Reflective Radiance for 3Delight [Commercial]



  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    A render would be good to see (even som'thin simple) but as long as you have confirmation that is enough. Thank You Sonja!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Anytime, happy to help.  Love your stuff so its always a pleasure to be able to help.  The render is at 66% so should be done soon.  Going to have to take the time to do a thorough read through of the read me instead of the quick skim I just gave it, looks like there are lots of super useful stuff in here. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited March 2017

    Really impressed with this.  The wood grain looks real, which I don't get as much when rendering in 3Delight.  This is at 77%.


    Reflective Radiance Test Render.png
    1236 x 988 - 2M
    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    edited March 2017
    Marshian said:

    Very good dawnblade! Thanks for posting a render and mentioning the ReadMe. Looks like it really helped. I noticed something in your render I had to explore- the candelabras in this set have reflective maps which can make them glow under normal 3DL lights but I didn't think of trying this with Reflective Radiance. I usually delete them but with these lights they actually have kind of a ghostly effect especially on the floor (see 1st render below). Since this Mog Ruith set was made for DS and/or Poser the materials didn't need to be changed but they probably will help as I applied some bump and other adjustments that should improve the default surfaces. 

    For your render I'd like to see more of the tree, there is a chance the strong lights will make the green from the leaves bounce around inside the house like stained glass. If you have the exterior Mog Ruith set I would add that as it has the complete windows. While I had this set open I checked out the candelabras, unfortunately they are all one surface so you cant make the candles glow separately from the metal—I might put linear point lights above them, I dont think I'd add any other lights.

    The distant lights included with Reflective Radiance have a shadows softness applied to them that gets softer the later in the day it is. The default shadow softness for the Sunrise/Sunset lights is at/around 11%. I think for your image 3 or 5% would be enough to soften the shadows but keep the detail. In the second image below I dailed them to 4%.

    WOW these lights are so nice! Look at the light bouncing off the sunlit corner and columns, love it. Some of these older models have never looked so good. We are some of the first people to see them in this kind of light. I didn't change any materials for these renders but the sunlight being low in the sky would really look great on all of these surfaces if some bump was applied. Ah- just checked this set doesn't have bump maps- would need to move the diffuse maps over to that channel.

    Very nice render you have going here- the purple light falling on the steps is very tasty.

    Thank you! Your renders are great! Really nice lighting and shadows. Working on your suggested changes. Here is an initial render with the HOMR exterior added. Really blocks the light coming in though so very little shadows appear. I did adjust the Sun's rotation though so maybe I need to readjust it.

    I made the windows reflective with your Default Reflective shader. Notice also how you can see through them to the ground/shadows outside! smiley

    The candelabras have been a pain to try an illuminate. I got a tip on using the geometry editor to select the wicks, create a new surface and then use a flame.jpg as the color. Did that, but the flame won't appear.




    1220 x 847 - 604K
    Post edited by dawnblade on
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    I'm not too good at error messages. I dont think whats happening there is affecting your render. The product was fully tested...a couple times and there was no mention of errors. I was going to suggest the surface editor for the candles but its kind of tricky. Just selecting the wick might not be enough, maybe the top 1" of the candle? Or bring in candles from another set and put them on top of these? They really need a flame. That upper floor looks really nice.


  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029
    edited March 2017

    Hi Marshian..

        Yep - this is one heck of a boost for those wh render in 3dl... a keeper. You can get some very subtle effects, too... This uses the indoor light  preset and several surfaces with the emissive shaders



    1680 x 1050 - 1M
    Post edited by hacsart on
  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Here is an outdoor render with Gatwyck Shops and your "Day Brown Ground" lights. No material changes because they were already Daz materials, and I stayed with the default light settings. Check out the shadows along the ground and sides of the buildings, and it rendered in less than 11 minutes!


    1220 x 847 - 776K
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    So I went ahead and did a simple test render and yes, they seem to work fine in 4.8.  I just did a super simple castle hallway with the indoor setting and moved the spotlights around.  Absolutely nothing fancy and I wasn't being super precise in placing my spotlights but they do work.  Will post it once its done rendering, just remember, nothing fancy! 

