Tlaloc For M4 (Update : DS-Specific MATS Now Available)

edited June 2013 in Freebies

**UPDATE #4 - 21.06.2013**
I now have Studio-specific MATs made for Nathan, so you Studio folks don't need to manually adjust the texture settings every time you load him into a scene. (I know Studio applies an over-abundant specularity value, among other things, to his skin).

I'll get the DS Mats uploaded to my main website eventually, but for now, you can also get them off of ShareCG.


**UPDATE #3 - 12.06.2013**
Thanks to Frodi, who pointed out there was an error in my texture references on three of the MAT files, I've gone in and fixed those errors. If you downloaded him prior to today (6/12/2013), please re-download the zip to get the fixed MAT pose files. Reinstall the Base Texture, Head NO Scars, and Head Scar pz2 files in order to update to the fixed version. Sorry, guys! That one got past me before uploading.


**UPDATE #2**
For those who dislike my website navigation, Nathan is now up on ShareCG as well.

You can find him over there at this link:


**UPDATE 11.06.2013**

Alrighty! He's finally available for download off of my website. I’ll get him posted to ShareCG eventually as well, and I will of course supply that link once I have him up there. For now, though, you can definitely grab him off of my website.

To get to him, just click the splash image, and then click "Characters" in the LEFT HAND side navigation menu. His details page will load from the thumbnail (link at the bottom of the details page). I attached the thumbnail you’ll be looking for on the characters page of the website.

You *MUST* load a separate M4 if you intend to switch back and forth between the Elite/H4 and the Morphs++ versions of his morph presets. For some wonky reason, the files won't work correctly if you attempt to use them on the same M4 figure. I do NOT know why this is, and apparently no one else does, either.

STUDIO Users :
You WILL need to adjust the specularity settings on his skin, as Studio seems to automatically assign a full 1.000 value to his skin specularity. I *WILL* look into getting DS-specific MAT files made as soon as I can. Once I can find a how-to...

Package Contents :
8 Eye Textures
4 Limbs Textures
4 Torso Textures
4 Head Textures
1 Lash Transmap
1 Teeth/Gums Texture
PNG Thumbnails

Elite/H4 INJ/REM for the head
Elite/H4 INJ/REM for the body
Elite/H4 INJ/REM for both at once
Morphs++ INJ/REM for the head
Morphs++ INJ/REM for the body
Morphs++ INJ/REM for both at once

1 Base Texture MAT (apply this first!!)
8 Eye MAT poses
4 Body (from neck down) MAT poses
3 Scar Partial MAT poses (Arms, Legs, Torso)
6 Wounded Partial MAT poses
——Arms NO Scar
——Arms With Scars
——Legs NO Scar
——Legs With Scars
——Torso NO Scar
——Torso With Scars

4 Head MAT poses
——Base Head (no scars, no wounds)
——Wounds With Scars

Hey guys.

I know it's been a long time since I've been in here posting anything up. It's been nuts on my end, combined with memory issues on the computer, which means limited to no artwork or creation capabilities. Anyway, I'm looking for input on this guy - would there be any interest in him? This is a skin I had to make for an RP character of mine, as I couldn't find anything out there that seemed to suit him.

Would ya'll be interested in it? He's for M4. Nothing fancy here, a bunch of eye textures, one scarred texture, and one non-scarred texture for the skin. His morphs use a combination of the Morphs++ and M4's Elite morphs.

Here's a closeup of the scarred face MAT... rendered in Poser Pro 2010.

I'll try to do a DS rendering later and see what it looks like, but I do not have DS-specific MATs for him, and have no idea how to make them, either...

Please Note : I did this with fairly low-quality render settings due to memory issues on my system. Will do a better shot later. I'm still fussing with the scars on his torso and legs... not happy with the ones on his legs at all yet. He's very much still a work in progress.

The shirt is from the Midnight Hunter set with Arien's texture. Hair is the Midnight Prince set with extensive modifications on the texture done by me. Click on the image to see full size.

1075 x 1400 - 270K
200 x 200 - 14K
Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on


  • katfeetekatfeete Posts: 255
    edited December 1969

    Interest in a darker-skinned male character? OH HELL YES. I for one would be grabbing this in a second and thanking you profusely.

  • caine collincaine collin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    katfeete said:
    Interest in a darker-skinned male character? OH HELL YES. I for one would be grabbing this in a second and thanking you profusely.

    I second that, also: so far looks great!

