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This and the last image looks lke a 3D.
Doesn't look too dificult to make though.
Here's another tidbit that I stumbled over on this fact finding forey...
Its over at Trekmeshes -
Cannot hotlink to the exact page but you will find it there. Just make sure you download the Poser version. It should have everything in it.
Select download meshes agree to terms and you will have a list of options go to bottom section and put Genesis Device in search and it will take you to it
Hmmmm.... do the nested cylinder thingies in the control panel move, and indvidually retract, or is this a totally static prop?
Anyway, grabbed the prop, and one of the shuttlecraft, and will poke them with a stick later.
About 4 hours maybe?

Think I'll do the control panel next.
"WTF did that come from?"
"No idea."
"Wonder what would happen if I pushed this button here?"
"No idea, but what could possibly happen from such a small device with no excelerants in it?"
""Well. Here goes noth..."
Finally figured out how to add the skins.
USS Akitsu, NCC-1012
Preliminary drawings:
The first in the Perimeter Action class vessels was the Akyazi class, the USS Akyazi being the first in the line followed by the Astura, the Akitsu, and the Braga commanded by Cpt. Janet Garrett, mother of Rachel Garrett who would later command and disappear in the Enterprise 1701-C lost in action.
The Arbiter sub-class ships were the second generation of Perimeter Action ships built for the Federation to protect it distant and outlying citizens against Klingon invasion attacks.
These vessels were first commissioned in 2287, constructed just after the Enterprise 1701, commanded by J.T. Kirk's first 5 year mission from 2265 to 2270 ended.
Notable improvements to the Arbiter class over the Akyazi class were changes made to the Dome to add another deck for additional science and military use, the Engineering pod and struts were reshaped to add new curves in order to soften the appearance of the sharp, angular edges and reduce her long range scan, sensor profile, the pod itself was reduced in size due in large to improvements in the Warp Technology making older equipment obsolete, the warp drive pylons were reduced in size to reduce the profile, another cannon was added to the rear arms hardpoint and a defensive grid consisting of a new technology, PEG system (protective envelope generator), a predecessor of the current energy shields and a newly, redesigned and improved emergency impulse engine system.
The new bridge is not shown here.
Her warp engines are scheduled for upfit as well and will be showcased here later.
The new PEG system is shown below.
We're still trying to get some shots of the USS-Arbiter and will post them here when available.
I've run into an interesting complication....
After posting my Akyazi Class star Ship to Turbosquid for resale review I recieved this message.
"Please be aware that TurboSquid is on notice of a takedown from CBS Studios, preventing artists from posting content depicting the company brand. We have identified the following content as being affected by this takedown.
3D Akitsu1012
With your best interest in mind we have disabled the identified content, which you submitted to TurboSquid under the standard Royalty Free License. You might wish to re-publish the content for Editorial Uses Only."
It appears that Turbosquid currently considers any starcraft as under the copyright laws of Paramount.
To that end I have countered with...
"I'm confused...
This vessel depicts no representation of any Paramount copyright affiliated material or identification.
Does this mean that Paramount owns rights to all spacecraft?"
And I subsequently received an email (uncharacteristicly quickly) to this extent.
"For more information on editorial usage policy, you can visit this link:
If you have other questions concerning the usage, please let me know and I can forward your ticket to our copyright agent. "
To which I subsequently repyed as follows.
"I'm confused...
This vessel depicts no representation of any Paramount copyright affiliated material or identification.
Does this mean that Paramount owns rights to all spacecraft?
While I can understand the point Paramount is making concerning their rights to the name Enterprise (which is also debatable no less), and or Romulan and Klingon known design vessels, accessories or clothing and even terms such as Starfleet, UFP etc, to ban this particular model would be akin to banning any model of any nature that vaguely resembles an MRI imaging device without the express authorization of Zenuemon Abe, the original NMR (MRI) patent owner, or any type of car without the express authorization of GM, Ford or Chevy or any type of food that resembles a hotdog without the express authorization of Oscar Meyer.
This model, similar to many other models of like nature, and other than a vaguely similar design, has no skins or representations that would lead anyone to assume it is "Star Trek" affiliated and further, is termed in all known technical publications as "non canon" meaning it's outside of known or published Star Trek history and as such, its sale does not deny Paramount of any rightful profits.
It is a creation for an imagined, time period and imagined storyline that neither the original founder (Rodenberry) nor Paramount ever ventured into. nor has any other production artist since, ventured into it as to my knowledge, no "storyline" books even exist regarding it.
While Paramount undeniably, has a legal right to protect their material rights they don't have the right to own anything and everything that remotely resembles what they currently own.
Reject media that conflicts with Paramounts legal rights on its materials ownership but don't ban everything that vaguely hints at it.
Selling models that advertise Paramounts products including design and markings is a violation of copyright laws. Your site even states that.
Selling models that don't advertise them is not.
The Akyazi Class, Arbiter Class and Akula Class vessels I render do not fall under Paramounts ownership copyrights until they display something that does fall under Paramount's copyrights."
I'm waiting to hear back now.
My current, unprofessional and unsolicited advice regarding copyrigts and the laws regarding them is that if you are currently advertising (for sale or free) a model that displays a KNOWN design or a KNOWN marking (branding) belonging to a copyright holder, you are violating the copyright law.
This means that any USS Enterprise of the Star Trek, "Canon" design and any model regardless of canon or non-canon design that bears any markings (brandings) under copyright is violating Paramounts copyrights whether used for profit or free (you can't even post it here legally) without the express authorization of Paramount.
