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By the way my personal, wildly speculative, "working" theory on Tasha Lem is that she is, literally, some kind of generated avatar for the Papal Mainframe… and that this has some sort of relationship to the "artificial" intelligence embedded in the Library…
…at the same time, I don't necessarily give any credence to the "psychopath" reference. It could probably be applied to a great many characters in the DW universe? Certainly not just River Song…
Why can Tasha Lem not just be a new character? Along with Madame Kovarian…
…and not The Rani, or River, etc...
As promised, images of Peter and Jenna morphs.
Keep in the mind the skin texture makes the image, these were as close as the modeler could find.
When they will be released is up to Shadowhawkone and his mystery modeler.
John Cleese type voice: "And now for something completely silly...a Cyberman dead lifting a police box."
Dodger's Invasion Cyberman
my Moonbase/Tomb/Wheel styled Cyber-helmet
I have been slowly working on an image using Clara and the new Dr. but I have hit a really dry spell and haven't really rendered anything for several months now so I guess my older brother is kicking me in the seat of my pants to tell me to share my toys with everyone. I will try to either complete or create a simpler new image with them in it. I don't plan on mass releasing these morphs but if you send me a PM I will share them with people on a per request basis. I have also comissioned the 10th and 11th doctor for M4 as well as one of the 10th Dr's companions. The 10th Dr. is almost complete and once an image is posted will be offered on a per request basis as well.
My contribution using Shadowhawkone's 'Clara Morph'.
still looking for the right hair and skin.
I need to have a play with that Cyberman helmet.
Yeah, on these character morphs, the texture is a great part of getting the likeness isn't it?
That Clara is looking good though :-)
I've had a couple of goes at practice sculpts of Jenna Louise Coleman's face too. I did a sculpt last night actually, that I was quite happy with, but something went wrong with the GoZ linkage and the sculpt wouldn't import back into Poser. I'll go again though.
Might give one or two companions a proper go once I get further on with the Eleventh Doctor effort. I'd like to try a few other Doctors too though...
I have my work cut out for 2014 I guess ;-)
I couldn't resist doing more to the Matt Smith sculpt last night, in the end… widened bit of the face / skull shape, tweaked brows based on a few further, half decent reference photos I found on Google, and added asymmetry to his nose. I was avoiding any asymmetry till as late in the process as possible… but I realised that was inhibiting the likeness somewhat.
Need to take it back into ZBrush after looking at these test Poser renders, and do some minor smoothing. Also, will have to do some eye and ear fixing in Hexagon.
I think I'm getting quite near arriving at a half decent shape here though…???
I reckon I'll work up an approximate, basic diffuse texture next, using an M4 Merchant Resource I've got… might help gauge it if I can see that in place I guess.
Wow! Your Matt Smith morph is really looking good. I have to agree the skin texture is the major factor in any custom morph that mimics a real person. I wish you teh best of luck and once I have some more info on the other morphs I will ahve to post them and let people see them.
I personally would love to see one of you morph wizards do hartnell or troughton.
I have to ask will any of these morphs be made to share with the rest of us ????
Bluto and anyone else who would like my 12th Dr. and Clara morphs send me a PM with your email and I will send them to you after I post an image with them that I am hoping to get done tongiht and posted before the end of the year.
woww. kewl! i'm grateful it's for M4. Thanks!
Bluto and anyone else who would like my 12th Dr. and Clara morphs send me a PM with your email and I will send them to you after I post an image with them that I am hoping to get done tongiht and posted before the end of the year.
Ummmm...not to rain on a parade but it's, well kind of, sort of, not sure if it counts....
Doctor 13 and Clara.
explained: We learned of The War Doctor...Captain Grumpy (as Matt called him in the Christmas special), So we've had a shift in numbers. And I'm still confused about the 10th doctor's half regeneration and why it was mentioned, guess I'll have to rewatch the episode and look up my Whovian Lore.
The 10th Doctor was hit by a Dalek weapon (I forget the name of the episode) and he went through the regeneration cycle, but came out as Tennent again and said something to the effect of "You don't have to change if you don't want to".
The 2nd Doctor's regeneration was forced on him by the Time Lords when he was exiled to Earth. One could argue that that one would not count against his count.
During the 4th Doctor's time, the lady Time Lord (Time Lady?) (was it Romana) went around changing bodies like trying on new clothes during her regeneration.
This is why I try to stick with names like "the Capaldi Doctor" or "Tom's Doctor", "Doctor McCoy" (wait, that doesn't sound right ;-) ), etc. Because numbering past Paul McGann will likely end with flame wars. Well, not here. DAZ mods tend to lock threads or delete posts if one say much more than "hello". ;-)
I can call him the newest Dr. if that helps?
