Star Trek Builders Unite 8: THE REBOOT



  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    edited October 2018

    I really don't know then as like I said I've never been able to keep Hex up and running long enough to do anything with it

    I use Cinema 4d save as obj and then import it in Studio

    Post edited by Robert Freise on
  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484
    edited October 2018

    OK select diffuse

    I'm taking this a step at a time to be sure where I'm going as I can't get into Studio to do a screenshot at the moment due to a system update and backup running

    Post edited by Robert Freise on
  • handyman4545handyman4545 Posts: 408
    edited October 2018


    By the way, how do I delete these posts when we're done here?

    It opened up a drop down with "Diffuse Color" and "Diffuse Strength"

    I selected the indicated image.
    Now what?
    Nothing has changed?

    Post edited by handyman4545 on
  • OK now I'm not sure as that should have it showing on the screen in your view

    At this point we need someone who knows more than I do as I haven't had an image not show up before

    You can delet the contents of the post but not the post itself

  • Just out of curiosity try a jpg image or a different  image just to see if any image will show 

  • handyman4545handyman4545 Posts: 408
    edited October 2018

    I had to select the image in the "Diffuse Color" tab and it popped into the monitor.
    I also selected the image in the "Diffuse Strength" tab and set it to 100% to get this

    This is really a pain in the a** to have to go through every one of the images again (massive redundency).

    Post edited by handyman4545 on
  • Oh I thought that  you had done that my bad

    Anyway's now you can get your textures to show so you can tweak settings to get the desired results

  • Ok.
    There it is. The first DAZ image with mapping in place.
    Still much work to be done on the colors and the walls and the monitors and the consoles....
    But there it is.

  • Yay we have progress

  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    Okay kids I know this is probably a very severe long shot but I need to lay my hands on a copy of easy pose and easy pose underground Ajax the creator has gone missing and I have no idea how to go about or where to look to get copies of these two utility programs
  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384

    Your best bet might be to try to contact him through the site mail over at rendo, bluto. If you go here:

    and click on "contact" near the top of the page, that might put you in touch. Alternatively, 3dcheapskate was apparently in contact with him somehow for his freazypose script, so he might be a possible source for contact info.

  • Star Trek's New Animated Series Is Called "Lower Deck"

  • Ok.
    There it is. The first DAZ image with mapping in place.
    Still much work to be done on the colors and the walls and the monitors and the consoles....
    But there it is.

    One thing I will suggest with DAZ, adjust your smoothing angles to get rid of the weird angular shadows. With my mesh imports that usually takes my smoothing angle to around 30 or so and it defaults around 90. You can  do that in the surfaces tab when you have the object selected. 

    My other suggestion, if you want your screens to look backlit, make it an iray material and give it an emission color and use the same texture you have as the base image. 

  • Night:
    Thanks for the encouragement. Enthusiasm is all it takes aside from time.
    Anyone can do this with some patience and good teachers. Looking forward to seeing your work as well.

    Thank you so much for your pointers and directions. You made the success of the project possible.

    Great advice. Thank you as well.
    I was actually wondering about the smoothing feature this morning and put it on my to do list to look into.
    I applied the settings and I'm overjoyed at the new appearance.
    The rest sounds great but I have no clue where to find the controls to accomplish them.
    Continueing to look.

  • rschulterschulte Posts: 489
    bluto said:
    Okay kids I know this is probably a very severe long shot but I need to lay my hands on a copy of easy pose and easy pose underground Ajax the creator has gone missing and I have no idea how to go about or where to look to get copies of these two utility programs

    found this,  might help

  • rschulte said:
    bluto said:
    Okay kids I know this is probably a very severe long shot but I need to lay my hands on a copy of easy pose and easy pose underground Ajax the creator has gone missing and I have no idea how to go about or where to look to get copies of these two utility programs

    found this,  might help

    I'm curious Junior:

    Not that I actually understand this part of the 3D occupation but after a short search I noted that DAZ has a pose script. Why use Python?

  • I'm at the point that I need to think about stage shot ability in my bridge.

    As things are,
    I can raise the ships outer hull to expose the floor, equipment and wall layout,
    Raise the main viewing screen out of the bridge, forward wall to allow a straight on face shot of the Nav & Captains chairs and
    Open either of the bridge access, rear doors for a rear shot.

    What I want to do is split the bridge in left and right sections but I don't know how or for that matter, if Hexagon can split an existing or combination of existing primitives. IOW, Draw a plane through my model and seperate the two sides.

    Any experience out there on this?


  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,216

    How Do I Delete This Post?

    The one way to insure that your post is never deleted is to ask for it to be deleted.

    Eons from now, after the Sun has collapsed into a white dwarf, alien archeologists will find a burned out husk of a planet once called Earth with a single satellite orbiting it. Once they power it up and read its cryptic messages they will wonder who this handyman4545 was and why he wanted his post deleted.cheeky

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited October 2018
    Kitsumo said:

    How Do I Delete This Post?

    The one way to insure that your post is never deleted is to ask for it to be deleted.

