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it still needs some work but it willl be available for g3 g8 and g9 male and female
the upgrade
(I am sure there is a reason that may have to do with copyright but why is the emblem turned on the side?)
Cool. Got it. :)
new items
stuff we have been working on
Has anyone done Enterprise Era uniformsfor G3, G8, or G9?
No, but I hope to goodness they do. It would be a day one purchase for me.
While we wait for DAZ Studio 5 and whatever benefits come with it, I've decided to drift away from 3D to 2D for a while and see what I can do with Reallusion's Cartoon Animator 4 and's generated voices.
I built and rigged a generic male and female body but haven't finished converting my 3D heads to 2D. Rather than wait till they are done, I used Reallusion's Campus Heroes' heads. I converted two of Vanishing Point's bridges (the Battle Bridge and Bridge 11, the Romulan one) with a few display screens from the Sephora bridge into 2D (setting up Forward-facing and 45° views). The dorrs all work as well.
Once all of my assets were in place, I set a maximum of 20 hours to see how much of a 25-minute cartoon I could generate (the eventual goal being to do a full, 20- to 25-minute cartoon in a 40-hour week).
I was super-impressed with's Ultra Reallistic voices.
If you're interested in seeing their voices in action, you can watch this; it may not be your story or style of taste, but it shows what someone new to the software and generated voices can do.
Once this story wraps up (I plan on starting Part 2 on Monday) I'm thinking about doing an actual Star Trek fan cartoon.
Added bonus; any frames rendered from Cartoon Animator work very well for comic panels.
-- Walt Sterdan
the female uniform is ready
First, allow me to offer StarTrek related stuff for the Trekkies here: Cardassian ships!
Heavy Cruiser:
Science Cruiser:
My schedule list has (among others) the following three items on it:
* Cardassian Uniform
* Cardassian skin for G8M
* Cardassian skin for G8F
* Hirogen skin for G8M
* Hirogen combat suit for G8M
Do you know if anything on this schedule is already made and/or available?
Hirogen Skin and armor. Yes please!
Hard to believe, but I might very well have beat Redfern to to the punch by posting something Caitian-related with the new kitty prowling about
Niketa is playing all the Caitians here: M'Ress, M'Viore, and R'Leez.
Oh, and before you say anything, Bill, they're off duty, so it's okay that they're out of uniform!
Edit-->And thanks to Catherine3678ab's freebie light panel, I've got some decent illumination in the scene now. I'll re-post when it's done rendering in about 8-9hrs. Cool! Quicker than I expected.
Well, a few reasons for that.
* Niketa is more "pantherine" than how I imagine M'Ress. Despite the tufted tail and mane, I see her as more cat-like than leonine.
* The set lacks a digitigrade option. When the G8 sets had them, this seems a "downgrade".
* I've been living on my life savings since a forced retirement on late '21. I'm spendingf VERY little on non-essentials.
* I'm still a "Poser Luddite". I'm too lazy (stubborn, whatever) to learn a few workflow.
I fully get what you're saying. TBH, there were several things I never liked with how the animators drew M'Ress for the show:
The billowing hairstyle the animators drew her with--a leonine mane that belongs on a MALE cat, for one. *roll eyes*
The pawlike hands were okay, but then they drew them as THREE fingers. *shakes head*
Those two features made it very hard to get any of the previous feline figures to fit her as drawn, and they forced me to invest in lots of "external" modifications for those earlier generations, such as the various Creature Creator-type products. Fortunately, for G9, they've come out with the Phenotype (that I got after I made that render) to do the digigrade feet--and Oso's Cat Character lets us pull off the pawlike hands--unfortunately, I still don't see a 3-Fingered morph yet for G9. OTOH, I was able to get her slitted pupils using another of Oso's morphs (probably from his G9 Cat Character, again).
Plus, every single tail ever made are those bloody "belt tails" that attach at the figure's waist line rather than at the base of their spines *facepalm* But at least thie one is a prop that can be relocated (with a little effort).
As for the tuffed tail----*cough*----you'll be greatly disappointed, but that was a kitbash from DAZ's Big Cat 2's lion/lioness that I glued to the tip of Niketa's tail--yeah, the artists blew that detail. But hey, I must have done something right for you to miss that. I'm honestly surprised you didn't recognize where it came from
And I truly understand the need to cut back to "just the essentials", but cats and felinoids ARE ALWAYS essential
As for being a Poser Luddite, I used to be one, too. But I mostly gave up on Poser when so much stuff wouldn't import well into it. The question I have is, CAN one even get anything from DAZ into Poser these days--especially the later Genesis generations???
Still, what we're talking about.... It's given me an idea.
I'll be back in a few days, assuming my machine survives the attempt.....
I think we'll just have to agree to politely disagree on a few points...
4 digits per hand vs 5, that's jusr something I've learned to "deal with". I've even learned to accept it with my digital version of Mzzkiti, an OC who's a pastiche of several sci-fi catperson species. In my web comic, I drew her with 4 digits per hand, but have accepted the reality that most affordable pre-made assets will have 4 fingers and a thumb per hand.
