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Lenovo sets computer to stun, shows off Star Trek Enterprise PC
I am up for the challenge! :)
I both love this and hate this all at the same time. They had me up until the giant chunk of PC components nestled between the warp nacelles. So many other options to hide that or incorporate into the base.
“Star Trek Bridge Crew” is a relatively new game which will allow you to to play with friends on VR helmets (PS4)... they mentioned a New Generation version will be provided.
Thought I'd add my piece.
I posted this originally on a thread I titled Star Ships.
This is a Bridge level plan for a perimeter action, Akyazi Class Star Ship.
This will eventually become the NCC-1035 Accipiter, one of the ships in my new book.
I want to try my hand at publishing a graphic novel that sides with my book and perhaps a video as well.
The second deck was a bit more challenging to coordinate with the Bridge.
I also started to design the comming of the bridge hull simultaneously and I learned some new tools in Hex in the process.
(I've only been into this 3D stuff for a couple weeks now)
This is the rendition of the obj. in DAZ.
I would consider modding this thread if you're still looking.
see you around shadowhawk , i look forward to the day you return
From the deft hand of Oshikai (a vendor at this site), arguably THE most definitive Gorn assemblyI
Upon seeing this piece I posted at Deviant Art... in which I placed a "props" upon the feet and shoulders of Michael 2 (because it had the muscularity I wanted), Oshi decided to expand and greatly improve the concept. And mercy did he ever improve upon it!
He opted to use the still available Michael 4 (a prudent choice). Rather than simply "parenting" static "prop" type files to the head and feet, he modeled a set of conforming legs with suitably reptilian feet (and the proper number of toes) along with a headpiece with much cleaner geometry (using XCalPro's prop as a template). He also modeled and rigged a much more screen accurate tunic (with belt and buckle) and bracers that properly cover the hands. He also plugged together a material node matrix more closely resembling the cast rubber "skin" stunt actor Bobby Clark wore. Though Oshi kept my node based "fly eye" procedural. Thanks!
The only thing Oshikai made not yet done when he let me test the files was a texture for the tunic. He let me have a shot at that. I was able to find a photo of the tunic displayed in a museum. From that I was able to crop a section revealing 4 different abstractly designed "circles". This design is repeated across the surface. I also noticed the pattern was 9 "circles" tall from the neck down to the bottom of the front flap and 2 "circles" wide. This served as a convenient "anchor" point when I replicated the "swatch" into a checkerboard texture and tweaked the UV layout of the tunic sections. To (hopefully) hide the fact I derived the pattern from a rather small "swatch", I added "noise" to both the diffuse, specular and bump channels.
What really inspired oshikai was learning there existed a downloadable model of a Gorn head, one XCalPro modeled and later I morphed to look more accurate to Wah Chang's iconic design. TonyO got the basics, I just tweaked a few elements here and there. That resulted in a burst of creavity for Oshikai.
So let's give him a round of applause!
1. JVilmer/Nvent3d has a “Trailblazer” for M4 and V4 on Renderocity and Vanishing point.
2. DAZ has the bodysuits for M4 and V4 with some textures on ShareCG, just search Trek
3. and DAZ has Uzilites’s “New Adventure” (different retro look) textures can be foun on ShareCG.
Bill that Gorn looks fantastic....
Also working on creating the navagation consol and misc control consols around the perimeter.
Just let the mods know and they can transfer it over to you. Thanks for voluteering to take this over, Hopefully I can get my head on straight and make it back one day.
Thanks Bluto, I look forward to that day as well.
I would like to thank all the members of this thread both old and new for all of the great times we have had here. The Star Trek threads have been a great place to talk all things Trek where nothing is shunned or shamed as not being "canon" as my foray into Andorian stalk bling proved so many years ago. Keep supporting each other through the good and bad. You have all been my Star Trek family andI will miss you all.
Hailing frequencies closed
Have changed the Author of the thread. Can't change the list posts though,
Thank you. We'll figure something out.
If you need something added or changed on teh posts I have already made, let me know via my DA account and I can help you fix the posts I ahve already made.
Sorry to see you go, Shadowhawk. You are an old-ti mer like me. Hope you get your groove back and find the joy again and soon. In the mean time, happy trails, sir. Take care. :)
My thoughts and good wishes go with you as well Shadow.
Drop in from time to time and say hi and if you ever change your mind, let me know.
Greetings to all.
Looking forward to getting to know you folks.
Sorry to see you go as Spock would say Live Long and Prosper
Started to get a bit bored, maybe I should work on some outfits again.
Im looking for a snappy outfit uniform for my Star Trek work.
Rank badges, comms and gadgets as well.
The era is TOS (2344) and I'm writing about Cpt Rachel Garrett.
The ship is the Enterprise C but the seris I'm writing is about her carreer prior to taking command of teh Enterprise.
She is first officer of a Perimeter Class Akyazi ship and ascends to capt. of the vessel.
I need som cool outfits.
Part of the book is about an EVA from one vessel to another so I need a cool EVA suit too.
Right now I'm looking at the Hyper Suits but something a little more Trekie would be better.
Any interest?
There's a teaser on my site at...
Moving along on the project...
Creating consoles and monitors now.
Since I scrapped the old drawing, I've used newly discovered techniques I have learned along the way that have resulted in a massive improvement over uniformity and symetry control.