  • edited May 2013

    Alrighty. I will do more work on the limbs and torso then, and get him released. =)

    Does anyone know of a good tutorial on displacement mapping? The scars on his torso and limbs really need it, but I can't seem to get the effect without making the rest of his skin look like sun-dried leather. lol

    And yes, he is darker skinned... the character he was originally made for is a mix-blooded Hitchiti native. There's enough caucasians out there in my opinion... and hardly any free skins for M4. I'd like to eventually get his eyebrows done as a transparency because the skin could lend itself to black or brown hair... but the brows here are only good for brown.

    Anyway. I will do some more work on him, and get a few more examples up.

    Edit: When I'm happy with the Poser MATs, I'll look into making Studio ones if I can. Not promising, as I still struggle with Studio, but I will try.

    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • edited December 1969

    Also - question open for input... Should I include a head/body morph version that does NOT use the M4 Elite morphs? What I'm worried about it is I don't know how popular the Elite morphs were for M4, and I usually try to make sure that whatever I release is useable to as many people as possible. I'm thinking about including a Non-Elite version of the head and body morph for folks who do not have that package.

    If ya'll would like to see a version without the Elite morphs involved, I'll make one and include that as well. Let me know. =)

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    Seliah said:
    Also - question open for input... Should I include a head/body morph version that does NOT use the M4 Elite morphs? What I'm worried about it is I don't know how popular the Elite morphs were for M4, and I usually try to make sure that whatever I release is useable to as many people as possible. I'm thinking about including a Non-Elite version of the head and body morph for folks who do not have that package.

    If ya'll would like to see a version without the Elite morphs involved, I'll make one and include that as well. Let me know. =)

    I just double-checked my product library, and the M4 Elite morphs aren't there. So there's at least one person interested in a version without the Elite morphs - me.
  • frodifrodi Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I like him a lot, but I don't have the M4 Elite morphs either. So here is person #2 who is interested in a version M4 Elite morphs. Great to see you back Seliah.

  • edited December 1969

    Alright. I will do a non-Elite set of his morphs for the folks who don't have that package. =)

  • edited December 1969

    Okay, so at the moment, this is what the package will look like for contents:

    - Elite Head INJ/REM
    - Non-Elite Head INJ/REM
    - Elite Body INJ/REM
    - Non-Elite Body INJ/REM
    - Scarred Head Texture
    - Non-Scarred Head Texture
    - Scarred Body Texture
    - Non-Scarred Body Texture


    WIP and "Maybe" Contents :

    - Multiple Eye Textures (Still deciding which ones to keep and throw out)
    - Warpainted texture (for both scarred and non-scarred options) IF IF IF... If I can get a warpainting that I think looks good done on the textures. This one is very much up in the air, as I am definitely struggling with seams and the like on it, largely due to the completely insane layout of the Gen4 texture maps making it so hard to work with.
    - Maybe a few poses to go along with the pack...also up in the air yet.
    - Also still very much up in the air...possibly a set of Genesis morphs to go with the skin, as I know that Genesis can use the Gen4 UV's and take Gen4 textures that way. But this one is very dependant on me figuring out how to make the morphs exportable and distributable for general consumption.
    - Studio specific MATs for the textures. Also dependant on my being able to get files in a distributable well as figuring out the Studio shaders/material room.

  • edited May 2013

    A quick look at the texture without all the scars (and blue eyes rather than brown). Also most of the body morph, since it's basically a hips-and-up camera angle here.

    Still working on the "scarred" torso and limb textures... not very happy with them yet. Getting there.

    800 x 1000 - 532K
    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • WhiteMystWhiteMyst Posts: 212
    edited December 1969

    Wow, nice char for M4! I am also in the camp of not having elite morphs, thank you for making a non elite version. Looking forward to this char, it's nice to see something ethnic for a change.

  • edited December 1969

    You are welcome. I do try to make sure my things are useable to as many folks as possible. That being said, I went to do the non-Elite morphs and found that they only effect the body. I used some of the Adonis and Svelte morphs on the body. I used the hand smooth and taper finger morphs from Hiro4 on his hands.

    What this means is that the face morphs seen in the preview will remain unchanged for you non-Elite folks. The non-Elite body shape will have the Elite and the H4 morphs removed for folks who don't have those products. The removal of the Hiro hand morphs doesn't really effect the overall shape, I just used them to remove some of the meaty-ness from his hands and make them a little more lean to suit his overall build better.

