was applied. Ah- just checked this set doesn't have bump maps- would need to move the diffuse maps over to that channel.

    Very nice render you have going here- the purple light falling on the steps is very tasty.




    Reflective Radiance for 3DL.png
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    Reflective Radiance for 3DL Mog Ruith.png
    900 x 692 - 822K
    Post edited by Marshian on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Will this work in DS4.8 64bit pro?

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    Marshian said:

    Here is an example of the emissive shaders applied to a figure. All maps can be retained. The blue glow is only from the figure.

    Will this product work in DS4.8 64bit pro?

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    DS4.8 64bit pro? I'm 99% sure as I was developing the core lights when I had it. I have to leave that 1% because I cant actually test it myself. If you buy the Reflective Radiance lights please come back and confirm.



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I can test them in 4.8 on my laptop.  Might have to wait til tomorrow as I am in the middle of a render at the moment. Will try it as soon as I get a chance.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    So I went ahead and did a simple test render and yes, they seem to work fine in 4.8.  I just did a super simple castle hallway with the indoor setting and moved the spotlights around.  Absolutely nothing fancy and I wasn't being super precise in placing my spotlights but they do work.  Will post it once its done rendering, just remember, nothing fancy! 

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