    Eons from now, after the Sun has collapsed into a white dwarf, alien archeologists will find a burned out husk of a planet once called Earth with a single satellite orbiting it. Once they power it up and read its cryptic messages they will wonder who this handyman4545 was and why he wanted his post deleted.cheeky

    Deleting posts erases information, by not deleting posts we play our part of the long, grim battle against the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

    We don't usually delete posts that have replies, though since half the exchange is not missing we could if both parties are happy.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Kitsumo said:

    How Do I Delete This Post?

    The one way to insure that your post is never deleted is to ask for it to be deleted.

    Eons from now, after the Sun has collapsed into a white dwarf, alien archeologists will find a burned out husk of a planet once called Earth with a single satellite orbiting it. Once they power it up and read its cryptic messages they will wonder who this handyman4545 was and why he wanted his post deleted.cheeky

    Deleting posts erases information, by not deleting posts we play our part of the long, grim battle against the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

    We don't usually delete posts that have replies, though since half the exchange is not missing we could if both parties are happy.

    Just chiming in as I was part of that conversation I wouldn't have a problem with it being deleted

  • OK, I think I've removed them - but in future, it's much better to leave your quesrions up so that others can benefit from the discussin (limitations of forum search permitting).

  • handyman4545handyman4545 Posts: 408
    edited November 2018


    I asked that they be deleted because I felt they really didn't belong on this thread.
    They were technical in nature and probebly would have helped in another thread but only for newbies (like me).
    I'm trying to keep this thread on the original subject at least as far as my contributions are concerned.

    Kit. Life is funny but people make it hilarious. I love saterical humor.

    Had a meeting with Cpt. Garrett last week.
    She has new ideas on the design of the Braga bridge.
    By the way, Braga, is the name she chose for her ship, NCC-1013.
    If we can get her built, we're looking at a launch date of 8558 but it's looking more and more like 8559 now.

    She wasn't happy with the original Captains pedistal layout and wanted it changed to reduce the size, draw the Nav/Con station closer and set it back a little further from the main viewer.
    The suggestions were good but she's driving my engineering and design group nuts.
    Now D&E is screaming bloody murder about a conflict with Electrical and Thermal raceways located in the deck below the new NAV/CON location.

    My job is a daily nightmare filled with policing kindergarten children.

    On the other hand, she had my interiors people really rocking last week when she unbenounst to any of us, requested the bridge to be decorated in a base of lavendor.
    Most of those people down there are odd to start with but they sure had a ball with the color scheem.

    Admiral Lugacci, on the other hand, had a fit when when he heard about it and after he got the preliminary renderings he split a gut and stormed over the comms for nearly 20 minutes about it.

    Amoung other, more profound and colorful comments he focused on.

    "A policing and para military force such as Star Fleet's Perimeter Action Group is not here to flaunt their panties!"

    Then he went on about not giving a flying **** who's daughter she is, "Star Fleet's, Perimeter Action flotilla won't sail under a pink flag".

    Not sure where he got the pink part from but the message was pretty clear.
    In any case, Garrett, to her credit, backed down for a more "subdued" color scheem and with just a small amount of disgruntle in design, they're back to "Grinding out the same old thing".
    I actually think she did it just to piss him off.

    We're having technical trouble with the main view screen design now.
    Seems it wants to warp images too much due to its curvature and apparently, split them and mirror them as well.
    Engineering is working on the dynamics for a solution but we may have to return to the old "flat screen" viewer if we can't get the curved one to display properly.
    Feroni, the engineer who sold the curved screen program to Star Fleet says it must have something to do with the construction since his model displays (all at or less than 60") worked fine but my engineering staff thinks it's the size and curvature screwing it up.
    I have a call out for new input on it.

    Post edited by handyman4545 on
  • handyman4545handyman4545 Posts: 408
    edited November 2018

    We had Cpt. Garrett in the hollo this morning with her first officer, navigator and con officer to try out the new bridge design for the Braga.

    engineering proposed a deep well bridge design for the Braga bridge and now her NAV/CON shifts work better and aside from a couple other reletively minor changes she requested, she has settled on the design.

    We're going to reduce the size of the NAV/CON equipment to accomodate her officers request for a better view of th main screen imager and run carpet throughout the bridge rather than the polished surface. She also requested that the chairs all be equiped with a restraint system for turbulance. We've not installed anything like that in maybe 35 years when the Mass differential and momentum cancelation technology was finally resolved. Now we have to find somthing in the archives and update it to give her crew seat belts, just in case the ship is destabilized.
    I'm seriously curious as to who put that into her mind. 

    By the way, Engineering solved the view screen dilema yesterday. Seems there was a materials conflict issue with the originally designed screen and the technology itself. The details are long winded and technical but the soluton was spot on. The view screen is now properly functional. 

    She's still playing with interiors on the color scheem as you can see from the pic but in a short note to interiors late today, she declared that she's leaning toward the teak and aqua scheem.
    What she does with the interior makes little difference to me at the moment since the progress of the build out isn't dependant on that but I'm slightly concerned that the overall air of the Perimeter Attack Task Force may suffer a bit if the bridge of one of the premire ships is adorned with lace and silk.