The result is as shown below.
I needed some figures to maintain the proportions so I created two from DAZ then exported them as .obj's, then imported them into Hex.
I then discovered they were so loaded with poly's they were draging my computer memory so I used "Decimate" from the Utilities tab to knock them down some (lost a great deal of detail in the process) then zoomed inside them and deleted all the superfulous polys under the outer skins.
The difference was significant.
I have learned by trial and error resulting in redrawing and rematerialing, that you should not be adding materials and textures till after you have the entire model drawn.
I have also learned that "welding" during the design phase, is usually a mistake. Grouping, is a better choice till you're done.
I wanted several of the parts of the ship removable via panel sliders for visibility purposes and to render the vessel in an "under construction damage" condition so a lot is loose from the walls and floors.
The nav console has been started as well but it was abandoned to continue the bridge layout.
I have found that changing projects from time to time preserves the sanity, interest and helps with the creative imagination when it comes to the tiny details...
Like buttons, raised control panels, keyboards, etc.
Still trying to get my joy sticks right and really failing.
Gotta work on them some more and I think the console itself needs some attention. It's not sexy enough but this is supposed to be prior to TOS-Kirk era so I'm still thinking on the design.
I'm excited to see it progressing and looking forward to applying it to my book.
I have a problem with the forward navication screen that I coulsd use some input on.
I discovered that I could delete all the individule rectangular poly's in the screen of my viewer, then by using "Close" in the Vertex Modeling tab, replace them with one large poly.
I'm not really sure at this stage if that was a bad idea but as of now it looks better.
The problem is that when I set a .jpg star scene with a round planet in it, the round planet is warped to crap due to the curvature of the screen.
Has anyone figured out how to get around that?
I'm thinking the only way is to curve the .jpg but that's a pain for multiple images.
I know in Truespace it'll let me create an object, texture it, and then preserve the texture placement no matter what I do to it from there. I haven't played around too much in Hexagon because it hates my PC and crashes constantly.
Anything and everything uniformwise for G3/G8 would be appreciated. There is a lot out there for V4/M4 but I am looking for clothing/uniforms for a new generation of characters (G3/G8) and there just isn't much out there.
Do we have a list of G3/G8 clothes that would work well for ST uniforms? It will be easier for those who would like to do the textures if they know what outfits they should be looking at.
Don't know if this helps or not but this is the "V4 Mach 1.5 Free Bodysuit" available at
This is on a V4 - Base All Natural BKN model with Diva Hair
To make it work right I had to fit it to the V4 model though as it installed "wanky".
Everything I've seen so far in ST uniforms requires either the:
Courageous/Valient outfit or
DAZ V4 Bodysuit
I bought the courageous outfit (waste of $17.00 as I'll never use it) and it works pretty good with the .mat transitions to the ST uniforms but is kinda wrankles me that I have to buy a useless product to get a useful one.
The zip file contains an .obj format file for it.

The DAZ V4 Bodysuit $10.00, is a useful outfit to me so it's not as much of a money waste thing.
I'd personally like to see high top, swat style, zippered boots for the foot apparel found in any WalMart shoe or online.

These can be doubled up as mag boots.
They make sense even with laces. No matter how advanced technology gets until you make a memory, fit material, no boot fits all which makes laces (or hook & loop) a must to achieve proper fit and zippers for ease of ditch & dawn without unlacing.
I live in these style boots and I pay more for them than without the zippers.
Well how bout that!
I made my first clothing!!!
Laugh if you will but there it is.
I opened the .obj file, deleted the gloves and saved it back in my Poser, Geometries files and when I opend the suit again, viola!
A little adjustment on the chest...
In Hex she has a black suit and a really cool, burgandy epaulette and cuff.
In DAZ she has this???
Have you thought of getting a Platinum Club membership? That purchase alone is almost a 3 month membership. Then you could get Courageous for $2.
What does a .cr2 file do in conjunction with an .obj and a .mtl file?