    The biggest impact is on the body shape. And I have gotten what I think is a close approximation of his build with a couple of the other Morphs++ dials. I will post a preview once it is done rendering here.

  • edited May 2013

    Update (and another test render). The non-scarred texture is satisfactorily completed. The facial scarring is completed, as is the torso scarring maps. I think I'm happy with the limb scars as well. Have begun experimenting a little with some wounded/stitches/staples textures options (which, if I do, I will do them both with and without the scarring). Someone kick me... this thing is going to be huge before I'm done, just like the big variety set was for the male Shadowdancer outfits! LOL

    I've also gotten the NON-Elite/Non-Hiro4 morphs done for him as well.

    What you see in this render is what Nathan Tlaloc would look like with only the Morphs++ applied. No Elite or H4 morphs. Anyway - here's another quickie test-render. Brown eyes, scarred textures, NON-Elite morphs. I think I've gotten his body shape pretty close to what it looks like with the Elite morphs dialed in. Mostly we lose some of the finer sculpting on the muscle structure, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just a slightly different shape that can be used if someone either doesn't have the other packages, or wants a less muscular shape for him.

    (Again, you will need to click the image for full size to see the details on the scars and whatnot. I'm doing the best I can with those, since I am having a lot of difficulty getting any sort of displacement to look good. Very much learning as I go here. He's only the second skin I've done on the Gen4's. Up to now all my Gen4's have been morphs-only characters.)

    800 x 1000 - 565K
    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • caine collincaine collin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    The Shadowdancer Outfit was my favorite outfit for the longest time :D

    So far looks amazing can't wait !

  • frodifrodi Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    He looks good.

  • edited May 2013

    And... a quick preview of the experimentation with wounded texture options. I've only done the head so far - and this one has the scars on it. I also have a version of the head option with NO scars, as well. And yes, I am working on a body texture to go with the head options here. Like the head, there will be maps with and without the scarring. I really want to do a decent war-painted one.... but so far just not happy with the results of that at all! LOL

    800 x 1000 - 659K
    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • caine collincaine collin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ouch, looks like someone took a beating... Gotta say that looks "good" in the actually painful/well done type way lol

  • edited December 1969

    Well, if he's got scars, he had to get them somehow, right? Glad you like it. =)

  • edited December 1969

    Back view - scarred texture - Elite body morph...

    Yes, the line on the upper left arm here is part of the scarring, NOT a texture seam.

    Click for full view.

    Back to work. =)

    800 x 1000 - 473K
  • WhiteMystWhiteMyst Posts: 212
    edited December 1969

    He is looking great!

  • edited December 1969

    The wounded texture is fully complete. =) Quick preview of the just-got-out-of-a-fight texture option here. LOL

    Like the main texture - there is a version both with and without scars.

    Also a preview of one of the eye options - green, this time. I'll try to get all the eye colors rendered and displayed on an image at once for ya'll. There's some 'natural' colors in there as well as some fantasy colors (silvers, pink, purple, etc).

    500 x 762 - 370K
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  • caine collincaine collin Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    OUCH! I wonder what he could have possibly done to deserve that.

  • edited May 2013

    Or what trouble he got caught in the middle of, yes!

    I am thinking about with the wounded options though, making multiple MATS. IOW... one MAT that would apply all of them, one that would apply the head only, another that would apply body-only, and one that will apply arms-only, legs-only, and torso-only... so that folks can use as many or as few of the wound options as they wish to. Basically, I'm trying to make this thing as flexible as possible.

    I have already decided to do the same thing for the scar maps. Full scars, head-only, body-only, arms-only, torso-only, and legs-only. So that again, folks can pick and choose and apply all or part of the scar options as they wish to.

    Flexibility, in my opinion, is key when creating digital content, because you never know what your end-users are actually going to want to DO with your content, and there are so many different possibilities. I can't tell you how much I absolutely HATE the fact that there is no way to texture the Gen4's eyes individually, without creating double eye maps. And that is why there are not going to be any injured-eye textures with this package, when honestly.. with the way the scar runs through the right eye, there should at least be some textures for a right-eye injury. But if I did that, the sheer size of the zip file would be through the roof.

