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cool... now I'm itching to get that and put it to work..
Playing a bit with RR3 & UF5 and also used scene optimizer which really helped reduce render time.
nice work! so you say scene optimiser does make a difference?
It certainly did for me
I achieved Iray-like lighting with the Mid-Morning preset.
Original - UE2 and default Distant Light
Using Reflective Radiance and repositioned the same character. Added a pointlight to increase lighting on the face and a colored light for the magic effect. Background and magic effect done in Photoshop, but no postwork on the figure.
This is now my go-to portrait lighting set!
The emissive plane trick also works well in an HDRI based scene... there is one emissive plane in this scene anlong with two emissive surfaces applied to the muzzle blast objects..
Thanks for keeping in touch with posting new renders. Seeing what you all are doing is a nice break from my crazy production schedule.
Thanks Marshian.. glad we can give you a break.. I'll post a few others as they come..
Finally getting around to using this light set. I've run into a little wall and need some help. I'm rendering an eyeball, no transparency but the Cornea but I'm up to 21 minutes with only 33% completed. I'm using the RR3 Portraits set up. All other lights in the scene have been turned off to give this a go on it's own. Is there anything I'm missing for this to render to go faster? At this point I'll be waiting an hour per promo for Iris colors for my pack. Using the most up to date version of DAZ Studio, General Release.
Thanks for the help
Did you try to apply the shaders coming with the lights sitting in the surface adjust folder? I never rendred an eyeball alone so I don't know what other obstacles might come up there but ususally its the Ubersurfaces that take very long to render and make sense to convert.
I can not express how happy I am to see a light emmiter set for 3DL. PLEASE tell me this works with/in 4.7. It it does, I'm buying it IMMEDIATELY.
Hi WillowRaven! Yes it will, happy to say. I had slowly been tinkering with this product since 2013.
Afterwards please come back to this thread for any tips, questions, or feedback. I would enjoy seeing a render too if you feel inspired. I would suggest using progressive rendering, for some reason it just works much faster.
I've been dipping my toes back into 3dl lately, and Reflective Radiance has played a big role in it.
You've made my day :D I'll go buy it right now!!! Are the instructions hard to follow or need a super-techie mind?
Very Good! You don't need to be super-techie
. I built this to be as user-friendly as possible and I've labeled the relevant channels so they make sense. The other channels are what you'd expect to find with UE2 lighting. Because of this and the variety with all the presets I dont think you'll have to adjust much other than intensity settings. Use the Aux ViewPort and have fun!
Most questions would be answered in the readme or here in this thread. You can also message me.
Once I figured out not to mix it with AoA lights, I've found the package incredibly easy to use.
Other than rotating light, the only things I've found I want to mess with is light intensity (I often like to bump Sun and Specular to 150%, and sometimes I find the specular blows out a little and I prefer to shut it off)
ACK... Marshian you Photobucket account needs fixing... all these images in your posts are not showing....
I know its pretty ugly but its not going to change. They allowed/offered this free for years and then decided to charge for it. I'm not going to bend but have already solved the problem and will continue to do so with any new posts.
I'm standing by if anyone wants to see something specific thats missing. I'll find it and edit the post.
Do you have a read me file or documentation for this product? It would be of great help to anyone new to it, and to forgetful me, to know that trick to make "ghost lights" out of them. It's just something to think to add if you find yourself with nothing better to do one day ; )
It comes with an easy-to-follow pdf. No mention of ghost lights in it, but it's still a nice tutorial.
By the way, since you mentioned read me file: if you install the Daz Deals extension for your browser of choice (Chrome, Firefox, Opera) there will be a link to the read me file on a product's page. Go to the read me page for this product, and you'll find the link to the pdf. The extension also includes gallery/forum links on the product page (not yet implemented in Opera).
It is a few pages back but the ReadMe is in the first post. Can also be accessed through Smart Content, once purchased. Ghost lights have been very helpful in Iray, glad the effect and idea can work in 3DL too. Different settings but very similar results.
TY Marshian for supporting 3DL! This seems like a really cool product. I have read through this thread and the read me/user´s guide and have a couple of questions.
Is UE2 the only option for getting ambient occlusion? Will it work with the AoA lights? What happens if you just use the included light presets without UE2?
I´m into animating so keeping rendertimes down is first priority, I´ve pretty much exclusively used the AoA lights for everything I´ve done so far and used the ability to flag hair and other stuff
that uses transmaps. Will this product increase render times much compared to using AoA lights?
Great pictures in this thread! I love what I see!
Tha AOA light are not happening with reflective radiance, but you can leave the UE2 away as long as you keep the reflective light active ( though it looks better with the UE2). You can as well add the standart Distant and spot lights.
Ok thank you Linwelly, I guess it´s a must have so I´ll go for it!
I can tell you that I love it ;)
How do I set up an emissive plane to work as a ghostlight so it won´t be visible in the camera or show up in reflective surfaces?
I know it was discussed over here but I can not see the uploaded images.
Set Cutout Opacity to a very low, but non-zero, value.