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OK, it's Christmas. Or Krampusnacht - depends on how this works out. I've uploaded the iRay bridge to ShareCG:
This is the Runtime files and structure for Poser, new props saved for Studio with iRay materials, and the Studio-imported geometries for the pieces that were rigged or morphed in Poser - I don't know how to create rigged figures for Studio, but they import from Poser and work fine, so I go with that approach. It also includes all the textures (as far as I can determine). I apologize in advance for any failures on my part - I've done this all on the wrong PC sitting on my coffee table while I continue to dig through my belongings after moving
In the meantime, I made a 'toilet rug' for the Captain's chair. It's UV-mapped to match the rest of the carpet.
You should put in a ticket and see if customer support will give you an older version of DS, since you can't run the current one.
The "toilet rug"! >>giggles<<
Speaking of toilet rugs.... or... well, toilets, actually... this reminds me.
I'd grabbed all the TOS-era rooms I could find at ShareCG and such, and particularly one of them was of Captain Pike's stateroom, and related halways, and another was the regular stateroom set and related halway outside, though I don't remember who made what ones of those. Maybe one of those was also by Ptrope, but I don't remember. On the other hand, the regular-series stateroom was notible in that it had a doorway leading to the restroom, and the door itself was specifically named that way... but there was never actually a corresponding restroom made that would be placed out past that door. I'd been tempted to kitbash one out of the included wall modules and whatnot, and find appropriate-looking fixtures in some other package somewhere, but never got around to it. The layout and fixtures for this restroom DID appear in that comprehensive-deck-plans book that came out in the 70s, though, so we at least know what shape the room is and what fixtures went where... including, oddly enough, a hot-tub.
There were also quarters in that deck plan that were for the lower ranking crew and consisted of beds placed out for two crewmen, crammed into a smaller room, with a shared restroom located Dick-and-Jane style between two of these quarters. It would be neat to see some of these other rooms made that really only ever appeared in the various deck plans and whatnot. Some of the other rooms that existed only in those deckplans (but were mentoned in throw-away lines in the original show) were stuff like a bowling alley and a swimming pool, though who knows if those would ever be practical to make for Daz, since no telling if anyone would ever use them much.
Also, wasn't there an arborium that had been partly made with Poser in mind, based on 60s-era illustrations, for a TV-production set that never got built? I remember the furniture pieces got finished, and they were supposed to be placed up for download when all was done, but I never saw indication that this happened.
Those were probably also mine - I made the standard quarters with a bonus 2-bed addon, Pike's quarters, the briefing room and transporter room, and a couple of the 'guest buildings.'
thank you for your suggestion, but my pc was too obsolete when I became full time caregiver for my parents ten years ago. It's way overtime I upgrade it.
I actually heavily-kitbashed parts of those Pike quarters and parts of that regular-quarters set into a general-retro-spaceopera set for one of my characters, and even added an extended bathroom area onto that with parts pulled from other places... haven't done anything with the resulting creation, though. Might eventually use it in a comic-book narrative.
Anyway, I'm guessing that over the next few months to years, in your spare time, there'll be Daz-friendly updates to all your creations. Will be fun to see those being worked on and what creative tweaks and improvements you might make for them.
I love this original bridge!
Hmmmm, the original bridge, or.... the original... original bridge?
....because, some short while after I'd finished my previous post, this question occured to me, and I was too lazy to go back and edit for it: What are the prospects of altering it into the "Cage"/"Managerie" version of the bridge, and/or the "Where No Man Has Gone Before" version? Maybe as an add-on doodad.
Or is that in there already? (I didn't notice it mentioned among the other neat ideas you added to the update, but I could have missed seeing it listed.) That said, I'm happy you've updated it, even without these in it.
Thank you so much, this is really nice of you.
I actually started playing around with a "Cage 2.0" bridge - it was smoother than either the series or pilot versions, but more in the monochromatic range of "The Cage." At the moment, I don't know where all the files for it went, but I found one quick WIP render showing the helm and main screen, and you can see where I modified the workstation console a little.
Oh, kewl.... Well, if you can't find the original pieces, and with as much more experience with tinkering and with making these as you've had since then... would it be easier and better to create it new from scratch, or to keep on trying to find where the missing pieces went? Or maybe a little of both?
Since I posted that, I found the Lightwave file that had my WIP for Cage 2.0. Here's a sample of the Cage-ified Communications station, with my 'MARS viewer' added; this is its first time in iRay
Now I'm wondering what other sets from The Cage might be in the works. I remember that long, slender briefing room with doorways at both ends, for instamce.
Looks great, Ptrope.
This stuff is awesome Ptrope. Started this using the models you released. just a rough render
Cool! Where did you get the chairs? Looking forward to this progressing
While we're playing around with the bridge, and with character morphs, I and Janice Rand would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Please be sure to throw away all the wrapping paper before finishing your shift!
Oh my! Merry Christmas to you too.
Merry Xmas
You're A Mean One, Mr. Spock
"Tuvok, the Vessel's Vulcan"
Enterprise Rock
Santa, When The Claus Fell
Still boldly going with the Cage bridge trying to get it closer to the 1964 pilot. Doing some mods here and there. Even added a part only seen in a rare pic with Jeff Hunter
Looking good! Again, where did you get those chairs?
Found the Chairs by chance searching for 3d models of the tulip chair. wish it had the base like the ones on the series.
Really looking good..
Playing around with another old set and iRay ...
Played around with this Klingon Ktinga Bridge set.
Nice pics
Does anyone know where to get a STAR TREK EVA SUIT (pictured in attachment)?
I have been looking everywhere I can think of, seen it on a page on deviantart, but no download info there, and no luck anywhere else :(
the start....
Been waiting forevere for theses, bought all the TMGs as soon as I saw them. Worfs wrap works awsome!!!
having fun with changing up colors
Sweet! a nice modern tone.
Does anyone recommend any TOS uniforms for G8M & F? 3DUK's look good and fit well on their characters, but the shading is baked in and thre's no way to easily change the colors or ranks. Others I've found fit like a sweatshirt over another sweatshirt.