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When his era started, that's what I thought we were going to get and it seemed to dip it's toe in but not much more. I still liked what we did get, it simply went a different route to what I thought.
Anyway, here's Alpha Centauri
Fun fact, in the 2017 episode "Empress of Mars", Alpha Centauri appears briefly upon a video screen. For that sequence, the BBC hired the original voice performer, Ysanne Churchman, to reprise her role. She was 92 at that time and still sounded the same!
The figure can also be easily modified to depict "B" movie monsters. Here I hid the eye and inserted teeth, turning the eye socket into a mouth. "Ace" Neutron takes it upon himself to "protect the spaceways", blissfully unaware this "monster" is actually a "protected species". Looks like Ace will have to answer to a board of inquiry!
Re: people complaining about Chris Chibnall and claiming that a multiple BAFTA-award winning writer and showrunner and the brilliance behind Broadchurch is "not a good writer":
So the one with destroyed future Earth was a bit anvilicious? No more than The Power of Kroll.
So the one with the giant spiders was silly? Less than the one with the giant spiders that killed the Third Doctor and led to a yellowface actor pretending to be a buddhist priest looking like Jerry Lewis was trying to outdo Andy Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's, and that was somehow necessary for regeneration into the fourth.
Chibnall never claimed the moon was a giant dragon egg. Chibnall never put robots in Sherwood Forest. Chibnall never had the TARDIS *towing Earth*. Chibnall never made wooden cybermen with flamethrowers. And while Chibnall DID put dinosaurs on a spaceship—that was actually the fun kind of silly.
Chibnall is actually a really good writer.
And much like people complained that Deep Space 9 wasn't what Roddenberry intended and that Ronald D Moore was a bad hack, I fully expect Chibnall to go on to something else still sci-fi and gain critical acclaim as Moore did for BSG. Even if people complain about the finale.
Is this series still going? I gave up on it when Capaldi left.
All of which is nothing more than your opinion. Being a BAFTA winning writer doesn't mean their writing will always be of that standard. Every writer has lesser moments and failures, even the best writers that ever existed. The points you bring up don't prove that he's a good writer, if anything it does the opposite because while those plot points could be considered poor, those writers had high moments to counter them. For every negative you throw out against the other showrunners, it can be equalled with one from Chibnall. He put three companions in there, one of which was mostly useless and very underwritten, usually Yaz. Also with Yaz, what was the point of her being in the police? It's barely used and never when it's most needed (i.e. Spiders In The UK). Why, in his first season, does the Doctor repeat what someone has has just said but in more detail, just to make her seem smarter, when we've already understood it. I could go on. So where's Chibnall's high moments? It's telling that you can only highlight negatives of others without higlighting anything truly positive of Chibnall's.
To go against your examples of Kill The Moon with it's dragon egg, Robot of Sherwood (which I personally like as a bit of silly fun that you mention) and towing the Earth, those same showrunners also gave us big high moments. So where's Chibnall's Blink, his Silence in The Library, his The Empty Child/Doctor Dances, his Weeping Angels monster? Where's his Human Nature/Family Of Blood or Midnight? They don't exist. Chibnall has certainly had a few highlights but nothing on the scale of the ones I mention. He has minor blips, not spikes or a maintained level of quality.
All of which is my opinion but also that of the general opinion regarding the show. You can like Chibnall and his writing all you like, that's fine it's your call but it doesn't change the fact of how his writing and version of DW has been received on the whole. For the record, I actually agree with you that Chibnall is a good writer. He simply isn't a good DW writer. :-)
Yes. There's a new season coming later this year, followed by 3 specials next year. After that, there's a new Doctor and showrunner taking over.
" He put three companions in there, one of which was mostly useless and very underwritten, usually Yaz."
Sort of like Susan, Ian, and Barbara.
(Don't even pretend Susan was ever useful. The best thing she ever did was maybe inspire the invention of the sonic screwdriver: after she was gone there was a void of high pitched screeching in The Doctor's lives.)
Fact is, not only is Chris Chibnall a good writer in general, he's also specifically very good Doctor Who writer.
Also, he wrote the episode Cyberwoman, from Torchwood. The ending of which was basically a distillation of all Poser art.
speaking as a long term Who fan... no. chibnal is not a good fit for the show (and that episode cyberwoman was a mess, both logically - Cybus version cybermen only want the Brain. Mondasian Cybermen do the body conversion....., and storywise - Cyber brain control is from when fitted.. not months afterwards... oh and Cybermen fitted a Bikini??? no... (and yes there's a difference in the Cybermen not just the models) .) I think he's a good writer for things like crime.. but frankly the last couple of seasons have wasted the talents of Calpaldi and Whittaker. bad scripts. some had promise.. but were handled badly. a lot of the scripts should have beed sent back for rewrites.....
