Carrara Non Photo Realistic Works
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Carrara Non Photo Realistic Works
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now that's a great scene - and very 'auto' biographical I take it :) you the kid I betcha ... Crack up is the shopping trolley :)
thank you Stezza et UB :) I have some spare time as (don't have a clue why this underlining!) as I have finsihed a lot of my work for the financial year already plus my last book - it should be being shopped around soon - fingers crossed
(poor and happy) I have been studying Robert Ingpen australian illustrator - very magical
Having a lot of trouble with Genesis - my Daz Studio cant even find him / her / it! edit I blahed blahed my metadata and now daz studio is no longer blind
Will post car sizes when I get a chance to compare - lost the pied piper one as I saved it compressed (which I never do) it crashed end of file error when I reopened it - Saved the day by changing file suffix to zip and 7 upped it - now all is right in the world
Ha ha - you want a translation of that last sentnce ? :)
A wizardy Pied Piper - excellent !!!
Love the oil spill, superb render !!!
Glad you got Genesis to work, lot's of fun to be had with that adding to the Gene pool !!!
thank you Bunyip02 - I made a bad mistake though, after screwing round with studio it screwed up my carrara conten folders - all I got was Libraries - then stupidly I pushed the find content button and gah gah gah - i have my content back and a zillion other directoried I need to erase..
Make sure that you don't erase the ones you need !
thanks I have backups of my backup files as far as files I fiddle with!!
turned out easier than I thought
rework of an old scene
oils ain't oils Sol....
Perfect, congrats!
very nice Stezza, lovely grungy feel
"Pinocchio prays to the Fairy with Turquoise Hair."
I just sat down and read the plot of Carlo Collodi's 1883 book 'The Adventures of Pinocchio'. I didn't realise that the wooden boy killed Jiminy Cricket accidentally with a hammer - ha, there you go - can't trust anyone.
poor Jiminy
I was thinking of doing a Jiminy model... then forgot about it.. You need to do the Tin Soldier
Cops are Cool!
yes poor Jiminy - Tin Soldier - alwsy looking for idfeas :) Tin Man too!
Cops are cool - I just got it - ha ha - call me fortnight
had an epiphany the other day with more Ingpen study -
The Tin Soldier is a story by Hans Christian Andersen
Headwax - like the Pinocchio render best
Stezza - excellent renders
And one from me
ha Stezza, new it sounded familiar :)
Bunyip02, you just keep better and better - this is one of your best imho - it's clean and easy to read - great sense of character and place - plus receding atmopshere courtesy of the reduced distant contrast
here's a duck... er a swan I mean
'Laughing Swan in Rain at Dusk'
"The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875).
:) yes they are building up!!! the ugly ducks I mean :)
two more ducks .... err I mean birds - these had two differeng render passes as there starting point - the softone started as a wireframe render
Thought I'd have a go at trying to transform Lo-Renzo into a Pinnochio
Lorenzo never looked so good - it always amuse me how he accidently ? left in t hose xyz rated poses in the Lorenzo Loretto sectin of poses
One long nosed kid from me.
Apparently Pinocchio is a Fictional Character.
Not sure if anyone told him. Not even sure if he cares.
Stezza & Headwax - Pinocchio's looking good !!!
thanks @Bunyip02_Carrara
@Headwax_Carrara has got me started on a wacky wooden puppet!
Very nice - love the wood grain effect !!