The Doctor Appreciation thread



  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    edited April 2020
    Well William that's what happens when you use the hands off option ,speak into the microphone and let autocorrect take it from there . hey ,while I'm thinking about there used to be a dwarfed humanoid robot cat character in poser a couple of generations back . do you remember what that was called ?
    Post edited by bluto on
  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618

    Sanctum Arts Kitty...  It should be located in a folder labeled "toys" in the more recent versions of Poser.



  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    edited April 2020
    Redfern said:

    Sanctum Arts Kitty...  It should be located in a folder labeled "toys" in the more recent versions of Poser.



    Something weird happened when I upgraded to poser pro 11 . The process seems to have lost a few of my character files . Any idea where the ralphling is hiding . I would like to make a few more renders with my tooned up dalek cahn
    Post edited by bluto on
  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618

    I still use Poser Pro 2014 (the "robust" version of Poser 10), but if the arrangement of folders is anything similar, "The Ralphling" might be located one folder within "Cartoon"  in the "Character" section.  Again, that's for Poser Pro 2014.  Poser 11.3 may be arranged differently.



  • Khai-J-BachKhai-J-Bach Posts: 163

    Speaking of the War Doctor, BigFinish are doing a weekly freebie atm, the current one being the first WarDoctor story "the Innocent".

    just sign up for a store account and order... they are going to do one each monday...


    and after listening to The Innocent,  John Hurt was a *brilliant* Doctor. shame he left us :(


  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618
    edited April 2020

    Taking a cue from Bluto, I too decided to use just the Capaldi console and it's "satellite" stations, placing them into an environment more akin to a classic era control room.  I used a stripped down version of the Eccleston/Tennan" console to serve as a fancier plinth and the wall elements are props Bluto himself modeled and shared.  The overhead element is from Rick Marklew's Hartnell era control room.



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  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    Oh very nicely done William I thought I recognized those walls
  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618

    Thanks, Bluto!

    BTW, please, it's just "Bill".  Whenever somebody addresses me as "William", I have flashbacks to my late father bellowing in rage at some wrong doing I had supposedly committed, quickly followed by a session of corporal punishment.

    With that out of the way, I just wanted to note I really like that set of roundels you made.  It definitely has a 'classic era" feel while still being its own distinctive thing.

    While it may appear the control room is "cozy", I scaled the wall units so that the centermost roundel is face height with an "average" adult human mesh, meaning the walls at around 11 feet high, not even counting the "stepped" molding positioned above the walls.  For a change of pace, I opted to tint the various surfaces that soft, very pale "olive" used upon the console set piece used during William Hartnell's run.  The color was meant to appear "white" when recorded in monochrome without "washing out" the details in a blinding glare as a true white surface would.  Thus there's a bit of debate (usually friendly) among fans as to whether that first console room was meant to be white "in universe" or pale green.



  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    well for my part when I say that it's meant to be more of a Doctor Smith's to Will Robinson kind of thing however point taken ... bill from now on
  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    messing around some more

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  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    type 40 timecapsule

    type 40 timecapsule.jpg
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  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    time warrior

  • blutobluto Posts: 849


    damaged in the timewar.jpg
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  • beach buddies 13.jpg
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  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618
    edited June 2020

    A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across a mesh somebody had extracted an officially licensed videogame "Doctor Who, the Adventure Games".  It was a rather screen accurate version of a "NuWho" Sontaran (popularized by Dan Starkey's portrayal as Strax.  To my pleasant surprise, the file was in .OBJ format, readable by many 3D suites.  So, I extracted the head geometry from the space armor and saved it as a prop I could "parent" to a heavily morphed version of the Freak (4) I already had on hand.

    That, in turn, made me decide ro model a Sontaran scour pod with a functional hatch.  We've seen several different designs throughout the run of the series, both "classic" and "revival", but they usually center around the notion of a sphere covered in square or diamond shaped armor plates.  I decided to go with the pod as seen in "The Sontaran Experiment" my formal introduction to the Humpty Dumpty looking, Mr. Potato headed warrior species back in September 1982 via PBS.

    Now, admittedly, it's not 100 percent accurate.  I think I made the hatch a tad wider than the set piece, but I followed the flow of polygons to keep the modeling clean.  Then I experimented with subdivision smoothing upon the hatch and the opening.  When I showed a comparison of the smooth version and a sharp edged sculpt to AlDeamps, he preferred the the chamfired look even though that differed from what was depicted on the telly.  I admitI liked it, too.