Isn't that when, after healing himself, he discharged the excess regeneration energy into the container holding his severed hand? Because he didn't say he didn't have to change if he didn't want to, he essentially said that he didn't have to change once he'd healed himself because he happened to have somewhere to discharge the excess regeneration energy available at the time.
Ummmm...not to rain on a parade but it's, well kind of, sort of, not sure if it counts....
Doctor 13 and Clara.
explained: We learned of The War Doctor...Captain Grumpy (as Matt called him in the Christmas special), So we've had a shift in numbers. And I'm still confused about the 10th doctor's half regeneration and why it was mentioned, guess I'll have to rewatch the episode and look up my Whovian Lore.
Awww, fer cryin' out loud! Capaldi's character is the Twelfth Doctor, but the thirteenth regeneration of the Time Lord called "The Doctor". So you're both right. The "War Doctor" was not a "Doctor," remember (ref. "Night of the Doctor"): he is technically "a warrior".
Bluto you have an email.
It was Romana (and "Time Lady" is correct), in the opening sequences of the "Destiny of the Daleks" first episode. It followed immediately after "The Key to Time" series arc.
traditionally the doctor has always had some minor troubles with his regenerations ,
he is partly human after all
lfor full bloded timelords that isn't a problem .
I believe that with romana she could choose the final outcome of her regeneration,
because he was a full blood and as the regeneration was in a state of happening the final form was not yet decided.
so it was only 1 regeneration . otherwise she would have burned through like 7 of them all in 1 go
shadowhawk , thank you very kindly for the morphs . I shall use them wisely . do you have any interest in doing morphs for other doctors as well? I would love to see john hurt morph and I am always looking for morphs for the earlyer regenerations of the doctor. so far ive had very little luck cd 2014 did sone of the first 3 once apon a time but I find them hard to use
You are more than welcome Bluto and apologies for the initial mix up of files. I had these made for me but I would be willing to commision other doctors as well. As I ahve stated I have the 10th and 11th or 11th and 12th depending on your point of view morphs in the works as well as a Donna Noble morph. Once those are complete I will talk to the artist working on these to make additional ones for the community. If the group can come to a concensus as to an order they would like to see the Doctors to be done in I would be willing to pay the commisioning fees to have them made. Since I am a Poser user all morphs will be for V4/M4, once they are complete and my brother Paul is willing, he might be convinced to convert the morphs to Genesis for those that use DS. I don't know if you want to have some kind of poll or what but let me know. Just so we are clear these are the morphs that are compete or in proccess as of this writing:
10th Doctor: David Tennant
11th Doctor: Matt Smith
12th Doctor Peter Capaldi
personally I wont be happy until I have a morph for every actor that has played the doctor , but I am also realistic about it and realize that it might never happen .
be that as it may it dosent matter to me how we proceed with the morphs
any new doctor who based morphs are a good thing
you might ask bill redfern what he thinks and how he might go about the project .
I have found over the years that bill is an excellent source of information in may and surprising ways, so if he has an opinion it in all probability is going to be worth listening to
I am a fairly new watcher and didn't start watching until the 9th Doctor, so I don't know a lot about previous Doctors so forgive me if I don't know the actors name in regards to the Doctor they played, but I am willing to continue provide the morphs for the other Doctors provided that thier are people wanting them. I appreciate your input and after the 10th and 11th Doctors and Donna I will look at the William Hurt Warrior/Doctor since it has been requested by name.
messing around with some sonic screwdrivers
Second one from the left looks very familiar...
Been using this as my desktop wallpaper for a couple of years now.
found that one on rob seminoffs site ,its one of the freebies he has on his page
oh i would totallly love more doctors morphs!! I started watching with 9 and then 10 and 11, then went all the way back as far as I could and have been watching thru the classics. I'm totally a Doctor who fan- thankfully my husband and son share the addiction so we have weekly doctor who family time :) ^^ my 3 year old can recognize all the faces of the doctor :D
Bluto...I can find all except the 3rd from the left and next to last one...pointers would be welcome.
well that would be because I made those 2
I also made the forgotten doctors sonic ... well some of it, I cheated and borrowed some of rob seminoff's tom baker sonic
pm me your email and I will slide you copies of the 2 that I made completely
I would have to rebuild the war doctors to share it
Well, I was busy last night. I rendered up this after making the 2nd Doctor's sonic....
im really digging the troughton sonic, were you interested in a trade my steamopunk sonic for your troughton ?