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YES, YES, YES!!! I finally have a Tardis. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! KRAIG'S finally went on sale so if you are in need, now is the time to buy. Once I pick up Vanishing Point's Console Room Interior over at Rendo....
does anybody know where to find a good river song morph for v4?
Bought it in the sale, finally remembered to install it. Very nice, and I like that it includes the red texture as well as the traditional blue. Just one disappointment; when you open the small phone door, all you see is the blank interior. No phone, no box to put the phone in, nothing. I would have liked at least some kind of interior detail.
Found a way to see BBCA's Doctor Who on my computer, but I want to watch it on my iPad. Hopefully the BBCA app will play the episodes for me on the iPad. I rather play with DS on computer while watching Who on my iPad.
Correction, I can only watch the first episode of Jodi for free but for the rest I need to login. I do not have a login for my cable, which is not really mine.
Anyone find a look alike for Jodie Whittaker yet? I think with a little dial spinning we can make Edward 8 look close to Bradley Walsh. Not sure about who to use for Tosin Cole or Mandip Gil yet.
You might want to contact MGHSFAN2k who has been working upon a Whittaker likeness using Victoria 4. Here are the first example which lead into the next page or two.
My company sponsored an "employee appreciation" luncheon yesterday and management actually encouraged "dressing up".
So I dressed as my favorite Doctor, Tom Baker.
It's more of a "close enough" approach with the only screen accurate element being the scarf (based upon the stitch pattern for sereies 12, Tom's debut year). the only parts I bought specifically for the luncheon were the wig and the blazer. Everything else I already possessed for a few years already. Ironically, the wig cost more at 20 bucks compared to the blazser I got at GoodWill...for less than 7 dollars!
EDIT: Please forgive the "obscuring" circle. I've been adviced by people in the company for whom I work to maintain a certain level of anonymity.
Nice one!
Got the latest season of Doctor Who and downloaded 3 episodes so far onto iPad.
Too late, we can identify you by the 8 foot scarf and the mop of curly hair. If we find more than one we might need to use posession of a sonic screwdriver to identify you specifically but that's easy enough.
I am enjoying Jodie. She is great!
on the offical Doctor Who facebook page there is a competition to have your artwork used for a new Doctor Who tshirt
Referencing material at a site called, I've improved the proportions and scale of my old Tom Baker console Poser based prop. I also took the opportunity to modify the mapping. When I released it around 2004, the UVs for the readout display were upside down, meaning any graphic had to be spun 180 degrees to properly display. I could have left it at that one correction, but I wound up tweaking just about every surface, spending several hours Saturday and Sunday doing so.
I also corrected the height of the hat stand (can't recall where I got it) and I adjusted the size of a rigged K-9 figure (by Dodger) to have a 30 inch length base. Funny enough, I did NOT have to resize CastIronFlamingo's control room. The builder's forum reveal the main entrance doors stand 84 inches (7 feet) and they were already that height.
The big divergence from the real life set is the inclusion of the suspended hexagon array. That was an element from the early Hartnell serials, but was eventually discarded. The geometry came from a model my Richard Marklew. And the central column is one Aldemp made specifically to replace the admittedly mediocre one I originally supplied with my prop.
Oh, we are looking through the main entrance framed by the distinctive zigzag doorway. The overall arrangement is inspired (meaning I've acknowledged some "liberties") by the layout of Tom Baker's final year and Peter Davison's first.
Obsessively driven to continually improve a digital version of Tom Baker's Doctor, I spent a bit of my Sunday correcting a "clipping" (aka "poke through") issue with the scarf elements. As one can see in this earlier version...
...the "coil" of sarf geometry around the neck "clipped" the topmost regions of the draping "strips" or "lengths". I wanted that "coil" (really, more of a lumpy "toroid" of polygons) to rest atop the draping pieces, not intersect them.
Initially, I tried the "Cloth Room", but I mot have fouled a setting because the "clothified" prop just "floated" in place and "fluttered" as though caught in a breeze. So I opted for an older method, "magnets". I restricted the literal sphere of influence" to only affect the regions just above the right and left lapels, gently tugging until a small body of polys lifted above those draping pieces. Yes, I did save my work, both as a "scene" and as a figure with multiple conforming and parented clothing items.
The "clipping" issue might have been a minor thing to others, but it was bugging me.
Tom actually wore a variety of outfits throughout his 7 years, but since he wore a long scarf in every story and most of his coats were past knee length, casual viewers assumed he wore the same thing. This arrangement is arguably closer to what he sported in "Pyramid of Mars", than it is to some of the others.
For anybody curious enough, here's a link to a blog that analyzes every bloody outfit the Doctor (all incarnations) has worn throughout the series. I've linked Tom Baker's debut as that is the focus of this post. Links are available to the right of the page to access his subsequent years.
i love it bill , any chance i can obtain a copy
anyone know if the Police box is BBC licenced? I won't get it if it's not, too risky...... (yup the BBC own all the rights to it, not the police...)
Khai, if you wouldn't mind, check you private messages.
I want to clone and rotate a brushed metal texture I created for the console and then I will share it with you.
Bluto? Check your domestic e-mail.
