Carrara Non Photo Realistic Works
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Carrara Non Photo Realistic Works
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Hi HW/Andrew... I think I need to make the environment scenes less busy, then perhaps they will give a better illustration render. Trouble is, I need the photo-realism for some uses, so I will have to then strip a simplified verson out to generate an NPR look so the lower levels do not look harsh, but blended. Stezza's workflow looks promising. The people I am OK with... smoothing out a face after reducing the colour levels is doable so they do not look like a geological feature with elevations! But when I reduce levels in scenes where there are hard angles, such as furniture using they often get that 'bent' look. Nature scenes are more forgiving without those hard lines, but when I need to show a fruit or nut bush, eg... I have to use the reveal brush in DAP to bring back the fruit so it is recognisable. I also do not want to have 'paint' textures or media textures so as to present a more illustrated image.
Getting there... thanks for your interest and ideas!
Along came a spider and sat down beside her....
hey Silene - certainly sounds like you know what you are looking for.! Only thing I can suggest is that you keep in mind that in traditional work the centre of interest usually has the brightest saturation and contrast - and that often it's the only place in a work that you will see pure white.
other thing is that when a work is really busy - eg distante greenish landscape - adding a stopping point of highly saturated cad red (very small) in the distance let's the eye rest before it goes o n it's wander around the image
Great album cover - Ziggy Starduist and the spiders from mars :)
here's a discovery rendering an image with Carrara' native toon renderer and renedring out a post effect pass
if you invert that post effect pass it gives you back a whole lot of shadows - but slightly different
cupla plays with Photdonut and affinity tone mapping - sorry these are copied and pasted from facebook and will vanish eventually :(
Wow... thanks!!

plasuer I can ramble on as much as you want :)
Like the top one most !!!
Post a few of your renders so we can see how you are progressing Silene !!!
Another Alien
Just circling back to get caught upon this thread. You folks have been amazing. Jst a couple notes on the most recent page.
Bunyip, I love your recent trend experimening with colors. I wouldn't want to meet most of your subjects, but the effects have been fun to watch.
Headwax, you have convinced me to track down Photodonut. Unfortunately, there are more things to learn than any of us have time for. Must prioritize.
greatr idea, thanks for the comment on my two mansions :)
Diomede - after playing with pd for a month I would say it has a must have - layering the filters within PD is the way to go - though I have times when it just doesnt work when you have a few complicated ones
Bunyip02, that's terrific - it's very clean and easy to read!
reworking an old render with PDonut
and a little topaz simplify and Ron's brushes to get watercolour effect FilterForge for the paper texture
Am using PhotoDonut a lot more in my work, very usefull tool.
Excellent, love the combined painterly look with the paper texture !!!
Continuing the colourful Aliens theme
thanks having a lot of fun exploring this pd :)
Hehe, I thought you were going for colourful!! Brilliant album cover this would be ! That bleed adds the handmade look
PS have a look at this blog might have some interesting stuff about npr ?
Some old renders given the GMIC/Filter Forge/Photo Donut treatment
Got a Gremlin on my shoulder, what could possibly go wrong.....
Melody - Aiko 3
Silly Space scene
These are all so inspiring, Bunyip! I am working on a landscape scene, so it might be a bit before I can go back to the characters again. Hope to have something soon.
Thanks Silene, looking forward to seeing your renders !!!
this one is just superb - lovely job on the text, so watercolourist - you have me back with Gmic thanks :)
here's an engraving filter - interesting the effect changes with the same parameter - must be the illumination variations
piece from last year reworked to the skin of it's teeth
well I made some custom Photo Donut filters and they hang so while they were busy hanging I started this one off with Filter Forge then went onto PD layter
amusingly I forgot I was a wtarecolourist in a past life so I am bringing those skills to the digital table
eg bringing back the white at the end - to show the paper underneath the colour - nose cheecks and upper chest plus highlights on boots
Below back to school PD filter with some tone mapping in affinity - toon!pro pass overlayed to bring back some edges
last on is Carrara Photonmap overlaid on above image to bring some details back
Interesting result. I have used some of the Black & White GMIC filter results in the Multiply option of PaintShopPro to adust the look of the FilterForge/DAP/FotoSketcher/PhotoDonut results. Definately worth exploring !!!