Are you on DeviantArt?



  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999
    edited December 1969

    *Flails at the watch button several more times*

    At least you've got 8 legs to do that with ... ;)

  • Carola OCarola O Posts: 3,823
    edited May 2013

    I'm on DA as well.. though, only just started with this 3d art, and actually created a new account as the old one (containing photos and some poems) were basically abandoned :)

    Here is the link to my new one, and be aware that the art there (at this point) is purely Mature content. I do plan to put up other things there too.. just haven't gotten around doing much that is worth of putting up :)

    and I don't mind getting feedback on the things I put up there, should anyone want too give it :) it will hopefully push me to become better after all ^^


    Post edited by Carola O on
  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    SimonJM said:
    *Flails at the watch button several more times*

    At least you've got 8 legs to do that with ... ;)


  • kittenwyldekittenwylde Posts: 151
    edited December 1969

    What a thread! Now I actually have a watch list, with tons of people on it. My gallery
    Not much there, but it grows sporadically.

  • AscavilyaAscavilya Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    Found this thread through SickleYield's journal post on dA, so wandered over to have a peek.

    Wow! So many more people who use Daz that I didn't know about.

    So for the sake of completion (and let's be honest, a little self promotion never hurt), here is My dA page for anyone to have a look at that is interested.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Spazzi said:
    A friend of mine recommended that, although I don't have much 3D art in my gallery, I should still put my link up on this thread. So here it is:

    Thank you Wancow for starting this thread, great idea :)

    Yes, your friend was right. Your work, though few, is really great and interesting to look at. Thanks for sharing the link.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Sickle, do you have a dA gallery that is just personal images? I looked through the one you have linked here, and although there are some personal renders in there, they seem to be mostly promo images. I have nothing against that, but I don't want to get a deviant watch message for the promo stuff.

    I'm adding you either way, but I'm just wondering. Or maybe set up a folder in your gallery for personal works??? What I see so far, I like.

  • michellecelebriellemichellecelebrielle Posts: 264
    edited December 1969

    Wow, so many people on dA! Will definitely keep track of people's progress, it's great to see how everyone develops.

    My dA is:

    I haven't got a lot of 3D stuff up yet, but have several projects on the go :D

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for this thread, Wancow! It's hard to find people over there. My link is in my signature :cheese:.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Fiddle dee dee, time to go add more to the watch list I see. I'm slow but I'll get there, about the time 10 more folks add links here. Then I'll start it all over again.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited May 2013

    Slosh said:
    Sickle, do you have a dA gallery that is just personal images? I looked through the one you have linked here, and although there are some personal renders in there, they seem to be mostly promo images. I have nothing against that, but I don't want to get a deviant watch message for the promo stuff.

    I'm adding you either way, but I'm just wondering. Or maybe set up a folder in your gallery for personal works??? What I see so far, I like.

    Well, technically I do (, but it's mainly of interest to other malesub peril fans (and is therefore NSFW). Public-appropriate personal renders go into the commercial one with the promos since they're usually also advertising. I won't feel bad if you don't watch either. I'll still pester you on your educational content. ;)

    Post edited by SickleYield on
  • GRFK DSGN UnlimitedGRFK DSGN Unlimited Posts: 1,100
    edited December 1969

    Here's my deviantArt gallery:


  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Slosh said:
    Sickle, do you have a dA gallery that is just personal images? I looked through the one you have linked here, and although there are some personal renders in there, they seem to be mostly promo images. I have nothing against that, but I don't want to get a deviant watch message for the promo stuff.

    I'm adding you either way, but I'm just wondering. Or maybe set up a folder in your gallery for personal works??? What I see so far, I like.

    Well, technically I do (, but it's mainly of interest to other malesub peril fans (and is therefore NSFW). Public-appropriate personal renders go into the commercial one with the promos since they're usually also advertising. I won't feel bad if you don't watch either. I'll still pester you on your educational content. ;)

    Following both now. This is more like what I was hoping for. Thanks.