Now, a bit of Doctor Who production trivia. You remember the so called "wooden" control room, the one with the rather unassuming "writing podium" type console introduced just two stories before Sarah Jane Smith left. Well, having recently joined the TARDIS Builders' forum, I discovered a concept was, sadly, not used because of costs and time. What have all the various consoles possessed this one didn't? Right, some sort of central column. Not all have "bobbed"; not all were enclosed by glass; but all have "something" to imply the craft was traveling. All but the "Newberry" console.
Well, production memos reveal it would have had one. Now, admittedly a full on column would have overpowered the otherwise compact design, but that was not the plan. Instead, when the TARDIS was in "flight", an "iris" would open atop the podium and a transparent "dome' would emerge, one filled with "instruments" the Doctor would examine as the space/time machine traveled. Now, the exact look of this apparatus is unknown. we don't know if the dome was shallow, like a convex lens, a true hemisphere, or something more akin to a bell jar, like the ones that cover ornate brass clocks. Neither were the "instruments" described in detail. Fans have speculated they may have resembled some sort of Ptolemaic armillary, a collection of differently sized rings or gear wheels turning upon a common center. Alas, an arrangement like that would have made the assembly even more vulnerable to malfunction than the simply bobbing column it was meant to replace. So the idea was nixed, but not before a hole was made where the dome would have emerged. Certain shots of the podium reveal a thin disc that rests atop the podium, corresponding with the place where an iris mechanism would have been mounted.
It's a shame because I think the Newberry room might have been better liked (though it certainly does have its fans). Shoot, they could have compromised. the dome could have been "fixed", simply standing there, neither emerging or retracting. It need not have possessed moving parts. Instead, randomly flashing lights could have glittered within an unmoving collection of gearworks during the 'flight" scenes. When the TARDIS was at rest, the bulbs would not be illuminated. Certainly that kind of assembly would be less prone to failure.
Anyway, having read about this rejected feature inspired me to add it to Grinch's set. I found a Poser ready astrolabe model. I removed the stand and loaded two copies, shrinking one a bit and rotating it upon the vertical axis, centering it within the first. I added a flattened torus to serve as a framr for the "hole" and I used a capsule primitive for the glass dome housing. Admittedly, it's pretty much guesswork, but this is how the "Newberry" wooden console might have looked if the production went "all out" as originally planned.
didn't take notice/think really when she was released but just relised bluejaunte's character is actually perfect to use as a weeping angel. Just add wings if you want not all of them had them and a peticoat type dress oh and give her sharp teeth for when her mouth is open
That looks great, Bill. Nice work! Really does add just a pinch of Gallifrey without breaking the theme of the room. And I've said it before, your Baker morph is fantastic, I know it's a combo of barious things but you put them together perfectly.
Thanks, Grinch! That means a lot! Really! You may have noticed I used BlueBeetle's morph that turns V4 into Sarah Jane Smith. I finally found a set of farmer type overalls (a non pin-up variety) that, with proper texturing would at least resemble her (in)famous Andy Pandy outfit from her swan song story, "The Hand of Fear".
Funny thing, for years I thought the director of the nuclear facility slurred the words "Andy Panda", which confused me. Like Mickey Mouse, Andy Panda just wore read shorts, no top. It would have made for an "interesting" outfit, but I don't think they could have gotten away with that on "tea time" scheduled programming. Recently I discovered he meant what he said, "Andy Pandy". Andy was a clown styled puppet starring in a noontime children's show in the late 1950s. Pictures revealed the clown puppet wearing a baggy "neck to ankle jumpsuit" with pinstripes. Okay, that made a lot more sense than a topless cartoon panda.
While we're on the subject of recreated characters, has anyone made a newer Tom Baker morph? I tried to use the old one from about the M4 era or so that I'd gotten from ShareCG, having gotten what I thought was the charcter the morph needed in order to work, and then discovered that that one apparently needs some other underlying figure base that I either don't have or can't figure out how to insert, since going to the linked product page for THAT doesn't work. It would be nice if there was, say, a G3M version of Tom Baker, or a G8M version, rather than having to rely on something from back when the Silurians ruled the Earth.
Was it this set you grabbed?
If so, that's what I shared for Michael 3, no, not Michael Genesis 3, I mean for vintage Michael 3, this product...
which for this set also needs...
the head morph pack (which is no longer available)
...and this product...
But I'll be the first to admit mt version pales in comparison to what Werts offered for Michael 4, which is why I put mine aside and started using the M4 based morph. Now, I did tweak it a bit as I thught it looked just a tad young and thin. I used the Morphs++ set to fill out the jowls a hint and dialed in just a fraction of the "old" morph.
Yeah, it was that one you linked, and it annoyed me that the head morph pack was MIA. 0o I have all the other bits and bobs of that.
For those Doctor Who fans who did not see this in the freebies thread. :)
A Lot of fun pictures there on that thread... Please download here...
Product: David10 - G8M
Author: RKane_1
Hello. I present to you David10 for G8M. This is really just a morph with a Character Preset that uses a Skin Materials found in Edward 8
The morph is under Actor/People/Real World
I have included a Character Preset but it does use Edward 8's Materials.
The Hair he is pictured with is not included but it is as follows:
Please enjoy his timey Wimey Goodness.