If you wnat ot show off your talent in creating a model of the USS Enterprise-D for example, you have to have Paramounts authorization. You can't even post a picture of it without that authorization.
Seems to me that Paramount should hear from its Star Trek fans regarding that.
Maybe all of us at one time?
Are there Orville uniforms (or close) for the Genesis characters?
Contact this DA member.
She does contract work.
The new design with the new, improved warp engines
You can post fan art all you want. That happens a lot. Over at Foundation3D and, there is a lot of ST fan art and free ST models. But they are all free. The only people who have made made money from their fan art of ST are those who have been contracted by Paramount to do images for stuff like the "Ships of the Line" callendar and other such stuff.
i like the little details you have added. really adds some character to the ship.
There are more coming yet for the Arbiter but the Akyazi, Akitsu will stay the same.
I'll prob make some detail additions to the nxt version of the Akyazi though. Maybe a construction/damage version. Then I'll add more detail.
Same with the Arbiter here. I still hve to add the new bridge to it.
Next in line is the Akula Class.
Then I'll have to think about additional vessels of find another toy to draw.
To avoid CopyRight issues, I'm gonna have to put these on the sales block as generic models though. No ST markings.
That means the ST meshes will have to come from some other source.
I figured out how to do a "planar" UV that applies a seperate skin over the domes top, side and bottom as well as the other areas of the model but I still haven't gotten the "UV unfolding" thing figured out yet.
I understand the concept but working in Hex is a challenge.
I've looked at and tried the other mapping tools but they don't appear to work any better on this model than Hex and I'm not nearly as familiar with them as I am with Hex and manipulation of them is again, a learning curve like Hex so I'm back to Hex.
One small step at a time.
Well. I'm surprised.
I logged onto Turbosquid and to my surprise, my Akyazi was listed there for sale.
I have received no comments from their licensing dept nor from their staff regarding this outcome.
Anyone have any insight on CGTrader?
They boast being the largest viewed 3D modeling site.
... And over night, it's gone again.
I logged on moments ago and now my Akyazi is gone.
No word other than another form letter sent apparently in response to my request for further information last night.
6:03 AM (2 hours ago)
Please be aware that TurboSquid is on notice of a takedown from CBS Studios, Inc. preventing artists from posting content depicting the company brand. We have identified the following content as being affected by this takedown.
Product ID 1353081
With your best interest in mind we have disabled the identified content, which you submitted to TurboSquid under the standard Royalty Free License. You might wish to re-publish the content for Editorial Uses Only.
Please visit this page for an explanation of our Editorial policy:
If you do choose to republish the disabled content for Editorial Uses Only, you can do this in the Publisher at the following link. Open “Await Review” folder. Open the product. Go to “Step 3: Description & License.” Select "Editorial Uses Only" and then click “Publish.”
935 Gravier St., Suite 1600, New Orleans LA 70112
Ironicly, the catagory "Star Trek" is still up and all the previous models blatently displaying the star trek Enterprise 1701 are still up and still for sale.
For some inexplicable reason, my model was apparently singled out, accepted and then removed within 48 hours of publication.
The Akitsu-1012 with some basic skins.
Be patient folks. I'm still learning this part.
there used to be one over at foundation 3d
It's available in Cinema 4D only and you have to register with Foundation to access it.
Thats the same one that is at but Trekmeshes has it in Poser format already
A little fooling around.
I think mine looks better.
Nice. Can the individual, nested cilindars retract separately like in the movie?
A little fooling around.
They aren't rigged to do it but they're independant from the console and can be rigged to do it.
I toyed briefly with doing it but I wanted to get the system online before Christmas and ran short on time.
I may do that later.
Should be a simple matter to move them along the Y axis as long it's rotated to the angle of the cylinders
News freebies to add this thread list
[Free Texture] Romulan Nemesis Uniform for V4:
[Free Texture] Romulan Nemesis Uniform for M4:
[Free Prop] Star Trek TNG Phaser Type 1:
[Free Prop] Vulcan Kal-toh for Daz and Poser:
[Free Texture] DS9 Uniform materials for Gsuit:
Looks from download link in renders description from my italian blogspot site
Thecylinders are both independently set in the consolecfor that purpose. The master cylindercextracts at aa15 deg angle but the secondary cylinder extracts at a 0 deg angle.
The lights are independent as well. I suppose I could redo the arm as well.
As I set here and think about it, the slide bars and rocker switches could be rigged as well.
Thinking even further, the console head could be rigged to rotate into the base as well.
Wondering about sales... Is $5 too much or too little for it?
Anybody here doing ST poses for G8F & G8M ???
I need bridge and engineering poses.
Those would be difficult to do without being able to pose against the set you would want to use them for. Im sure there are generic ones around however. Check the PC+ section for sci-fi type poses that were designed for sci-fi sets
I'm locking up on the "y" axis issue.
Currently it retracts and ezpands but the entire cylinder moves up and down the face of the console as it does that.
Can't figure out where to find the controls for accomplishing the "rotated to the angle of the cylinders" part.
Is that in Hex or in Daz?
On the up side, I got the verticle sliders (2) and the T-handle to work but cylinders remain farked up.
I rebuilt the bridge dome on the Akyazi tonight.
What took me three days to do the first time, early in my experience, took only 3 hours this time.
Much more symetricle this time as well.
It will also serve as the bridge for the other three ships, modified slightly for each.