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If someone is looking for a different take on the Enterprise to model, there's always this version...
It's from this Steam Trek youtube video btw.
That's great!
I love it!
I'll take that one on.
Still working on Designs for the Forrestal Bridge, using elements from TOS with a little tweak here and there and a big thank you for Ptrope, Ashley and Madison Bruffy for their assistance and some redesigning of the bridge monitors (Got some inspiration from Disco). Only have little to show but more is to come
Glad to see you're still at it!
I finally finished my Jr. Officer's Quarters (Lt and up, ensigns would have to share a bathroom) and I went back and re-built my briefing room. These are the Phase II/TMP versions for a Connie.
Very nice work, I especially like the conference room update.
Testing out some chairs for the Bridge. Wanted to go with a little different look for the chairs
Is there any Vulcan/Spock hair suitable for Genesis 3 figures? I have the old M4 version but it really isn't up to scratch. A bit surprised I haven't been able to find a suitable replacement.
The engineering of the chair frame needs to be looked at more carefully.
That whole set looks good, chairs included!
Regristation at Foundation3D is fixed:
For all those who have been wanting to get your hands on the Star Trek model conversions that I posted there, please register at F3D
I can't access the site from work. I'll try and register later tonight. I'm excited to finally get in over there.
I think I just got my hand slapped.
I tried to register last night and I got stuck on a loading screene.
Hmm, it actually "remembered" my existing account. I was able to log in (when it had been "freezing") and I was able to queue up a download.
Frankly, I'm shocked it works after all this time!
Pleased, sure, but still shocked!
Testing out some the graphics to see how they turn out and another set of chairs
I personally, like the rough stone affect but only around the monitors. It reminds me of an acrylic countertop.
I personally liked the first set of chairs better. I'd adjust the frames to match the hinge points of the chairs and nothing more.
Great job in general Dude.
Looking great!! :D
Shifting gears a little bit, saw a great design for re-vamping the TMP uniforms by JBogguess to have more color and more match the colors of the TOS uniforms, so I'm adapting them to the Courageous and Valiant. Right now just the Courageous. These are still WIP. In order from left to right Operations Duty Uniform, Science Dress Uniform, Security Duty Uniform. The Captain and First Officer get some green duds and the Casual uniform I haen't even touched yet.
I'm doing them up as Prime Universe for the moment, but I'll be doing a set up with the one for my AU as well, cause why not?
Like the classic "flip antenna" communicators being outpaced by current real life tech, we already have devices akin to the belly mounted bio-monitors in terms of function, but they are considerably more compact and thus can be worn like a watch.
Very true. Although I like to think that the perscans can do a full bio-readout instead of just monitoring how much you move around and your pulse rate. ;)
Give'em 5 to 10 years and I suspect the real life wrist devices will be able to do all that.
I tend to think of the 'TOS style' communicators are larger because you don't have a cellular backbone to fall back on. So they need to carry a powerful enough transmitter to reach say a geostationary orbit 25,000 KM above a class M planet, or even farther. By TNG they had managed to miniaturize this tech further, hence the comm badges. Also, they may need to function in less ideal conditions than the Earth/Sol pairing, where they have to compete with more solar radiation. I'm rationalizing here, but essentially the bigger size allows for a larger antenna, a more powerful transmitter, and other goodies like multiple frequency channels to deal with less than ideal communication situations. Even with all that, though, we still saw a lot of communicator failures in TOS and TNG where you just heard static... A lazy plot device, sure, but that's essentially canon for TOS.
But in other respects, yeah Gene and the team essentially guessed wrong r.e. the computing power of handheld communication devices. Which begs the question, do Starfleet types play candy crush-like games on their communicators? Or have a decent chunk of the Starfleet database tucked away inside a chip inside of their communicators? Probably not the latter, because if the communicators fell into a pre-warp society's hands, well they'd have a treasure trove of prime directive breaking info, if they were able to unlock the communicator.
This COULD be a rational for 'dumbing down' Communicators. If it's boiled down to simply a communication device, there's less advanced tech that can fall into the wrong hands if someone loses one, and if no database is included, well that's less info available to said wrong hands. So they are larger/dumber because they are using older tech deliberately to lessen the'technology gap between a society that can reverse engineer them and the Federation's current tech level, thus lessening the impact of such an occurrence.
I can't use that rationale for Phasers though. That's just bad if you lose one of those!
Also, there is also the somewhat related situation where NASA likes to use microprocessor chips from larger manufacturing process nodes then the cutting edge, because they are more resistant to stray radiation particles flipping bits due to the larger distance between transistors. See Voyager 1 & 2 for extreme examples of the resilience of this approach. Inside a protective magnetic field such as Earth's, this isn't a big deal, but once you are in space, yeah a LOT more radiation is in play. Most crew members won't be using communicators in higher radiation environments, but again Starfleet could be over-engineering the communicators just for such situations.
Yeah, I considered some of those points as a rationale for the comms' size. Being "field gear" possibly being used in a combat setting, you want those things to be robust as h3ll. I can imagine a promotion campaign by some contractor, "We just 'fed' this communicator to a Horta, and, as you can see, 'Horty' here has failed to 'digest' it! The device passed through her system and is still fully functional!"
Whereas I sneeze on my advanced communication device from Apple and the screen shatters.
That'd be an awesome promotional vid! Someone in the fan film community should make that!!!
As the old Timex commercials used to say "Takes a lickin and keeps on tickin"