    Many thanks for the information, now I will buy it :)

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    Thanks for posting Ice Dragon Arthacsart, and dawnblade. There are some very tasty areas on all of your renders. Now that this product has been out for a few days I've been able to explore and experiment quite a bit more. I'm noticing a real sweet spot is where the light source is lined up with the plane of a prop- like the building on the left in dawnblades render. Creating long shadows and bounce where anything protrudes. Specifically where the light is bouncing off the arch onto the wall.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723
    Marshian said:

    Thanks for posting Ice Dragon Arthacsart, and dawnblade. There are some very tasty areas on all of your renders. Now that this product has been out for a few days I've been able to explore and experiment quite a bit more. I'm noticing a real sweet spot is where the light source is lined up with the plane of a prop- like the building on the left in dawnblades render. Creating long shadows and bounce where anything protrudes. Specifically where the light is bouncing off the arch onto the wall.

    You're welcome! These are really nice lights, they render quickly and I especially like the presets for different times of the day, weather and even ground cover. Saves a ton of time lighting scenes! Looking forward to using the emissive shaders like @hacsart did in the cool sci-fi scene!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I'm looking forward to spending a bit more time with this soon, I have several other things in the works at the moment so it will be a bit yet but its going to be wonderful to be able to render in 3delight and use all those lovely shaders I have, and not have to stress about lighting those dark rooms and nooks and crannies.  Really excited about this.  I just need 40 hours in a day lol.

  • dHandledHandle Posts: 617

    @Marshian Whare are the readme files/ instructions for using "Reflective Radiance" please? 


  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    Sure thing! there is a link to the read me file in the first post of this thread. You can also access it in smart content tab by clicking on the main thumbnail image. On this read me page there is a download link for the PDF. Let me know if you have any questions after reviewing this. Enjoy the lights!
  • GoneGone Posts: 833

    Having a play with the emissives.

    All the surfaces on the BEO are emissive with various intensities.

    600 x 900 - 144K
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    Thanks Gone. If you're inspired to try another render- try turning the reflective light up to 200% and and all emissive surfaces up to 2000 or so...or more. What I'm hoping you'll see is all of that blue light casting onto the BEO metal areas and the floor. You could try this with the UE2 light on or off. The results could be spectacular.
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    As I got the DAZ horse just now, I had to play with it, so here it is in the golden sunset light set, no postwork. This is with the grass shader by Dimension Theory/ Age of Armor

    Grass will take its time to render as with the shader you can not turn of the occlusion ( leaves nothing of the grass ;)) but I think this was worth the time:

  • GoneGone Posts: 833
    Marshian said:
    Thanks Gone. If you're inspired to try another render- try turning the reflective light up to 200% and and all emissive surfaces up to 2000 or so...or more. What I'm hoping you'll see is all of that blue light casting onto the BEO metal areas and the floor. You could try this with the UE2 light on or off. The results could be spectacular.

    Thanks for the comment - but the emissive strength of the light is already turned up to 200% and the emissive distance was upped to 800. The aqua strip lights are at 1000% and the blue lights on the BEO are at 800%. You can see blue light being cast on the floor and the grill behind him. The yellow parts of the armour have emissive at 1% with gloss turned up to 20%. I wanted the armour to stand out but not dominate. Even the black is emissive and has a subtle effect on the back of the arms and legs. :)

    I'm on an old quad core duo and all these emissive surfaces took 2 hours to render.

    In any case, I'm going to bump up the emissive distance on the light and the strength on the aqua and blue lights and see how it comes out.

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited September 2017

    Thanks for posting Gone and Linwelly. I feel both of you made great choices on how to feature these lights. I wish I had BEO to create a promo that showed  the emissive shaders on a suit/character. I included one of the supersuit but it really doesn't come close. That promo was more about the using planes outside camera range to bounce or emit light.

    Linwelly! The color matching with the background is sooo tasty. The grass looks great, worth the wait.

    Here is a promo that didn't make it to the store page. I applied an emissive shader to a plane near the ceiling.



    Post edited by Marshian on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Hah! Domino Palace. Haven't seen that in a while. Looks very good, too.

  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Marshian..  I can see uppoing the emissive surface strength way up, but what about Bounce distance - how does that affect the spread or range of the glow? Any thoughts on different settings for that value?

