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He was shot by friendly fire. He lost a finger, and you mostly didn't notice. He was very good at hiding it on-screen.
Yeah, my Dad recalled when we went to an event at a local video rental store here, around the time of Star Trek III/IV, where Doohan was signing, and his "huh" moment of shaking hands with him and noticing the missing finger, and then watching old episodes and looking for it, and noting that when he'd lean against a console, that hand was always in a fist and never splayed out.
Got on there today. Tha k you all for putting up with the small rant. It's frustrating when you're trying to get back into something, see something you'd like to have and get your hand slapped :) plua die to living issues (became homeless) I lost all the stuff from PoserPros and some items that I had beta tested so have stuff I can't use until buy replacements.
Nichelle Nichols, who played Uhura in ‘Star Trek’ franchise, dies at 89
My daughter forwarded me the info earlier today, my day's been a little sadder since then.
There's not many of the old crew left.
-- Walt Sterdan
Out of curriosity, is there a model of the bridge from Strange new Worlds avaliable for DAZ anywhere?
I haven't seen one and didn't find one doing a search
R,I.P. Nichelle Nichols, David Warner and Paul Sorvino.
In light of the passing of Nichelle Nichols, I thought I'd share the cover of a story I did back in 1994 that featured her. It was done between the movies Undiscovered Country and Generations. I might eventually post the whole story if anyone is interested.
Please put me in the "interested" column.
-- Walt Sterdan
Me as well
I finally retired in June and have been slowly catching up with many thing while closing down or moving others, and napping, never enough napping after the last decade (my work hours have been grinding me down day by day) and I'm finally starting to get back into working on my long-term toon projects. I'm starting out with some fun stuff, testing a few of the avaialble bridges and clothing for Trek and Trekish stories. Purely for fun, I'm testing some VP bridges and some Bluto and NVent3d outfits to see how they work with my custom toon meshes. Here's some test prints with the character meshes, first a little more semi-realitic, then dialing in more toon to test Bluto's outfits.
Bridges used here are the Sephora and the O'Bannon; I need a small, tight bridge for a smaller ship and have been using the Battle Bridge up until I played with the O'Bannon this week and will probably use that a little more. The Romuloid bridge is "Bridge 11".
The character meshes here range from semi-realistic down to mostly toon. The three "Tiny Trekkers" (Romulans and two TOS outfit images) have the heads dialed to about 50% semi-realistic, going toonier basically makes the heads rounder, though they're pretty darned round now. I'll start posting exterior ship shots over the weekend.
-- Walt Sterdan
As promised here is the link to download the Star Trek Explorers issue I did a couple of decades ago. Please let me know if you anyone has trouble downloading.
Hi David;
It downloaded perfectly, I'm setting it aside to read with my morning coffee, thanks very much for sharing and for giving me a bit of fun to look forward to!
-- Walt Sterdan
What he said
I was right, a very enjoyable story over morning coffee. I think you captured the look of the characters very well, and it was great to see Uhura in action again. Thanks again for sharing!
-- Walt Sterdan
Once again what he said

I started working on a Trek project back in 2011; I wanted my story to take place around the beginning of the Archer years. I wanted a very small ship, one that could be used for a decent scout ship or a system patrol ship. My thoughts were to have something small but capable of Warp 2.5-3, that could make the trip from Earth to Proxima Centauri in 40-50 days and provide in-system support for Proxima, while also making regular jumps to the Alpha Centauri system.
I love the look of the Warp Delta ships, but as far as I know they don't do planetary landings as a matter of course.
My thought was to take small, non-warp, civilian courier ships and add warp sleds to them with micro-warp engines.
At the time, I hired modeller 3Dman25 to build some ships. The main one starts out as an impulse-powered system ship then gets three nacelles added to it to give it warp capability.
Here's two very early animations he did showing the ship landing (landing gear comes out and the ramp opens and the stairs come out) and an overhead shot showing the doors opening and closing internally:
Below I have a shot of three of the ships he built for me (the centre shot is the one with the warp sled added) while the outside two ships are actually the same ship, one with the wings morph showing the main hull with wings, the other using the "Trader" morphs to make it look more like a small cargo ship in the game, "Traveller".
All three ships have landing gear that retracts, internal rooms with working doors and a cargo hatch with an elevator platform.
Finally, a render or two of the main ship. There's two morphs for the main deck, one where the centre is the captain's quarters, the second where the bridge is located.
3Dman25 dropped off the scene before all the work was completed, so they're all "not quite finished" but very usable as is.