Manes and tail tufts, well, that's how audiences were introduced to the Caitians in 1973. My admittedly biased opinion is that kinda' set's the "standard" against all subsequent adaptations will be compared. I see her as an "alien" who just happens to possess attributes that parallels SOME features of terran felines, NOT necessarily ALL of them. (I mean, she walks, well stands, upright talks and has enough mental faculties to operate advanced technology. Show me an earthly cat that can do that.) Given I was born in 1962, well, western culture taught me to associate long hair with feminity (as outdated as that concept stands today), so the thick mass of scalp hair just seems "right" to me. Again, her species developed upon an alien world; they are not "uplifted' from felines on Earth. The tail tuft, I can take it or leave it. It's partially through M'Ress that I developed an apprecation for the billowing hairstyles that were popular in the 80s, the more mane-like, the better. (Never wore my own hair like that; I simply liked the look on the ladies. Gave them a certain "wild" and "feral" look.)
What I do find "off" is that Dr. T'Ana and the other few Caitians shown full length in "Below Decks" are plantigrade, whereas M'Ress stood digitigrade. Now, it it was a case of adapting Caitians to live action, I could understand and acknowledge the necessity of practicality. There are various "tricks" to depict "kitty feet", but all involve the resources of time and money. But T'Ana is an animated cartoon character. Other than finding illustrators and animators who can depict digitigrade paws decently, the expenses should be no more than drawing humanoid feet. It's not that they can't draw them, the resident Kzinti crewmember, Taylor of the "Red-Shirts" has them! So why not T'Ana? Is it an unspoken "nod" towards cosplayers, making their creations more achievable? Honestly, I have no idea. I wish I could read an account by the show's creators revealing the reason. A phenotype variation that extreme within the same species just seems...unlikely.
Dang it, there I went on a ramble. Sorry about that.
A stress test if anything. I exported a lot of my collection of DAZ converted Star Trek Fleet Command character models back to Blender3D via the Daz-To-Blender Bridge. (With a ton of morphs - face posing mainly as that was what I was after) I've found however that my GPU can manage at most 4 imported characters at a time if they're in Blender.
Also before you ask about the glossiness on the outfits. They just came out like that as they had no specular textures. Not a problem to fix I just turn down the glossiness strengh.
Happy birthday, Star Trek. Tibbit A interstellar exploration as a sort of outer space Western.
Just a quick question. I have been looking at a few of the uniforms that are out there. I especially like the ones that are made as body suits. The question is ddid anyone create these for Genesis 3 males? I have been searching the internet for a while.
Anyone know where to get this lowerdeck style uniform?
I've also been working on my own version of a Caitan with the Gen 8 figures. I kind of prefer the STO version, which leans toward the big cats (but not entirely). I played around with OSO's FelineFolk and Rakshasa. And then I went with RawArt's cat folks for the textures (since my current machine can't handle the Dforce hair). And I was also setting out to recreate my STO main character: Jrrhassa.
Hey! That's impressively close to your customized STO avatar! great job!
Posted this image over in one of the Daz+ Members render-challenge threads (specifically, this one), but figured I might as well post it here, too.
Somehow the Klingon agent got into the server room at the starbase...
(link to its gallery page is over here.)
Agent Skorch: "I've managed to infiltrate the starbase's computer room, and I'm linking all the systems to download their data to you! But something doesn't seem right here... Their technology is so... antiquated! They're using... I believe they're called... 'transistor packs'! HOW the Federation is able to design such effective operations to counter us... it's unimaginable!"
Captain Scott: "Th' plan worked, Captain Spock! Th' Klingon agent fell for the honeypot hook, line, and sinker!"
Captain Spock: "I do not believe I was informed that a container of Anthophila saliva, nor fishing accoutrements, were planned to be involved in this operation, Captain Scott. Was the decision to include such items made at the last minute?"
Great work!
those were my designs, so yes, I'd like to do it.
Now that my caregiver role is completed, my mom is now with my Dad, I'm officially retired and looking forward towards doing some more trek uniforms.
I'm been working with Daz Studio now and the above question poses my own, do you want bodysuit uniforms for G3 G8 and/or G9? If so, is there a preference for the Daz Super Bodysuit G3 or Marvelous Body suit for G8... or is there another you want to see. I'd like to take a crack at it.
Looking at the freebie list I notice a few of my latest were not included. Done several years ago, and probably lost when I was too busy caregiving so I must not have posted here.
1. STO Rankpins updated...
Included here is a updated Rankpin for Star Trek Online MORPG. Created out of primatives, the rank of the wearer from Warrent Officer to A5 Fleet Admiral. This is for the time period of ST:TNG or beyond. This set only supports Starfleet not Marines (might be a later freebie). Created for M4 and V4, but can be re-parented to anyone.
2. STO ComRank badge...
Included here is combination Combadge/Rankpin for Star Trek Online MORPG. Created out of primatives, the badges denotes both the Division logo and rank of the wearer.
This is for the time period of ST:TNG or beyond. This set only supports Starfleet not Marines (might be a later freebie). Created for M4 and V4, but can be re-parented to anyone. Objs are provided.
I hope to be able to upgrade these to support the G3, G8, and G9 characters later as I gain experience with DAZ Studio.