Star Trek Builders Unite 8: THE REBOOT



  • BoorsmanBoorsman Posts: 265

    Does anyone know if there is a Nemesis style uniform for G8?  I looked at page one, and didn't see anything.

  • billyben_0077a25354billyben_0077a25354 Posts: 771
    edited February 2023

    Oh nubbins, G2 clothing does not work on Genesis 9.  Also OOT's G3 Sweater Dress has some wierd fitment issues with autofit in the crotch area,  We really need some new uniforms that will work on G9.  Can't have a Startrek adventure comic with everybody in the buff.

    Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on
  • billyben_0077a25354 said:

      Can't have a Startrek adventure comic with everybody in the buff.

    Just call it Star Trek in the Buffdevilcheekydevil 

  • Most digital creations has a bodysuit for Genesis 9.

  • GRFK DSGN Unlimited said:

    Most digital creations has a bodysuit for Genesis 9.

    Thanks but I am looking for TOS & TNG mini dresses.

  • What about the universal dress (sp)?

  • GRFK DSGN Unlimited said:

    What about the universal dress (sp)?




    I said SP because I wasn't sure if I had the spelling of the product correct. I was doing it from memory. Posted the link here after I had a chance to look it up.

  • R.I.P. Gerald Fried, Emmy-winning composer of Star Trek's famous "fight music"


  • randym77randym77 Posts: 276

    Robert Freise said:

    R.I.P. Gerald Fried, Emmy-winning composer of Star Trek's famous "fight music"



    Oh, wow. That fight theme was the soundtrack of my childhood. 

  • Ryuu@AMcCFRyuu@AMcCF Posts: 703
    edited March 2023

    Robert Freise said:

    R.I.P. Gerald Fried, Emmy-winning composer of Star Trek's famous "fight music"


    Sad to hear that. So many of the TOS Trek crew have made the final journey. crying


    On a slightly happy note, my Carrera is finally working again! YEA! Thank you, Wendyluvscatz!!

    To celebrate, I present a fellow who's litterally been "waiting in the wings" to finally show up:

    For now, this is just a static pose. But I do have some ideas about how to make the body feather suit move with the figure.

    Post edited by Ryuu@AMcCF on
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419

    Oooo, an Aurelian! Nice!

    -- Walt Sterdan

  • Ryuu@AMcCFRyuu@AMcCF Posts: 703
    edited March 2023

    So, I upped the feather density, applied separate instances to the figure's covered body parts, to set up for a posable outfit. I'm very pleased with the results:

    I'm not quite as happy with the head morphs used here--I'm going to go back to the earlier version. To get that conical peak on the Aurelian/Skorr heads, I'm going to use prosthetics in their place.

    And my aim to make the feathers fully pose with the figure they're parented to, I was not entirely successful...

    Fortunately, there is a workaround:


    wsterdan said:

    Oooo, an Aurelian! Nice!

    -- Walt Sterdan

    While doing research on them the last few days, I've come across some interesting tidbits. Prior to this, I was leaning 70/30% toward the idea that the Skorr and Aurelians were seprarate worlds & species, much like the Romulans are offshoots from Vulcans, or the possibility that Caitians may have evolved from the K'zinti.

    Indeed, there was someone who makes a compelling argument in favor they're not the same--however, that person focused on features like the size of their necks and presence/lack of a pelvic fluff. Instead, a better argument would be made by taking a look at their hands--Skorr only have 3 fingsers & thumb while the "Aurelians" have 4 fingers & thumb. 

    (BTW, Despite notes that were in the original script, Aurelians are never actually publically mention as such until the Animated episodes were novelized by Allen Dean Foster, who also happened to be the first to publica;ly call M'Ress a "Caitian").

    The species was never named in the "Yesteryear" episode. Hell, for that matter, that specific BIRD isn't even mentioned by his/her/its name, and they're frequently speaking to him for much of the scenes where they're together!angry (again, his name was mentioned only in the script's speaking role list: "Aleek-Om")


    But then I took a closer look at the screenshots of "Yesteryear" and discovered...

                    ...Four fingers...                                                     ...THREE fingers...                                             ...And Look, Ma! NO HANDS, AT ALL!! cheeky

    So, this whole debate seems to be rather muddied by simple animator errors.

    (or the guy was really a changeling and he was just [messing around] with people to see if anyone would notice.... Kirk clearly wasn't the ONLY one to fail a perception check)


    Since "Jihad" was the later episode, T'Char's thicker neck and missing pelvic fluff were likely just meant to be variations between individuals and intended to make the character look different from the one who appeared in "Yesteryear" (Yeah, the one from the Clint Eastwood movie: "The Bird With No Name").