    Marshian said:
    Thanks Gone. If you're inspired to try another render- try turning the reflective light up to 200% and and all emissive surfaces up to 2000 or so...or more. What I'm hoping you'll see is all of that blue light casting onto the BEO metal areas and the floor. You could try this with the UE2 light on or off. The results could be spectacular.


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990
    hacsart said:

    Marshian..  I can see uppoing the emissive surface strength way up, but what about Bounce distance - how does that affect the spread or range of the glow? Any thoughts on different settings for that value?

    Marshian said:
    Thanks Gone. If you're inspired to try another render- try turning the reflective light up to 200% and and all emissive surfaces up to 2000 or so...or more. What I'm hoping you'll see is all of that blue light casting onto the BEO metal areas and the floor. You could try this with the UE2 light on or off. The results could be spectacular.


    About the distance what I did was to reduce the distance when I was taking a close shot. That reduces the render times. So in return I would think that the emissive will reach further wehn you up the distance but I never tested that.

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    Sure...The value is in centimeters so 250 cm (about eight feet) is enough to encompass the figure and nearby objects. The higher the value the longer the render time needed and the more you will need the high quality setting. Hope this explains bounce distance a little bit more let me know if you have further questions.
  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    That's waht I was thinking as well.. Another thought occurs, I wonder how the emissive surfaces would work with "Above the Fog"?

  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Hi Marshian..

        Playing with a simple test scene to get the hang of the product.. This is a scense composed of three planes forming walls, one sphere with an emissive surface, and one reflective light with bounce turned up full..  so why the excessive grain on the planes, and how do I get the smooth lighting that you get in your promo images with emssive spheres? Help?


    800 x 600 - 456K
  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465
    edited March 2017

    Starting with a simple base scene is a great idea. Are you using the 6XHi Quality setting on either or both Reflective and UE2 lights? That is the default but I want to make sure as the quality settings are going to be where the biggest effect on reducing noise is going to happen (Mainly this is needed for the reflective light). If you can describe an exact promo image I'll look up the settings. Of course there will be some variables but it will get you closer.

    Is your sphere about 2 meters wide or less? Most of my promos and testing were with a sphere about 6' tall so results would be similar to a figure.

    Are you using the UE2 light? The UE2 light provides some fill that will soften the noise.

    When emissive strength and bounce distance go way beyond defaults, the props get large, or the props have no texture maps (to hide some of the grain) you may need to adjust quality settings beyond the presets. I can give you settings for those if you like.


    Reflective Radiance Light Quality settings.png
    218 x 414 - 87K
    Post edited by Marshian on
  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Hi Marshian..

       This is with 6x hi quality,  the only light in the scene is the reflective light, sphere is 2 meters.. I can send you the test scene I'm using, if you'd like, and would love to see your suggested settings..

    I'll add a UE2 light and see if that helps  The promo scene I'm referring to is this one: 

  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Progress!  as you suggested I deleted  the reflective light and used the "Night" light preset.  Changed the paramerts for the emissives and the lights as follows:

    Emissives - Emissive strenght - 200%
    Reflective light - Bounce Strenght 100%, Occlusion samples 128,
    UE2  -  Occlusion Samples 256,Shading Rate 1

    Result? pretty good - will keep playing..




    773 x 810 - 322K
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,990

    nice progress! Now I wanna make glowing globes agein...

  • MarshianMarshian Posts: 1,465

    Very good! A little tasty detail to point out- in the blue sphere you can see a slight reflection of the yellow one. I wanted these shaders to have some character and dimension, not just a flat glowing light source.

    The render attached is from the promo you included- deleted background and added only non-textured primitives. I can confirm all UE2 and Reflective Light settings use the 6XHi Quality setting and these spheres are 1 meter in dia. At 900x700 this rendered in 4 minutes

    So you can see that there is some noise in the render but typically any scene will have textures in it or a slight adjustment in the quality settings will render it smooth. This is how I created the main product image of the sphere and glowing cubes. Also rendering at 2x the size you need and shrinking it down will help hide some noise.

    have fun! looks like you are.

    Reflective Radiance Shader Scene.png
    900 x 692 - 1M
  • hacsarthacsart Posts: 2,029

    Thanks.. Next test? to see how your "Above the Fog" interacts with emissive shadered objects... Will let you know how that goes...

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