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It was quite "brilliant" if you ask me.
I found it meh.
Not the episode. The episode was fine. Probably not the note I'd choose to end a run leading anything on, but Moffy had painted himself in a corner with having the Doctor start on a Regeneration. Not a lot of suspense when you know the Doctor isn't going to give up.
Not the Regeneration. Again, fine. Well played, even. This is just my opinion, but the Doctor's Regens play better when there's companion, at least un NuWho. 9-10 was nice. ("New teeth. That's weird.") 10-11, semi-meh. Matt sells his bit, but there's nothing to play off. 11-12, better. Again, because Clara's there to react, and because they played with our explosion expections and just had him flash over.
It's not that they don't give us some bits. 10's last tour was a nice touch. It just feels less substantial when the Doctor goes alone.
Not the performance. I'd hoped for more, but for what little we were given, Whittaker did well enough.
I'm meh about the cliffhanger. Regeneration is finished. We know that when you kill a time loard before it finished they just die. But if you, say, lop off a hand during the post regeneration glow the Regen energy will repair that almost instantly. So falling from the stratosphere might hurt like the dickens, but the Doctor will probably be fine even if nothing intervenes to save her from the sudden stop at the end. Which is honestly the bit I like best about Whittaker's short performance. She seemed less bothered by plumeting from the sky as she was that the Tardis control room was on fire.
Which is the one part of the cliffhanger bit that I am curious about. Did the Tardis have reason for doing that? Because that was not random. The Tardis kicked her out because (my guess) the long drop was safer than being inside. Which is good enough, but was there anything more to it beyond plans to redecorate the console room?
My guess is that the TARDIS has to do it's own reset of sorts, but can't do it while the Doctor is present.
Anyway, here is Clara.
I'd guessed the console roon was toast when they announced a new showrunner. I'm just curious if there's something more to it. I don't mean to be a negative nancy. I have high hopes for the future. Just, wondering if there's, perhaps, something more to it.
The Tardis really makes a point of throwing the Doctor out. There may or may not be anything more to it. But it is the one point that I've got curiousity on.
Working on improving blubeetle13's "Best Companion" morph again... Why I'm working on it again is beyond me...
What do you think so far?
were you planning on sharing this morph? im always on the lookout for a good doctor morph
So how do I fine out when the new season starts?
The same way the rest of us do, you wait until they announce it.
It'll probably be in the autumn/fall. Not sure if there's going to be a Xmas special this year from 'rumours/speculation' that I've read, so it could be late autumn.
October, that's as definite as discussions have revealed, just sometime in October.
Thank you Redfern
I'm going to upload it soon... I just need to tweak it abit before I do!
thanks let me know if you want a beta tester n
Has anyone come up with a convincing likeness of Tom Baker, David Tennant, or Matt Smith in Genesis, G2M or G3M format?
good luck im still trying to find one for m4
JoeQuick has a good morph for Matt Smith for Genesis 2 in the package. The Morph is called 'Smith', but you will need to find a skin texture to go with it though.
'Smith' is the first one in this picture:
Loving Sangriart's 'Osuine for Genesis 8 Female' (currently available over on Rendo)!!!!
Using the morph by the long gone Werts (enhanced with personal tweaks) to depict Tom Baker's Doctor entering the secondary console room (a freebie from Grinch2901)
That likeness is great Bill. Very close I think. And nice to see the 'ol alternate control room get some use!
You can get a better (read: bigger) look at him in the "celebrity likeness" thread, here...
Trying to find something similar to two of our favorite time lady's outfits.
Does anyone know anything that resembles this and
For some reason I was not a fan of Peter Capaldi. Stupid question; do I need to watch all the Peter Capaldi episodes to watch the new Doctor?
edit: oh I see that Jodi has not really started yet, right? I got out of the loop somehow, but when is Jodi's first true episode?
I found a cache of older DW related meshes. Adam Bullock, a member of the old Who3D site constructed these using a free modeling program called Anim8or (pronounced "animator") in the early 2000s.
Anim8or can be obtained here...
Bullock's models can be downloaded here...
Anim8or can readily export meshes in .OBJ format which both Poser and D*Z Studio can import.
Please note that these items may not be the most screen accurate, but they can serve as a "starting mesh" that can be tweaked in other modeling tools.
Here is a gallery of Bullock's old works using the various models he sculpted. It also has the link I provided above.
Bullock's original site is long gone, so I thought the freebies vanished as well. It's nice to learn he still offers them.
No, you don't need to see all his episodes if you don't want to, especially if you know the basics of how the show works. The new Doctor will be a jumping on point for new or returning fans in a similar way to how Matt Smith's 11th Doctor was. New Doctor, new companions, new TARDIS, new showrunner.
I don't believe an exact start date has been announced yet but I've seen October floating around in various TV mags.
I am trying to figure out how I can catch Doctor Who when new episodes come out. I have Hulu live tv but that does not include BBCa. I am not in charge of the cable tv that the house has and I am also planning on not staying at that house for too long.
I am not sure when I move into my own apartment I want a traditional cable tv. I rather keep it simple and just have high speed internet (aka no land line nor cable tv). What are my options for watching Doctor Who without traditional cable TV?
Right now doing a trial for Hulu Live TV. I think I can buy the season somewhere for the newest Doctor Who season, but I need to have it so I can pay for the whole season at once. Not pay as each episode comes out as that is too tedious and expensive for me.
My brother cut cable and signed up for Youtube TV. It's expensive compared to netflix, $40 a month according to their website. But it has lot of channels including local live sports one. One channel it has is BBC America. One option to consider.
What makes YouTube TV different from Hulu live TV?
Same kind of idea, channel lineups differnt. Sort of like asking whats the difference between Amazon Prime TV and Netflix. Same idea, different content.
It looks like in my zip code Hulu live TV has Syfy network but not BBC America. Youtube Live TV has BBA America but not Syfy. Check the different channel listings by putting in your zip code on their websites and see what you'd have access to. Then you might find that one is better for you than the other.
Not able to try You Tube TV as no money on my card.
Capaldi's final season with Bill was was better. I think they problem was the writers were still writing as if it were Matt Smith, so what would sound cute and cheeky coming from him sounded snarky and mean coming from Capaldi.
If you have no money then you could always try <cough> 'alternative ways' of getting the episodes, if you get what I'm aiming at. There are safe and free ways of doing it but I'm not comfirtable talking about it in an open forum, so PM me if you're interested.