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Honestly, he looks like Sellers' Willy Wonka (as dressed like the Fourth Doctor).
I like it , I think your textures are going to need some work, there is something wonkey going on in the sideburn area , but I can see where you are there is no doubt in my mind its tom .
how does it look with some of the m4 expressions added , the smile will be the crucial one with him.
lets see how he looks smiling
Definitely, that's going to be the moment of truth — I know the M4 head mesh can take a lot of manipulation, but I'm not sure if it can manage The Teeth™ without creaking at the vertices. ;-)
It isn't finished yet, the morph and texture still need work.
The standard M4 expression morphs used here. It may need a special smile morph !
hey , that's not bad
it deffinately reads more like tom now !!
I think the ++ morphs for m4 have morphs for teeth so you might be able to work something out there.
honestly though I wouldn't worry too much about it unless its for a close up.
tell me do you have plans to do any of the first 3 doctors , I would love to see those too .
I believe you are on the right track here , keep it up ,
I really want some doctor morphs that I can use for any render I choose to make .
help us obi won morph-obi you are our only hope !!
by the way what are you using for the hair on tom?
Using stuff I've had for years
Except the coat - just bought it at Rendo - coat about town.
The poser world coat only fits m3 and I went for M4 for the morph.
Hat a freebie from RDNA
hair is digital curlz
I will try to get the morph up on sharecg by christmas. Not sure about the texture.
I've tweeked the mouth a bit here
Definitely on its way! A narrower face might make the difference, too, between Tom Baker and Peter Sellers. Just slightly narrower: more in proportion to M3's than M4 (M4 has a rounder noggin than either M3 or M5).
Don't disagree, thinner longer face, mouth moved, teeth adjusted (had to increase size).
Anyway, have moved on to another project now, will come back to the fourth later.
For anyone wanting references for modeling the original console room stage elements as used by William Hartnell...
I swear the analysis seems on a level equal to the FBI studies of the Kennedy assassination!
The approach handles the room as a BBC recording set rather than the "in universe" alien technology it supposed to represent (hence the depiction of photographic murals of roundels rather than polyhedral parts for everything), but the data can be adapted.
Was there a Captain Jack morph for Hiro3 or something before? As well as a Peter Cushing one?
I think CD20xx had an M3 one.
For Dr. Stupid (what a self deprecating user-name!) and any other viewers of those first episodes from 1963, here's an update to the composition I posted last page.
I (hopefully) improved the face pose for Hartnell along with his hair. This time I used MayaX's "Simple" hair tilted back to suggest a receding hairline and a magnet generated morph at the "nape" to pull it out and make it wider.
I also employed more elements from a WiP .OBJ file Richard Marklew made of the "An Unearthly Child" control room., primarily the wall with the main doors, a side wall and the distinctive "ceiling" element. Marklew made the doors so snug with the wall geometry that even ambient occlusion could not reveal the edges, so I resorted to making them a slightly different shade of green.
Why green? Well, that link I provided earlier presents evidence that not only was the console a very faint shade of "olive", but so were the walls. The green supposedly recorded better during the monochrome years of the show. Plus, we have on-screen evidence that first console was green as it was used in its original configuration during Pertwee's debut year, which was recorded and broadcast in color.
I did "cheat" in one area. Document state the dais was beige and the floor a soft blue, but I left the ground plane its default color and had the dais match the console and walls.
"It's Saturday tea time with 'Doctor Who'..."
I remembered I had a retro TV (uh, sorry, "tele") prop with a "bake-lite" type casing that I thought might look appropriate for "framing" my Hartnell render. I ran the original render through PaintShop to gray-scale it, add "grain" and video type "scan lines" before adding it as a texture to the prop. Slap a floral print "wallpaper" to a plane, a wood grain to a rectangular polyhedron and a Berber carpet pattern to the ground plane and suddenly we have an unassuming early 60s British domicile within which to position the tele' "broadcasting" an episode featuring William Hartnell.