    So, now, I'm 50/50% about whether they're different planets/species/races.

    Indeed, I might even be going 80/20% in favor that they're the same race when considering the hightened risk to the galaxy if a Federation member world were suddenly to go apeshit nuts over a missiong icon--the Vedela's worries might very well have been justified.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • RedfernRedfern Posts: 1,618
    edited March 2023

    I suspect insterstellar relations between the Skorr and the Caitains have always been strained.  Every time they attempt negotiations, the Caitians can't resist staring hungrily across the debate table! wink

    Post edited by Redfern on
  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    i kinda feel the very edge of a tweety and sylverter thing there

  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,484

  • Ryuu@AMcCFRyuu@AMcCF Posts: 703

    Redfern said:

    I suspect insterstellar relations between the Skorr and the Caitains have always been strained.  Every time they attempt negotiations, the Caitians can't resist staring hungrily across the debate table! wink

    I can definitely see that!



    bluto said:

    i kinda feel the very edge of a tweety and sylverter thing there


    Robert Freise said:

    Oh, good Lord!surprise

    They're certainly lucky they only had to face T'Char and NOT Tweety!! If they had, Kirk and Spock would have both ended up at the Elba Funny Farm with their minds permanently scrambled! laugh


  • Ryuu@AMcCFRyuu@AMcCF Posts: 703
    edited March 2023

    Well, with Krow's help, I definitely Skorred with this one:

    Meet Loom Aleek-Om, the Aurelian Federation Historian at the Guardian Of Forever. laugh


    Post edited by Ryuu@AMcCF on
  • randym77randym77 Posts: 276

    Robert Freise said:

    billyben_0077a25354 said:

      Can't have a Startrek adventure comic with everybody in the buff.

    Just call it Star Trek in the Buffdevilcheekydevil 

    Betazoid wedding scene?

    Isn't there a morphing fantasy dress type thing for the latest Genesis? Or one that can be converted? The sleeves of the universal dress wouldn't work for a TOS uniform.

  • Alley CatAlley Cat Posts: 12

    Does anyone know if there are any models of the DS9 Command deck?

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419

    randym77 said:

    Robert Freise said:

    billyben_0077a25354 said:

      Can't have a Startrek adventure comic with everybody in the buff.

    Just call it Star Trek in the Buffdevilcheekydevil 

    Betazoid wedding scene?

    Isn't there a morphing fantasy dress type thing for the latest Genesis? Or one that can be converted? The sleeves of the universal dress wouldn't work for a TOS uniform.

    How about, "Star Trek: The Really, Really Naked Time"?

    -- Walt Sterdan 

  • blutobluto Posts: 849

    FleetAdmiral01 said:

    the link does not seem to be working Just going to drop this here.

    the link does not seen to be working 

  • Because they had to take it down.

  • aedonixaedonix Posts: 30

    I was kinda hoping this thread may have been updated. Especially as we have had lots of cool new stuff in Discovery, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy and now Picard.  Anyone have any sort of indication of when we might be getting updated?

  • xialiubeixialiubei Posts: 78

    aedonix said:

    I was kinda hoping this thread may have been updated. Especially as we have had lots of cool new stuff in Discovery, Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, Prodigy and now Picard.  Anyone have any sort of indication of when we might be getting updated?

    Most of this stuff was made towards the tailend of Star Trek's heyday.  I don't think we'll ever see the same volume of fan content again.  For one, Paramount has gotten much stricter on that kind of stuff, and two, the franchise as it exists now just doesn't have the same hold on fandom as it once did.  

    If the current product were better, and more consistent with the Roddenberry/Berman era of Star Trek, I think we'd see a lot more people inspired to create fan art.  That's just my opinion, of course.

  • There's content out there. They're just making it for STO.

  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,366

    I don't think there's as good of a base for making uniform textures as the Gen 4 Valiant/Courageous combo. 

  • randym77randym77 Posts: 276

    Agree that Valiant/Courageous is a fantastic base. For everything, really, not just Trek. I hope the new Poser figure comes with something like that, but it'll probably be just clubwear and skintight stuff that's hard to make into anything else.

    IMO, the issue with new Trek isn't necessarily quality (though I have some beefs with that), it's that it's only available through rather niche streaming subscriptions. It means not a lot of people can watch it, compared to the Trek that aired on free TV. 

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037

    Has anyone been working on the uniforms from Star Trek: Strange New Worlds? (Love that show)

  • blutobluto Posts: 849



    discovery pike fleet uniforms.jpg
    1120 x 1440 - 802K
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