    Example :
    Let's say I want to make a cataract texture. Well, I might want the cataract in only the right eye, and you might want it in only the left eye. But because the irises, pupils, corneas, and scleras are all textured together (we do not have a RIGHT iris, RIGHT pupil, LEFT cornea, LEFT sclera material zone... "iris" is for BOTH left and right irises).... then if I want to make the maps flexible, I have to do ONE eye map with the cataract on the right, one with the cataract on the left... and I would have to do this for EVERY eye color option in the package. The final result of that is the need to distribute many extra texture maps, which further balloons out the size of the file. So even if I only had TWO color options... it would require SIX different eye maps. That is insane!

    With the Gen3's, we had a right iris, left iris, right pupil, left pupil thing going with the material zones. So I could make, say, ONE texture map with both eyes textured for cataracts, and then make a MAT file that applied the cataract map to only ONE eye... so the end user could choose a blue, brown, green, purple, whatever-eye color... and then apply the cataracts MAT to ONLY the one eye they wanted it in.

    With the Gen4 setup, I would literally have to make a cataract texture map with EVERY eye color, for BOTH eyes, in order to give the end-users that level of flexibility. It's very frustrating! And this is why there are not going to be any injured-eye textures with him.

    Anyway. Sorry. I think I got ranting, my apologies. I'm working on making all the Poser MAT files right now (and rendering examples of the various eye colors). I still haven't had any luck on making proper war-painted texture options, which I really wanted to do for this guy. If I can ever figure it out, I suppose I can just release them later as an add-on for him, right? LOL!

    Post edited by Seliah (Childe of Fyre) on
  • edited December 1969

    Here's the eyes... 8 total... 4 natural and 4 fantasy.

    The eye colors are now written in stone and completed, including MAT files...

    Click for full view.

    800 x 600 - 124K
  • gingercakes47gingercakes47 Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    He's looking very good, I've got to say.

  • frodifrodi Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    That is a massive amount of work Seliah.

  • edited December 1969

    I'm glad ya'll like him. With one exception that I'll get to, I'm down to just the nitty gritty of making the MAT files for him now. And then the promo renders and morph INJ files.


    - The scar maps are finalized - Poser MATs made.
    - Non-scar maps are finalized - Poser MATs made.
    - Partial-MATs are made for the scars.
    - Partial-MATs are made for the wounds, both with and without scars.
    - Eye maps are finalized - Poser MATs are made.


    I have an issue with the seam on the wounded limbs texture with his left hand that I am working on fixing right now. Once that is done, I will be able to consider all the Poser MAT files done, and will get onto makng the morph INJ/REM files for him.

    One other thing here : with the way the Gen4 maps are laid out, I have to include the hip zone on the torso-only MATs.. This means you will have some of the upper thigh leg scarring and wounds on those partial MATs, because the "hip" MAT zone goes from belly button to mid thigh, and I am not making extra copies of the textures to avoid the upper thigh wound/scars. I also cannot leave the hip zone out of the torso-only MATs, because there is a wound and some scars that would have an unnatural, horizontal cut-off mid-wound and mid-scar.

    I will get some other example renders made once I have the hand seam sorted out, but I consider this the home stretch. =)

  • gingercakes47gingercakes47 Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    For such a complicated character, you have done a really good and fast job as it is. Waiting patiently for you to hit home plate. :)

  • edited December 1969

    One last thing that I meant to add in the above post...

    Once I have the seam issue sorted, I will be looking for a Studio user who would be willing to do a beta test with him. I do have DS, but it is not my native program and I am still struggling with the finer points of it. I want to try and make him compatible with Studio with hopefully minimal tweaking needed. I do plan to try and make Studio specific MATs, if I can figure out how it's done.

    What I would need in a DS tester is someone who knows the material room, and is willing to run him through all of his paces to make sure he works... and possibly let me know what quirks he might have inside Studio if I am unable to make the DS MATs for him. And also, obviously, let me know if they run across things like seam issues I may have missed or a MAT or INJ/REM file that fails to work as it should. I also will need to know if I have the file structure correct or not for installing to Studio, as the DS installation process is still very confusing to me.

    If someone is willing to do that, please let me know, and I will send you a copy of him directly.


  • Chelle the CatChelle the Cat Posts: 239
    edited December 1969

    You know you can count on me to run some tests on him for ya :D
    He really is looking quite fantastic so far.

  • edited December 1969

    You know you can count on me to run some tests on him for ya :D
    He really is looking quite fantastic so far.

    Thanks, 'Chelle! I'll let you know once I have the seam issue sorted and have him in a zip-able state. I'm still fighting with the same seam issue here. And it's just the one hand, but I need to get it sorted.

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