A bit of casual Googling suggests the set depicted here is pretty close to a design that really existed, a 1948 "Bush" with a 9 inch screen.
Another site shows a very similar design but with a magnifying lens positioned over the CRT that dates from 1950, also listed as a "Bush'.
Televisions from the 60s were a bit more sophisticated with larger screens, but this is what I had on hand and I rather like the case design. If nothing else, it implies a household with a frugal lifestyle. Maybe it belongs to the grandparents of the child watching the show. ;-)
i remember watching it on a Sobell, a lot like this one. after it died, my dad turned it into a cocktail cabinet.
btw Bill - the Doctor Who museum at Blackpool has a waxwork / living room set of a family watching the first episode of Doctor Who on a TV set very similar to yours. we were fortunate to get a second hand set that wasn't too old because my dad worked in an electrical repair shop. the 59 model sobell looked ultra modern, but they were very unreliable and didn't last long. and they couldn't get BBC 2, so i never saw Monty Python first time around. However, they could be tuned in to pick up radio.
yay - the first seasonal post. incidentally, does anybody know where i can get a matt smith morph? my attempts are embarrassing.
If you're on the naughty list, the Dalek turns you into a lump of coal.
MonkeyCloud at Rendo' created a fabulous one for M4 recently. He's currently trying to arrange its distribution without violating any EULAs.
and this is the picture of the morph - looks good
doctor speaks baby, lol
If the accounts I've read are accurate, principle photography for the newest series (season) featuring Capaldi will start next month or February. That means we should soon discover the design of his wardrobe. The episodes themselves won't broadcast until August, but you know we'll discover his ensemble well before that time. Someone will manage to snap a photo if the production films on location and it will get posted before the end of the day, if not mere minutes after it's taken, given the tools the "standard" cell phone now possesses.
On the other hand, the BBC has manged to hide a few really neat surprises this past year, notably "guest" appearances from a couple of past Doctors. So it may be able to "keep a lid on things" longer than we might otherwise expect.
BTW, this thread as been all but comatose, rather sad given all the interesting things that have happened in the last couple of months.
I might be able to liven it up by saying I wasn't greatly impressed with the Christmas/regeneration episode - it had some effective incidents, but overall it had the kind of box-ticking feel that i was afraid the anniversary episode would have (and didn't).
A considerable number of fans admit it felt "rushed", like they tried to cram too much into s single hour.
In fact, some wonder if this was originally meant to be a series (season) long arc that had to be condensed when Matt Smith decided to "retire" from the role a year sooner than expected. Remember the reports that indicated Smith would remain for the 8th series and then, at the last moment, those earlier article were negated when Matt made a public announcement he would leave after the Christmas special? In light of those events, the rushed nature of the Christmas special makes a bit more sense. Doesn't make it a better story, no; but at least that provides an explanation.
It's also thought that Tasha Lem was originally meant to be River Song but as the actress for the latter was not available, the character was hastily rewritten. Besides the overall interplay between Tasha and the Doctor, there's his line reminding Tasha that she's "fought the psychopath all her life" and to do so again to stave off the Dalek conditioning. Some fans think that comment about fighting the psychopath was originally meant to reference the conditioning Madame Kavorkian performed, motivating River to kill the Doctor. Again, just fannish speculation, but it does kinda' fit.
Still I loved the way Capaldi stared at Clara, both faces in frame shot in opposing profile. It just looked so "Doctor-ish"! Of course, I liked him when the grand announcement was televised. At the time I didn't realize who he was, but he had such interesting, distinctive features. I'm sure his "seasoned" looks put off the tweens hoping for an Edward Cullen type "Twilight" heartthrob. I, on the other hand, responded, "Ooh! Now he shows promise!" Nice touch his tugging upon his lapels Hartnell fashion as he ascended the stage during his interview!
When Eleven reveals where he was hiding his key, would screenshots of that be good for someone trying to model Matt Smith's face?