After being unable to reach the artist for six or seven years, I hired Vanishing Point to do an overhaul on the main ship, and they did a brilliant job. I'll post some of the work on it tomorrow, but they gave it UV mapping, allowed for parts of the ship's exterior to be hidden to allow for better camera views, made the ship larger (adding a full deck and a central elevator, and more).
For the interior shots, I dropped a few pieces of furniture in for reference, I have yet to set up the interiors of any of the ships properly. Time is alway the enemy.
-- Walt Sterdan
Nice. Are these ships available, or going to be available, for download somewhere?
Thanks. I probably won't release this one, as it's a little on the "less polished" side and more difficult to work with.
If there's interest, I will release the second one, the one VP updated for me as it's much friendlier for the average user to work with and, due to the open floorplan (well, "empty" might be more accurate) people can lay the interior out to suit them. I'll check with VP about hosting it as a freebie.
Below, a shot in space, landed with gear down and lights uncovered, with the elevator down and a character standing in front of it, a shot with the bay doors open (they slide forward a bit, then slide to the sides) with the loading ramp extended, a shot with the left wall and roof hidden to see the three decks, a shot from slighty above with a character on the ramp for scale, and a final shot with the warp sled hidden so you can see the system ship on its own.
The main viewscreen is mapped to be a huge view screen to work with from the bridge but can be cleared to be an open viewing screen.
The one regret is that to give the ship three decks (part of the bottom deck is used for the landing gear wells) the main (middle) deck is rather high in comparison to the windows. If you're sitting on the bridge, for example, the forward screen/window is fine, but if you're standing, you're kinda looking downward through it. I felt it would have been too much work to alter that since we were starting with the original mesh, but it probably wouldn't be too much work to scale the whole ship up a few percent if it's an issue.
The elevator stops at all three floors (and on the ground outside) and VP included sections of walls (with and without working doors) to help you set up the interior. I'd love to see what people could come up with, possibly sharing some furniture to help others outfit it.
I've also tested the elevator for use on an outpost base; the ship can dock on the landing pad and, the station "roof" opens and the elevator is the right size to descend into the outpost corridor, it's actually kinda cool. I'll post a pict or two later to show that.
-- Walt Sterdan
Here's a few shots showing how the scout +ship interacts with Davo's Frontier Station; because the ship is scaled to DAZ characters, it should work nicely with any other props or characters.
Shot 1: Scoutship approaching station. Shot 2: closer approach, with extended elevator to show where it's going to connect (Don't try this at home! Be sure to be fully docked and that the station's dock has opened before lowering elevator!). Shot 3, ship is docked. Shot 4, view down the hallway from station centre to dock, station door closed. Shot 5, view down the hallway from station centre to dock, station door open. Shot 6, elevator descended to station floor. Shot 7, a little closer shot; someone has kept the captain waiting. Shot 8, closer shot showiing a bit of elevator interior and one of the branchiing hallways. The captain is still not impressed.
-- Walt Sterdan
One last shot showing the two ships together and their difference in size. Image updated to correct the scale (the smaller ship was too small).
-- Walt Sterdan
Interesting about you having added another deck to the ship... it reminds me of an article I saw online once about how they'd retroactively added (retconned in) another deck to the Lost in Space ship interior, after the pilot had been filmed.
If I had to guess, I'd guess that they only needed the main deck for the pilot and, once the series was picked up, had to build a deck for living quarters.
I bet Bill Redfern would know the details for sure, though.
-- Walt Sterdan
The original plan had the ship, first named the Gemini 12, damaged beyond reasonable usage with a gaping hole at the stern of the vessel. The family (sans Smith or the Robot as they were not yet conceived) abandon the saucer because it landed in the polar region of "Priplanus" and the vehicle could not provide adequate protection against the cold. (The eccentric orbit plot was a retcon to use as much footage from the pilot as possible.) They load the Chariot and travel south, eventually encountering the inland sea. After surviving the storm and whirlpool, they reach a lush jungle, stopping to camp, unaware they are spied upon by aliens, ending the pilot on a somewhat more subdued cliffhanger. In short, audiences would not have seen the saucer again after the premiere episode...if the production team stuck to the original concept.
One see the pilot as part of the home media series collection.
Thanks, Bill. I knew you had us covered.
-- Walt
For any other Canucks who watched the debut of the orignal series, that was 56 years today.
I still remember racing home on my bicycle to be there for the first episode; in may ways, I'm still that excited kid waiting for the next episode of Discovery/Starnge New Worlds/Prodigy and Lower Decks.
So much has changed in 56 years, and so much has remained the same.
-- Walt Sterdan