Carrara Challenge #34 - Sing to Me, Muse - WIP Thread



  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252
    Stezza said:

    ok.. hands up those who then watched the pilot episode on YouTube ... 

    I started to... never finished it though.

    Geeze, Stezza! Busy much?

    Very cool stuff!

    just shows how cool Carrrara is in setting up and rendering.... heart smiley

    even if it is old lol

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    edited August 2017
    wgdjohn said:

    Rainbows...  I would give vertex modeler a go... just create a grid say 20x3 for RGB and add a Deform/Bend modifier.... looks like my pic with simple colors which should look better as color gradients to blend into each other.  BTW: I turned cast shadows off for the vertex deformed grid.

    Forgot to mention all the simple modeling took only a few mins.  It has 3 shader domains... top - red, mid - green and btm -blue. :)  Note... I would work more on the shaders... need a bit of transparancy or something in Alpha perhaps.

    ...and then there's that! :)

    EDIT: And then there's more!!! :)

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    iconic art inspires smiley

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    namtar3d said:

    Hi there, hope i'm not late for this party :D

    I am working on a scene called "sorrow", inspired by the muse of my life, Arwen (Liv Tyler) and the sad ending of the elven princess. 

    Another day comes to the end for her, while everything around her grows, get old and die, she remains there, alone. Her family and friends died long time ago, and the glory of her kingdom is now history, but she can't die, and she is completely alone... 

    I use my custom morph inspired in Liv, and used the beautiful props from "Daybed".  


    You should see to it that Liv sees this! Damn! Nice work!

    My wife, Rosie, and I are both Liv fans as well... very nice work, my friend! yes

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    Stezza said:

    Today's Muse

    Rainbows & Pegasus

    Beautifully done!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    Stezza said:
    Diomede said:

    @Stezza - remember, you can enter as many times as you wish.  These daily muses are wonderful.

    Thanks @diomede ..

    Today's  Muse


    Jon is an excellent source of muse! Love the "Break of Reality" cover! Nice!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    head wax said:

    A little bit more work on a paraphrase to The Handmaiden's ( Las Meninas) a 1656 painting  by Diego Velázquez, the leading artist of the Spanish Golden Age.



    Dammit Andrew!!! Yikes! yes

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    Diomede said:

    These are exceptional, Stezza, Headwax, and Vyusur!  Really stunning.


    Here are the base renders and the final composite for my Pennsylvania frontier fur trapper entry.


    Love this piece and also how you've included the individual plates! If one wanted, they could grab those and experiment with compositing just using those... very nice!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    The Muse - Mary Stallings is a national treasure.  She recorded this fourteen years ago at age 64.  Still going strong.

    Click to view "Old Devil Moon."



    The render.



    There are really three muses at work here.  Besides Mary, there is the Carrara NPR render engine (which I can't resist trying to understand) and also the old masters who did the cover art on pulp novels and magazines.

    First render - the final setup in Carrara

    Second render - this is the scene rendered with DEFAULT NPR settings.  So don't be discouraged if your renders look like this at first!

    Third render - this is the scene with optimized NPR settings, and zero postwork.  If there was a requirement for no postwork this month, I would enter this.

    Forth render - the above scene reworked in Photoshop.  No special effect filters, just brushes.

    I'd like to thank Diomede for sharing his work in figuring out the NPR engine (yes Ted, the secret is in changing the mesh!), and Headwax for getting me into Photoshop after all these years (layers are incredible!).  I inserted a small tribute to them into the render.

    Sorry I haven't participated much this time.  It is an awesome theme, but this month I got obsessed with learning PSE and the NPR engine. 

    Models are the usual suspects - V3, M3, and a Carrara moon and car.  Yseabeau hair.  The city is a severely smoothed Dytopian city block, and the fire plug is a free .obj from rendo.  The "black blob" is a metaball object.

    Kick ass ankle!!!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    Diomede said:

    These are exceptional, Stezza, Headwax, and Vyusur!  Really stunning.


    Here are the base renders and the final composite for my Pennsylvania frontier fur trapper entry.


    Love this piece and also how you've included the individual plates! If one wanted, they could grab those and experiment with compositing just using those... very nice!

    aggreed, particularly like the trees o the treeline directly below the moon - that's a lovely passage


    @dart - thanks :)


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    Diomede said:


    Third render - this is the scene with optimized NPR settings, and zero postwork.  If there was a requirement for no postwork this month, I would enter this.

    Forth render - the above scene reworked in Photoshop.  No special effect filters, just brushes.


    Fantastic!  That optimized NPR render is incredible.  The change in the nose in particular from the unoptimized to the optimized is a major success.  yesyes​   Really happy to see you use the NPR render engine in this way.  We get to see the straight render in the WIP thread, so also happy to see how you chose to address it in postwork as well. 


    Agreed 100%!!! yes yes

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    Mistara said:

    iconic art inspires smiley

    iconic indeed, still trying to figure out which is the Carrara render ? ;)


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    Diomede said:

    Same scene animation, regular render, not toon

    Very cool Diomede!!! I must say... I like this non-toon version bestester! At least as an animation

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    Stezza said:

    Nothing like a good ol' space chase yes


    Today's Muse

    Johnathon - The End

    Fly, seagull, FLY!!! Faster!!! FASTER!!!