Hello everyone :-)
Further to Redfern's post above, here's an update on my Eleventh Doctor morph for M4 project.
I got a bit stuck trying to untangle the ++morphs from my original sculpt, in order to distribute it…
…so I started again. I'm now working on a new sculpt, which is just straight off the base M4.
I have a bit more to do I think, before I'm happy it is as good a likeness as I can get just now… but here are some quick renders of the W.I.P. including some tests of the base M4 expression morphs (e.g. pouting for a kiss… as there seems to be rather more of that happening recently).
I might try to do some custom expression morphs too, in due course.
I'm letting the sculpt sit for a few days now, so I can look at it with fresh eyes, before tweaking it any further… (for one thing, I suspect the width of the face has ended up too narrow in places… or perhaps overall, in fact)
…and yes, Matt Smith shaving his head has proven very helpful. Although he is still a tricky one to get a likeness of I think… it's getting the balance right between too subtle and too caricaturesque. I seem to have been going round in circles between the two extremes.
But meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to sculpt a displacement map to add some more fine detail.
As I mentioned in the Rendo thread, I was also planning to do a diffuse texture too… and I may even try my hand at a hair piece and some clothing after that!
I'm planning (and have tested that I can produce) a straightforward set of INJ / REM pose files to distribute the morph, once that's finished.
Cheers ;-)
I generally enjoyed the Christmas special, but I am disappointed that yet again the entire "name of the Doctor" issue was brought up, but then skimmed over. The entire point was that he was in a place where people were compelled to tell the truth, and even though the question was technically asked, there was never any sign of a threat of him revealing his true name. Also, the entire origin of the Silence was glossed over in a line of dialogue given offhand.
Otherwise, Matt Smith's performance was great enough to make the episode quite enjoyable. Really going to miss him.
I'm waiting for his name to be some stupid religion thing. The Doctor is God manifest, blah blah blah.
I have to admit to really enjoying the entire loose trilogy of Name, Day and Time very much… as well as the whole last series / season.
If I do have any issue with the Smith / Moffat episodes it is the pacing… at least sometimes, especially in the more grandiose episodes… i.e. things can just seem a bit too compressed.
But actually, I have come to the conclusion that I should accept the pacing as a matter of style (rather than look on it as the unsatisfactory result of any production / editorial compromise) and once I did that, I successfully re-suspended my disbelief!
There is just so much that is fantastic, in my opinion, about the new series DW, that I personally find it virtually impossible to dwell long on feeling critical of this, or any other, aspect of it.
I suppose, in reality, the pacing is perhaps just symptomatic of modern / contemporary production values? My core problem with Ridley Scott's Prometheus was very similar… rushed cuts, leading to a lack of suspense… the kind of suspense that I felt his original, Alien film exuded.
General audiences perhaps just don't have the attention spans... and time is money for cinema or TV networks... so films that are so long they need an interlude, or year long seasons / series of TV programs, with stories that can span four episodes… and actually have to pad for time… just aren't feasible any more. Although, Peter Jackson, for one, may somewhat disagree with those suppositions… I guess ;-)
Anyway… further to this, if I watch one of my favourite Tom Baker era stories (which I still enjoy very much, even from my contemporary viewpoint and not just because of the glow of nostalgia) such as City of Death or Genesis of the Daleks, any scope I might have to feel critical of the pacing of the current episodes quickly goes out of the window; i.e. we're talking one extreme to the other… I think!
Sorry to see Matt Smith go. He's been the best so far of the new series Doctors, for me… and that's a tall order indeed, in my view.
But I am looking forward to seeing what Peter Capaldi does now. I suspect he is going to be very good indeed in the role!
ShadowhawkOne commissioned a friend of his to make morphs of both 'Clara' and Peter Capaldi. (V4 and M4 based characters.
From the inital looks the morphs are promising. when I get off work I'll post the images I had sent my way.