For my money Capaldi is the equivalent of Ben Alfleck Batman, watching him in the role was all you needed to know that given the proper script he could easily have been one of the best if not the best iteration of that character, but unfortunately he never got that script. Capaldi at least got a few stories where we really got to see that brilliance shine through, but he never really got that satisfying story arc that cemented it the way previous Doctor's had. It was if the showrunners never really had a fixed idea of who the Capaldi Doctor was until it was practically over.
You all realise Chibnall wasn't Capaldi's writer, right?
He is a great Doctor Who writer, but not Capaldi's. Someone else is to blame for that moon is an egg crap.
yup I do know. and I still maintain Calpaldi's talents were wasted.
Time for a reminder that we do not allow "religious" debates
Yes, others have put three companions in the show, of which Susan may have been useless (I don't remember Hartnell's episodes that well). The same could probably be argued for the Fifth Doctor too. That doesn't make Chibnall a good DW writer, it makes him as bad as the others. Chibnall being a good DW writer (or not) is not 'fact', it is opinion. Cyberwoman is generally considered a terrible episode and while people are free to like it, as that's what different opinions are, it doesn't back up any argument that Chibnall is a good writer. If Chibnall was good for DW, his episodes would be perceived much better than they are. Yet they're not, with the possible exception of Fugitive Of The Judoon, which he co-wrote.
It will be interesting to see what he does with a single, series long story as that seems to be where he's stronger (i.e. Broadchurch). I hope it's great and addresses the problems I had with the previous series (mainly the last episode) but I can't deny that I'll be glad when Chibnall is out.
Here's the official BBC release.
As a "bloody Yank" I suspected I would not know him, but apparently he's not that widely known within the UK, either. So, fewer preconceptions.
Interesting how "understated" this announcement was compared to Capaldi's and Whittaker's which seem to rival that of a newly elected Pope! Some people suspect the information was about to be "leaked" by other sources, so the BBC opted to beat the rivals at their own game.
I've also heard that an upcoming leak was about to happen and I've heard that filming was beginning end of the month, so he would be seen out and about as they do exterior stuff first. He's primarily known for one show in the UK, which is Sex Education. So I guess it depends on if people have seen that or not. It's a Netflix show so it should be available in other countries.
Capaldi's reveal was way over the top IMO, they tried to make it a massive event by adding on all that pointless tat instead of getting to the announcement. Jodies was okay but didn't give anything except who it was. Matt Smith had the best way IMO, do the reveal and follow it with an interview so we can learn something about him and what he thinks.
saw cover art today for a new Doctor Who radio play from Big Finnish productions and the cool thing is the two aliens you can buy from here created by Josh Crockett - The Supreme Intelligence and The Fallen
^That's awesome!
Hope I'm not too late! Made a few attempts at the Thirteenth Doctor, who I will certainly miss.
Hmm, my post count still says zero, is that normal? EDIT: That seems to have done it, just wasn't bumping the thread when I added the new pics above.
where did you get the console room and the sonic , i really want to know a heads up on the clothing could be cool too
Console room:
Outer wall is custom made as the modeller hasn't made it yet!
T-Shirt (texture is custom):
Trousers (with some opacity tricks to make them right):
Also, ear cuff, which I put together from several bits:
I am looking for a Tom Baker-era TARDIS key. I did a web-search and found some non-free ones, including a fairly pricey one... but I figure somewhere there has to be a cheap or free one.
If you mean the one that resembles a "closed " Ankh symbol, here's one at Thingiverse in .STL format.
Several free programs can import .STL and export as .OBJ for use in either DAZ Studio and poser, like Blender and even Wings3D (the latter I discovered just the other week). It even has the "divets" and scribed lines on the other side.
Here's the mesh translated to .OBJ format and "decimated" by half using Hexagon. Obviously, I can't share this item unless I get permission from the original modeler, but it's an easy project most people with a modest knowledge of 3D software can handle.
Yup, that's the one. TYTY.
edit: Actually, the one at Thingaverse is Creative Commons Attribution, which I'd say means there'd be no real need to get premission to distribute the converted version, so long as you mention TheBigWoogle made the original, and give the link to the thingaverse page.
edit2: I used to get my OBJ version, then after a quick bit of experimenting to see what the right scale to import it was (by loading a key-ring prop and then comparing the imported TARDIS key to one of the keys on the key-ring... while comparing my actual TARDIS key replica I bought in the 90s to a real life key) it seems the best choice is to set the import to Daz Studio scale, then before actually importing it, change the scale number on that down from 100% to 15%.
That said, the imported TARDIS key I got seemed to have a reasonably low triangle count. I'm happy with it. Now I just need to find an appropriate Daz necklace to attach it onto.
does anyony have a lead on a daz compattable sylvester McCoy umbrella?