    So, here we are, both the scout pod and the morphed DAZ figure with the prop head.  The interior consists of pieces from a S.H.A.D.O. moon base set available at ShareCG.  THat's not as silly as one might think.  The Gerry Anderson sci-fi series (his first live action production) depicted distinctively curved blinking panel which (I think) were later used in Tom Baker's second story "The Ark in Space" to "dress" the Space Station Berva sets.  If they were not the same pieces, well, they certainly looked similar.  Point being, that S.H.A.D.O. console has the kind of design ethic one also saw in Doctor Who during the mid 70s.

    The bottom element, vaguely resembling the "fusion core" of the Jupiter II, is pure conjecture.  One can catch a glimpse of something resmbling a thin "disc" or "torus" supporting the pod in "The Sontaran Experimet", but it is largely obscured by wild grass.



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  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    time war

    time war 2.jpg
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  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    war in time

    timewar 3.jpg
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  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618

    Certainly something I didn't expect to see, a morph depicting John Hurt's "War" Doctor.  In the render with him and his console, I thought maybe you started with a Picard morph and worked your way from there.  Seeing the larger "portrait", I think I should toss that speulation.  I'm guessing you just "went to town" with the face dials.

    BTW, that hair is spot on, spiky and disheveled, just like Hurt's 'do.



  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    edited June 2020

    bill not at all ,strangly enough its the david tennant morph for m4 with the basic old age morph from the base , or maybe from the ++ pack . i forget which one has the old morph , applyed


    the hair is from neftis it also works for tennant the beard and stash is from the yannis pak over at rosity 

    its the one that gives you the other cap'n jack 

    Post edited by bluto on
  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618

    Tennant, huh?  Well, that's rather clever!

    It's a d*mn shame William Hurt died, but at least he revived the "War" Doctor again for Big Finish.

  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    i dont discount the solution they came up with for william heartnell , it might be that they can find an actor of sufficiant look and talent to step into the role . or they could reserect him with deep fake cgi

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  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,708
    bluto said:

    i dont discount the solution they came up with for william heartnell , it might be that they can find an actor of sufficiant look and talent to step into the role . or they could reserect him with deep fake cgi

    Is that Eccleston, or Hartnell with a shave, dressed up like Eccleston?  Because the body says 9 but the face is #1.

  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    edited June 2020
    bluto said:

    i dont discount the solution they came up with for william heartnell , it might be that they can find an actor of sufficiant look and talent to step into the role . or they could reserect him with deep fake cgi

    Is that Eccleston, or Hartnell with a shave, dressed up like Eccleston?  Because the body says 9 but the face is #1.

    It is in fact supposed to be eskelson . I do believe that the expression changes the way the face looks a bit and it's the best I could come to actually getting a resemblance while twiddling dials from the plus plus morph pack . when I get a moment I will do another render with out a expression and you can see what I had intended
    Post edited by bluto on
  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    ok yea it does look a bit like hartnel

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    fantastic 3.jpg
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  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618

    Trying out Dodger's TimeLord Collar he just posted at ShareCG.

    I freely admit his is considerably more screen accurate than the one I offer there.



  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    edited July 2020
    I'm surprised dodger did not make the skull cap as well . Bill is that the m4 wizards robe ?
    Post edited by bluto on
  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618

    Actually, the Michael 3 version with custom procedural shaders.



  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    Works for me , it will also convert to m4 with the help of wardrobe wizard
  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    Redfern said:

    Trying out Dodger's TimeLord Collar he just posted at ShareCG.

    Oh, very nice — it has maps for glossy, specular and normal, I can get a nice metallic look for everything except the leather-ish main collar material. I just can't decide whether they look better with or without the Metallic cranked up.

  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618
    edited July 2020
    bluto said:
    I'm surprised dodger did not make the skull cap as well .

    Well, until such time Dodger (or anybody else for that matter) decides to offer a more screen accurate version, here's a lil' something to fill that "gap".

    A Wings3D box modeled skullcap in a "program neutral" .OBJ format.

    Poser users can simply import it with all options UNchecked and it will load in place, scaled for Michael 4.  (You might want to use a "no ears" morph or enlarge the model a bit to avoid "clipping" (poke through).)  Oh, yeah, be sure to "parent" it to the figure's head.

    As I am still a Poser Luddite, I'm not sure what users o DAZ Studio must do.  I think there's some rescaling involved.

    Originally it was all "quads", but for some reason there were several "black" polygons when previewed inUV Mapper Pro.  In poser it looked fine, both in preview and when rendered, but I have no idea if those drak polys would prove a problem in DS.  So, as a last resort, I triangulated the mesh, doubling the polygon count.  Not that it's a HUGE model in any case: I just try to be "frugal" in my modeling..

    Anyway, I'm hoping the zip will "attach" to the message.



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