    Awesome render!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    Mistara said:

    tried adding 2 more moons  lol.  rotating 1 rotates the other.


    i put a pink cloud by yuna's feet,  not showing up, too small mebbe

    Nah... too close to the camera for default volumetric cloud settings. For stuff like that, crank up the opacity in the cloud modeler. Then, if it's too much, work with density and bring the scale modifier down, perhaps sharpness up... it takes some messing around, but it's a very powerful system once we get to knowing it more!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    Vyusur said:

    Inspired by Diego Velázquez

    Edited, added some extra geometry.

    Very cool! yes

    What do you think they're talking about?

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    maybe a cock a too angel

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    head wax said:

    thanks Bunyip et Diomede.

    UnifiedBrain - I must say that is one terrific piece.

    Here's DogWoman - after the Portuguese-born painter  Paula Rego's series.

    Neat interview with her here.

    warning adult concepts in her interview


    attached is a screenshot of the whole Carrara scene



    Very nice! Great interview with a great artist too!


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    head wax said:

    thanks Bunyip et Diomede.

    UnifiedBrain - I must say that is one terrific piece.

    Here's DogWoman - after the Portuguese-born painter  Paula Rego's series.

    Neat interview with her here.

    warning adult concepts in her interview


    attached is a screenshot of the whole Carrara scene



    Very nice! Great interview with a great artist too!


    Pleasure, interesting to see her influences amongst them Balthus and Goya for their uncomfortable imagery.

    I am leaning towards (much) good art makes us uncomfortable


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    Stezza said:

    maybe a cock a too angel

    heh, isnt that a bit Austen Taycious ?

    nice render @Vyusur


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    head wax said:
    head wax said:

    thanks Bunyip et Diomede.

    UnifiedBrain - I must say that is one terrific piece.

    Here's DogWoman - after the Portuguese-born painter  Paula Rego's series.

    Neat interview with her here.

    warning adult concepts in her interview


    attached is a screenshot of the whole Carrara scene



    Very nice! Great interview with a great artist too!


    Pleasure, interesting to see her influences amongst them Balthus and Goya for their uncomfortable imagery.

    I am leaning towards (much) good art makes us uncomfortable


    There certainly is a lot of really good art out there that's quite disturbing, 'tis true! Music can be the same way. A good disturbing tale can make for excellent music!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726 I take it (by seeing diomede's animation) that we can publish to YouTube for purposes of showing animations?

    I imagine, as long as it's not shown off in other circles until after the contest?

    I don't really know how to do a "Private" video on YouTube that anyone can see.

    Not saying I'm doing an animation, but I'm going to try.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625 I take it (by seeing diomede's animation) that we can publish to YouTube for purposes of showing animations?

    I imagine, as long as it's not shown off in other circles until after the contest?

    I don't really know how to do a "Private" video on YouTube that anyone can see.

    Not saying I'm doing an animation, but I'm going to try.

    mine is unlisted

    I did ask if could make public but received no reply so rather less views than my usual videos, I hope Youtube sends in to subscribers when finally made public after.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726

    K. Thanks

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Some great art and entries - it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to participate this time, apologies, but maybe I can't find my muse!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,726
    PhilW said:

    Some great art and entries - it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to participate this time, apologies, but maybe I can't find my muse!

    Did you look in your sock drawer?

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634
    edited August 2017
    Diomede said:

    Hear Ye, Hear Ye

    Entry Thread extended until midnight, August 12th, Daz Utah time.

    My travel plans have changed, so the 11th could be problematic. For you Americans, will spending a great deal of time on I-95.

    "Good grief Charlie Brown"... good news for me.  I'd given up...  was working earlier today on setup and had to quit... when I could begin again it was too close to cut-off time.  Should have read the WIP thread then and started finishing touchs.   Now maybe I have time to do just that... still some modeling yet to do.


    th3Digit said: I take it (by seeing diomede's animation) that we can publish to YouTube for purposes of showing animations?

    I imagine, as long as it's not shown off in other circles until after the contest?

    I don't really know how to do a "Private" video on YouTube that anyone can see.

    Not saying I'm doing an animation, but I'm going to try.

    mine is unlisted

    I did ask if could make public but received no reply so rather less views than my usual videos, I hope Youtube sends in to subscribers when finally made public after.

    Didn't know that you could specify certain ones as "unlisted"... will have to check it out next I upload one... very new to YouTube.

    Here's an idea... after the contest delete the one that is not listed and upload again as listed and change it's link in the Entries thread??

    PhilW said:

    Some great art and entries - it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to participate this time, apologies, but maybe I can't find my muse!

    If I were you I'd just look in the mirror. :)

    Post edited by wgdjohn on
  • namtar3dnamtar3d Posts: 251
    namtar3d said:

    Hi there, hope i'm not late for this party :D

    I am working on a scene called "sorrow", inspired by the muse of my life, Arwen (Liv Tyler) and the sad ending of the elven princess. 

    Another day comes to the end for her, while everything around her grows, get old and die, she remains there, alone. Her family and friends died long time ago, and the glory of her kingdom is now history, but she can't die, and she is completely alone... 

    I use my custom morph inspired in Liv, and used the beautiful props from "Daybed".  


    You should see to it that Liv sees this! Damn! Nice work!

    My wife, Rosie, and I are both Liv fans as well... very nice work, my friend! yes

    Thank you very much! :D i'm glad you like it

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    @Dartanbeck, @Stezza, @head wax, thank you for the nice comments. I think, they don't speak, they think.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    Vyusur said:

    @Dartanbeck, @Stezza, @head wax, thank you for the nice comments. I think, they don't speak, they think.

    am pretty sure the cocky says "polly wants a cracker" but you had to cover the cracker!!!

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