  • iruchemairuchema Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just a bunch of nonsnsical pics :)

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    iruchema said:
    Just a bunch of nonsnsical pics :)

    "Boobies and Such". That folder name just made me chuckle. Seriously, though. I really liked your Candlelight picture. I left a couple of feedback tips as requested, but I think it looks really good overall.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    Slosh said:
    iruchema said:
    Just a bunch of nonsnsical pics :)

    "Boobies and Such". That folder name just made me chuckle. Seriously, though. I really liked your Candlelight picture. I left a couple of feedback tips as requested, but I think it looks really good overall.

    *Goes to create a "Buttocks and Whatnot" folder*

    Seriously, though. I endorse this profile with its equal-opportunity nudity. :D

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,708
    edited May 2013

    I've added a few more, including recent work. as always.

    Post edited by Eustace Scrubb on
  • CP88CP88 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Yaaay! It's so hard to find other Daz users, especially those who aren't porn-focused.


  • Glampfire GirlGlampfire Girl Posts: 26
    edited December 1969

    Great idea! I'd love to see everyone's stuff.

    Here's my DA:

    AngB in AZ

  • MegonNoelMegonNoel Posts: 377
    edited December 1969

    Wow! This list is getting huge! That's awesome - Looks like I'll be spending a lot of time adding people to my watch list... I'm about 15 pages behind in this thread, so if I haven't visited your page yet, I'm on my way :)

  • PorsimoPorsimo Posts: 359
    edited December 1969

    Wow, lots of galleries to go through! :ohh:

    Here's mine:
    I've also posted some of my photos there.

  • SamCSamC Posts: 40
    edited December 1969

    I decided to only add new images that I've done this year to mine.

    So not much to see, but hope to add some more soon.


  • GeneRufusGeneRufus Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just discovered this thread!

    (Quick warning, I do a wide range of genres, including some kinda fetish-y stuff)

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,663
    edited December 1969

    Here is my link and I really like the idea of everyone doing this...

  • MadbatMadbat Posts: 382
    edited November 2014


    Post edited by Madbat on
  • IlenaIlena Posts: 283
    edited May 2013

    Here is mine.
    Silly username but I do love myths. Thought to post some stories written but at first some silly baaad drawings and than renders. :)

    Post edited by Ilena on
  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,231
    edited December 1969

    So great to see more people :cheese:

    The update to this thread is seriously borked; I had to go back 3 pages from the last person I added :-/

  • IlenaIlena Posts: 283
    edited December 1969

    At that point, all one can do is say a firm no.

    I haven't been asked yet, because I don't advertise as selling renders, but this is the internet. I'm sure it'll happen sooner or later. :D

    If it were a matter of me advertising as selling renders, then I could just say "Your kink is okay, but that doesn't mean I'll do it." I think there are people there that just assume "if this person makes art of any kind, they'll sell it to me for monies!" and we all know that just isn't true. ;)

    Every time I consider taking commissions of any kind, something like this happens to discourage me.

    In art-related news, though, that sale on the Daz store for tutorials has me making all kinds of happy noises.

    On the subject of commissions... been thinking of offering them as those near me urge to cash in the potential. For the most part it's a hobby but it would be nice to actually get few bucks and learn during the time you spend developing it. How this whole thing around selling goes? I've done a 5. 4 were for friends and one book cover for a cousin's novel and I'm not sure of the reaction the offer might get.. So if any of you have some experiences when you have the time or feel like share them.

  • MuzeMuze Posts: 182
    edited December 1969
  • edited May 2013

    wancow said:
    And what is your Gallery Link? We might as well all hook up so we can see one another's stuff... I daresay it will be a lot easier :)

    Mine is

    And in case you missed the OTHER thread, DAZ 3D's account is:

    Yes, I am...and have been for some years now. It's essentially the only place I post my artwork anymore these days. Unfortunately, my production rate is severely impacted at the moment as my pc only has the bare minimum of RAM to run either Studio or Poser. So don't expect to see a lot of new stuff for a while...

    Just a warning : Stay out of the Origins folder if you have trouble with harsh material. That is where most of my rp related images and writing goes, and while I make liberal use of the mature content flags for my posts, much of that folder can be hard to stomach for some folks. You have been warned. lol

    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
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