    However. If there's one thing I've learned about Rachel Garrett and her father, Admiral Garrett it's that neither he nor she is anywhere near predictable.
    It still astounds me that she managed to aquire authorization for an all female crew and whether that actually gels out or not is still in the air. The logistics of that are confusing and perhaps frustrating especially for any extended duration missions but she has the ability to pull strings and as such, usually gets what she wants.
    We'll see.

    Post edited by handyman4545 on
  • murbymurby Posts: 35
    edited November 2018

    [Free Texture] DS9 Uniform materials for Gsuit

    DOWNLOAD Star Trek DS9 Uniform materials for JM's GSuit for Genesis for free

    This is a new set of materials to make GSuit for Genesis into a Star Trek DS9 uniforms.
    Extract zip file into your My Library directory.

    No character and clothing provided. Only textures in JPG format 4096x4096 px and material files.

    1024 x 768 - 526K
    Post edited by murby on
  • blutobluto Posts: 849
    N_R Arts said:


    I will take a look at it tomorrow afternoon for you and see if it can be converted.  In my past experiance with converting models, some work and some dont. 

    I tried Deep Exploration 6, PoseRay and Blender.  None of them worked.  I then installed the latest trial version of Lightwave and it loaded.  I just dont know enough about that software to get it back out again, or even in a useable format.  So I would recommend installing the latest trial verison of LW if you really want the model.

    Thank you for having a look and trying it yourself.

    Well, I've done what you've suggested and downloaded the Lightwave Trial. Because it's a trial, I can't export the model as an .obj, as it has more than 400 points. I've only been able to export it as .dae and .fbx type files.

    I've even tried Bryce, but it crashes when importing the .lwo file. I've even tried importing the .dae and .fbx versions (that I exported from Lightwave) into Bryce, but the program keeps closing itself.

    At the moment, I've got an .fbx version working in Blender. It just needs mapping.

    I've still got 30 days (LW trial) to (try) and sort something out (if Blender doesn't).

    Thank you for your help ^^


    (I didn't know where else to post. I thought it would be easier to reply in this new thread. I apologise if it's off topic).

    i dont know if this helps or not but 




  • handyman4545handyman4545 Posts: 408
    edited November 2018

    Cpt Garrett arrived today in ops dress to start her personal, operations and command training for the Braga in the holo bridge and created quite a stir with the male staff.
    Her picture as seen below, will be posted in the Stars & Staff Register News next week commerating the new Perimeter Action class of Star Ships of which she's the youngest captain to be assigned.
    I got a copy of the article early through back channels and I can bet that Adm. Lugacci will be on the comms again shortly after he sees the article himself.

    Make a note.
    Remind Cpt Garrett that the dress ops uniform code does mention that it requires its female staff to wear panties under the dress uniform at a bare minimum. (no pun intended)
    There is a rumor going around the officers staff that she's having a new uniform designed for her staff and crew.
    Sometimes I think she stays up late at night just thinking of ways to give Adm Lugacci and Star Fleet, ulcers.


    It was also passed down in an SF memorendum today, that while the staff officers and commissioned officers of any Federation star ship can be selected by the Captain or First Officer commanding the vessel, a maximum of only 10% of the remaining crew members (some 76 people) can be selected or rejected on initial consideration and any other warrant or enlisted member asigned by Star Fleet to said vessel can only be rejected after a minimum of 30 days of service.
    Thus Star Fleet has dodged the bullet on the "all female crew" unless of course, Cpt Garrett is willing to scuttle the entire male crew 30 days after she launches.

    I shudder to think of the issues that will create.

    In any case, officers ops and command training will commence on the hollo bridge, one week after this Monday.
    By that time the other 4 officers of her commanding officer ranks (COR) will have to have been chosen.
    As it stands she has only 4 of her staff already listed as members.

    The new dilithium energized antimatter, linear warp drive units (DEAL's) were fully assembled and completed yesterday. Testing on the warp systems will commence next week as well.
    We're still having problems however oddly enough, with the FORS MD emergency Impulse units.
    This baffles me because they're a standard impulse unit design that has been faithfully in service for some 40 years and no one is sure yet why they keep getting red lights on the impulse initiation and that troubles me deeply.
    It has been suggested, quietly of course, that there may be adverse tampering involved.
    I currently have an investigation team working subtlly on that. 

    Two additional banks of JAKA -2, twin mount phaser banks were added to the design this last week as well in a rush directive by Star Fleet Perimeter Action Group. It was felt that the additional fire power was far more important than the personal space it will occupy on the vessel.
    I have to agree on this decision myself. I've been needleing Star Fleet for the last month on beefing up the Akyazi's fire power and till now I thought it was falling on deaf ears.

    More as it developes.

    Post edited by handyman4545 on
  • There she is.
    The Braga in her early stages of assembly.

    This shows the actual size when the working bridge is laid on.


  • There she is.
    The Braga in her early stages of assembly.

    Looking good! A bit reminiscent of one of the old FASA white-metal gaming miniatures, I have a pile of them stored away somewhere.

    I bet there's a really spectacular view out of those windows when the phaser batteries fire off...

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